974 resultados para Residual Water Treatment Station


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In recent years the hot water treatment (HW) represents an effective and safe approach for managing postharvest decay. This study reported the effect of an HW (60°C for 60 s and 45°C for 10 min) on brown rot and blue mould respectively. Peaches was found more thermotolerant compared to apple fruit, otherwise Penicillium expansum was more resistant to heat with respect to Monilinia spp. In semi-commercial and commercial trials, the inhibition of brown rot in naturally infected peaches was higher than 78% after 6 days at 0°C and 3 days at 20°C. Moreover, in laboratory trials a 100% disease incidence reduction was obtained by treating artificially infected peaches at 6-12 h after inoculation revealing a curative effect of HW. The expression levels of some genes were evaluated by qRT-PCR. Specifically, the cell wall genes (β-GAL, PL, PG, PME) showed a general decrease of expression level whereas PAL, CHI, HSP70 and ROS-scavenging genes were induced in treated peaches compared to the control ones. Contrarily, HW applied on artificially infected fruit before the inoculum was found to increase brown rot susceptibility. This aspect might be due to an increase of fruit VOCs emission as revealed by PTR-ToF-MS analysis. In addition a microarray experiment was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms underneath the apple response to heat. Our results showed a largest amount of induced Heat shock proteins (HSPs), Heat shock cognate proteins (HSCs), Heat shock transcription factors (HSTFs) genes found at 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. Those genes required for the thermotolerance process could be involved in induced resistance response. The hypothesis was confirmed by 30% of blue mold disease reduction in artificially inoculated apple after 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. In order to improve peaches quality and disease management during storage, an innovative tool was also used: Da-meter.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to compare the clinical, microbiological and host-derived effects in the non-surgical treatment of initial peri-implantitis with either adjunctive local drug delivery (LDD) or adjunctive photodynamic therapy (PDT) after 12 months. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty subjects with initial peri-implantitis, that is, pocket probing depths (PPD) 4-6 mm with bleeding on probing (BoP) and radiographic bone loss ≤2 mm, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups. All implants were mechanically debrided with titanium curettes and with a glycine-based powder airpolishing system. Implants in the test group (N = 20) received adjunctive PDT, whereas minocycline microspheres were locally delivered into the peri-implant pockets of control implants (N = 20). At sites with residual BoP, treatment was repeated after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The primary outcome variable was the change in the number of peri-implant sites with BoP. Secondary outcome variables included changes in PPD, clinical attachment level (CAL), mucosal recession (REC) and in bacterial counts and crevicular fluid (CF) levels of host-derived biomarkers. RESULTS: After 12 months, the number of BoP-positive sites decreased statistically significantly (P < 0.05) from baseline in both groups (PDT: 4.03 ± 1.66-1.74 ± 1.37, LDD: 4.41 ± 1.47-1.55 ± 1.26). A statistically significant (P < 0.05) decrease in PPD from baseline was observed at PDT-treated sites up to 9 months (4.19 ± 0.55 mm to 3.89 ± 0.68 mm) and up to 12 months at LDD-treated sites (4.39 ± 0.77 mm to 3.83 ± 0.85 mm). Counts of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia decreased statistically significantly (P < 0.05) from baseline to 6 months in the PDT and to 12 months in the LDD group, respectively. CF levels of IL-1β decreased statistically significantly (P < 0.05) from baseline to 12 months in both groups. No statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed between groups after 12 months with respect to clinical, microbiological and host-derived parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Non-surgical mechanical debridement with adjunctive PDT was equally effective in the reduction of mucosal inflammation as with adjunctive delivery of minocycline microspheres up to 12 months. Adjunctive PDT may represent an alternative approach to LDD in the non-surgical treatment of initial peri-implantitis.


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Groundwater constitutes approximately 30% of freshwater globally and serves as a source of drinking water in many regions. Groundwater sources are subject to contamination with human pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa) from a variety of sources that can cause diarrhea and contribute to the devastating global burden of this disease. To attempt to describe the extent of this public health concern in developing countries, a systematic review of the evidence for groundwater microbially-contaminated at its source as risk factor for enteric illness under endemic (non-outbreak) conditions in these countries was conducted. Epidemiologic studies published in English language journals between January 2000 and January 2011, and meeting certain other criteria, were selected, resulting in eleven studies reviewed. Data were extracted on microbes detected (and their concentrations if reported) and on associations measured between microbial quality of, or consumption of, groundwater and enteric illness; other relevant findings are also reported. In groundwater samples, several studies found bacterial indicators of fecal contamination (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, enterococci and E. coli), all in a wide range of concentrations. Rotavirus and a number of enteropathogenic bacteria and parasites were found in stool samples from study subjects who had consumed groundwater, but no concentrations were reported. Consumption of groundwater was associated with increased risk of diarrhea, with odds ratios ranging from 1.9 to 6.1. However, limitations of the selected studies, especially potential confounding factors, limited the conclusions that could be drawn from them. These results support the contention that microbial contamination of groundwater reservoirs—including with human enteropathogens and from a variety of sources—is a reality in developing countries. While microbially-contaminated groundwaters pose risk for diarrhea, other factors are also important, including water treatment, water storage practices, consumption of other water sources, water quantity and access to it, sanitation and hygiene, housing conditions, and socio-economic status. Further understanding of the interrelationships between, and the relative contributions to disease risk of, the various sources of microbial contamination of groundwater can guide the allocation of resources to interventions with the greatest public health benefit. Several recommendations for future research, and for practitioners and policymakers, are presented.^


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An interleaved, dual resonance, volume localization technique for $\sp1$H/$\sp{31}$P magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been designed, implemented on a 2 T imager/spectrometer, and verified with phantom studies.^ Localization techniques, including several single voxel techniques and spectroscopic imaging, were implemented, and studies were performed to compare the efficiency of each sequence of $\sp1$H/$\sp{31}$P spectral acquisitions. The sequence chosen was a hybrid of the stimulated echo single voxel technique and the spectroscopic imaging technique.^ Water suppression during the $\sp1$H spectral acquisitions was accomplished by the use of three narrow bandwidth RF saturation pulses in combination with three spoiler gradients. The spoiler gradient amplitudes were selected on the basis of a numerical solution of the Bloch equations. A post-acquisition water suppression algorithm was used to minimize any residual water signal.^ For interleaved $\sp1$H/$\sp{31}$P acquisitions, a dual resonance RF coil was constructed and interfaced to the existing RF detection system via a custom-designed dual resonance transcoupler and switching system. Programmable attenuators were incorporated to allow for changes in receiver and transmitter attenuation "on the fly".^ To provide the rapidly switched gradient fields required for the $\sp1$H/$\sp{31}$P acquisitions, an actively screened gradient coil system was designed and implemented. With this system, gradient field rise times on the order of 100 $\mu$s were obtained. These rapid switching times were necessary for minimizing intrasequence delays and for improving localization quality and water suppression efficiency.^ The interleaved $\sp1$H/$\sp{31}$P volume localization technique was tested using a two-compartment phantom. Analysis of the data showed that the spectral contamination was less than three percent. One-to-one spatial correspondence of the $\sp1$H and $\sp{31}$P spectra was verified and allowed for direct correlation of the spectral data with a standard magnetic resonance image. ^


