916 resultados para Romantic attachment
It is commonly observed that complex fabricated structures subject tofatigue loading fail at the welded joints. Some problems can be corrected by proper detail design but fatigue performance can also be improved using post-weld improvement methods. In general, improvement methods can be divided into two main groups: weld geometry modification methods and residual stress modification methods. The former remove weld toe defects and/or reduce the stress concentrationwhile the latter introduce compressive stress fields in the area where fatigue cracks are likely to initiate. Ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) is a novel post-weld treatment method that influences both the residual stress distribution andimproves the local geometry of the weld. The structural fatigue strength of non-load carrying attachments in the as-welded condition has been experimentally compared to the structural fatigue strength of ultrasonic impact treated welds. Longitudinal attachment specimens made of two thicknesses of steel S355 J0 have been tested for determining the efficiency of ultrasonic impacttreatment. Treated welds were found to have about 50% greater structural fatigue strength, when the slope of the S-N-curve is three. High mean stress fatigue testing based on the Ohta-method decreased the degree of weld improvement only 19%. This indicated that the method could be also applied for large fabricated structures operating under high reactive residual stresses equilibrated within the volume of the structure. The thickness of specimens has no significant effect tothe structural fatigue strength. The fatigue class difference between 5 mm and 8 mm specimen was only 8%. It was hypothesized that the UIT method added a significant crack initiation period to the total fatigue life of the welded joints. Crack initiation life was estimated by a local strain approach. Material parameters were defined using a modified Uniform Material Law developed in Germany. Finite element analysis and X-ray diffraction were used to define, respectively, the stress concentration and mean stress. The theoretical fatigue life was found to have good accuracy comparing to experimental fatigue tests.The predictive behaviour of the local strain approach combined with the uniformmaterial law was excellent for the joint types and conditions studied in this work.
Modesto Lafuente fue el autor de la Historia General de España , una obra que puede considerarse como paradigmática de las historias nacionales que surgieron en Europa a en el siglo XIX. Además de ser un hombre de letras muy reconocido y de contribuir a la profesionalización de la historiografía española, Lafuente fue diputado hasta su muerte en 1866. Su historiografía ligaba pasado y presente para construir una identidad nacional. Con ella buscaba dar una legitimidad al nuevo proyecto social que se iniciaba a partir del reinado de Isabel II. Los capítulos dedicados a la transición de los Austrias a los Borbones, en los que se abordan temas como el reinado de Carlos II, la guerra de Sucesión o las reformas de Felipe V, pueden interpretarse como una lectura romántica, teleológica y presentista. En definitiva, su narración del pasado histórico contribuyó a formar una memoria oficial, y por tanto debe considerarse una pieza clave para la identidad del nuevo Estado- nación español.
Lorsqu'un individu est confronté à une situation stressante, une des réponses les plus saillantes est l'activation de l'axe HPA, caractérisée par le déclenchement d'un taux élevé de glucocorticoïdes dans le sang. De manière générale, cette réponse hormonale est adaptative et elle a pour but la mobilisation des ressources physiques et cognitives de l'individu pour une action spécifique (Axelrod & Reisine, 1984; Chrousos & Gold, 1992; N. M. Kaplan, 1988; McEwen, 2004). Cependant, lorsque une personne est confrontée très tôt dans son développement, et de manière répétée, à des situations de stress, cette réponse physiologique peut s'altérer, devenir inadaptée (Anand, 1993; Bremner et al., 1995; Meaney et al., 1996; Mirescu, Peters, & Gould, 2004; Plotsky & Meaney, 1993; Sapolsky, 2000) et être associée à des troubles cognitifs (McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995) et émotionnels (McEwen, 2000). A l'âge adulte, le résultat de ces altérations