884 resultados para Risk Assessment


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This report is a well illustrated and practical Guide intended to aid engineers and engineering technicians in monitoring, maintaining, and protecting bridge waterways so as to mitigate or prevent scour from adversely affecting the structural performance of bridge abutments, piers, and approach road embankments. Described and illustrated here are the scour processes affecting the stability of these components of bridge waterways. Also described and illustrated are methods for monitoring waterways, and the various methods for repairing scour damage and protecting bridge waterways against scour. The Guide focuses on smaller bridges, especially those in Iowa. Scour processes at small bridges are complicated by the close proximity of abutments, piers, and waterway banks, such that scour processes interact in ways difficult to predict and for which reliable design relationships do not exist. Additionally, blockage by woody debris or by ice, along with changes in approach channel alignment, can have greater effects on pier and abutment scour for smaller bridges. These considerations tend to cause greater reliance on monitoring for smaller bridges. The Guide is intended to augment and support, as a source of information, existing procedures for monitoring bridge waterways. It also may prompt some adjustments of existing forms and reports used for bridge monitoring. In accord with increasing emphasis on effective management of public facilities like bridges, the Guide ventures to include an example report format for quantitative risk assessment applied to bridge waterways. Quantitative risk assessment is useful when many bridges have to be evaluated for scour risk and damage, and priorities need to be determined for repair and protection work. Such risk assessment aids comparison of bridges at risk. It is expected that bridge inspectors will implement the Guide as a concise, handy reference available back at the office. The Guide also likely may be implemented as an educational primer for new inspectors who have yet to become acquainted with waterway scour. Additionally, the Guide may be implemented as a part of process to check whether existing bridge-inspection forms or reports adequately encompass bridge-waterway scour.


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Osteoporosis is well recognized as a public health problem in industrialized countries. Because of the efficiency of new treatments to decrease fracture risk, it is of a major interest to detect the patients who should benefit from such treatments. A diagnosis of osteoporosis is necessary before to start a specific treatment. This diagnosis is based on the measurement of the skeleton (hip and spine) with dual X-ray absorptiometry, using diagnostic criteria established by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In Switzerland, indications for bone densitometry are limited to precise situations. This technique cannot be applied for screening. For this purpose, peripheral measurements and particularly quantitative ultrasounds of bone seem to be promising. Indeed, several prospective studies clearly showed their predictive power for hip fracture risk in women aged more than 65 years. In order to facilitate the clinical use of bone ultrasounds, thresholds of risk of fracture and osteoporosis of the hip will be shortly published. This will integrate bone ultrasound in a global concept including bone densitometry and its indications, but also other risk factors for osteoporosis recognized by the Swiss association against osteoporosis (ASCO).


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Several cases of Brunner's gland hyperplasia causing hemorrhage, obstruction, or intussusception have been published in the adult literature. Similar cases in the pediatric population are very rare and have only been described twice, always associated with chronic renal failure. We report the third and youngest case of gastric outlet obstruction because of Brunner's gland hyperplasia focusing on histopathologic condition and treatment based on a review of the literature.


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OBJECTIVES: During its German pilot phase, the EuroCMR (European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance) registry sought to evaluate indications, image quality, safety, and impact on patient management of routine CMR. BACKGROUND: CMR has a broad range of applications and is increasingly used in clinical practice. METHODS: This was a multicenter registry with consecutive enrollment of patients in 20 German centers. RESULTS: A total of 11,040 consecutive patients were enrolled. Eighty-eight percent of patients received gadolinium-based contrast agents. Twenty-one percent underwent adenosine perfusion, and 11% high-dose dobutamine-stress CMR. The most important indications were workup of myocarditis/cardiomyopathies (32%), risk stratification in suspected coronary artery disease/ischemia (31%), as well as assessment of viability (15%). Image quality was good in 90.1%, moderate in 8.1%, and inadequate in 1.8% of cases. Severe complications occurred in 0.05%, and were all associated with stress testing. No patient died during or due to CMR. In nearly two-thirds of patients, CMR findings impacted patient management. Importantly, in 16% of cases the final diagnosis based on CMR was different from the diagnosis before CMR, leading to a complete change in management. In more than 86% of cases, CMR was capable of satisfying all imaging needs so that no further imaging was required. CONCLUSIONS: CMR is frequently performed in clinical practice in many participating centers. The most important indications are workup of myocarditis/cardiomyopathies, risk stratification in suspected coronary artery disease/ischemia, and assessment of viability. CMR imaging as used in the centers of the pilot registry is a safe procedure, has diagnostic image quality in 98% of cases, and its results have strong impact on patient management.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction to the control banding method : Nanomaterials and occupational risk assessment; Alternative method known as control banding; Scope and limits of control banding. - 2. Control banding process applied to manufactured nanomaterials: General points; Operating principle. - 3. Implementation of control banding: Gathering of information; Hazard bands; Exposure bands; Allocation of risk control bands. - 4. Bibliography: Publications; Books, reports, opinions, bulletins; Standards and references; Legislation and regulations; Websites. - Annexes


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OBJECTIVES: There are some common occupational agents and exposure circumstances where evidence of carcinogenicity is substantial but not yet conclusive for humans. The objectives are to identify research gaps and needs for twenty agents prioritized for review based on evidence of widespread human exposures and potential carcinogenicity in animals or humans. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review was conducted of new data published since the most recent pertinent IARC monograph meeting. DATA EXTRACTION: Reviewers were charged with identifying data gaps and general and specific approaches to address them, focusing on research that would be important in resolving classification uncertainties. An expert meeting brought reviewers together to discuss each agent and the identified data gaps and approaches. DATA SYNTHESIS: Several overarching issues were identified that pertained to multiple agents; these included the importance of recognizing that carcinogenic agents can act through multiple toxicity pathways and mechanisms, including epigenetic mechanisms, oxidative stress and immuno- and hormonal modulation. CONCLUSIONS: Studies in occupational populations provide important opportunities to understand the mechanisms through which exogenous agents cause cancer and intervene to prevent human exposure and/or prevent or detect cancer among those already exposed. Scientific developments are likely to increase the challenges and complexities of carcinogen testing and evaluation in the future, and epidemiologic studies will be particularly critical to inform carcinogen classification and risk assessment processes.[Authors]


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The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural metric that can be extracted from the two-dimensional lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image. TBS is related to bone microarchitecture and provides skeletal information that is not captured from the standard bone mineral density (BMD) measurement. Based on experimental variograms of the projected DXA image, TBS has the potential to discern differences between DXA scans that show similar BMD measurements. An elevated TBS value correlates with better skeletal microstructure; a low TBS value correlates with weaker skeletal microstructure. Lumbar spine TBS has been evaluated in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The following conclusions are based upon publications reviewed in this article: 1) TBS gives lower values in postmenopausal women and in men with previous fragility fractures than their nonfractured counterparts; 2) TBS is complementary to data available by lumbar spine DXA measurements; 3) TBS results are lower in women who have sustained a fragility fracture but in whom DXA does not indicate osteoporosis or even osteopenia; 4) TBS predicts fracture risk as well as lumbar spine BMD measurements in postmenopausal women; 5) efficacious therapies for osteoporosis differ in the extent to which they influence the TBS; 6) TBS is associated with fracture risk in individuals with conditions related to reduced bone mass or bone quality. Based on these data, lumbar spine TBS holds promise as an emerging technology that could well become a valuable clinical tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and in fracture risk assessment.


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A análise de risco de crédito na actividade bancária é um tema bastante discutido no contexto das decisões das instituições financeiras. O presente estudo tem como objectivo demonstrar o processo de análise de crédito e avaliação do risco em instituições bancárias, evidenciando a utilização do modelo de rating. A implementação do acordo de Basileia veio dar uma nova forma ao relacionamento do sector bancário para com os seus clientes, estabelecendo regras no que respeita à concessão de crédito e avaliação do risco. Com isto as instituições passaram a ter uma maior preocupação em gerir o crédito e o risco inerentes a cada operação, apostando em ferramentas metodológicas adequadas ao processo creditício. As instituições bancárias acabaram por criar departamentos de risco, colocando a gestão de crédito e de risco nas mãos de profissionais especializados, agindo sobre regras e padrões internacionais uniformes. De realçar que o processo de análise de crédito envolve diversas etapas, cujo objectivo é avaliar o risco de incumprimento associado ao tomador de crédito, bem como suas consequências junto de quem concede o crédito. O rating de crédito é um instrumento cujo objectivo é atribuir uma nota que sintetiza o risco de incumprimento no pagamento de crédito, com o objectivo de reduzir a subjectividade associada ao processo de avaliação do risco. Da pesquisa realizada, constatou-se perante entrevistas junto das instituições bancárias locais que o modelo de rating ainda não é muito utilizado no nosso mercado bancário, e os que o utilizam tomam-no apenas como um indicador de risco. Segundo os entrevistados a realidade das PMEâs Cabo-Verdianas não é adequada para a implementação de um modelo tão objectivo. The analysis of credit risk in banking activity is a widely discussed topic, and within the context of decisions of financial institutions. The present study aims to demonstrate the process of credit analysis and risk assessment in banking institutions, evidencing the use of internal rating model. The implementation of Basel II Accord has given a new shape to the relationship of the banking sector with its customers, establishing rules regarding the granting of credit and risk assessment. Consequently, institutions now have a greater concern in managing credit and the risk inherent to each transaction, relying on methodological tools that are appropriate to the credit process. The banks end up creating risk departments, placing credit risk management in the hands of skilled professionals that act conforming to international rules and standards. It should be noted that the credit analysis process involves several steps, aiming at assessing the default risk associated with credit borrower, and its consequences to whom grants credit. The credit rating is a process with the objective of assigning a grade, which summarizes the risk of default in payment of credit, in order to reduce the subjectivity associated with the process of risk assessment. The survey undertaken through interviews with local banking institutions showed that the rating model is not yet widely used in our banking market, and that the banks that actually use it, only do it as an indicator of risk. According to those interviewed, the reality of SMEs in Cape Verde is not suitable for the implementation of a model with such objectivity.


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PURPOSE: O6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation has been shown to predict survival of patients with glioblastomas if temozolomide is added to radiotherapy (RT). It is unknown if MGMT promoter methylation is also predictive to outcome to RT followed by adjuvant procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy in patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors (AOT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer study 26951, 368 patients with AOT were randomly assigned to either RT alone or to RT followed by adjuvant PCV. From 165 patients of this study, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue was available for MGMT promoter methylation analysis. This was investigated with methylation specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. RESULTS: In 152 cases, an MGMT result was obtained, in 121 (80%) cases MGMT promoter methylation was observed. Methylation strongly correlated with combined loss of chromosome 1p and 19q loss (P = .00043). In multivariate analysis, MGMT promoter methylation, 1p/19q codeletion, tumor necrosis, and extent of resection were independent prognostic factors. The prognostic significance of MGMT promoter methylation was equally strong in the RT arm and the RT/PCV arm for both progression-free survival and overall survival. In tumors diagnosed at central pathology review as glioblastoma, no prognostic effect of MGMT promoter methylation was observed. CONCLUSION: In this study, on patients with AOT MGMT promoter methylation was of prognostic significance and did not have predictive significance for outcome to adjuvant PCV chemotherapy. The biologic effect of MGMT promoter methylation or pathogenetic features associated with MGMT promoter methylation may be different for AOT compared with glioblastoma.


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PURPOSE To develop a score predicting the risk of adverse events (AEs) in pediatric patients with cancer who experience fever and neutropenia (FN) and to evaluate its performance. PATIENTS AND METHODS Pediatric patients with cancer presenting with FN induced by nonmyeloablative chemotherapy were observed in a prospective multicenter study. A score predicting the risk of future AEs (ie, serious medical complication, microbiologically defined infection, radiologically confirmed pneumonia) was developed from a multivariate mixed logistic regression model. Its cross-validated predictive performance was compared with that of published risk prediction rules. Results An AE was reported in 122 (29%) of 423 FN episodes. In 57 episodes (13%), the first AE was known only after reassessment after 8 to 24 hours of inpatient management. Predicting AE at reassessment was better than prediction at presentation with FN. A differential leukocyte count did not increase the predictive performance. The score predicting future AE in 358 episodes without known AE at reassessment used the following four variables: preceding chemotherapy more intensive than acute lymphoblastic leukemia maintenance (weight = 4), hemoglobin > or = 90 g/L (weight = 5), leukocyte count less than 0.3 G/L (weight = 3), and platelet count less than 50 G/L (weight = 3). A score (sum of weights) > or = 9 predicted future AEs. The cross-validated performance of this score exceeded the performance of published risk prediction rules. At an overall sensitivity of 92%, 35% of the episodes were classified as low risk, with a specificity of 45% and a negative predictive value of 93%. CONCLUSION This score, based on four routinely accessible characteristics, accurately identifies pediatric patients with cancer with FN at risk for AEs after reassessment.


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The aim of this review is to better identify for which women with osteoporosis the treatment is efficient, without taking into account the bone mineral density only. The age, previous fractures, the severity of vertebral deformity identify women at high risk for subsequent fracture. The development of assessment tools for predicting fracture risk, the use of the NNT (number needed to treat), and economical analyses are particularly helpful. The number of patients needed to treat to prevent one patient having the target event expresses the magnitude of a treatment effect in a clinically useful way. Economical analyses take into account the health care resources needed to get these benefits. We analysed the NNT and the cost of the treatments which significantly reduced the risk of fracture.


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Rituximab is an effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which has been approved for the treatment of moderate to severe disease in patients with an inadequate response to anti-TNF therapies. Rituximab differs from other available biological agents for RA by way of its unique mode of action and unrivalled long dosing interval. The efficacy of rituximab subsides progressively over time and re-therapy is generally required to maintain long term disease control. The timing of re-treatment is currently not well established and varies widely in clinical practice. The present document is a concise recommendation regarding re-treatment with rituximab, based on validated outcomes such as the DAS28 and the EULAR response criteria. The recommendation was established through consensus between practitioners familiar with rituximab therapy in RA. Optimisation of the rituximab re-treatment schedule may improve patient outcomes and balance risks and benefits for the individual patient.