899 resultados para Pulmonary Vascular Function


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Introduction The presentation of pulmonary embolism to the emergency department (ED) can prove challenging because of the myriad of potential disease processes that mimic its signs and symptoms. The incidence of pulmonary embolism and indeed the mortality associated with it is relatively high. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial in off-setting the potential deleterious effects associated with this condition. The aim of this article is to present a nursing case review of a patient presenting to the ED with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Method We chose to use a case review to highlight the nursing and medical care that was provided for a patient who presented to the emergency department acutely with dyspnoea, chest pain and pyrexia. The use of case reviews are useful in reporting unusual or rare cases and this format is typically seen more in medicine than in nursing. They can naturally take one of two formats—a single case report or a series of case reports; in this case we opted to report on a single case. Discussion The gentleman in question was an ambulance admissionto the ED with a three day history of chest pain, shortness of breath and one episode of syncope which brought him to the ED. Over the course of his admission a variety of treatment modalities were used successfully to alleviate the problem. More notable from a nursing perspective was the use of diagnostic tools as an interpretation to guide his care and provide a platform from which a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricacies the critically ill patient often presents. Conclusion We found the use of case review very enlightening in understanding the disease process and the decision-making that accompanies this. Whilst our patient was successfully rehabilitated home, we learnt a lot from the experience which has been most beneficial in supporting our understanding of pulmonary embolism.


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Background Migraine is a brain disorder affecting ∼12% of the Caucasian population. Genes involved in neurological, vascular, and hormonal pathways have all been implicated in predisposing individuals to developing migraine. The migraineur presents with disabling head pain and varying symptoms of nausea, emesis, photophobia, phonophobia, and occasionally visual sensory disturbances. Biochemical and genetic studies have demonstrated dysfunction of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate in migraine susceptibility. Glutamate mediates the transmission of excitatory signals in the mammalian central nervous system that affect normal brain function including cognition, memory and learning. The aim of this study was to investigate polymorphisms in the GRIA2 and GRIA4 genes, which encode subunits of the ionotropic AMPA receptor for association in an Australian Caucasian population. Methods Genotypes for each polymorphism were determined using high resolution melt analysis and the RFLP method. Results Statistical analysis showed no association between migraine and the GRIA2 and GRIA4 polymorphisms investigated. Conclusions Although the results of this study showed no significant association between the tested GRIA gene variants and migraine in our Australian Caucasian population further investigation of other components of the glutamatergic system may help to elucidate if there is a relationship between glutamatergic dysfunction and migraine.


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RC4-Based Hash Function is a new proposed hash function based on RC4 stream cipher for ultra low power devices. In this paper, we analyse the security of the function against collision attack. It is shown that the attacker can find collision and multi-collision messages with complexity only 6 compress function operations and negligible memory with time complexity 2 13. In addition, we show the hashing algorithm can be distinguishable from a truly random sequence with probability close to one.


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The cryptographic hash function literature has numerous hash function definitions and hash function requirements, and many of them disagree. This survey talks about the various definitions, and takes steps towards cleaning up the literature by explaining how the field has evolved and accurately depicting the research aims people have today.


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In the current market, extensive software development is taking place and the software industry is thriving. Major software giants have stated source code theft as a major threat to revenues. By inserting an identity-establishing watermark in the source code, a company can prove it's ownership over the source code. In this paper, we propose a watermarking scheme for C/C++ source codes by exploiting the language restrictions. If a function calls another function, the latter needs to be defined in the code before the former, unless one uses function pre-declarations. We embed the watermark in the code by imposing an ordering on the mutually independent functions by introducing bogus dependency. Removal of dependency by the attacker to erase the watermark requires extensive manual intervention thereby making the attack infeasible. The scheme is also secure against subtractive and additive attacks. Using our watermarking scheme, an n-bit watermark can be embedded in a program having n independent functions. The scheme is implemented on several sample codes and performance changes are analyzed.


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Unsaturated lipids deposited onto a range of materials are observed to react with the low concentrations of ozone present in normal laboratory air. Parent lipids and ozonolysis cleavage products are both detected directly from surfaces by desorption electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) with the resulting mass spectra providing clear evidence of the double bond position within these molecules. This serendipitous process has been coupled with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to provide a simple but powerful approach for the detailed structural elucidation of lipids present in complex biological extracts. Lipid extracts from human lens were deposited onto normal phase TLC plates and then developed to separate components according to lipid class. Exposure of the developed plates to laboratory air for ca. 1 h prior to DESI-MS analysis gave rise to ozonolysis products allowing for the unambiguous identification of double bond positions in even low abundant, unsaturated lipids. In particular, the co-localization of intact unsaturated lactosylceramides (LacCer) with products from their oxidative cleavage provide the first evidence for the presence of three isomeric LacCer (d18:0/24:1) species in the ocular lens lipidome, i.e., variants with double bonds at the n-9, n-7 and n-5 positions.


