933 resultados para REGULATED ACTIN


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Persistent forms of plasticity, such as long-term depression (LTD), are dependent on the interplay between activity-dependent synaptic tags and the capture of plasticity-related proteins. We propose that the synaptic tag represents a structural alteration that turns synapses permissive to change. We found that modulation of actin dynamics has different roles in the induction and maintenance of LTD. Inhibition of either actin depolymerisation or polymerization blocks LTD induction whereas only the inhibition of actin depolymerisation blocks LTD maintenance. Interestingly, we found that actin depolymerisation and CaMKII activation are involved in LTD synaptic-tagging and capture. Moreover, inhibition of actin polymerisation mimics the setting of a synaptic tag, in an activity-dependent manner, allowing the expression of LTD in non-stimulated synapses. Suspending synaptic activation also restricts the time window of synaptic capture, which can be restored by inhibiting actin polymerization. Our results support our hypothesis that modulation of the actin cytoskeleton provides an input-specific signal for synaptic protein capture.


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Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a vernalization-responsive crop. High ambient temperatures delay harvest time. The elucidation of the genetic regulation of floral transition is highly interesting for a precise harvest scheduling and to ensure stable market supply. This study aims at genetic dissection of temperature-dependent curd induction in cauliflower by genome-wide association studies and gene expression analysis. To assess temperature dependent curd induction, two greenhouse trials under distinct temperature regimes were conducted on a diversity panel consisting of 111 cauliflower commercial parent lines, genotyped with 14,385 SNPs. Broad phenotypic variation and high heritability (0.93) were observed for temperature-related curd induction within the cauliflower population. GWA mapping identified a total of 18 QTL localized on chromosomes O1, O2, O3, O4, O6, O8, and O9 for curding time under two distinct temperature regimes. Among those, several QTL are localized within regions of promising candidate flowering genes. Inferring population structure and genetic relatedness among the diversity set assigned three main genetic clusters. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns estimated global LD extent of r(2) = 0.06 and a maximum physical distance of 400 kb for genetic linkage. Transcriptional profiling of flowering genes FLOWERING LOCUS C (BoFLC) and VERNALIZATION 2 (BoVRN2) was performed, showing increased expression levels of BoVRN2 in genotypes with faster curding. However, functional relevance of BoVRN2 and BoFLC2 could not consistently be supported, which probably suggests to act facultative and/or might evidence for BoVRN2/BoFLC-independent mechanisms in temperature regulated floral transition in cauliflower. Genetic insights in temperature-regulated curd induction can underpin genetically informed phenology models and benefit molecular breeding strategies toward the development of thermo-tolerant cultivars.


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ABP1 and TIR1/AFBs are known as auxin receptors. ABP1 is linked to auxin responses several of which are faster than 10 min. TIR1 regulates auxin-induced transcription of early auxin genes also within minutes. We use transcription of such TIR1-dependent genes as indicator of TIR1 activity to show the rapid regulation of TIR1 by exogenous auxin. To this end, we used quantification of transcription of a set of fifteen early auxin-induced reporter genes at t = 10 and t = 30 min to measure this as a TIR1-dependent auxin response. We conducted this study in 22 mutants of auxin transporters (pin5, abcb1, abcb19, and aux1/lax3), protein kinases and phosphatases (ibr5, npr1, cpk3, CPK3-OX, d6pk1, d6pkl1-1, d6pkl3-2, d6pkl1-1/d6pkl2-2, and d6pkl1-1/d6pkl3-2), of fatty acid metabolism (fad2-1, fad6-1, ssi2, lacs4, lacs9, and lacs4/lacs9) and receptors (tir1, tir1/afb2, and tir1/afb3) and compared them to the wild type. After 10 min auxin application, in 18 out of 22 mutants mis-regulated expression of at least one reporter was found, and in 15 mutants transcription of two-to-three out of five selected auxin reporter genes was mis-regulated. After 30 min of auxin application to mutant plants, mis-regulation of reporter genes ranged from one to 13 out of 15 tested reporter genes. Those genes chosen as mutants were themselves not regulated in their expression by auxin for at least 1 h, excluding an influence of TIR1/AFBs on their transcription. The expression of TIR1/AFB genes was also not modulated by auxin for up to 3 h. Together, this excludes a feedback or feedforward of these mutant genes/proteins on TIR1/AFBs output of transcription in this auxin-induced response. However, an auxin-induced response needed an as yet unknown auxin receptor. We suggest that the auxin receptor necessary for the fast auxin-induced transcription modulation could be, instead, ABP1. The alternative hypothesis would be that auxin-induced expression of a protein, initiated by TIR1/AFBs receptors, could initiate these responses and that this unknown protein regulated TIR1/AFB activities within 10 min.


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Most eukaryotic cell motility relies on plasma membrane protrusions, which depend on the actin cytoskeleton and its tight regulation. The SCAR/WAVE complex, a pentameric assembly comprising SCAR/WAVE, Nap1, CYFIP/Pir121, Abi and HSPC300, is a key driver of actin-based protrusions such as pseudopods. SCAR/WAVE is thought to activate the Arp2/3 complex, a crucial actin nucleator, after being itself activated by upstream signals such as active Rac1. Despite recent progress on the study of the SCAR/WAVE complex, its regulation is still incompletely understood, with Nap1’s role being particularly enigmatic. Upon screening for potential Nap1 binding partners in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum – a well established model organism in the study of the actin cytoskeleton and cell motility – we found FAM49, a ~36 kDa protein of unknown function which is highly conserved in Metazoa (animals) and evolutionarily closer species such as D. discoideum. Interestingly, D. discoideum’s FAM49 and its homologs contain a DUF1394 domain, which is also predicted in CYFIP/Pir121 proteins and most likely involved in their direct binding to active Rac1, which in turn contributes to SCAR/WAVE’s activation. FAM49’s unknown role, apparent high degree of conservation and potential connections to SCAR/WAVE and Rac1 persuaded us to start investigating its function and biological relevance in D. discoideum, leading to the work presented in this thesis. Several pieces of our data collectively support a function for FAM49 in modulating the protrusive behaviour, and ultimately motility, of D. discoideum cells, as well as a regulatory link between FAM49 and Rac1. FAM49’s involvement in protrusion regulation was first hinted at by our observation that GFP-tagged FAM49 is enriched in pseudopods. The possibility of a link with Rac1 was then strengthened by two additional observations: first, pseudopodial GFP-FAM49 is substantially co-enriched with active Rac, both showing fairly comparable spatio-temporal accumulation dynamics; second, when dominant-active (G12V) Rac1 is expressed in cells, it triggers the recruitment and persistent accumulation of GFP-FAM49 at the plasma membrane, where both become highly co-enriched. We subsequently determined that fam49 KO cells differ from wild-type cells in the way they protrude and move, as assessed in under-agarose chemotaxis assays. In particular, our data indicate that fam49 KO cells tend to display a lower degree of global protrusive activity, their protrusions extend more slowly and are less discrete, and the cells end up moving at lower speeds and with higher directional persistence. This phenotype was substantially rescued by FAM49 re-expression. While re-expressing FAM49 in fam49 KO cells we generated putative FAM49 overexpressor cells; compared to wild-type cells, they displayed atypically thin pseudopods and what seemed to be an excessively dynamic, and perhaps less coordinated, protrusive behaviour. Additional data in our study suggest that pseudopods made by fam49 KO cells are still driven by SCAR/WAVE, which is clearly not being replaced by WASP (as is now known to be the case in D. discoideum cells lacking a functional SCAR/WAVE complex). Nonetheless, the peculiar dynamics of those pseudopods imply that SCAR/WAVE’s activity is regulated differently when FAM49 is lost, though it remains to be determined how. This thesis is the first report of a dedicated study on FAM49 and lays the foundation for future research on it.


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The SimProgramming teaching approach has the goal to help students overcome their learning difficulties in the transition from entry-level to advanced computer programming and prepare them for real-world labour environments, adopting learning strategies. It immerses learners in a businesslike learning environment, where students develop a problem-based learning activity with a specific set of tasks, one of which is filling weekly individual forms. We conducted thematic analysis of 401 weekly forms, to identify the students’ strategies for self-regulation of learning during assignment. The students are adopting different strategies in each phase of the approach. The early phases are devoted to organization and planning, later phases focus on applying theoretical knowledge and hands-on programming. Based on the results, we recommend the development of educational practices to help students conduct self-reflection of their performance during tasks.


