864 resultados para Qualidade de vida e Conhecimento
The increase of elderly population in Brazil and all around the world shows the need of reviewing the health cares in order to get a better quality of life. Objective: To evaluate lifestyle and health care of elderly participants of UNATI, Franca, SP. Methods: Sixty elderlies answered a questions about socio-economic issues, health care, food consumption habits and lifestyle, after, they were submitted to anthropometric and laboratory tests. Results: There was a prevalence of women (85%), aged between 60-69 years old (60%), up to high school (60%), retired (65%), income up to 5 minimum wage (73.4%). Most seniors assessed medical care (65%) were in use of long-term medicines (78.3%), they reported to control blood pressure (80%) and to not smoke (100%). About 71.7% people believed to have a healthy diet, 97% took meals at home, 85% chose and prepared their own food, 65% had 5-6 meals/day, 63% drank 1L of water/day, 90% had bowel function and 43.3% practices a regular physical activity. Only 13.3% have done hormone replacement therapy, 18.3% take dietary supplements and 21.7% drink alcoholic drinks. The participants presented a BMI of 27.49 4.5kg/m, prevalence of overweight and eutrophy, which values decreased with age. Leg circumference (LC) (36.27 3.84 cm), Arm circumference (AC) (31.39 4.08 cm) and triceps skinfolds (TS) (20.587.54mm) values were suit in most cases (96.7, 85 and 83.3%, respectively). Serum total cholesterol values were 198.53 35.2mg/dL, 55% were considered optimum. About 63.3% and 68.3% of the elderlies, respectively, presented a high density lipoproteins (HDL) (53.58 10.9mg/dL) and triglycerides (TG) (143.97 92.37mg/dL) according to the recommendation and 51.7% of the elderlies had normal glycemia, 38.3% had risk and 10% showed high blood glucose, indicating diabetes. Conclusion: Many elderlies had body mass index (BMI) above normal, indicating overweight or obesity, but the participants can be considered healthy because of AC, LC and TS values, diet habits, health care and lifestyle.
Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE
We present the importance of information management and competitive intelligence as generating factors of competitive advantage in organizations. Through a study from the company Mizumo (SP) was possible demonstrate how obtaining and using of strategic information tools supported by in competitive intelligence can bring benefits and subsidies to organizations in identifying opportunities and threats, or even contribute to building and implementation of innovative projects aimed at ensuring quality of life for society.
As technology is more and more present within the organizations, the management of knowledge has become essential to an effective management. This article deals with the inseparable relation that exists in between knowledge management, practice communities and the social networks. The analysis over this relation allows us to observe how the Information and Communication Technologies facilitated the access, the information sharing and distribution within the organizations. By this, we highlighted the applicability in the social networks of three applications of Facebook, which can be used as tools in practice communities. This way, these tools are also developed for different technological platforms, which will allow a major interaction between the organizations and their workers, partners and even their clients. Therefore the responsible usage of these technologies and of the data generated by these tools can provide a better quality on the organizational knowledge management.