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A key derivation function (KDF) is a function that transforms secret non-uniformly random source material together with some public strings into one or more cryptographic keys. These cryptographic keys are used with a cryptographic algorithm for protecting electronic data during both transmission over insecure channels and storage. In this thesis, we propose a new method for constructing a generic stream cipher based key derivation function. We show that our proposed key derivation function based on stream ciphers is secure if the under-lying stream cipher is secure. We simulate instances of this stream cipher based key derivation function using three eStream nalist: Trivium, Sosemanuk and Rabbit. The simulation results show these stream cipher based key derivation functions offer efficiency advantages over the more commonly used key derivation functions based on block ciphers and hash functions.


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This study explored how the social context influences the stress-buffering effects of social support on employee adjustment. It was anticipated that the positive relationship between support from colleagues and employee adjustment would be more marked for those strongly identifying with their work team. Furthermore, as part of a three-way interactive effect, it was predicted that high identification would increase the efficacy of coworker support as a buffer of two role stressors (role overload and role ambiguity). One hundred and 55 employees recruited from first-year psychology courses enrolled at two Australian universities were surveyed. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the negative main effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction was significant for those employees with low levels of team identification, whereas high team identifiers were buffered from the deleterious effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction. There also was a significant interaction between coworker support and team identification. The positive effect of coworker support on job satisfaction was significant for high team identifiers, whereas coworker support was not a source of satisfaction for those employees with low levels of team identification. A three-way interaction emerged among the focal variables in the prediction of psychological well-being, suggesting that the combined benefits of coworker support and team identification under conditions of high demand may be limited and are more likely to be observed when demands are low.


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This thesis described the synthesis of an L-leucine conjugate of the biodegradable polymer, chitosan and its potential application for the development of controlled release nanoparticulate dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations. The study demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of conjugated chitosan nanoparticles had favourable effects on the dispersibility and controlled release profile of a model drug. The toxicity profile of the nanoparticulate formulation revealed promising outcome for its use in pulmonary delivery. The chitosan conjugate produced in this project would be useful for the application of polymer nanoparticulate systems for efficient lung delivery of drugs.


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A major obstacle to 3-dimensional tissue engineering is incorporation of a functional vascular supply to support the expanding new tissue. This is overcome in an in vivo intrinsic vascularization model where an arteriovenous loop (AVL) is placed in a noncollapsible space protected by a polycarbonate chamber. Vascular development and hypoxia were examined from 3 days to 112 days by vascular casting, morphometric, and morphological techniques to understand the model's vascular growth and remodeling parameters for tissue engineering purposes. At 3 days a fibrin exudate surrounded the AVL, providing a scaffold to migrating inflammatory, endothelial, and mesenchymal cells. Capillaries formed between 3 and 7 days. Hypoxia and cell proliferation were maximal at 7 days, followed by a peak in percent vascular volume at 10 days (23.20±3.14% compared with 3.59±2.68% at 3 days, P<0.001). Maximal apoptosis was observed at 112 days. The protected space and spontaneous microcirculatory development in this model suggest it would be applicable for in vivo tissue engineering. A temporal window in a period of intense angiogenesis at 7 to 10 days is optimal for exogenous cell seeding and survival in the chamber, potentially enabling specific tissue outcomes to be achieved.


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Membrane type 1 metalloprotease (MT1-MMP) is a transmembrane metalloprotease that plays a major role in the extracellular matrix remodeling, directly by degrading several of its components and indirectly by activating pro-MMP2. We investigated the effects of MT1-MMP overexpression on in vitro and in vivo properties of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells, which do not express MT1-MMP or MMP-2. MT1-MMP and MMP-2 cDNAs were either transfected alone or cotransfected. All clones overexpressing MT1-MMP 1) were able to activate endogenous or exogenous pro-MMP-2, 2) displayed an enhanced in vitro invasiveness through matrigel-coated filters independent of MMP-2 transfection, 3) induced the rapid development of highly vascularized tumors when injected subcutanously in nude mice, and 4) promoted blood vessels sprouting in the rat aortic ring assay. These effects were observed in all clones overexpressing MT1-MMP regardless of MMP-2 expression levels, suggesting that the production of MMP-2 by tumor cells themselves does not play a critical role in these events. The angiogenic phenotype of MT1-MMP-producing cells was associated with an up-regulation of VEGF expression. These results emphasize the importance of MT1-MMP during tumor angiogenesis and open new opportunities for the development of antiangiogenic strategies combining inhibitors of MT1-MMP and VEGF antagonists. - Sounni, N. E., Devy, L., Hajitou, A., Frankenne, F., Munaut, C., Gilles, C., Deroanne, C., Thompson, E. W., Foidart, J. M., Noel, A. MT1-MMP expression promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis through an up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression.


