981 resultados para QSAR-2D


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Echium hypertropicum Webb e Echium stenosiphon Webb subsp. stenosiphon são arbustos endêmicos de Cabo Verde, usados na medicina popular para o tratamento de distúrbios gastrintestinais e tosse. As duas espécies tiveram suas frações alcalóidicas obtidas por extração ácido-base. A análise por CG-EM e ESI-EM/EM indicou a presença de alcaloides pirrolizidínicos (APs) e as substâncias purificadas foram analizadas por experimentos de RMN de 1D e 2D. Um total de 10 alcaloides foram isoladas e identificadas, sendo que 8 identificadas através da comparação de suas massas moleculares e padrões de fragmentação de massas, com a base de dados NIST e os dados da litratura para o género. Os diésteres hepatotóxicos equimidana e 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram identificadas em ambas as espécies. Os alcaloides 7-senecioilretronecina, 9-angeloilretronecina, licopsamina, 7-acetil-licopsamina e equihumilina foram identificados nas folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto que o N-óxido da 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi identificado nas folhas de E. stenosipnhon. A equimidina foi o componente majoritário na fração em éter dietílico das folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto a 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi o componente majoritário na fração em diclorometano das folhas de E. stenosiphon. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina N-óxido foi identificado pela primeira vez no gênero Echium. Em adição, 22 componentes de óleo essencial foram identificadas nas flores de Echium hypertropicum, sendo trans-fitol (30,64 %), n-pentacosano (8,28 %) e n-tricosano (6,73) como componentes majoritários. O triterpeno friedelina foi também isolado das folhas de E. hypertropicum. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, os extratos etanólicos das duas espécies vegetais e o alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram capazes de inibir o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 com CMI de 250,0 μg/mL e 25,0 μg/mL, respectivamente. A atividade anticolinesterásica foi avaliada e a equimidina foi capaz de inibir a enzima acetilcolinesterase nas concentrações testadas com o valor de P = 0,0011. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina retardou o crescimento do fitófago Dysdercus peruvianus na concentração de 1mg/mL. Os extratos etanólicos de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon (3,9 μg/mL) foram avaliados frente ao vírus HSV. O extrato etanólico de E. hypertropicum apresentou uma porcentagem de inibição (PI) de 27,5% contra HSV-1S e 43,8% contra HSV-2S. Apresentaram ainda elevada citotoxidade para as celulas Vero, utilizadas como sistema hospedeiro (CC50 de 140,10 μg/mL e 96,86 μg/mL). A composição química e as atividades biológicas de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon foram relatadas pela primeira vez. As substâncias identificadas podem ser utilizadas no futuro como marcadores quimiotaxonômicos para o gênero Echium.


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Aim of the present article was to perform three-dimensional (3D) single photon emission tomography-based dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan. A custom MATLAB-based code was used to elaborate 3D images and to compare average 3D doses to lesions and to organs at risk (OARs) with those obtained with planar (2D) dosimetry. Our 3D dosimetry procedure was validated through preliminary phantom studies using a body phantom consisting of a lung insert and six spheres with various sizes. In phantom study, the accuracy of dose determination of our imaging protocol decreased when the object volume decreased below 5 mL, approximately. The poorest results were obtained for the 2.58 mL and 1.30 mL spheres where the dose error evaluated on corrected images with regard to the theoretical dose value was -12.97% and -18.69%, respectively. Our 3D dosimetry protocol was subsequently applied on four patients before RIT with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan for a total of 5 lesions and 4 OARs (2 livers, 2 spleens). In patient study, without the implementation of volume recovery technique, tumor absorbed doses calculated with the voxel-based approach were systematically lower than those calculated with the planar protocol, with average underestimation of -39% (range from -13.1% to -62.7%). After volume recovery, dose differences reduce significantly, with average deviation of -14.2% (range from -38.7.4% to +3.4%, 1 overestimation, 4 underestimations). Organ dosimetry in one case overestimated, in the other underestimated the dose delivered to liver and spleen. However, both for 2D and 3D approach, absorbed doses to organs per unit administered activity are comparable with most recent literature findings.


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PURPOSE: Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula is the principal cause of farmer's lung disease (FLD). Serodiagnosis is based on immunoprecipitation techniques or enzyme immunoassays with homemade crude antigens and is not standardized. We aimed to produce specific recombinant antigens for the development of a standardized ELISA. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We recruited 41 patients and 43 healthy exposed controls from five university hospital pneumology departments in France and Switzerland. S. rectivirgula proteins were extracted, separated by 2D electrophoresis, and subjected to Western blotting, with sera from FLD patients or controls. FLD-specific proteins were identified by MS and were produced as recombinant antigens. The diagnostic performance of ELISA tests using the recombinant antigens was assessed with all the sera from FLD patients and controls. RESULTS: We identified 25 FLD-specific proteins, some of which play important roles in transport, nutrition, or virulence. We produced 17 of these proteins as recombinant antigens and assessed their suitability for inclusion in the ELISA test. A combination of three of these proteins (SR1FA, SR17, and SR22) proved remarkably effective at discriminating between patients and controls, with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 77%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The recombinant antigens produced in this study constitute a major step toward the improvement of diagnostic performance and the standardization of FLD serodiagnosis.


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AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate the heritability as well as genetic and environmental correlations of left ventricular (LV) structural and functional traits in complex pedigrees of a Caucasian population. METHODS AND RESULTS: We randomly recruited 459 white European subjects from 52 families (50% women; mean age 45 years). LV structure was measured by M-mode and 2D echocardiography and LV function was measured by conventional Doppler and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). Other measurements included blood pressure, anthropometric, and biochemical measurements. We estimated the heritability of LV traits while adjusting for covariables, including sex, age, body height and weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and heart rate. With full adjustment, heritability of LV mass was 0.23 (P= 0.025). The TDI-derived mitral annular velocities Ea and Aa showed moderate heritability (h(2)= 0.36 and 0.53, respectively), whereas the mitral inflow A peak had weak heritability (h(2) = 0.25) and the E peak was not heritable (h(2) = 0.11). We partitioned the total phenotypic correlation when it reached significance, into a genetic and an environmental component. The genetic correlations were 0.61 between the E and Ea peaks and 0.90 between the A and Aa peaks. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated moderate heritability for LV mass as well as the mitral annular Ea and Aa peaks. We also found significant genetic correlations between the E and Ea peaks and between the A and Aa peaks. Our current findings support the ongoing research to map and detect genetic variants that contribute to the variation in LV mass and other LV structural and functional phenotypes.


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This work aims the applicability of the Transient electromagnetic method at an arid and semiarid environmental condition in the Santiago Island – Cape Verde. Some seashore areas of this island show an increasing salt contamination of the groundwater. The main objective of present work is to relate this water-quality condition with parameters taken from the transient sounding’s data. In this context, transient soundings have been acquired from 2005 through 2009, at several chosen valleys near the sea, in a mean rate of one field campaign each year. The first phase of this work was the understanding of the geophysical method details, problems and applicability, as the chosen and acquired equipment was the first one to be permanently available to the Portuguese geosciences community. This first phase was also accomplished with field tests. Interpretation of the transient sounding’s data curves were done by application of 1-D inversion methods already developed and published, as also with quasi 2-D and quasi 3-D inversion algorithms, where applicability was feasible. This was the second phase. The 2-D and 3-D approximation results are satisfactory and promising; although a higher spatial sounding’s density should certainly allow for better results. At phase three, these results have been compared against the available lithologic, hydrologic and hydrochemical data, in the context of Santiago’s island settings. The analyses of these merged data showed that two distinct origins for the observed inland groundwater salinity are possible; seashore shallow mixing with contemporary seawater and mixing with a deep and older salty layer from up flow groundwater. Relations between the electric resistivity and the salt water content distribution were found for the surveyed areas. To this environment condition, the electromagnetic transient method proved to be a reliable and powerful technique. The groundwater quality can be accessed beyond the few available watershed points, which have an uneven distribution.


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Introduction. - « Ostéo-Mobile Vaud » est un projet pilote visant àinformer et promouvoir les mesures générales de prévention del'ostéoporose chez les femmes vaudoises de 60 ans et plus. Son butest également d'évaluer le risque de fracture dans cette populationen associant les facteurs de risque cliniques, la mesure de la DMOpar DXA de la colonne lombaire et du fémur proximal (Hologic Discovery),la recherche des fractures vertébrales préexistantes parVFA et une appréciation de la « qualité osseuse » par TBS. Une phaseprospective de 5 ans est prévue. Le Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) estun procédé qui consiste à appliquer un traitement informatique àl'image 2D de projection de la DXA basé sur la quantification desvariations locales de niveaux de gris. Un modèle mathématiquerelie le paramètre TBS avec des paramètres de microarchitecture 3Dtels la connectivité 3D, le nombre de travées et l'espace inter-trabéculaire.Ce modèle fait de TBS une mesure indirecte de microarchitectureosseuse.Résultats. - Fin juillet 2011, 510 femmes de ± 67 ans, IMC ± 26 kg/m2,ont été évaluées. Une ou plusieurs fractures de fragilité ont été rapportéeschez 72 femmes, parmi lesquelles 39 avec fractures vertébrales.TBS diminue avec l'âge (-0.005 par année, p < 0,001) etdiminue en fonction de l'IMC (- 0,011 par kg/m2, p < 0,001). La corrélationentre TBS et la DMO de la colonne lombaire est faible(r = 0,4, p < 0,001) et un grand pourcentage de la variabilité du TBSest indépendant de la DMO (> 84%). TBS discrimine les femmes avecfractures vertébrales des femmes sans fracture vertébrale et lesfemmes avec OP clinique (fractures de fragilité) de celles sans OPclinique. Ce pouvoir discriminatif est indépendant de la DMO de lacolonne lombaire ou du T-score le plus bas, après ajustement pourl'âge et l'IMC.Odd ratio (OR, 95 % IC) pour une diminution d'une déviation standarddu TBS, ajusté pour l'âge, l'IMC et la mesure de DMO :Conclusion. - TBS représente une plus-value par rapport à la DMOdans l'appréciation du risque de fracture chez les femmes vaudoisesde 60 ans et plus.


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A utilização da Web para a divulgação de produtos e negócios através da Internet já não é novidade, novidade é a Web3D2, uma nova tecnologia concebido para lhe proporcionar inúmeros momentos de interactividade e dinamismo. Pretende-se assim fazer uma pequena abordagem dos objectos 3D na WWW, passando uma visão sobre a Web, identificando algumas as funcionalidades e serviços, a visualização de objecto 3D na Web, os navegadores comuns e os visualizadores que permitem visualizar conteúdos tanto 2D como 3D. Pretende-se desta forma partilhar e dar a conhecer os trabalhos e os avanços conseguidos na criação da das tecnologias Web3D, iniciando com uma contextualização da Web3D, fazendo uma passagem pelos mundos virtuais na Internet criados em Virtual Reality Modeling Language, realçando as dificuldades dessa linguagem na altura e os novos incentivos que deram origem a outras especificação como a X3D. Ainda são identificadas algumas plataformas e ferramentas de tecnologia Web3D, exemplos de algumas áreas onde se aplicam e a perspectiva para o futuro da Web3D centrada na visão do Web3D consortium.


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Este trabalho de uma forma geral pretende apresentar os progressos realizados na área da Web3D, e que este sirva de guia para os potenciais interessados em descobrir as maravilhas que a tecnologia Web3D proporciona. Começa-se por fazer uma alusão sobre os objectos tridimensionais e mencionar exemplos de algumas áreas onde se aplicam. Depois é feita uma pequena abordagem do enquadramento dos objectos 3D na WWW, passando uma visão sobre a Web, identificando as funcionalidades e serviços, por fim uma vista de olhos sobre a visualização de objecto 3D na Web, identificando os navegadores comuns e os visualizadores que permitem visualizar conteúdos tanto 2D como 3D. A seguir são abordados os avanços conseguidos na Web3D, iniciando com uma contextualização da Web3D, fazendo uma passagem pelos mundos virtuais na Internet criados em Virtual Reality Modeling Language, realçando as dificuldades dessa linguagem na altura e os novos incentivos que deram origem a outras especificação como a X3D. Ainda são identificadas algumas plataformas e ferramentas de tecnologia Web3D, exemplos de algumas áreas onde se aplicam e a perspectiva para o futuro da Web3D centrada na visão do Web3D consortium. Por último, apresenta-se um caso prático onde estão descritas as etapas da construção, em modelo proposto, conversão e disponibilização do objecto 3D na Web


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BACKGROUND: Despite major advances in care of premature infants, survivors exhibit mild cognitive deficits in around 40%. Beside severe intraventricular haemorrhages (IVH) and cystic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL), more subtle patterns such as grade I and II IVH, punctuate WM lesions and diffuse PVL might be linked to the cognitive deficits. Grey matter disease is also recognized to contribute to long-term cognitive impairment.¦OBJECTIVE: We intend to use novel MR techniques to study more precisely the different injury patterns. In particular MP2RAGE (magnetization prepared dual rapid echo gradient) produces high-resolution quantitative T1 relaxation maps. This contrast is known to reflect tissue anomalies such as white matter injury in general and dysmyelination in particular. We also used diffusion tensor imaging, a quantitative technique known to reflect white matter maturation and disease.¦DESIGN/METHODS: All preterm infants born under 30 weeks of GA were included. Serial 3T MR-imaging using a neonatal head-coil at DOL 3, 10 and at term equivalent age (TEA), using DTI and MP2RAGE sequences was performed. MP2RAGE generates a T1 map and allows calculating the relaxation time T1. Multiple measurements were performed for each exam in 12 defined white and grey matter ROIs.¦RESULTS: 16 patients were recruited: mean GA 27 2/7 w (191,2d SD±10,8), mean BW 999g (SD±265). 39 MRIs were realized (12 early: mean 4,83d±1,75, 13 late: mean 18,77d±8,05 and 14 at TEA: 88,91d±8,96). Measures of relaxation time T1 show a gradual and significant decrease over time (for ROI PLIC mean±SD in ms: 2100.53±102,75, 2116,5±41,55 and 1726,42±51,31 and for ROI central WM: 2302,25±79,02, 2315,02±115,02 and 1992,7±96,37 for early, late and TEA MR respectively). These trends are also observed in grey matter area, especially in thalamus. Measurements of ADC values show similar monotonous decrease over time.¦CONCLUSIONS: From these preliminary results, we conclude that quantitative MR imaging in very preterm infants is feasible. On the successive MP2RAGE and DTI sequences, we observe a gradual decrease over time in the described ROIs, representing the progressive maturation of the WM micro-structure and interestingly the same evolution is observed in the grey matter. We speculate that our study will provide normative values for T1map and ADC and might be a predictive factor for favourable or less favourable outcome.


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Vertical electric soundings, 2D resistivity imaging and several logging measurements were performed at Kappelen test site to identify the various geolelectric facies that allowed determining the tabular and horizontal structure of the aquifer. The surface-based geoelectric methods allowed for a reliable characterization of the overall structure and the geometry of the aquifer, while geophysical logging methods allowed for inferring detailed hydrogeophysical characteristics, such as the electrical resistivity, total porosity, global and matrix density and hydraulic conductivity. The synoptic interpretation and integration of this broad and diverse database allows for constraining the key hydrological characteristics and hence forms the basis for the detailed hydraulic modelling of flow and transport process.


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O conhecimento dos oceanos é limitado pela disponibilidade de dados disponíveis. Este estudo mostra como modelos numéricos podem aumentar o conhecimento com pouca informação local, e de forma económica. Neste trabalho é efetuado a implementação do modelo numérico MOHID, bidimensional (2D) para simular a propagação da maré e tridimensional (3D) para estudar o escoamento baroclíncio no Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. O modelo 2D é baseado num modelo de escala regional com passo espacial de 6 km (nível 1), com dois modelos encaixados de passo espacial de 3 km (nível 2). Também foi utilizado para impor a maré (nível 0) no modelo 3D (nível 1, com passo de 6 km). O modelo tridimensional tem 50 camadas na vertical e fornece informação sobre a circulação geral. A fronteira lateral aberta foi forçada pelo modelo global de maré FES 2004 e pelos resultados do projecto MyOcean fornecendo condições de temperatura, salinidade e níveis médios diários para o modelo 3D. O forçamento meteorológico foi fornecido pelos resultados do modelo meteorológico GFS (Global Forecasting System). Os resultados dos modelos foram analisados com as informações conhecidas como as principais correntes da região, as imagens de satélite de temperatura da superfície do mar, perfis verticais obtidos pelas bóias argo e os resultados do projeto MyOcean. O modelo reproduz o padrão de circulação conhecido para a região e os resultados apresentam boa concordância com a informação disponível. O modelo mostra que o vento tem influência sobre o escoamento à superfície, mas tem pouca influência sobre os níveis.