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Trabalho apresentado em PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)


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A presente tese explora a hipótese de utilização dos genes da oxidase alternativa (AOX) e da oxidase terminal da plastoquinona (PTOX) como genes-alvo para o desenvolvimento de marcadores funcionais (MF) para avaliar a performance do crescimento em cenoura, fator determinante da produtividade. Para avaliar se os referidos genes estão associados com o crescimento da cenoura procedeu—se ao seu isolamento e posterior análise dos seus perfis de transcrição em diversos sistemas biológicos. O sistema in vitro selecionado, denominado sistema de culturas primárias, permitiu avaliar alterações na quantidade de transcritos desses genes durante os processos de reprogramação celular e crescimento. Ao nível da planta foi também estudado o efeito do frio na expressão precoce dos genes AOX. Ambos os genes DcAOX1 e DcAOX2a revelaram uma resposta rápida e um padrão semelhante apos stresse (inoculação in vitro e resposta ao frio). Foi igualmente verificado um incremento na expressão do gene DcPTOX durante a fase inicial do processo de reprogramação celular. Estudos de expressão dos genes AOX durante o desenvolvimento da raiz da cenoura revelaram que o gene DcAOX2a será potencialmente o gene mais envolvido neste processo. De modo a avaliar a hipótese de envolvimento do gene DcPTOX no crescimento da raíz procederam—se a estudos de expressão ao nível do tecido meristemático. Todavia, para um mais completo entendimento da ligação entre DcPTOX e o crescimento secundário e/ou acumulação de carotenos, a expressão do gene DcPTOX foi também avaliada em raízes de cenoura durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando cultivares caracterizadas por distintos conteúdos de carotenos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a associação do gene DcPTOX a ambos os processos. O envolvimento da PTOX no crescimento adaptativo da raiz foi analisado com um ensaio que permitiu identificar, no tecido meristemático, uma resposta precoce do gene DcPTOX face a uma diminuição da temperatura. Adicionalmente, foi efetuada a seleção de genes de referência para uma analise precisa da expressão génica por RT-qPCR em diversos sistemas biológicos de cenoura, e a importância do seu estudo ao nível do sistema biológico foi realçada. Os resultados desta tese são encorajadores para prosseguir os estudos de utilização dos genes AOX e PTOX como MF no melhoramento da performance do crescimento adaptativo em cenoura, fator determinante para a produtividade; ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the hypothesis of using the alternative oxidase (AOX) and theplastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) as target genes for functional marker (FM) development for yield-determining growth performance in carrot. To understand if these genes are associated to growth, different AOX gene family members and the single PTOX gene were isolated, and their expression patterns evaluated in diverse carrot plant systems. An in-vitro primary culture system was selected to study AOX and PTOX transcript changes during cell reprogramming and growth performance. At plant level, a putative early response of AOX to chilling was also evaluated. In fact, both DcAOXl and DcAOXZa were early responsive and showed similar patterns under stress conditions (in vitro inoculation and chilling). A role for DcPTOX during earliest events of cell reprogramming was also suggested. Next, the expression profiles of AOX gene family members during carrot tap root development were investigated. DcAOXZa was identified as the most responsive gene to root development. In order to evaluate if DcPTOX is associated with carrot tap root growth performance, DcPTOX transcript levels were measured in the central root meristem. To further understand whether DcPTOX is associated with secondary growth and/or carotenoids accumulation, DcPTOX expression was also studied in deveIOping carrot tap roots in cultivars with different carotenoids contents. The results indicated that DcPTOX associates to both carotenoid biosynthesis and secondary growth during storage root development. To obtain further insights into the involvement of PTOX on adaptive growth, the early effects of temperature decrease were explored in the root meristem, where a short—term early response in DcPTOX was found, probably associated with adaptive growth. Furthermore, a selection of the most suitable reference genes for accurate RT—qPCR analysis in several carrot experimental systems was performed and discussed. The present research provides the necessary toolbox for continuing studies in carrot AOX and PTOX genes as promising resources for FM candidates in order to assist breeding on yield—determining adaptive growth performance.


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Cells adapt to their changing world by sensing environmental cues and responding appropriately. This is made possible by complex cascades of biochemical signals that originate at the cell membrane. In the last decade it has become apparent that the origin of these signals can also arise from physical cues in the environment. Our motivation is to investigate the role of physical factors in the cellular response of the B lymphocyte. B cells patrol the body for signs of invading pathogens in the form of antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells. Binding of antigen with surface proteins initiates biochemical signaling essential to the immune response. Once contact is made, the B cell spreads on the surface of the antigen presenting cell in order to gather as much antigen as possible. The physical mechanisms that govern this process are unexplored. In this research, we examine the role of the physical parameters of antigen mobility and cell surface topography on B cell spreading and activation. Both physical parameters are biologically relevant as immunogens for vaccine design, which can provide laterally mobile and immobile antigens and topographical surfaces. Another physical parameter that influences B cell response and the formation of the cell-cell junction is surface topography. This is biologically relevant as antigen presenting cells have highly convoluted membranes, resulting in variable topography. We found that B cell activation required the formation of antigen-receptor clusters and their translocation within the attachment plane. We showed that cells which failed to achieve these mobile clusters due to prohibited ligand mobility were much less activation competent. To investigate the effect of topography, we use nano- and micro-patterned substrates, on which B cells were allowed to spread and become activated. We found that B cell spreading, actin dynamics, B cell receptor distribution and calcium signaling are dependent on the topographical patterning of the substrate. A quantitative understanding of cellular response to physical parameters is essential to uncover the fundamental mechanisms that drive B cell activation. The results of this research are highly applicable to the field of vaccine development and therapies for autoimmune diseases. Our studies of the physical aspects of lymphocyte activation will reveal the role these factors play in immunity, thus enabling their optimization for biological function and potentially enabling the production of more effective vaccines.


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This thesis aims to understand how cells coordinate their motion during collective migration. As previously shown, the motion of individually migrating cells is governed by wave-like cell shape dynamics. The mechanisms that regulate these dynamic behaviors in response to extracellular environment remain largely unclear. I applied shape dynamics analysis to Dictyostelium cells migrating in pairs and in multicellular streams and found that wave-like membrane protrusions are highly coupled between touching cells. I further characterized cell motion by using principle component analysis (PCA) to decompose complex cell shape changes into a serial shape change modes, from which I found that streaming cells exhibit localized anterior protrusion, termed front narrowing, to facilitate cell-cell coupling. I next explored cytoskeleton-based mechanisms of cell-cell coupling by measuring the dynamics of actin polymerization. Actin polymerization waves observed in individual cells were significantly suppressed in multicellular streams. Streaming cells exclusively produced F-actin at cell-cell contact regions, especially at cell fronts. I demonstrated that such restricted actin polymerization is associated with cell-cell coupling, as reducing actin polymerization with Latrunculin A leads to the assembly of F-actin at the side of streams, the decrease of front narrowing, and the decoupling of protrusion waves. My studies also suggest that collective migration is guided by cell-surface interactions. I examined the aggregation of Dictyostelim cells under distinct conditions and found that both chemical compositions of surfaces and surface-adhesion defects in cells result in altered collective migration patterns. I also investigated the shape dynamics of cells suspended on PEG-coated surfaces, which showed that coupling of protrusion waves disappears on touching suspended cells. These observations indicate that collective migration requires a balance between cell-cell and cell-surface adhesions. I hypothesized such a balance is reached via the regulation of cytoskeleton. Indeed, I found cells actively regulate cytoskeleton to retain optimal cell-surface adhesions on varying surfaces, and cells lacking the link between actin and surfaces (talin A) could not retain the optimal adhesions. On the other hand, suspended cells exhibited enhanced actin filament assembly on the periphery of cell groups instead of in cell-cell contact regions, which facilitates their aggregation in a clumping fashion.


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The response of "Kerman" pistachio trees budded on three different rootstocks (Pistacia terebinthus, Pista-cia atlantica and Pistacia integerrima) to regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) in shallow soils was studied for3 years. The trees were either fully irrigated (C treatment) or subjected to deficit irrigation during Stage IIof fruit growth with two water stress thresholds (T1 and T2). The irrigation scheduling for fully-irrigatedtrees and water-stressed trees was managed by means of midday stem water potential (?stem) measure-ments. The use of direct measurements of the water status allowed estimating accurately the irrigationrequirements for pistachio trees, with water reductions ranging from 46 to 205 mm in fully-irrigatedtrees. The combination of the ?stemuse and the RDI regime saved 43?70% in T1 and 48?73% in T2 ofwater compared to the calculated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) for fully irrigated treatment (C).Deficit irrigation during Stage II significantly reduced the vegetative growth of the trees. Yield and fruitquality were not affected by any irrigation regime, except during the first year of the study. Thus, theresults indicate that full irrigation scheduling and RDI can be achieved successfully using ?stemtool onpistachio trees growing in shallow soils. A ?stemthreshold of ?1.5 MPa during stage II (T1) was suggestedfor RDI scheduling, as it did not reduce the yield or the production value. However a ?stemthresholdof ?2.0 MPa (T2) resulted in a significant reduction and an extensive delay in the recovery of stomatalconductance (gl),with negative effects on long-term pistachio production.P. integerrima showed a weaker capacity of adaptation to the study conditions compared to P. atlanticaand P. terebinthus, having a tendency to get more stressed and to produce a lower quality crop.


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Les septines sont des GTPases conservées dérégulées dans le cancer et les maladies neurodégénératives. Elles servent de protéines d’échafaudage et forment une barrière de diffusion à la membrane plasmique et au corps central lors de la cytokinèse. Elles interagissent avec l’actine et s’organisent en complexes qui polymérisent et forment des structures hautement organisées (anneaux et filaments). Leur dynamique d’assemblage et leur rôle dans la cellule restent à être élucidés. La Drosophile est un modèle simple pour l’étude des septines puisqu’on n’y retrouve que 5 gènes (sep1, sep2, sep4, sep5, peanut) comparativement aux 13 gènes chez l’humain. À l’aide d’un anticorps contre Pnut, nous avons identifié des structures tubulaires dans 30% des cellules S2 de Drosophile. Mon projet a comme but de caractériser ces tubes en élucidant leurs constituants, leur comportement et leurs propriétés pour mieux clarifier le mécanisme par lequel les septines forment des structures hautement organisées et interagissent avec le cytosquelette d’actine. Par immunofluorescence, j’ai pu démontrer que ces tubes sont cytoplasmiques, en mitose ou interphase, ce qui suggère qu’ils ne sont pas régulés par le cycle cellulaire. Pour investiguer la composition et les propriétés dynamiques de ces tubes, j’ai généré une lignée cellulaire exprimant Sep2-GFP qui se localise aux tubes et des ARNi contre les cinq septines. Trois septines sont importantes pour la formation de ces tubes et anneaux notamment Sep1, Sep2 et Pnut. La déplétion de Sep1 cause la dispersion du signal GFP en flocons, tandis que la déplétion de Sep2 ou de Pnut mène à la dispersion du signal GFP uniformément dans la cellule. Des expériences de FRAP sur la lignée Sep2-GFP révèlent un signal de retour très lent, ce qui indique que ces structures sont très stables. J’ai aussi démontré une relation entre l’actine et les septines. Le traitement avec la Latrunculin A (un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de l’actine) ou la Jasplakinolide (un stabilisateur des filaments d’actine) mène à la dépolymérisation rapide (< 30 min) des tubes en anneaux flottants dans le cytoplasme, même si ces tubes ne sont pas reconnus suite à un marquage de la F-actine. L’Actin05C-mCherry se localise aux tubes, tandis que le mutant déficient de la polymérisation, Actin05C-R62D-mCherry perd cette localisation. On observe aussi que la déplétion de la Cofiline et de l’AIP1 (ce qui déstabilise l’actine) mène au même phénotype que le traitement avec la Latrunculine A ou la Jasplakinolide. Alors on peut conclure qu’un cytosquelette d’actine dynamique est nécessaire pour la formation et le maintien des tubes de septines. Les futures études auront comme but de mieux comprendre l’organisation des septines en structures hautement organisées et leur relation avec l’actine. Ceci sera utile pour l’élaboration du réseau d’interactions des septines qui pourra servir à expliquer leur dérégulation dans le cancer et les maladies neurodégénératives.


