1000 resultados para Rio Mamoré virus
São apresentados dois casos de paracoccidioidomicose, um em paciente com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida e o outro em paciente com infecção pelo HIV. Trata-se dos primeiros relatos em que esta associação é descrita na literatura. No primeiro, a micose se evidenciou durante o acompanhamento de paciente com AIDS, que passou a apresentar hépato-esplenomegalia e febre elevada. A ecografia, radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada do abdômen, demonstraram nódulos sólidos, alguns calcificados, no parênquima esplénico. A punção aspirativa da medula óssea confirmou o diagnóstico; o conjunto dos achados caracterizou a forma aguda disseminada da paracoccidioidomicose, a qual levou o paciente ao óbito. No segundo relato, em paciente com infecção pelo HIV, a propósito de investigação de tumoração na região inguinal e fossa ilíaca à direita, constatou-se a associação de doença de Hodgkin, tipo celularidade mista e paracoccidioidomicose. Avalia-se a importância destes relatos frente a expansão da infecção pelo HIV e estima-se que mais casos venham a ser relatados em pacientes com AIDS, procedentes de áreas endêmicas desta micose. Propõe-se a inclusão da paracoccidioidomicose como infecção oportunística potencial em pacientes HIV positivos nestas áreas.
The presence of antibodies against rotavirus was investigated by enzyme immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in two distinct groups of children living in a shanty town in Rio de Janeiro. One hundred and thirty six plasma samples were randomly collected from children of 0 to 33 months (first group) and 255 serum samples were collected from other 85 children at ages of 2, 6 and 9 months (second group). A high percentage of antibodies were found in the newborn children and this rate decreased progressively until the age of 11 months, after which it increased again. At the age of 7 months, geometric mean antibody titers increased indicating that infection had occurred.
The detection of HBV-DNA in serum by molecular hybridization is the most sensitive and specific marker of replication and infectivity of hepatitis B virus and currently is proposed as a routine diagnostic technique in the follow-up of HBV - related diseases. Comparing different techniques already described, we found that direct spotting of serum samples on nitrocellulose membranes under vacuum filtration, followed by denaturing and neutralizing washes is more practical, simple, sensible and reproducible. DNA polymerase assay using phosphonoformic acid as specific viral inhibitor has shown 86.8% of concordance with HBV-DNA detection, and so, it is an useful alternative in the follow-up of hepatitis B chronic patients. We found 19.2% HBeAg positive samples with no other markers of viral replication and no anti-HBe positive sample had detectable HBV-DNA. Discordance between the 2 systems have been extensively described, and we confirm this for the first time in our country. Molecular biological techniques are essential to determine the replication status of chronic hepatitis B patients.
Among the 424 serum samples examined, the prevalence of hepatitis virus infection turned out to be 89.6%, with 15.6% of HBsAg positivity. Some of the samples belonged to an afferent population and some other to workers of a West Africa rural hospital (Pop. Rep. of Benin). 27.3% of the positive subjects presented active replication of the virus, shown by the presence of HBeAg. Among the HBcAb positive subjects the anti-delta antibodies showed a positivity frequency of 19.7%. HBsAg presence in 15% of pregnant women suggested the importance of HBV mother-foetal transmission in the district. The examined results can be compared with those obtained in other African areas, with similar socio-economic conditions.
Crítica de teatro a vários espectaculos apresentados em festivais em Yerevan, Arménia, e no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
During 1985 and 1986 serum samples were collected from the Rio de Janeiro population and examined for the presence of IgG antibody to human parvovirus B19. No difference in prevalence was found between males and females. Antibody prevalence rose from 35% in children less than five years old to almost 80% in children aged eleven to fifteen years. The antibody prevalence in individuals over 50 years old was over 90%.
A total of 138 patients with the age of 4 months to 57 years were attended in different hospitals of São Paulo State with aseptic meningitis. A probable new agent was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of 35 of 53 specimens examined. Replication of the agent with similar characteristics was detected by CPE produced in the MDCK cell line. Virus-like particles measuring about 40 nm in diameter were observed by negative staining electron microscopy. No hemaglutinating activity was detected at pH 7.2 by using either human, guinea pig, chicken and at pH ranged 6.0 - 7.2 with goose red blood cells. The agent was not pathogenic to newborn or adult mice. Virus infectivity as measured by CPE was sensitive to chloroform and not inhibited by BuDR, suggesting that agent is an enveloped virus with RNA genome.
Os estudos iniciais sobre a soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-VIH-1 (Ac-VIH) em unidades de hemodiálise no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) foram feitos em 1985. Os números alarmantes, próximos a 14%, foram atribuídos à má qualidade do sangue obtido de "doadores profissionais" em troca de comida ou dinheiro. Recentemente uma série de medidas foram adotadas na tentativa de reduzir o tráfico de sangue. Nossa investigação objetivou avaliar o impacto destas na soroprevalência de Ac-VIH em duas unidades satélites no RJ. A Clínica Segumed foi uma das unidades estudadas em 1985. Em 1987 realizamos um segundo levantamento no mesmo grupo estudado previamente. A Casa de Saúde Grajaú, inaugurada em 1986 com a maioria dos pacientes novos em diálise, foi estudada em 1988. O teste ELISA HIV-1 foi utilizado como rastreamento. Os resultados positivos foram confirmados com Western blot. Os resultados na Segumed mostraram uma grande diferença entre os dois levantamentos (14,4% vs 3,6%). Os dois casos positivos em 1987 estavam entre os identificados em 1985. Nenhum paciente se infectou entre os dois levantamentos apesar de não se utilizarem medidas de isolamento para os portadores de VIH e do uso de transfusões ter aumentado no período. Na CS Grajaú apenas dois casos foram encontrados (soroprevalência 2,4%) embora um já fosse conhecido desde 1985 quando vivia com um transplante. Uma revisão de estudos semelhantes no RJ e São Paulo parece revelar uma tendência à diminuição das taxas nos últimos anos. Nós concluímos que a chance de contaminação com VIH é atualmente reduzida nos centros estudados e pode estar caindo globalmente no RJ. É possível que a maior vigilância, e até fechamento de bancos de sangue, tenha resultado na melhora da qualidade do sangue no RJ.
Triatoma platensis Neiva 1913 (Hemiptera, Triatominae), especie ornitófila, con área de dispersión conocida en Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay y Uruguay es notificada en un primer registro para Brasil. Hallada en el municipio de Uruguaiana (Río Grande do Sul) en nidos de Anumbius annumbi (Vieillot, 1817) (Passeriformes, Furnariidae) donde cohabitaba con cricétidos de la especie Orizomys flavescens. Ningún ejemplar de los siete colectados se presentó infectado por Trypanosoma cruzi.
Com o objetivo de estudar as condições de estocagem da vacina contra o sarampo na rede de vacinação dos Municípios de Nitéroi e São Gonçalo - RJ, 22 Unidades Sanitárias foram avaliadas de acordo com as normas técnicas específicas estabelecidas pelo Programa Nacional de Imunização. Observou-se que em 86,4% das Unidades visitadas os cuidados com os refrigeradores eram adequados ou regulares mas quanto à arrumação das vacinas no interior dos aparelhos e ao controle de temperatura, estes percentuais caíram para 60,0% e 54,5%, respectivamente. De todos os itens avaliados, o mais problemático foi o apoio técnico imediato frente a situações de emergência, apoio esse considerado insuficiente em 90,0% dos casos. Em 100% das amostras vacinais recolhidas das Unidades Sanitárias, os títulos estavam abaixo da potência mínima preconizada para tal produto no momento da aplicação. Torna-se necessário então, que as condições de conservação e uso das vacinas sejam melhoradas evitando assim a formação de grupamentos de crianças suscetíveis à doença.
Serum sample obtained from a male, 12 year old patient suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was positive for human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I) antibody by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the Western Blot analysis (WB). Attempts to isolate enteroviruses (including poliovirus) from faecal material in both tissue culture and suckling mice were unsuccessful; in addition, acute and convalescent paired serum samples did not show any evidence of recent poliovirus infection when tested against the three serotypes. Specific tests for detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection were not performed; however, the Paul-Bunnel test yielded negative results. ELISA for detection of anti-cytomegalovirus IgM was also negative. The concomitant occurrence of either adult T cell leukemia (ATL) or lymphoma was not recorded in this case.
A new upper Miocene locality at Asseiceira (Rio Maior), near the top of the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" unit (Almoster and Santarém limestones) is studied. Animal and plant fossils are described. Comparisons are drawn to other localities related to the same unit: Freiria and Azambujeira (middle and upper levels, both with large mammals). Small mammals from Asseiceira and Freiria point out to a rather old age amidst the upper Vallesian, MN 10 mammal-unit. This gives a fairly accurate datation for the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" and for the short time span of the corresponding sedimentation. Climate was warm and quite dry, with contrasting seasons and arid events. During upper Vallesian times, climate in Iberian Peninsula was varied but drier than in France, and specially so in the inner basins. However in Portugal and in Catalonia climate would he less different in comparison with that of the Rhône basin. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário". Humid areas were closely surrounded by dense forests and these by broader and drier savanna or steppe areas. Still later, carbonate sedimentation ended. For some time there was still a river system with oxbows; humid areas probably were decreasing in favour of surrounding, rather dry environments. This study stressed the nced for revision of the geology of the region of Rio Maior and for a new geological mapping of that area. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário".
We propose a fractional model for computer virus propagation. The model includes the interaction between computers and removable devices. We simulate numerically the model for distinct values of the order of the fractional derivative and for two sets of initial conditions adopted in the literature. We conclude that fractional order systems reveal richer dynamics than the classical integer order counterpart. Therefore, fractional dynamics leads to time responses with super-fast transients and super-slow evolutions towards the steady-state, effects not easily captured by the integer order models.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas.