835 resultados para Resíduos Sólidos Domiciliares


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According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction


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Foram utilizados 50 suínos machos castrados para avaliar o efeito da restrição alimentar qualitativa sobre a digestibilidade dos componentes dietéticos, os órgãos do trato digestório, a composição e a produção fecal. Foram utilizadas cinco dietas experimentais, com níveis de restrição qualitativa de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%. Houve redução linear (P<0,001) para todos os coeficientes de digestibilidade, com exceção da fibra em detergente ácido, que apresentou resposta quadrática (P<0,05). Os teores de sólidos totais (P<0,01) e voláteis (P<0,05), e minerais totais (P<0,001) nas fezes aumentaram com os níveis de restrição alimentar, enquanto os níveis de K (P<0,05), Cu (P<0,01) e de N, P, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe e Zn (P<0,001), apresentaram resposta quadrática. A excreção diária de fezes, sólidos totais e voláteis, minerais totais, N, P, K, Mn e Cu (P<0,001), Ca, Na, Mg e Fe (P<0,05) apresentaram aumento em função do nível da restrição alimentar qualitativa. A restrição qualitativa pode ser alternativa para destinação de resíduos da agroindústria, conferindo boas propriedades às fezes suínas, no que diz respeito à utilização para adubação de culturas.


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar a suplementação enzimática (amilase, pentosanase, celulase, protease e a-galactosidase) em rações à base de milho e farelo de soja para suínos. No Exp 1, foram determinadas as digestibilidades aparentes da energia, matéria seca, proteína e das fibras das rações, com ou sem o complexo enzimático, para suínos machos castrados, com 19,96 ± 2,90 kg de peso vivo. Foi utilizado o método da coleta total de fezes e as rações foram formuladas com níveis reduzidos de energia, proteína e aminoácidos. No Exp 2, foram mensurados o desempenho, a excreção de sólidos totais e voláteis, matéria mineral, nitrogênio, macro e microminerais nas fezes, em relação ao desempenho, de suínos machos castrados dos 50 aos 151 dias de idade, com peso médio inicial de 18,34 ± 1,35 kg. Foram utilizadas três dietas, sendo uma ração formulada para atender ou exceder as exigências nutricionais dos animais, de acordo com o NRC (1998), e outras duas com níveis reduzidos de energia, proteína e aminoácidos, suplementadas ou não com o complexo enzimático. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados. A suplementação enzimática em rações contendo milho e farelo de soja não promoveu incrementos na digestibilidade de nutrientes, não melhorou o desempenho dos animais e também não reduziu a excreção de resíduos pelas fezes. Mais estudos são necessários para testar novas matrizes e diferentes níveis do complexo enzimático.


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Foram utilizados 36 cordeiros 7/8 Ile de France 1/8 Ideal (18 machos e 18 fêmeas) com peso corporal inicial de 17,90 ± 1,27 kg alimentados com as dietas: controle; SRPAD - com 8% de silagem de resíduo do processamento de tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus); e SRPAM - com 8% de silagem de resíduo do processamento de peixe-sapo (Lophius gastrophisus). As silagens de resíduos de peixes substituíram parcialmente o farelo de soja e, como volumoso, utilizou-se silagem de milho (40%). Os cordeiros foram mantidos em baias individuais, com controle do alimento fornecido e das sobras e pesagem a cada 14 dias até atingirem 32 kg, quando foram realizadas as medidas biométricas. Paralelamente, foram realizados ensaios de digestibilidade e de metabolismo utilizando-se 12 cordeiras 7/8 Ile de France 1/8 Ideal para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB, EE, FDN e CT e do balanço de nitrogênio das dietas experimentais. O consumo de MS e o ganho médio diário não foram influenciados pelas dietas e pelo sexo e apresentaram médias de 891,83 e 240,26 g/dia, respectivamente. Entretanto, a conversão alimentar dos cordeiros alimentados com as dietas com SRPAM foi pior (4,04) em relação à daqueles alimentados com as dietas controle (3,81) e com SRPAD (3,47). Os cordeiros apresentaram maior comprimento corporal (60,09 cm) e altura do anterior (56,11 cm) em comparação às cordeiras (58,03 e 54,75 cm, respectivamente). Cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo SRPAD tiveram maior ingestão de EE e melhor coeficiente de digestibilidade do EE (90,39%), enquanto aqueles alimentados com a dieta controle apresentaram o menor coeficiente de digestibilidade da FDN (59,20%). A substituição parcial do farelo de soja por silagem de resíduos de peixes mostrou-se como boa alternativa protéica na alimentação de cordeiros.


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The traditional processes for treatment of hazardous waste are questionable for it generates other wastes that adversely affect people s health. As an attempt to minimize these problems, it was developed a system for treatment of hazardous waste by thermal plasma, a more appropriate technology since it produces high temperatures, preventing the formation of toxic pollutants to human beings. The present work brings out a solution of automation for this plant. The system has local and remote monitoring resources to ensure the operators security as well as the process itself. A special attention was given to the control of the main reactor temperature of the plant as it is the place where the main processing occurs and because it presents a complex mathematical model. To this, it was employed cascaded controls based on Fuzzy logic. A process computer, with a particular man-machine interface (MMI), provides information and controls of the plant to the operator, including by Internet. A compact PLC module is in charge of the central element of management automation and plant control which receives information from sensors, and sends it to the MMI


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A serious problem that affects an oil refinery s processing units is the deposition of solid particles or the fouling on the equipments. These residues are naturally present on the oil or are by-products of chemical reactions during its transport. A fouled heat exchanger loses its capacity to adequately heat the oil, needing to be shut down periodically for cleaning. Previous knowledge of the best period to shut down the exchanger may improve the energetic and production efficiency of the plant. In this work we develop a system to predict the fouling on a heat exchanger from the Potiguar Clara Camarão Refinery, based on data collected in a partnership with Petrobras. Recurrent Neural Networks are used to predict the heat exchanger s flow in future time. This variable is the main indicator of fouling, because its value decreases gradually as the deposits on the tubes reduce their diameter. The prediction could be used to tell when the flow will have decreased under an acceptable value, indicating when the exchanger shutdown for cleaning will be needed


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP, com o objetivo de determinar o efeito no crescimento inicial da soja e na formação do sistema radicular ao longo do tempo da presença de resíduos de sorgo-de-guiné e forrageiro. As unidades experimentais constituíram-se de tubos de PVC (rhizotron) com volume de terra de 16 dm-3. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado num fatorial 2 x 3, sendo duas variedades de sorgo e três manejos dos resíduos de sorgo, com quatro repetições. A palha de sorgo-de-guiné na superfície do solo levou à diminuição na saturação do solo por bases. As palhas de sorgo de ambas as variedades, na superfície do solo, prejudicaram o crescimento da soja, o que também foi observado no caso das raízes do sorgo forrageiro. Resíduos culturais do sorgo-de-guiné, principalmente a palha, são os responsáveis por menores crescimentos das partes aérea e radicular da soja e, conseqüentemente, pelo menor acúmulo de nutrientes.


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The marble and granite waste come from the process of mining of those ornamental rocks for use in the building industry. Brazil is one of the largest producers of blocks or finished products of ornamental rocks, extracting about 5.2 tons / year. The largest national producers are the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Bahia which account for 80% of the Brazilian production. However, the waste total amount during processing of these blocks reaches 40% of the total. The use of the waste produced by this industry in white ceramics could be a form of disposition, because these materials, are thrownasa mud directly at decantation ponds, wastelands or in rivers, without any treatment. The present work has as main purpose to study the influence that reject of the ornamental rocks on the physical and mechanical properties of white ceramics. X-Ray characterizations of raw materials by were performed X-Ray fluorescence, X-Ray diffraction, granulometric, thermogravimetric and thermodiferencial analysis, five formulations were made (0, 10, 20, 30, 40% in granite weight) wich were burned at three temperatures: 1100°C, 1150°C and 1200ºC with 60 minutes of sorling time. After sintering, the samples were submitted to different analyser absorption of water, linear retraction, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, flexival stronght, and scanning were obtained microscopy. Compatible technological properties within the limits demanded for the production of porcelainized stoneware


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This study aimed to investigate the use of cane sugar ashes from small-scale stills of Eunápolis region, state of Bahia, in pottery mass that can be developed as porcelain stoneware. Bahia is the second largest producer of rum distillery in Brazil. In the production of rum is produced residue called bagasse, which is used to generate electricity in Power plants and in the distillery itself, generating ashes as residue, which is played in nature, causing environmental damage. We studied 5 (five) formulations of 0% 10% 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of the ash, without ignition and 3 (three) formulations of 10%, 20% and 30% with gray ash temperature of 1250ºC. The formulation at 0% by weight of ash was used for a comparison between the traditional mass of porcelain stoneware and the masses with the addition of ash calcined, replacing feldspar. The percentage by weight of kaolin and of Clay was kept the same, 30%, and all raw materials were derived from the state of Bahia. The samples were made in uniaxial array with dimensions of (60 x 20 x 5) mm and compressed to a pressure of 45 MPa. Assays were performed to characterize the raw by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, ATD and ATG and Dilatometric analysis. The samples were sintered at temperatures of 1100°C, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, for the specimens with the ashes without ash and 1150° C and 1200° C for specimens with the gray level of calcined 60 minutes. and then we made a cooling ramp with the same rate of warming until reach ambient temperature. The sintered bodies were characterized by water absorption, porosity, linear shrinkage, bending strength and XRD of the fracture surface and the results analyzed. It was proven, after results of tests performed, that it is possible to use the ash residue of sugar cane bagasse on ceramic coating with the addition of up to 10% wt of the residue ash


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico