998 resultados para Pulmonary fibrosis


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The diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) in cystic fibrosis patients remains challenging, mainly owing to overlapping symptoms of the underlying lung disease with clinical symptoms of ABPA. In addition, a varying mixture of diagnostic criteria, including clinical status, radiological findings and immunological measurements, has led to confusion and differing recommendations. In order to help simplify as well as standardize the diagnostic criteria for ABPA, different serological markers have been evaluated in the last 20 years and their usefulness has been assessed in many clinical studies. This review presents current diagnostic criteria of ABPA, with a special focus on serum markers supporting the diagnosis and explains why the hunt for a serological marker for ABPA is still ongoing.


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Rapport de synthèseDes événements pathologiques survenant pendant la période foetale prédisposent la descendance aux maladies cardiovasculaires systémiques. Il existe peu de connaissances au sujet de la circulation pulmonaire et encore moins quant aux mécanismes sous-jacents. La sous-alimentation maternelle pendant la grossesse peut représenter un modèle d'investigation de ces mécanismes, parce que chez l'animal et l'homme elle est associée à une dysfonction vasculaire systémique chez la progéniture. Chez le rat, la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse induit une augmentation du stress oxydatif dans le placenta. Les dérivés de l'oxygène sont connus pour induire des altérations épigénétiques et peuvent traverser la barrière placentaire. Nous avons dès lors spéculé que chez la souris la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse induit une dysfonction vasculaire pulmonaire chez sa progéniture qui serait liée à un mécanisme épigénétique.Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons examiné la fonction vasculaire pulmonaire et la méthylation de l'ADN pulmonaire à la fin de 2 semaines d'exposition à l'hypoxie chez la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse et des souris contrôles. Nous avons trouvé que la vasodilatation endothélium-dépendante de l'artère pulmonaire in vitro était défectueuse, et que l'hypertension pulmonaire et l'hypertrophie ventriculaire droite induites par l'hypoxie in vivo étaient exagérées chez la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse. Cette dysfonction vasculaire pulmonaire était associée avec une altération de la méthylation de l'ADN pulmonaire. L'administration d'inhibiteurs de la déacétylase des histones, le Butyrate et la Trichostatine-A à la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse a normalisé la méthylation de l'ADN et la fonction vasculaire pulmonaire. Finalement, l'administration du nitroxyde Tempol aux mères durant la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse a prévenu la dysfonction vasculaire et la dysméthylation chez la progéniture.Ces découvertes démontrent que chez la souris la sous-alimentation pendant la gestation induit une dysfonction vasculaire chez la progéniture qui est causée par un mécanisme épigénétique. Il est possible qu'un mécanisme similaire soit impliqué dans la programmation foetale de la dysfonction vasculaire chez les humains.


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BACKGROUND: Multislice CT (MSCT) combined with D-dimer measurement can safely exclude pulmonary embolism in patients with a low or intermediate clinical probability of this disease. We compared this combination with a strategy in which both a negative venous ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT were needed to exclude pulmonary embolism. METHODS: We included 1819 consecutive outpatients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism in a multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial comparing two strategies: clinical probability assessment and either D-dimer measurement and MSCT (DD-CT strategy [n=903]) or D-dimer measurement, venous compression ultrasonography of the leg, and MSCT (DD-US-CT strategy [n=916]). Randomisation was by computer-generated blocks with stratification according to centre. Patients with a high clinical probability according to the revised Geneva score and a negative work-up for pulmonary embolism were further investigated in both groups. The primary outcome was the 3-month thromboembolic risk in patients who were left untreated on the basis of the exclusion of pulmonary embolism by diagnostic strategy. Clinicians assessing outcome were blinded to group assignment. Analysis was per protocol. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00117169. FINDINGS: The prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 20.6% in both groups (189 cases in DD-US-CT group and 186 in DD-CT group). We analysed 855 patients in the DD-US-CT group and 838 in the DD-CT group per protocol. The 3-month thromboembolic risk was 0.3% (95% CI 0.1-1.1) in the DD-US-CT group and 0.3% (0.1-1.2) in the DD-CT group (difference 0.0% [-0.9 to 0.8]). In the DD-US-CT group, ultrasonography showed a deep-venous thrombosis in 53 (9% [7-12]) of 574 patients, and thus MSCT was not undertaken. INTERPRETATION: The strategy combining D-dimer and MSCT is as safe as the strategy using D-dimer followed by venous compression ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT for exclusion of pulmonary embolism. An ultrasound could be of use in patients with a contraindication to CT.