psychoneuroendocriniennes se traduit au cours de l'activation de l'axe HPA et elles sont visibles lors de situations de stress moins intenses (Graham, Heim, Goodman, Miller, & Nemeroff, 1999; Mirescu et al., 2004; Stam, Bruijnzeel, & Wiegant, 2000; A. Taylor, Fisk, & Glover, 2000). La dysregulation de l'axe HPA semble représenter un facteur de vulnérabilité lié à des dysfonctionnements psychiques et physiologiques chez les adultes (Heim, Ehlert, & Hellhammer, 2000; Heim & Nemeroff, 1999; Heim, Newport, Mletzko, Miller, & Hemeroff, 2008). Cependant, des facteurs de protection peuvent influencer à leur tour ces vulnérabilités. La littérature, basée sur des études translationnelles (animaux, humains), converge vers le postulat selon lequel la dimension relationnelle apportée par l'environnement est fondamentale dans le développement des vulnérabilités physiologiques et psychiques du sujet. Dans ce sens, les relations d'attachement ont été particulièrement étudiées. A l'âge adulte, par exemple, la qualité des représentations d'attachement semble influencer directement l'expression de gènes impliqués dans les réponses hormonales de stress (Biagini, Pich, Carani, Marrama, & Agnati, 1998; Caldji, Diorio, & Meaney, 2000; Dallman, 2000; De Kloet, Rosenfeld, Van Eekelen, Sutanto, & Levine, 1988; Rincon-Cortes & Sullivan, 2014; Romeo, Tang, & Sullivan, 2009; van Oers, de Kloet, Whelan, & Levine, 1998), illustrant ainsi une perspective épigénétique. Traumatismes précoces et réponses de stress, leur association avec la santé mentale, l'attachement et l'ocytocine Deux objectifs principaux définissent ce travail de doctorat. Le premier est de comprendre comment un événement à portée traumatique, qui a eu lieu pendant la période périnatale, l'enfance ou l'adolescence, peut s'inscrire au niveau physiologique (axe hypotalamico- hypophysaire-surrénalien - axe HPA), au niveau psychopathologique ou encore au niveau de la régulation émotionnelle au cours de l'âge adulte. A ce propos, nous avons évalué les réponses physiologiques (telles que le Cortisol, l'ACTH et l'ocytocine), la présence de psychopathologies (relatives à l'axe I du DSM-IV) et les réponses émotionnelles (telles que la perception au stress) au cours d'une situation de stress de nature psychosociale, induite en laboratoire. Le deuxième objectif de ce travail est de savoir si les représentations d'attachement peuvent médiatiser ces effets, chez des individus exposés à différents événements à portée traumatique. Dans ce but, trois populations ont été considérées. La première est relative à des jeunes adultes nés grands prématurés ; la deuxième, concerne des femmes adultes ayant vécu un ou plusieurs abus sexuels au cours de leur enfance ou de leur adolescence et enfin la troisième est constituée de personnes adultes qui ont survécu à une maladie grave (cancer) pendant leur enfance ou leur adolescence. Enfin, ces trois populations sont comparées à des groupes contrôle. La prise en considération de différents types de traumatismes a permis de relever : premièrement, qu'un événement à portée traumatique de nature différente, peut influencer de manière semblable les structures neuronales, par exemple l'hypocortisolémie ; deuxièmement, qu'un dysfonctionnement de l'axe HPA n'aboutit pas nécessairement à la présence de signes de souffrance mentale ; enfin, des effets protecteurs ont été mis en évidence. Ces facteurs sont sous-tendus, d'un point de vue psychologique, par les représentations d'attachement et, d'un point de vue physiologique, par la sécrétion d'ocytocjne périphérique. Traumatismes précoces et réponses de stress, leur association avec la santé mentale, l'attachement et l'ocytocine -- When an individual is faced by a stressful situation, one of the most notable responses is the activation of the HPA axis, which is characterized by a heightened level of glucocortisoids in the blood. In general, this is an adaptive hormonal response which prepares the individual both physically and cognitively for a specific action (Axelrod & Reisine, 1984; Chrousos & Gold, 1992; N. M. Kaplan, 1988; McEwen, 2004). However, should a person be confronted to stressful situations very early and repeatedly in their development, this physiologic response may be altered and become maladapted (Anand, 1993; Bremner et al., 1995; Meaney et al., 1996; Mirescu et al., 2004; Plotsky & Meaney, 1993; Sapolsky, 2000) which can be associated to emotional (McEwen, 2000) and cognitive disorders(McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995). Throughout adulthood, the result of these psychoneuroendocrine alterations affects the activation of the HPA axis and are noticeable during less intense stressful situations (Graham et al., 1999; Mirescu et al., 2004; Stam et al., 2000; A. Taylor et al., 2000). HPA axis dysregulation appears to represent a factor of vulnerability linked to psychological and physical disorders in adults (Heim, Ehlert, et al., 2000; Heim & Nemeroff, 1999; Heim, Newport, et al., 2008). Nonetheless, these vulnerabilities may be influenced by further protection factors. The literature, based on translational studies (animals and humans), suggests that relationships formed in the context of the individual's environment are fundamental in the development of their physiological and psychological vulnerabilities. Thus, attachment relationships have been particularly studied. In adulthood, for example, the quality of attachment representations appear to influence directly the expression of genes involved in the hormonal responses to stress (Biagini et al., 1998; Caldji et al., 2000; Dallman, 2000; De Kloet et al., 1988; Rincon-Cortes & Sullivan, 2014; Romeo et al., 2009; van Oers et al., 1998). With the goal to study these dimensions, two principal objectives define these doctoral study. The first is to understand how an event considered to be traumatic, which took place during early infancy, infancy, or adolescence, could influence physiology (HPA axis), psychopathology or emotional regulation during adulthood. Therefore we have evaluated the presence of psychopathologies (relative to axis I of the DSM), physiological responses (such as Cortisol, ACTH and oxytocin) and emotional responses (such as perception of stress) throughout a psychosocial stress situation, conducted in a laboratory setting. The second objective of this study is to understand if attachment representations can mediate these effects, in individuals exposed to three different types of traumatic events. Therefore, three populations have been considered. The first is young adults who were born prematurely; the second concerns adult women who have suffered sexual abuse, on one or more occasions, during their childhood or adolescence; finally the third group is constituted of people who have survived a grave childhood illness. These populations were all compared to control groups. The consideration of different types of traumatic events has demonstrated, firstly, that different events which are considered to be traumatic can similarly influence neuronal structures, for example hypocortisolism. Secondly, that an HPA axis disorder does not necessarily lead to the presence of mental signs of distress, as is the case for those born very prematurely. Finally, protective effects were demonstrated, distinctively from a psychological point of view, by attachment representations and furthermore by peripheral oxytocin secretion from a physiological perspective.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella esimerkkirakenne vaikeisiin olosuhteisiin tarkoitetusta sähkömoottorista. Ensisijaisesti tarkasteltavia osia sähkömoottorin rakenteessa olivat roottoriakseli, laakerointi sekä laakerikilvet. Laakeroinnista tarkasteltiin laakerivaurioiden syntymistä, tarvittavaa esijännitysvoimaa sekä jälkivoitelua. Lisäksi momenttiakselista tarkasteltiin sen vääntövärähtelyominaisuuksia sekä rungosta ja laakerikilvistä niiden jännityksiä B5-kiinnitysasennossa, eli laippakiinnityksessä. Työstä pyrittiin tekemään suunnitteluohje vastaavanlaisiin suunnittelutehtäviin. Tämän työn kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin oikosulkumoottorin rakennetta ja laakerointia, josta perehdyttiin erityisesti erilaisiin kuormitustilanteisiin, voiteluun sekä kestoiänlaskentaan. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin roottoridynamiikkaa ja ominaismuotojen laskentaa. Kokonaisen roottorin, sisältäen roottoriakselin, –levypaketin, laakeroinnin ja ylikuormitussuojan, pienimmäksi ominaistaajuudeksi saatiin 62,1 Hz:ä, joka oli kuitenkin lähes kaksinkertainen verrattaessa roottorin käyntinopeuteen (33,3 Hz:ä). On siis varmaa, että roottorin kestoikä ei heikkene sen ominaistaajuuksien aiheuttamasta resonanssista. Pelkän roottoriakselin pienimmäksi ominaistaajuudeksi saatiin 448,0 Hz:ä. Verrattaessa tätä taajuutta roottorin käyntinopeuteen nähtiin, että roottoriakselin ominaistaajuuksien puolesta rakenne oli selvästi alikriittinen. Tarkasteltaessa roottoriakselin vääntövärähtelyn ominaistaajuutta 12,6 Hz:ä nähtiin, että se oli pienempi kuin moottorin pyörimisnopeus. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut moottorin kestoiän kannalta vakavaa. Koska todellisista sähkömoottorin käyttöolosuhteista ei ollut tarkkaa tietoa, tutkittiin laakeroinnin kestoikää kahdessa ääriolosuhteessa, joko moottoriin kohdistuva tärinä oli kokoajan suurin mahdollinen tunnettu tai tärinää ei ollut ollenkaan. Todellinen tilanne on jossakin näiden kahden ääriolosuhteen välissä. Oli kuitenkin varmaa, että tarkasteltava rakenne kestää halutun kestoiän eli 10000 tuntia laakeroinnin puolesta. Laakerikilpien ominaistaajuudet olivat korkeita eikä niillä ollut vaikutusta rakenteen kestoikään. Laakerikilpien korkeat ominaistaajuudet johtuivat niiden jäykästä rakenteesta ja suuresta materiaalipaksuudesta. Tarkasteltaessa momenttiakselin vääntövärähtelyn ominaistaajuutta 7,2 Hz:ä nähtiin, että se oli pienempi kuin moottorin pyörimisnopeus. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut moottorin kestoiän kannalta vakavaa, jos ominaistaajuus ja sen kerrannaiset ohitettaisiin sähkömoottorin käytössä hetkellisesti eikä moottoria käytettäisi vääntövärähtelyn taajuudella. Tarkasteltaessa B5-asennon jännityksiä nähdään, että ne kasvoivat rungon ja laakerikilven välisissä kiinnitysruuveissa yllättävän suuriksi. Normaalin ruuvin murtoraja on 640 MPa:a, kun jännitys rungon ja laakerikilven välisissä kiinnitysruuveissa oli suurimmillaan 400 MPa:a. Rakenne oli kuitenkin varmalla puolella kestävyyden suhteen, koska keskimääräinen vetojännitys ruuveissa oli noin 200 MPa:a. Ruuvien jännityksiä voidaan pienentää lisäämällä kiinnitys-ruuvien lukumäärää tai kasvattamalla niiden kokoa. Koko moottorin kiinnitysruuveissa jännitys oli vain 4 MPa:a, koska osan kuormituksesta kantoi laakerikilven olakkeet.
Over the past decade, various implantable devices have been developed to treat diseases that were previously difficult to manage such diabetes, chronic pain, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, translation of these novel technologies into clinical practice is often difficult because fibrotic encapsulation and/or rejection impairs device function after body implantation. Ideally, cells of the host tissue should perceive the surface of the implant being similar to the normal extracellular matrix. Here, we developed an innovative approach to provide implant surfaces with adhesive protein micropatterns. The patterns were designed to promote adhesion of fibroblasts and macrophages by simultaneously suppressing fibrogenic activation of both cell types. In a rat model, subcutaneously implanted silicone pads provided with the novel micropatterns caused 6-fold lower formation of inflammatory giant cells compared with clinical grade, uncoated, or collagen-coated silicone implants. We further show that micropatterning of implants resulted in 2-3-fold reduced numbers of pro-fibrotic myofibroblast by inhibiting their mechanical activation. Our novel approach allows controlled cell attachment to implant surfaces, representing a critical advance for enhanced biointegration of implantable medical devices.
Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is the most common cause of posterior heel pain. It is most often due to mechanical stress related to overload or overuse of muscle-tendon unit. It also may be associated in a minority of cases with inflammatory arthritis. Pain secondary to AT is generally located in the corporeal part of the tendon or its attachment to the bone and is worsened by exercise. Examination can reveal a painful swelling or thickening on palpation. Additional tests are not routinely recommended but may be useful. Treatment should be tailored to the stage of tendinopathy and to functional disability, and should include an assessment of predisposing factors, analgesia and physiotherapy. Other treatments (shock waves, ultrasound) are less well documented. The indications and effectiveness of infiltrations are controversial and are reserved for chronic AT. The risk benefit ratio should be well discussed with the patient.