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We have recently shown that Matrigel-filled chambers containing fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and placed around an epigastric pedicle in the mouse were highly adipogenic. Contact of this construct with pre-existing tissue or a free adipose graft was required. To further investigate the mechanisms underpinning formation of new adipose tissue, we seeded these chambers with human adipose biopsies and human adipose-derived cell populations in severe combined immunodeficient mice and assessed the origin of the resultant adipose tissue after 6 weeks using species-specific probes. The tissues were negative for human-specific vimentin labeling, suggesting that the fat originates from the murine host rather than the human graft. This was supported by the strong presence of mouse-specific Cot-1 deoxyribonucleic acid labeling, and the absence of human Cot-1 labeling in the new fat. Even chambers seeded with FGF2/Matrigel containing cultured human stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) labeled strongly only for human vimentin in cells that did not have a mature adipocyte phenotype; the newly formed fat tissue was negative for human vimentin. These findings indicate that grafts placed in the chamber have an inductive function for neo-adipogenesis, rather than supplying adipocyte-precursor cells to generate the new fat tissue, and preliminary observations implicate the SVF in producing inductive factors. This surprising finding opens the door for refinement of current adipose tissue-engineering approaches.


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Blood vascular cells and lymphatic endothelial cells (BECs and LECs, respectively) form two separate vascular systems and are functionally distinct cell types or lineages with characteristic gene expression profiles. Interconversion between these cell types has not been reported. Here, we show that in conventional in vitro angiogenesis assays, human BECs of fetal or adult origin show altered gene expression that is indicative of transition to a lymphatic-like phenotype. This change occurs in BECs undergoing tubulogenesis in fibrin, collagen or Matrigel assays, but is independent of tube formation per se, because it is not inhibited by a metalloproteinase inhibitor that blocks tubulogenesis. It is also reversible, since cells removed from 3D tubules revert to a BEC expression profile upon monolayer culture. Induction of the lymphatic-like phenotype is partially inhibited by co-culture of HUVECs with perivascular cells. These data reveal an unexpected plasticity in endothelial phenotype, which is regulated by contact with the ECM environment and/or cues from supporting cells.


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Colonisation of the maternal uterine wall by the trophoblast involves a series of alterations in the behaviour and morphology of trophoblast cells. Villous cytotrophoblast cells change from a well-organised coherently layered phenotype to one that is extravillous, acquiring a proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity, to facilitate fetal-maternal interaction. These changes are similar to those of other developmental processes falling under the umbrella of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Modulation of cell adhesion and cell polarity occurs through changes in cell-cell junctional molecules, such as the cadherins. The cadherins, particularly the classical cadherins (e.g. Epithelial-(E)-cadherin), and their link to adaptors called catenins at cell-cell contacts, are important for maintaining cell attachment and the layered phenotype of the villous cytotrophoblast. In contrast, reduced expression and re-organization of cadherins from these cell junctional regions promote a loosened connection between cells, coupled with reduced apico-basal polarity. Certain non-classical cadherins play an active role in cell migration processes. In addition to the classical cadherins, two other cadherins which have been reported in placental tissues are vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin and cadherin-11. Cadherin molecules are well placed to be key regulators of trophoblast cell behaviour, analogous to their role in other developmental EMTs. This review addresses cadherin expression and function in normal and diseased human placental tissues, especially in fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia where trophoblast invasion is reduced.


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Hypoxia and the development and remodeling of blood vessels and connective tissue in granulation tissue that forms in a wound gap following full-thickness skin incision in the rat were examined as a function of time. A 1.5 cm-long incisional wound was created in rat groin skin and the opposed edges sutured together. Wounds were harvested between 3 days and 16 weeks and hypoxia, percent vascular volume, cell proliferation and apoptosis, α-smooth muscle actin, vascular endothelial growth factor-A, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, and transforming growth factor-β 1 expression in granulation tissue were then assessed. Hypoxia was evident between 3 and 7 days while maximal cell proliferation at 3 days (123.6 ± 22.2 cells/mm 2, p < 0.001 when compared with normal skin) preceded the peak percent vascular volume that occurred at 7 days (15.83 ± 1.10%, p < 0.001 when compared with normal skin). The peak in cell apoptosis occurred at 3 weeks (12.1 ± 1.3 cells/mm 2, p < 0.001 when compared with normal skin). Intense α-smooth muscle actin labeling in myofibroblasts was evident at 7 and 10 days. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor-A were detectable until 2 and 3 weeks, respectively, while transforming growth factor-β 1 protein was detectable in endothelial cells and myofibroblasts until 3-4 weeks and in the extracellular matrix for 16 weeks. Incisional wound granulation tissue largely developed within 3-7 days in the presence of hypoxia. Remodeling, marked by a decline in the percent vascular volume and increased cellular apoptosis, occurred largely in the absence of detectable hypoxia. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, and transforming growth factor-β 1 is evident prior, during, and after the peak of vascular volume reflecting multiple roles for these factors during wound healing.