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na+ and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. We have previously identified SPLUNC1 as an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC. We have now located the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 to SPLUNC1's N terminus, and a peptide corresponding to this domain, G22-A39, inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold). However, G22-A39 had no effect on the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. G22-A39 preferentially bound to the β-ENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Addition of G22-A39 to CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) resulted in an increase in airway surface liquid height from 4.2±0.6 to 7.9±0.6 μm, comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, which suggests that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the G22-A39 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.


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Background: The Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) rule is a clinical diagnostic rule designed to exclude pulmonary embolism (PE) without further testing. We sought to externally validate the diagnostic performance of the PERC rule alone and combined with clinical probability assessment based on the revised Geneva score. Methods: The PERC rule was applied retrospectively to consecutive patients who presented with a clinical suspicion of PE to six emergency departments, and who were enrolled in a randomized trial of PE diagnosis. Patients who met all eight PERC criteria [PERC(-)] were considered to be at a very low risk for PE. We calculated the prevalence of PE among PERC(-) patients according to their clinical pretest probability of PE. We estimated the negative likelihood ratio of the PERC rule to predict PE. Results: Among 1675 patients, the prevalence of PE was 21.3%. Overall, 13.2% of patients were PERC(-). The prevalence of PE was 5.4% [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.1-9.3%] among PERC(-) patients overall and 6.4% (95% CI: 3.7-10.8%) among those PERC(-) patients with a low clinical pretest probability of PE. The PERC rule had a negative likelihood ratio of 0.70 (95% CI: 0.67-0.73) for predicting PE overall, and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.38-1.06) in low-risk patients. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the PERC rule alone or even when combined with the revised Geneva score cannot safely identify very low risk patients in whom PE can be ruled out without additional testing, at least in populations with a relatively high prevalence of PE.


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BACKGROUND: Hyponatremia, a marker of neurohormonal activation, is associated with poor outcomes in acute cardiorespiratory diseases such as myocardial infarction, right and left ventricular heart failure, and pneumonia. The prognostic value of hyponatremia in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is unknown. We sought to assess whether hyponatremia at presentation was associated with mortality and hospital readmission in patients hospitalized with PE. METHODS: We studied patient discharges with a primary diagnosis of PE from 185 acute care hospitals in Pennsylvania (1/2000-11/2002). We defined hyponatremia as a serum sodium level ≤135 mmol/l, measured at the time of patient presentation. The study outcomes were 30-day all-cause mortality and hospital readmission. We used random-intercept logistic regression to examine the association between hyponatremia and mortality. We adjusted for baseline patient (race, insurance, severity of illness using the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index) and hospital characteristics (region, hospital size and teaching status). We used the same approach to examine the association between hyponatremia and readmission among patients who were discharged alive. RESULTS: Among 13,728 patient discharges with PE, 2907 (21.1%) had hyponatremia at the time of presentation. Patients with hyponatremia were older (P<0.001) and more likely to have a history of cancer (P<0.001), heart failure (P<0.001), or chronic lung disease (P=0.002) than patients without hyponatremia. Patients with hyponatremia had a higher unadjusted cumulative 30-day mortality (15.2% vs 8.0%;P<0.001) and readmission rate (15.9% vs 11.8%; P< 0.001) than patients without hyponatremia (Figure). After adjustment for race, insurance, severity of illness, and hospital factors, hyponatremia was associated with a significantly greater odds of death (OR 1.71, 95% CI: 1.50-1.95) and hospital readmission (OR 1.29, 95% CI: 1.14-1.46). CONCLUSIONS: In this large, statewide sample of unselected patients with acute PE, hyponatremia was relatively common and was an independent predictor of short-term mortality and hospital readmission. Given that sodium is a low-cost, easily available laboratory parameter, it may be potentially useful in risk-stratifying patients with PE.