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The CD8(+)-T-cell response to Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-associated antigens in C57BL/6 mice is directed against an immunodominant gag-encoded epitope (CCLCLTVFL) presented in the context of H-2D(b) and is restricted primarily to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) expressing the Valpha3.2 and Vbeta5.2 gene segments. We decided to examine the M-MuLV response in congenic C57BL/6 Vbeta(a) mice which are unable to express the dominant Valpha3.2(+) Vbeta5.2(+) T-cell receptor (TCR) due to a large deletion at the TCR locus that includes the Vbeta5.2 gene segment. Interestingly, M-MuLV-immune C57BL/6 Vbeta(a) mice were still able to reject M-MuLV-infected tumor cells and direct ex vivo analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from these immune mice revealed a dramatic increase in CD8(+) cells utilizing the same Valpha3.2 gene segment in association with two different Vbeta segments (Vbeta3 and Vbeta17). Surprisingly, all these CTL recognized the same immunodominant M-MuLV gag epitope. Analysis of the TCR repertoire of individual M-MuLV-immune (C57BL/6 x C57BL/6 Vbeta(a))F(1) mice revealed a clear hierarchy in Vbeta utilization, with a preferential usage of the Vbeta17 gene segment, whereas Vbeta3 and especially Vbeta5.2 were used to much lesser extents. Sequencing of TCRalpha- and -beta-chain junctional regions of CTL clones specific for the M-MuLV gag epitope revealed a diverse repertoire of TCRbeta chains in Vbeta(a) mice and a highly restricted TCRbeta-chain repertoire in Vbeta(b) mice, whereas TCRalpha-chain sequences were highly conserved in both cases. Collectively, our data indicate that the H-2D(b)-restricted M-MuLV gag epitope can be recognized in a hierarchal fashion by different Vbeta domains and that the degree of beta-chain diversity varies according to Vbeta utilization.


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The skin provides an efficient permeability barrier and protects from microbial invasion and oxidative stress. Here, we show that these essential functions are linked through the Nrf2 transcription factor. To test the hypothesis that activation of Nrf2 provides skin protection under stress conditions, we determined the consequences of pharmacological or genetic activation of Nrf2 in keratinocytes. Surprisingly, mice with enhanced Nrf2 activity in keratinocytes developed epidermal thickening, hyperkeratosis and inflammation resembling lamellar ichthyosis. This resulted from upregulation of the cornified envelope proteins small proline-rich proteins (Sprr) 2d and 2h and of secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor (Slpi), which we identified as novel Nrf2 targets in keratinocytes. Since Sprrs are potent scavengers of reactive oxygen species and since Slpi has antimicrobial activities, their upregulation contributes to Nrf2's protective function. However, it also caused corneocyte fragility and impaired desquamation, followed by alterations in the epidermal lipid barrier, inflammation and overexpression of mitogens that induced keratinocyte hyperproliferation. These results identify an unexpected role of Nrf2 in epidermal barrier function, which needs to be considered for pharmacological use of Nrf2 activators.


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La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la edad y crecimiento de Mugil cephalus “lisa”. Los especímenes fueron colectados en los Puertos de la región La Libertad (Pacasmayo, Malabrigo, Huanchaco, Salaverry, Pto. Morín) durante el 2012. La edad fue determinada mediante la lectura e interpretación de los anillos de crecimiento de los otolitos sagita. La muestra estuvo constituida por 358 otolitos (169 correspondieron a machos y 189 a hembras). Se estimaron los parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy mediante el programa Table Curve 2D V5.01, siendo el crecimiento en longitud: Lt = 48,08 (1-e(-0,3233*(t-0,2284))) y el crecimiento en peso: Wt = 1159,37 (1-e(-0,3233(t-0,2284)))2,722, no encontrándose diferencias significativas entre sexos. Asimismo se elaboró la clave talla-edad. Del análisis se encontraron 5 grupos de edad (2-6), de los cuales predominaron los grupos de 2 y 3 años. El análisis de borde e incremento marginal permitieron comprobar que la periodicidad de formación de los anillos de crecimiento es anual con un pico máximo en julio.


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Natural killer (NK) cell function is negatively regulated by inhibitory receptors interacting with major histocompatibility complex class I molecules expressed on target cells. Here we show that the inhibitory Ly49A NK cell receptor not only binds to its H-2D(d) ligand expressed on potential target cells (in trans) but also is constitutively associated with H-2D(d) in cis (on the same cell). Cis association and trans interaction occur through the same binding site. Consequently, cis association restricts the number of Ly49A receptors available for binding of H-2D(d) on target cells and reduces NK cell inhibition through Ly49A. By lowering the threshold at which NK cell activation exceeds NK cell inhibition, cis interaction allows optimal discrimination of normal and abnormal host cells.