Among the various school functions in capitalist society there in the literature and common sense that the school would have a central role in correcting social inequalities produced by the capitalist mode of production. We see, in today's society, children and young people who moved by the desire to get out of where they are, usually on the outskirts, in a vulnerable situation, seek growth through the study; They see it as a way out to another reality with more opportunit ies and chances for improvement, both as regards their quality of life, and even want to change, change and influence their own reality or part of it, with the knowledge learned in school. On the other hand, there are theorists who maintain that the school reproduces the basic features of the social structure and the current system of power in society. Our goal is to discuss the transformative potential of education as opposed to its role of reproduction of social inequalities, through the essential role of the teacher, who has a high profile role when it comes to change. The teacher is one of the first professionals that we remember when we turn to the school and refer to the systematic teaching. But sometimes forms of education present in the school, afflicting much of children and young people and are characterized in order to favor certain classes and eventually stop the growth and development of those who do not meet the required standards. In this paper we intend to compare two lines of thought, alluding to pedagogical activities in class, the Paulo Freire, which brings the teacher's figure with a responsible actor for lead students to reflection of their practice; and Pierre Bourdieu, which considers the pedagogical practice as an act of imposition of values of the ruling class. The work will address the issue from literature
Ps-graduao em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
O Brasil tem passado por uma revoluo demogrfica importante e, com o crescente nmero de adultos e idosos, h tambm o aumento do aparecimento de doenas crnicas no transmissveis relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Um exemplo a osteoartrite, uma doena degenerativa, que acomete diferentes articulaes do corpo e atinge com mais frequncia a populao acima de 50 anos de idade. O tratamento farmacolgico da doena visa aliviar os sintomas de dor e inflamao com a administrao de anti-inflamatrios e analgsicos que apresentam muitos efeitos adversos. Como alternativa para auxiliar o tratamento da osteoartrite, podem ser utilizados compostos bioativos dos alimentos, tambm chamados nutracuticos. reconhecido cientificamente que alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos possuem, alm de sua capacidade nutricional, um papel importante para a preveno e tratamento de alguns estados clnicos. Este estudo busca analisar, por meio de uma reviso bibliogrfica, os benefcios de quatro nutracuticos, quando utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite. Dentre os nutracuticos pesquisados, esto o cido ascrbico, os insaponificveis de abacate e soja, a vitamina D e o mega 3, que auxiliam no tratamento do quadro inflamatrio e na reparao da cartilagem danificada. Uma nova perspectiva no auxlio do tratamento da osteoartrite impe ao farmacutico adquirir um conhecimento interdisciplinar que possa contribuir para a orientao e informao de pacientes no exerccio da ateno farmacutica, a fim de sanar possveis dvidas dos pacientes sobre tais compostos e melhorar o aproveitamento do tratamento na melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.
With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950C for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900 C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400 C, 450 C, 500 C and 550 C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from to ', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500 Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O Brasil tem passado por uma revoluo demogrfica importante e, com o crescente nmero de adultos e idosos, h tambm o aumento do aparecimento de doenas crnicas no transmissveis relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Um exemplo a osteoartrite, uma doena degenerativa, que acomete diferentes articulaes do corpo e atinge com mais frequncia a populao acima de 50 anos de idade. O tratamento farmacolgico da doena visa aliviar os sintomas de dor e inflamao com a administrao de anti-inflamatrios e analgsicos que apresentam muitos efeitos adversos. Como alternativa para auxiliar o tratamento da osteoartrite, podem ser utilizados compostos bioativos dos alimentos, tambm chamados nutracuticos. reconhecido cientificamente que alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos possuem, alm de sua capacidade nutricional, um papel importante para a preveno e tratamento de alguns estados clnicos. Este estudo busca analisar, por meio de uma reviso bibliogrfica, os benefcios de quatro nutracuticos, quando utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite. Dentre os nutracuticos pesquisados, esto o cido ascrbico, os insaponificveis de abacate e soja, a vitamina D e o mega 3, que auxiliam no tratamento do quadro inflamatrio e na reparao da cartilagem danificada. Uma nova perspectiva no auxlio do tratamento da osteoartrite impe ao farmacutico adquirir um conhecimento interdisciplinar que possa contribuir para a orientao e informao de pacientes no exerccio da ateno farmacutica, a fim de sanar possveis dvidas dos pacientes sobre tais compostos e melhorar o aproveitamento do tratamento na melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.
With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950C for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900 C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400 C, 450 C, 500 C and 550 C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from to ', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500 Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Objetivou-se entender a realidade do viver com esquizofrenia a partir do relato de quem a vivencia. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez portadores de esquizofrenia internados em hospital geral, diagnosticados com o transtorno h, no mnimo, cinco anos. Para a anlise do contedo das entrevistas foi utilizada a anlise temtica. Foi identificada a categoria "Convivendo com a esquizofrenia" e seis temas que abordam o conhecimento da doena, os sintomas, a difcil convivncia, o estigma, a famlia e a religio. Esta pesquisa pode permitir a ampliao do olhar para os portadores de esquizofrenia, uma vez que o conhecimento sobre a doena e suas implicaes ocorreram a partir da perspectiva de quem vivencia cotidianamente este sofrimento.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito da acupuntura na qualidade de sono de trabalhadores obesos em um hospital universitrio. Os dados foram coletados no perodo de julho a outubro de 2009, junto a 37 funcionrios, submetidos a oito aplicaes semanais de acupuntura. O ndice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh foi utilizado para identificar a qualidade de sono dos sujeitos antes e aps a interveno. Os resultados mostram que antes da interveno cinco (13,5%) pessoas apresentaram boa qualidade de sono e, ao final da interveno, 14 (37,8%) relataram este quadro. A diferena obtida na comparao das mdias dos escores obtidos antes e aps a acupuntura foi significativa (p=0,0001). Concluiu-se que a acupuntura produziu um efeito positivo sobre a qualidade do sono na amostra estudada, apresentando-se como uma tcnica adjuvante no tratamento dos distrbios do sono e consequentemente na melhoria da qualidade de vida desta populao.
Ningum envelhece da mesma maneira e as alteraes causadas pelo envelhecimento desenvolvem-se num ritmo diferente para cada pessoa. O objetivo deste trabalho apresentar a utilizao da Caixa Ldica para idosos, seu emprego e as possibilidades de influncia na qualidade do vnculo. A caixa ldica para idosos facilitou o vnculo emocional no atendimento clnico, permitiu a melhor socializao de pessoas idosas institucionalizadas, fez emergir questes relacionadas a angstias bsicas, desejos inconscientes e principais mecanismos de defesa. Essa tcnica permite a manifestao das mltiplas expresses do mundo interno, importante na compreenso e manejo e na melhoria das condies de sade e bem estar do idoso, tal como um instrumento preventivo e de fcil aplicao para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos.
Este estudo objetivou compreender as experincias e expectativas de mulheres submetidas histerectomia. O referencial filosfico do estudo foi a Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schtz. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com dez mulheres que realizaram histerectomia eletiva. A anlise dos depoimentos mostrou que a mulher, diante da necessidade da histerectomia, evoca mitos e constructos sociais referentes retirada do tero e transcende-os, decidindo pela cirurgia em decorrncia dos sinais e sintomas vivenciados em seu cotidiano. Ao ser submetida histerectomia, experiencia um processo positivo de mudanas, com melhora na vida sexual e nas relaes sociais. Tem como projeto a busca por qualidade de vida, considerando as necessidades biopsicossociais vivenciadas nesse perodo do ciclo vital. O conhecimento das vivncias da mulher aps histerectomizada oferece subsdios aos profissionais de sade que cuidam dessa clientela, sinalizando aes conforme suas experincias e expectativas de cuidado.
A proposta deste artigo questionar a qualidade ambiental das reas verdes inseridas no contexto urbano de uma grande cidade. Primeiro, apresenta-se o papel dos parques e praas pblicas na cidade contempornea, ou seja, como esses espaos so benficos para a populao, e de que forma podem melhorar a qualidade de vida. necessrio compreender a importncia desses locais para os habitantes, e com esse intuito, busca-se analisar os aspectos que agregam qualidade a um espao verde. Depois apresenta-se um breve histrico do Jardim da Luz, que se tratada rea verde mais antiga da cidade de So Paulo. Atravs da descrio de sua histria, pode-se perceber a mudana da compreenso do papel das reas verdes para a cidade, e as mudanas no meio de utilizao da mesma. Dentre todos os aspectos ambientais que podem caracterizar uma rea verde, este artigo ir se aprofundar no impacto dos rudos urbanos sobre a mesma. Segundo a Organizao Mundial de Sade (OMC), a poluio sonora hoje, depois da poluio do ar e da gua, o problema ambiental que afeta o maior nmero de pessoas (LACERDA, 2005). Em razo da abrangncia do problema, necessrio pesquisar formas de avaliar corretamente as paisagens sonoras urbanas, e seu impacto na qualidade de vida da populao. Por essa razo, demonstra-se como avaliar acusticamente os espaos pblicos, atravs da comparao dos resultados obtidos em medies in loco com sonmetros com os critrios para avaliao de reas verdes propostos pela metodologia de avaliao de Antnio Pedro Carvalho, professor na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, em Portugal.