932 resultados para Romaine, Suzanne: Vanishing voices
Contient : Egyptien 175.2.Pectoral ; Egyptien 175.2.Pectoral ; Egyptien 175.3.Pectoral
Contient : Egyptien 176a ; Egyptien 176b ; Egyptien 176c
Comprend : Afrique équatoriale française ; Afrique occidentale française / par Robert Delavignette ; bois gravés de Germaine Bernard ; Indochine / ouvrage publié sous la direction de M. Sylvain Lévi ; Ile de la Réunion, Côte française des Somalis, Établissements français de l'Inde ; Établissements français du Pacifique austral. Nouvelle Calédonie et dépendances. Nouvelles Hébrides, îles Wallis et Futuna. Établissements français de l'Océanie ; Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon ; Madagascar et dépendances / par M. Delelée-Desloges ; illustrations de M. Le Scouezec ; Territoires africains sous mandat de la France. Cameroun et Togo / Victor Chazelas ; Suzanne Truitard
Comprend : Afrique équatoriale française ; Afrique occidentale française / par Robert Delavignette ; bois gravés de Germaine Bernard ; Indochine / ouvrage publié sous la direction de M. Sylvain Lévi ; Ile de la Réunion, Côte française des Somalis, Établissements français de l'Inde ; Établissements français du Pacifique austral. Nouvelle Calédonie et dépendances. Nouvelles Hébrides, îles Wallis et Futuna. Établissements français de l'Océanie ; Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon ; Madagascar et dépendances / par M. Delelée-Desloges ; illustrations de M. Le Scouezec ; Territoires africains sous mandat de la France. Cameroun et Togo / Victor Chazelas ; Suzanne Truitard
[Histoire romaine (latin). 1518-1533]
[Histoire romaine (latin). 1518-1533]
Abstract: Women's voices and peripheral politics : feminist interpretations of the transition of stage in the Ireland of the 1990's
The inadequacies and obsolescence of Eurocentric theories based on a binaryand static worldview have become a staple topic of postcolonial studies, and tosome extent also of translation studies. Nonetheless, the literary texts that arecalled upon in order to show the dynamism and hybridity of (post)modern worksbelong for the most part to the languages of the former colonial powers, especiallyEnglish, and remain inserted in a system that construes literatures interms of opposition. As a consequence, there is outside India a doubly misleadingunderstanding of Indian literatures other than those written in English:firstly, that translations of works in Hindi and in the Indian bhāṣā seem to belacking, if not inexistent, and secondly, that these "minor" literatures - as theyare regularly termed - are still often viewed as being highly dependent on theidea of "tradition," in opposition to the "postmodern" hybridity of the literatureswritten in the "dominant" languages, such as English or French. Againstthese views and supported by the analysis of Ajñeya's works in Hindi togetherwith their English translations, this paper aims to show: 1) that translationsfrom Hindi, which are not in fact non-existent, are mainly carried out in India,and 2) that Ajñeya's works, while representing a significant instance of the effectivehybridity present in Indian literatures, help to illustrate the moving spaceof translation. This demonstration effectively invalidates the above-mentionedoppositional standpoint.
[cat] En aquest treball es presenta un model eclèctic que sistematitza la dinàmica de les crisis que s’autoconfimen, usant els principals aspectes de les tres tipologies dels models de crisis canviàries de tercera generació, amb la finalitat de descriure els fets que precipiten la renúncia al manteniment d’una paritat fixada. Les contribucions més notables són les implicacions per a la política econòmica, així com la pèrdua del paper del tipus de canvi com instrument d’ajust macroeconòmic, quan els efectes de balanç són una possibilitat real.
The critical behavior of a system constituted by molecules with a preferred symmetry axis is studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation of a simplified two-dimensional model. The system exhibits two phase transitions, associated with the vanishing of the positional order of the center of mass of the molecules and with the orientational order of the symmetry axis. The evolution of the order parameters and the specific heat is also studied. The transition associated with the positional degrees of freedom is found to change from a second-order to a first-order behavior when the two phase transitions are close enough, due to the coupling with the orientational degrees of freedom. This fact is qualitatively compared with similar results found in pure liquid crystals and liquid-crystal mixtures.