The attachment of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 28213 onto six different materials used to manufacture dental implant abutments was quantitatively determined after 2 and 24 h of contact between the materials and the bacterial cultures. The materials were topographically characterized and their wettability determined, with both parameters subsequently related to bacterial adhesion. Atomic force microscopy, interferometry, and contact angle measurement were used to characterize the materials" surfaces. The results showed that neither roughness nor nano-roughness greatly influenced bacterial attachment whereas wettability strongly correlated with adhesion. After 2 h the degree of E. coli attachment markedly differed depending on the material whereas similar differences were not observed for S. aureus, which yielded consistently higher counts of adhered cells. Nevertheless, after 24 h the adhesion of the two species to the different test materials no longer significantly differed, although on all surfaces the numbers of finally adhered E. coli were higher than those of S. aureus
The SAGUAPAC cooperative in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Eastern Bolivia) is regularly presented as an example of cooperative successes regarding water supply and sanitation. Its efficiency, both economic and technical, is widely considered as the main reason for its attractiveness. However, without denying its importance, we show, through a discourse analysis from and about SAGUAPAC in local media, that moral and non-instrumental factors are crucial in the reproduction of the cooperative. These factors create attachment and affection toward the cooperative, through a storytelling using a four-dimensional rhetoric (mythification, identification, emotionalisation and personification). This storytelling technique, internalized in the local media discourse and materializing the so-called new spirit of capitalism, exploits the affects and instrumentalisation of local myths and legends, as well as the 'camba' ethnic identity. In that, it tends to retain SAGUAPAC members and to canvass new ones, by providing them with recognition in their quality of local community members. However, the mobilisation of social norms and power hierarchies might end up reinforcing the social exclusion of Andean non-camba immigrants, inspite of an a priori inclusive and democratic organisation.
Several recent papers document the influence and long lasting effects of technology on preferences. Simultaneously, cultural factors are often invoked to explain heterogeneity in preferences. These two ideas suggest that culture determines the short run equilibrium values of economic variables, but, in the long run, culture changes in response to the underlying economic fundamentals. We build a model in which preferences are endogenous and the diversity in preferences (the "cultural" diversity) is explained by the variation in the relevant economic fundamentals. This can help explain observed differences in labor market attachment among groups defined e.g., by citizenship, ethnicity or gender.
[spa] El artículo plantea una breve revisión de la idea de ironía desde el punto de vista de la retórica y sus derivaciones en algunos de los estudios lingüísticos del siglo XX. Se parte de la clasificación tradicional de la ironía socrática, la ironía retórica y la ironía romántica para centrar el análisis en aspectos básicos del fenómeno irónico tales como la oposición, la verosimilitud, la complicidad con el intérprete o el papel desempeñado por el contexto. [eng] This article is a brief review of the concept of irony from the point of view of rhetoric and its influences in some of the twentieth century linguistic studies. The review begins with the traditional classification of Socratic irony, rhetoric irony and romantic irony in order to focus the analysis on some fundamental elements of ironic phenomenon such as opposition, verisimilitude, camaraderie with the interpreter or the role played by the context.
The aim of the present study was to develop novel daptomycin-loaded poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) microparticles with enhanced antibiofilm activity against mature biofilms of clinically relevant bacteria, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and polysaccharide intercellular adhesin-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis. Daptomycin was encapsulated into PCL microparticles by a double emulsion-solvent evaporation method. For comparison purposes, formulations containing vancomycin were also prepared. Particle morphology, size distribution, encapsulation efficiency, surface charge, thermal behavior, and in vitro release were assessed. All formulations exhibited a spherical morphology, micrometer size, and negative surface charge. From a very early time stage, the released concentrations of daptomycin and vancomycin were higher than the minimal inhibitory concentration and continued so up to 72 hours. Daptomycin presented a sustained release profile with increasing concentrations of the drug being released up to 72 hours, whereas the release of vancomycin stabilized at 24 hours. The antibacterial activity of the microparticles was assessed by isothermal microcalorimetry against planktonic and sessile MRSA and S. epidermidis. Regarding planktonic bacteria, daptomycin-loaded PCL microparticles presented the highest antibacterial activity against both strains. Isothermal microcalorimetry also revealed that lower concentrations of daptomycin-loaded microparticles were required to completely inhibit the recovery of mature MRSA and S. epidermidis biofilms. Further characterization of the effect of daptomycin-loaded PCL microparticles on mature biofilms was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed an important reduction in MRSA biofilm, whereas S. epidermidis biofilms, although inhibited, were not eradicated. In addition, an important attachment of the microparticles to MRSA and S. epidermidis biofilms was observed. Finally, all formulations proved to be biocompatible with both ISO compliant L929 fibroblasts and human MG63 osteoblast-like cells.
Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in consumer behavior research and managerial practice, literature on its measurement and contribution to branding theory is still limited. This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of brand authenticity and reports the development and validation of a scale measuring consumers' perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale measuring four dimensions: credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. This scale is reliable across different brands and cultural contexts. We find that brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby some of the latters' influence is moderated by consumers' level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA increases emotional brand attachment and word-of-mouth, and that it drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.
The untargeted integration of foreign DNA into the mammalian cell genome, extensively used in gene therapy and biotechnology, remains an incompletely understood process. It is believed to be based on cellular DNA double strand break (DSB) repair machinery and to involve two major steps: i) the formation of long gene arrays (concatemers), and ii) recombination of the resulting concatemer with the genome. The main DSB repair pathways in eukaryotes include non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HR), and microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ). However, it is still not clear, which of these pathways are responsible for transgene integration. Here, we show that NHEJ is not the primary pathway used by mammalian cells in the transgene integration process, while the components of the HR pathway seem to be important for genomic integration but not concatemerization. Instead, concatemer formation appears to be mediated by a subset of the MMEJ pathway, termed synthesis-dependent MMEJ (SD-MMEJ). This mechanism also seems to be preferentially used for plasmid integration into the genome, as confirmed by the analysis of plasmid-to-genome junction sequences, which were found to display an SD-MMEJ pattern. Therefore, we propose the existence of two distinct SD-MMEJ subpathways, relying on different subsets of enzymes. One of these mechanisms appears to be responsible for concatemerization, while the other mechanism, partially dependent in HR enzymes, seems to mediate recombination with the genome. Previous studies performed by our group suggested that matrix attachment regions (MARs), which are epigenetic regulatory DNA elements that participate in the formation of chromatin boundaries and augment transcription, may mediate increased plasmid integration into the genome of CHO cells by stimulating DNA recombination. In the present work, we demonstrate that MAR-mediated plasmid integration results from the enhanced SD-MMEJ pathway. Analysis of transgene integration loci and junction DNA sequences validated the prevalent use of this pathway by the MAR elements to target plasmid DNA into gene-rich areas of the CHO genome. We propose that this finding should in the future help to engineer cells for improved recombinant protein production. In addition to investigating the process of transgene integration, we designed recombination assays to better characterize the components of the MMEJ and SD-MMEJ pathways. We also used CHO cells expressing cycle-sensitive reporter genes to demonstrate a potential role of HR proteins in the cell cycle regulation.
PURPOSE: A surgical gastrostomy is mandatory in cases where a PEG is not feasible. Various minimally invasive techniques have been described, but many involve unusable materials in small children and/or have risk of disunion. We describe a technique for true Stamm gastrostomy performed by laparoscopy (LSG) with a purse string suture and four points of attachment onto the wall. METHOD: We reviewed 20 children who underwent an LSG from 2010 to 2013. After incision of the skin at the location planned for the gastrostomy, using three 3-5mm ports the stomach is fixed to the wall by three suspension stitches, which are entered and then emerged subcutaneously. A fourth stitch of attachment is used to make an award on the stomach and tie around the gastrostomy tube. RESULTS: Mean age was 4.2years, with 70% aged <2years. All children were malnourished, most often severely. All but two underwent a concomitant fundoplication. Feeding through the gastrostomy started on D0 or D1. Total feeding by gastrostomy was achieved in a mean duration of 2.9day. Mean hospital stay was 4.5days. There was no perioperative complication. Mean follow-up was 14months. Once, the balloon was accidently deflated and reinflated in the wall leading to its necrosis. Five peristomial granulomas were noticed. It was always possible to replace the tube by a gastrostomy device at least 6weeks after surgery. CONCLUSION: This new technique for true Stamm gastrostomy by laparoscopy reproduces exactly the one done by laparotomy, without special equipment. It can be made since the neonatal period, in all the circumstances when a laparoscopy is possible.
The human connectome represents a network map of the brain's wiring diagram and the pattern into which its connections are organized is thought to play an important role in cognitive function. The generative rules that shape the topology of the human connectome remain incompletely understood. Earlier work in model organisms has suggested that wiring rules based on geometric relationships (distance) can account for many but likely not all topological features. Here we systematically explore a family of generative models of the human connectome that yield synthetic networks designed according to different wiring rules combining geometric and a broad range of topological factors. We find that a combination of geometric constraints with a homophilic attachment mechanism can create synthetic networks that closely match many topological characteristics of individual human connectomes, including features that were not included in the optimization of the generative model itself. We use these models to investigate a lifespan dataset and show that, with age, the model parameters undergo progressive changes, suggesting a rebalancing of the generative factors underlying the connectome across the lifespan.