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The diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is often delayed because of the nonspecificity of a wide variety of clinical symptoms at disease onset. Newborn screening for CF has been advocated to reduce delays in diagnosis, facilitating preventive care for early respiratory and nutritional involvement. According to American and European consensus and experience of existing programs, a Swiss Nationwide Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Program started in January 2011. Screening strategy combines two steps: an immunoreactive trypsinogen assay and DNA mutation analysis in dried blood samples at day 4 (Guthrie cards).


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Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a life threatening condition associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental impairment. The recommended treatment for this condition is inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and has been used in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit since 1998. We prospectively offered neurodevelopmental follow-up to children treated with iNO for PPHN, including extensive neurological evaluation, developmental/cognitive evaluation at 18 months and 3.5-5 years old, and evaluated the rate of severe and moderate handicap and normal neurodevelopmental outcome, compared to a control group and the literature. Population consisted of 29 patients treated only with iNO, born between 01.01.1999 and 31.12.2005 (study group), and 32 healthy term infants born in 1998 in our maternity (control group). During those seven years, 65 infants were admitted in our Unit with PPHN, of whom 40 were treated with iNO alone. 34 children survived (85%) and were offered neurodevelopmental follow-up, 7 children were lost to follow-up due to various reasons. 22 children were examined at the age of 18 months (76%) with a rate of moderate handicap of 22% (2 with expressive language delay, 2 with difficult behavior, and 1 child with moderate hearing loss), and a rate of major handicap of 4.5% (1 child with cerebral palsy due to perinatal stroke, and moderate hearing loss). At preschool age, 17 (50%) were examined, the rate of moderate handicap was 22% (4 borderline intelligence, 1 hearing loss), and the rate of major handicap was 4.5% (one child with cerebral palsy and hearing loss), compared to 26.9% and 0% in the control group. Mean developmental quotient at 18 months was 100.3 ± 8.7 (control group 118.3), and at preschool age mean cognitive indices were within normal limits for the 2 tests performed at 3.5 or 5 years (108 ± 21, 94.4 ± 17). Most of the children with a less favorable neurodevelopmental outcome suffered from birth asphyxia (ruptured uterus, placental abruption, maternal hypotension, diabetic cardiomyopathy), and notably, the 2 children with sensorineural hearing loss both suffered from severe hypoxic-ischemic enkelopathy. Treatment with iNO was not the direct cause of the neurodevelopmental impairments observed in children treated for PPHN.


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Chronic inflammation and fatty acid deficiency, in particular in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6-n3), occurring in cystic fibrosis patients, are two convincing arguments urging the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega-3 in this population. PUFA omega-3 oral dietary intake position in the cystic fibrosis treatment is however not clear despite many years of clinical research. This review article sets out the reasons that conduct nutritionists to try this approach and reviews the results published until nowadays.


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INTRODUCTION: The lung is the organ most frequently involved by metastatic calcification. This condition is probably under-diagnosed, the patients usually being asymptomatic. This article summarizes the current knowledge concerning pulmonary metastatic calcification. BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of pulmonary metastatic calcification is not well known, but it involves phosphate-calcium balance, renal function and pH. The most frequently encountered aetiologies are hyperparathyroidism, neoplastic bony lesions, and renal failure. The definitive diagnosis is achieved by histology, radiological examinations being insensitive. The clinical manifestations are various and can include a pulmonary restrictive syndrome, diffusion abnormalities, hypoxaemia and respiratory failure. The latter can be severe and influence the prognosis adversely: 19 cases of fatal pulmonary metastatic calcification have been reported. The treatment is aetiological and symptomatic. VIEWPOINT: The prognostic factors for a poor outcome of this potentially lethal condition remain to be determined. The management of asymptomatic patients is also uncertain. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary metastatic calcification is a rare condition of complex pathogenesis. The clinical manifestations are varied, ranging from asymptomatic to severe, even fatal.


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INTRODUCTION: Respiratory therapy is a keystone of the treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, but it is time consuming. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the total time spent on respiratory therapy, including chest physiotherapy (CPT) and physical activity (PA), as well as inhalation therapy (IT) and maintenance of materials (MM) to rationalise and optimise treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional prospective study in a paediatric CF cohort. A questionnaire was developed to look at the time spent on respiratory care over 3 months. Enrolled in this study are all CF patients aged from 6 to 16 years (the exclusion criterion was lung transplantation). RESULTS: Of the 40 enrolled patients, 22 participated (13 boys and 9 girls), with a mean age of 11 years. The patients spent approximately 19.46 h per week (standard deviation ± 7.53, 8.00-35.25 h) on therapy: CPT (30.58%), IT (15.11%), PA (50%) and MM (4.32%), without statistical significance between sexes. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, CF patients spent an average of nearly 20 h a week in respiratory therapy, within a wide range of between 8 h to almost 36 h a week. PA consumes almost half of the time. Physicians have to take into consideration the burden of the treatment, to optimise the therapy.


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Retrospective single institution analysis of all patients undergoing sleeve lobectomy or pneumonectomy between 2000 and 2005. Seventy-eight patients underwent pneumonectomy (65 patients <70 years, 13 patients >70 years) and 69 sleeve lobectomy (50 patients <70 years, 19 patients >70 years). Pre-existing co-morbidity, surgical indication and induction therapy was similarly distributed between treatment by age-groups. In patients <70 years, pneumonectomy and sleeve lobectomy resulted in a 30-day mortality of 3% vs. 0 and an overall complication rate of 26% vs. 44%, respectively. In patients >70 years, pneumonectomy and sleeve lobectomy resulted in a 30-day mortality of 15% vs. 0 and an overall complication rate of 23% vs. 32%. In both age groups, pneumonectomy was associated with more airway complications (NS) and a significantly higher postoperative loss of FEV(1) than sleeve lobectomy (P<0.0001, P<0.03). Age per se did not influence the loss of FEV(1) and DLCO for a given type of resection. Sleeve lobectomy may have a therapeutic advantage over pneumonectomy in the postoperative course of elderly patients.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate unenhanced postmortem 3-T MR imaging (pmMRI) for the detection of pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) as cause of death. METHODS: In eight forensic cases dying from a possible cardiac cause but with homogeneous myocardium at cardiac pmMRI, additional T2w imaging of the pulmonary artery was performed before forensic autopsy. Imaging was carried out on a 3-T MR system in the axial and main pulmonary artery adapted oblique orientation in situ. In three cases axial T2w pmMRI of the lower legs was added. Validation of imaging findings was performed during forensic autopsy. RESULTS: All eight cases showed homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the main pulmonary artery and/or pulmonary artery branches. Autopsy confirmed the MR findings as pulmonary artery thrombembolism. At lower leg imaging unilateral dilated veins and subcutaneous oedema with or without homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the popliteal vein were found. CONCLUSIONS: Unenhanced pmMRI demonstrates pulmonary thrombembolism in situ. PmMR may serve as an alternative to clinical autopsy, especially when consent cannot be obtained. KEY POINTS: ? Postmortem MRI (pmMRI) provides an alternative to clinical autopsy ? Fatal pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) can now be diagnosed using postmortem MRI (pmMRI). ? Special attention has to be drawn to the differentiation of postmortem clots.


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Rôle du génotype 3 du virus de l'hépatite C dans la progression de la fibrose hépatique, une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. On estime à 170 millions le nombre de personnes atteintes d'hépatite C chronique dans le monde. La principale conséquence de cette maladie est la fibrose du foie, qui évolue plus ou moins rapidement, pour aboutir au développement d'une cirrhose et/ou d'un hépatocarcinome. Certains des facteurs accélérateurs de la fibrose, comme l'âge avancé au moment de l'infection, le sexe masculin, la consommation d'alcool, sont bien connus. On a longtemps considéré que les six différents génotypes viraux n'influençaient pas la progression de la fibrose. Des études récentes ont cependant suggéré que certains génotypes, en particulier ie génotype 3, pouvaient entraîner une fibrose plus rapide. Le but de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer à l'aide d'une méta-analyse le rôle du génotype viral dans la progression de la fibrose dans l'infection chronique au virus de l'hépatite C. Les études ont été sélectionnées dans la littérature médicale à partir d'une série de mots-clés. Le degré de fibrose a été estimé par biopsie, en utilisant le score Metavir. Deux types d'études ont décrits de manière différente la durée d'infection. Les premières ont calculé la progression de la fibrose depuis le moment estimée de l'infection (« études avec une biopsie »), les secondes ont exprimés cette durée comme étant l'intervalle entre deux biopsies (« études avec deux biopsies »). L'analyse a permis d'identifier 8 études avec une biopsie pour un collectif total de 3182 patients ainsi que 8 études avec deux biopsies pour un collectif de 896 patients. Dans une méta-analyse de type « random effect », le rapport de cote pour l'association du génotype 3 avec une fibrose accélérée est de 1.52 (95% IC 1.12-2.07, p=0.007) pour les études à une biopsie. Pour les études à deux biopsies, le rapport de cote pour cette association est de 1.37 (95% IC 0.87-2.17, P=0.17). Cette étude montre que les patients avec une hépatite C chronique due au génotype 3 ont une progression de fibrose plus rapide que ceux qui sont infectés par les autres génotypes. Alors que la méta-analyse des études avec une biopsie est clairement significative, celle des études avec deux biopsies est au-dessous du seuil de significativité. Les études à deux biopsies peuvent être limitées par plusieurs facteurs, comprenant un « biais d'indication » (seuls les patients évoluant rapidement vers la cirrhose ont plus de risque d'avoir une deuxième biopsie), une durée d'observation très courte (5 années comparée à 13 années pour les études à 2 biopsies), et un nombre de patient limité (896 pour le études à 2 biopsies comparé à 3182 pour les études à 1 biopsie). Impact d'un programme de vaccination sur l'immunité contre l'hépatite Β dans une clinique suisse du VIH Le virus de l'hépatite Β cause une infection aigûe dont la symptomatologie varie d'une présentation subclinique à une progression fulminante. Dans une minorité de cas, l'infection aigiie est suivie d'une infection chronique pouvant évoluer vers une cirrhose hépatique et/ou un hépatocarcinome. La prévalence de l'hépatite Β aiguë et chronique chez les personnes vivant avec le virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est supérieure à celle de la population générale. Par ailleurs la co-infection avec le virus du VIH entraine une progression plus rapide de l'hépatite B. Dès lors, l'immunité pour le virus de l'hépatite Β représente un facteur primordial de prévention dans la population infectée par le virus de l'HIV. Bien que l'administration d'un vaccin contre l'hépatite Β soit particulièrement recommandée chez tous les individus infectés par le VIH, la couverture vaccinale dans cette population est souvent insuffisante. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer l'état d'immunisation contre le virus de l'hépatite Β dans la population infectée par le VIH de la cohorte Suisse HIV et d'analyser l'efficacité d'un programme de vaccination administré par le personnel soignant. L'immunité avant et après intervention dans notre centre a été comparée aux autres centres de la cohorte HIV en Suisse. L'immunité pour le centre d'intervention a passé de 32% avant intervention à 76% après intervention alors que pour les autres centres, l'immunité n'a progressé que de 33% à 39% dans le même laps de temps (n=2712, P=0.001). Cette étude montre qu'un contrôle systématique de l'immunité par du personnel soignant augmente de manière significative l'immunité pour le vaccin de l'hépatite Β dans la population HIV.