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Les septines sont des GTPases conservées dérégulées dans le cancer et les maladies neurodégénératives. Elles servent de protéines d’échafaudage et forment une barrière de diffusion à la membrane plasmique et au corps central lors de la cytokinèse. Elles interagissent avec l’actine et s’organisent en complexes qui polymérisent et forment des structures hautement organisées (anneaux et filaments). Leur dynamique d’assemblage et leur rôle dans la cellule restent à être élucidés. La Drosophile est un modèle simple pour l’étude des septines puisqu’on n’y retrouve que 5 gènes (sep1, sep2, sep4, sep5, peanut) comparativement aux 13 gènes chez l’humain. À l’aide d’un anticorps contre Pnut, nous avons identifié des structures tubulaires dans 30% des cellules S2 de Drosophile. Mon projet a comme but de caractériser ces tubes en élucidant leurs constituants, leur comportement et leurs propriétés pour mieux clarifier le mécanisme par lequel les septines forment des structures hautement organisées et interagissent avec le cytosquelette d’actine. Par immunofluorescence, j’ai pu démontrer que ces tubes sont cytoplasmiques, en mitose ou interphase, ce qui suggère qu’ils ne sont pas régulés par le cycle cellulaire. Pour investiguer la composition et les propriétés dynamiques de ces tubes, j’ai généré une lignée cellulaire exprimant Sep2-GFP qui se localise aux tubes et des ARNi contre les cinq septines. Trois septines sont importantes pour la formation de ces tubes et anneaux notamment Sep1, Sep2 et Pnut. La déplétion de Sep1 cause la dispersion du signal GFP en flocons, tandis que la déplétion de Sep2 ou de Pnut mène à la dispersion du signal GFP uniformément dans la cellule. Des expériences de FRAP sur la lignée Sep2-GFP révèlent un signal de retour très lent, ce qui indique que ces structures sont très stables. J’ai aussi démontré une relation entre l’actine et les septines. Le traitement avec la Latrunculin A (un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de l’actine) ou la Jasplakinolide (un stabilisateur des filaments d’actine) mène à la dépolymérisation rapide (< 30 min) des tubes en anneaux flottants dans le cytoplasme, même si ces tubes ne sont pas reconnus suite à un marquage de la F-actine. L’Actin05C-mCherry se localise aux tubes, tandis que le mutant déficient de la polymérisation, Actin05C-R62D-mCherry perd cette localisation. On observe aussi que la déplétion de la Cofiline et de l’AIP1 (ce qui déstabilise l’actine) mène au même phénotype que le traitement avec la Latrunculine A ou la Jasplakinolide. Alors on peut conclure qu’un cytosquelette d’actine dynamique est nécessaire pour la formation et le maintien des tubes de septines. Les futures études auront comme but de mieux comprendre l’organisation des septines en structures hautement organisées et leur relation avec l’actine. Ceci sera utile pour l’élaboration du réseau d’interactions des septines qui pourra servir à expliquer leur dérégulation dans le cancer et les maladies neurodégénératives.


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Dear Editor, Phytohormones are essential regulators of plant development, but their role in the signaling processes between plants and fungi during arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) establishment is far from being understood (Ludwig-Müller, 2010). AM colonization leads to extensive effects on host metabolism, as revealed by transcriptome studies of AM plants (Hogekamp et al., 2011). Some genes have been specified as an AM core set, since they are mycorrhizal-responsive, irrespective of the identity of the plant, of the fungus, and of the investigated organ. These data support the idea that, on colonization, plants activate a wide reprogramming of their major regulatory networks and argue that mobile factors of fungal or plant origin are involved in such generalized metabolic changes. In this context, hormones may be good candidates (Bonfante and Genre, 2010). However, the emerging picture of the interaction between phytohormones and AMs is very patchy, and information on gibberellin (GA) involvement is still more limited (García-Garrido et al., 2010). The role of GA during nodulation is instead known to control the nodulation signaling pathway (Ferguson et al., 2011).


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Actinin and spectrin proteins are members of the Spectrin Family of Actin Crosslinking Proteins. The importance of these proteins in the cytoskeleton is demonstrated by the fact that they are common targets for disease causing mutations. In their most prominent roles, actinin and spectrin are responsible for stabilising and maintaining the muscle architecture during contraction, and providing shape and elasticity to the red blood cell in circulation, respectively. To carry out such roles, actinin and spectrin must possess important mechanical and physical properties. These attributes are desirable when choosing a building block for protein-based nanoconstruction. In this study, I assess the contribution of several disease-associated mutations in the actinin-1 actin binding domain that have recently been linked to a rare platelet disorder, congenital macrothrombocytopenia. I investigate the suitability of both actinin and spectrin proteins as potential building blocks for nanoscale structures, and I evaluate a fusion-based assembly strategy to bring about self-assembly of protein nanostructures. I report that the actinin-1 mutant proteins display increased actin binding compared to WT actinin-1 proteins. I find that both actinin and spectrin proteins exhibit enormous potential as nano-building blocks in terms of their stability and ability to self-assemble, and I successfully design and create homodimeric and heterodimeric bivalent building blocks using the fusion-based assembly strategy. Overall, this study has gathered helpful information that will contribute to furthering the advancement of actinin and spectrin knowledge in terms of their natural functions, and potential unnatural functions in protein nanotechnology.