Exact formulas for the effective eigenvalue characterizing the initial decay of intensity correlation functions are given in terms of stationary moments of the intensity. Spontaneous emission noise and nonwhite pump noise are considered. Our results are discussed in connection with earlier calculations, simulations, and experimental results for single-mode dye lasers, two-mode inhomogeneously broadened lasers, and two-mode dye ring lasers. The effective eigenvalue is seen to depend sensitively on noise characteristics and symmetry properties of the system. In particular, the effective eigenvalue associated with cross correlations of two-mode lasers is seen to vanish in the absence of pump noise as a consequence of detailed balance. In the presence of pump noise, the vanishing of this eigenvalue requires equal pump parameters for the two modes and statistical independence of spontaneous emission noise acting on each mode.
Comprend : [Fig. à la Dédicace : scène de dédicace. Robert remet son livre au roi Charles VIII.] [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. en reg. folio a iiii : scène de bataille entre Gaulois et Romains.] Cy après sensuyt le premier livre des commentaires de iules cesar sur le fait de la conqueste de la terre de gaule laquelle il fist avnat ql se nommast empereur de rôme. [C ; [Fig. en reg. folio c iiii : armée romaine.] Cy commence le deuziesme livre des cômêtaires iules cesar. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. folio d iiii : scène de combat entre l'armée romaine de Jules César et les Savoyards.] Cy commence le troiziesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. folio d iiii (sic) : Pompée et Marcus Crassus avec Jules César.] Sensuit le quatriesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. au début du 5è livre : scène de bataille entre l'armée de Jules César et des troupes Gauloises.] Sy commence le cinquiesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. au début du 6è livre : même image que celle du livre 5. Scène de bataille entre armée romaine et armée gauloise] Si commence le sixiesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. folio f2 ii : même image qu'au folio d iiii. Jules César en conseil?] Cy commence le septiesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971] ; [Fig. en reg. folio n iii : même image qu'au folio c iiii. jules César à la tête de son armée?] Cy commence le huitiesme livre. [Cote : microfilm m 9421/R 20971]
Endotoxin causes an inflammation at the bronchial and alveolar level. The inflammation-induced increase in permeability of the bronchoalveolar epithelial barrier is supposed to cause a leakage of pneumoproteins. Therefore, their concentrations are expected to increase in the bloodstream.This study aimed at examining the association between occupational exposure to endotoxin and a serum pneumoprotein, surfactant protein A, to look for nonoccupational factors capable of confounding this association, and examine the relation between surfactant protein A and spirometry. There were 369 control subjects, 325 wastewater workers, and 84 garbage collectors in the study. Exposure to endotoxin was assessed through personal sampling and the Limulus amebocytes lysate assay. Surfactant protein A was determined by an in house sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 697 subjects. Clinical and smoking history were ascertained and spirometry carried out according to American Thoracic Society criteria. Multiple linear regression was used for statistical analysis. Exposure was fairly high during some tasks in wastewater workers but did not influence surfactant protein A. Surfactant protein A was lower in asthmatics. Interindividual variability was large. No correlation with spirometry was found. Endotoxin has no effect on surfactant protein A at these endotoxin levels and serum surfactant protein A does not correlate with spirometry. The decreased surfactant protein A secretion in asthmatics requires further study.
We develop an efficient technique to compute anomalies in supersymmetric theories by combining the so-called nonlocal regularization method and superspace techniques. To illustrate the method we apply it to a four-dimensional toy model with potentially anomalous N=1 supersymmetry and prove explicitly that in this model all the candidate supersymmetry anomalies have vanishing coefficients at the one-loop level.
In this paper, we study dynamical aspects of the two-dimensional (2D) gonihedric spin model using both numerical and analytical methods. This spin model has vanishing microscopic surface tension and it actually describes an ensemble of loops living on a 2D surface. The self-avoidance of loops is parametrized by a parameter ¿. The ¿=0 model can be mapped to one of the six-vertex models discussed by Baxter, and it does not have critical behavior. We have found that allowing for ¿¿0 does not lead to critical behavior either. Finite-size effects are rather severe, and in order to understand these effects, a finite-volume calculation for non-self-avoiding loops is presented. This model, like his 3D counterpart, exhibits very slow dynamics, but a careful analysis of dynamical observables reveals nonglassy evolution (unlike its 3D counterpart). We find, also in this ¿=0 case, the law that governs the long-time, low-temperature evolution of the system, through a dual description in terms of defects. A power, rather than logarithmic, law for the approach to equilibrium has been found.