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We studied the response in development times of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus to changes in temperature and food conditions. The ingestion response to temperature was determined in the laboratory, where the copepods C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus were fed the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (cultivated at 18°C-20°; 12 : 12 light :dark cycle; exponential growth). C. finmarchicus was obtained for experiments from the Gullmar fjord. C. finmarchicus was incubated at in situ temperature (5°C) until the experiments were performed. First-generation cultures were grown in the laboratory at 15°C from the eggs from the Sta. L4 females. During growth both C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus cultures were fed a mixture of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina, the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Five 600-mL glass bottles containing 1400 cells mL**-1 or 5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) L**-1 of T. weissflogii (200 mg C) and 1-2 C. finmarchicus or C. helgolandicus copepodite stage 5 (CV) or females were incubated in darkness at series of temperatures between 1°C and 21 ± 0.5°C. Three bottles without copepods served as control. In the C. helgolandicus experiment, T. weissflogii cells were counted at the beginning and end of the experiment in the grazing bottles and controls using a Coulter CounterH (MultisizerTM 3, Beckman Coulter). In the C. finmarchicus experiment, phytoplankton reduction was determined by Chl a measurements. The reduction in phytoplankton during any of the experiments was generally below 20% and never more than 32%. Clearance rates were calculated following Harris et al. (2000).


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El aceite de colza es comestible pero también puede utilizarse en la producción de biodiesel. Cuando el destino es el energético, el cultivo puede regarse con aguas residuales urbanas o cloacales. La mayor proporción del uso de éstas en el mundo ocurre en regiones áridas donde otras fuentes de agua son escasas, situación que se plantea en los oasis irrigados de Mendoza. En este trabajo se comparó el rendimiento de un cultivar invernal de colza regado con agua cloacal (AC) y agua subterránea (AS), y su potencial para producir biodiesel. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en una planta de tratamiento de agua cloacal de Obras Sanitarias en el departamento Tunuyán (33° 32’ 89’’ S; 69° 00’ 80’’ O; 859 m snm). El rendimiento de semilla de AC fue significativamente mayor que el de AS (7690 y 3886 kg/ha, respectivamente). La cantidad de biodiesel factible de producir por cada hectárea de cultivo asciende a 2800 kg en el tratamiento AC y a 1400 kg en AS. El uso de aguas residuales urbanas genera un nicho interesante para la producción de biocombustibles, utilizando un recurso hídrico con limitaciones para producir alimentos.


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With each cellular generation, oxygenic photoautotrophs must accumulate abundant protein complexes that mediate light capture, photosynthetic electron transport and carbon fixation. In addition to this net synthesis, oxygenic photoautotrophs must counter the light-dependent photoinactivation of Photosystem II (PSII), using metabolically expensive proteolysis, disassembly, resynthesis and re-assembly of protein subunits. We used growth rates, elemental analyses and protein quantitations to estimate the nitrogen (N) metabolism costs to both accumulate the photosynthetic system and to maintain PSII function in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, growing at two pCO2 levels across a range of light levels. The photosynthetic system contains c. 15-25% of total cellular N. Under low growth light, N (re)cycling through PSII repair is only c. 1% of the cellular N assimilation rate. As growth light increases to inhibitory levels, N metabolite cycling through PSII repair increases to c. 14% of the cellular N assimilation rate. Cells growing under the assumed future 750 ppmv pCO2 show higher growth rates under optimal light, coinciding with a lowered N metabolic cost to maintain photosynthesis, but then suffer greater photoinhibition of growth under excess light, coincident with rising costs to maintain photosynthesis. We predict this quantitative trait response to light will vary across taxa.


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Ocean acidification (OA) poses a severe threat to tropical coral reefs, yet much of what is know about these effects comes from individual corals and algae incubated in isolation under high pCO2. Studies of similar effects on coral reef communities are scarce. To investigate the response of coral reef communities to OA, we used large outdoor flumes in which communities composed of calcified algae, corals, and sediment were combined to match the percentage cover of benthic communities in the shallow back reef of Moorea, French Polynesia. Reef communities in the flumes were exposed to ambient (400 ?atm) and high pCO2 (1300 ?atm) for 8 weeks, and calcification rates measured for the constructed communities including the sediments. Community calcification was reduced by 59% under high pCO2, with sediment dissolution explaining ~ 50% of this decrease; net calcification of corals and calcified algae remained positive but was reduced by 29% under elevated pCO2. These results show that, despite the capacity of coral reef calcifiers to maintain positive net accretion of calcium carbonate under OA conditions, reef communities might transition to net dissolution as pCO2 increases, particularly at night, due to enhanced sediment dissolution.