964 resultados para Romanticism in Germany.
What explains Germany���s superb export performance? Is Germany���s export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries? The authors explore the organisational responses to competition of 14,000 exporting firms in seven European countries. The paper examines the export business model of the median exporter and of the top one percent exporters in each country, accounting for 20 percent to 55 percent of total exports. What do these firms do to become superstars? The authors find, first, that the export market share of the median exporter in each of the countries to the world more than tripled (in some cases the export market share increases tenfold) for firms that combine decentralised management with offshoring of production to low-wage countries. Exporters which abstain from any organisational adjustment do very badly. Decentralised management provides incentives for workers for product improvements allowing exporters to compete on quality. Offshoring production to low-wage countries reduces costs allowing exporters to compete on price. Second, we find that Germany is the leading quality exporter in Europe followed by Austria and Spain. Among the top 10 percent of exporters there is no single firm with low quality in Germany and Austria, which suggest that decentralised management has provided incentives for quality in these countries. Third, Germany���s exports are less vulnerable to price increases, while exports from France and Italy respond strongly to price changes, and thus costs reductions via offshoring benefits these countries most.
This paper is an empirical contribution to the literature on the formation of policy preferences on Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) reform within its Member States. In the aftermath of the euro crisis, many proposals to ‘complete’ EMU have been tabled. However, discord among Member States has led to a piecemeal restructuring of EMU. For this paper, a survey has been conducted among euro area academic experts, gauging preferences on EMU reform. We find that general consensus masks significant discord among academics from different Member States. Our data indicates the existence of conflicting national epistemic communities, bound by shared causal beliefs on macro-economic policy. Academics within the key creditor Member State, Germany, assume an outlier position. Within the sample of German academics, economists are particularly strongly opposed to all moves in the direction of fiscal or social union. As economists are those academic experts most likely to influence the economic policy beliefs dominant among the German policy elite, these results are highly politically salient. We confront these findings with the literature on the exceptionalism of German economics. We contend that our results substantiate the claim that inadequate EMU reform and, more generally, the EU approach to the Eurozone crisis, can be partially explained by the firm grip these economic doctrines hold over the economics profession and policy-making circles in Germany.
The German Constitutional Court (BVG) recently referred different questions to the European Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. They concern the legality of the European Central Bank’s Outright Monetary Transaction mechanism created in 2012. Simultaneously, the German Court has threatened to disrupt the implementation of OTM in Germany if its very restrictive analysis is not validated by the European Court of Justice. This raises fundamental questions about the future efficiency of the ECB’s monetary policy, the damage to the independence of the ECB, the balance of power between judges and political organs in charge of economic policy, in Germany and in Europe, and finally the relationship between the BVG and other national or European courts.
The rapid increase in the number of immigrants from outside of the EU coming to Germany has become the paramount political issue. According to new estimates, the number of individuals expected arrive in Germany in 2015 and apply for asylum there is 800,000, which is nearly twice as many as estimated in earlier forecasts. Various administrative, financial and social problems related to the influx of migrants are becoming increasingly apparent. The problem of ‘refugees’ (in public debate, the terms ‘immigrants’, ‘refugees’, ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘economic immigrants’ have not been clearly defined and have often been used interchangeably) has been culminating for over a year. Despite this, it was being disregarded by Angela Merkel’s government which was preoccupied with debates on how to rescue Greece. It was only daily reports of cases of refugee centres being set on fire that convinced Chancellor Merkel to speak and to make immigration problem a priority issue (Chefsache). Neither the ruling coalition nor the opposition parties have a consistent idea of how Germany should react to the growing number of refugees. In this matter, divisions run across parties. Various solutions have been proposed, from liberalisation of laws on the right to stay in Germany to combating illegal immigration more effectively, which would be possible if asylum granting procedures were accelerated. The proposed solutions have not been properly thought through, instead they are reactive measures inspired by the results of opinion polls. This is why their assumptions are often contradictory. The situation is similar regarding the actions proposed by Chancellor Merkel which involve faster procedures to expel individuals with no right to stay in Germany and a plan to convince other EU states to accept ‘refugees’. None of these ideas is new – they were already present in the German internal debate.
Atualmente assiste-se a um grave problema de salubridade visual das cidades, designadamente no espaço edificado/ construído. A sujidade é uma ameaça que, junto com os graffitis, tem contribuído para a degradação precoce dos espaços urbanos. A fim de se enfrentar este problema, que tem vindo a proliferar nas cidades, um pouco por todo o mundo, a presente dissertação de mestrado ambiciona contribuir para a sistematização da informação existente sobre a produção e caracterização de argamassas de auto-limpeza. As argamassas de auto-limpeza são produzidas por uma de duas formas: com a adição de nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) na sua matriz ou com a aplicação de um filme fino à base de TiO2 na sua superfície. Esta segunda é apontada como a técnica mais eficaz e económica. Salienta-se o facto do TiO2 ser um dos nanomateriais mais utilizados na construção pelas suas propriedades fotocatalíticas que o capacitam como um dos mais exímios fotocatalisadores, aquando da fotocatálise heterogénea. É graças ao processo de fotodegradação química da fotocatálise, que na presença de luz solar e da ação da água, que o TiO2 é ativado, desencadeando reações químicas que aumentam a eficácia e eficiência fotocatalítica. Analisou-se um conjunto de trabalhos de investigação recentes que comprovam que o uso das argamassas de auto-limpeza é adequado e benéfico em intervenções em edifícios novos como em obras de conservação e reabilitação de edifícios antigos. Além de reduzirem os investimentos em obras de limpeza, manutenção/conservação e reabilitação, prolongam a conservação das fachadas e melhoram os níveis da qualidade do ar. Apesar do crescente número de patentes pedidas e concedidas nesta área, as normas aplicáveis ainda não se encontram uniformizadas. Nesse sentido, a experiência do Japão deve ser tida como exemplo para que os restantes países desenvolvam de forma consensual as suas próprias normas e patentes, permitindo, futuramente, conferir maior credibilidade, segurança no uso dos nanomateriais e uma maior permeabilidade no setor da construção. Elencam-se alguns nano-produtos à base de nano TiO2 comercializados que têm vindo a ser aplicados sobretudo na China, Japão e na Alemanha.
In this chapter we center our attention on the performance drivers of family firms in Switzerland and Germany and compare the corresponding results with the findings generated in the US. Investigating family firms is justified as this organizational form not only constitutes the majority of all firms globally (Sharma and Carney, 2012), but in particular in Switzerland and Germany. In fact, more than 88 percent of all firms in Switzerland are defined as family firms (Frey, Halter, Klein, and Zellweger, 2004), and numbers for Germany are similar (Klein, 2000). While more than 99 percent of all companies in Switzerland are small and medium-sized (Frey et al., 2004), the share of family firms varies with firm size; more specifically, the share of family firms decreases with increasing firm size, which is in line with findings from Germany (Klein, 2000). The social and economic impact of family firms is remarkable. In Germany for instance, family controlled firms provide 60 percent of all jobs and account for 51 percent of the total sales of the German economy (cf. www.familienunternehmen.de). Even though the interest of both academics and practitioners in family firms has been rising significantly in recent years, the existing body of knowledge in the field is still rather fragmented (Sharma, 2004; Sharma and Carney, 2012).
Late Devonian (Frasnian) pillow basalts from the Frankenwald and Thüringer Wald within the Saxothuringian zone in Germany were found to contain abundant putative biogenic filaments, indicating that the volcanic rocks once harbored microbial life. The mineralized filaments are found in calcite-filled amygdules (former vesicles), where they started to form on internal surfaces of vesicles after seawater ingress. The filaments postdate an early fibrous carbonate cement but predate later equant calcite spar, revealing syngenetic formation. A biogenic origin of filaments is indicated by their size and morphology resembling modern microorganisms, their independence of crystal faces and cleavage plans, complex branching patterns, and internal segmentation. The filamentous microorganisms represent cryptoendoliths that lived in structural cavities of the basalt. They became preserved upon microbial clay authigenesis similar to the encrustation of modern prokaryotes in iron-rich environments. Filaments consist of clay minerals with the endmember composition berthierine-chamosite and illite-glauconite. Based on the discovery of fossilized filamentous microorganisms in Late Devonian pillow basalts of the Saxothurigian zone that are similar to filaments previously found in Middle Devonian pillow basalts of the Rhenohercynian zone, it is apparent that cryptoendolithic life was more widespread than previously recognized. Structural cavities within seafloor basalt may thus represent a common, perhaps universal niche for life in the oceanic crust.
"This edition consists of seven hundred and seventy-five copies."
Some issues also have distinctive titles.
"The plates were printed in Germany."
Mode of access: Internet.
Political satire in dramatic form. Publication suppressed in Germany, and at the request of the German government, in France. cf. Spectator, v.53, p. 949, July 24, 1880.
Added t.p.: Schiller's History of the Thirty Years War in Germany. Translated by W.E. Macklin and Tao Siun Ren.
Includes bibliographical references.
Vol. 1. Gregory of Tours.--Early intercourse of England and Germany.--Antecedents of the Reformation.--The Stephenses.--Muretus.--Joseph Scaliger.--Life of Joseph Scaliger (Fragment).--Peter Daniel Huet.--A chapter of university history.--F.A. Wolf.--Oxford Studies.--Vol. 2. Calvin at Geneva.--Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750.--Life of Bishop Warburton.--The Calas tragedy.--Present state of theology in Germany (1857).--Learning in the Church of England.--Philanthropic societies in the reign of Queen Anne.--Life of Montaigne.--Pope and his editors.--Buckle's History of civilization in England.