984 resultados para Pseudomixoma peritoneal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for over 8 million cases of tuberculosis (TB) annually. Natural products may play important roles in the chemotherapy of TB. The immunological activity of Davilla elliptica chloroform extract (DECE) was evaluated in vitro by the determination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) release in peritoneal macrophages cultures. DECE was also tested for its antimycobacterial activity against M. tuberculosis using the microplate alamar blue assay. DECE (50, 150, 250 µg/ml) stimulated the production of H2O2 (from 1,79 ± 0,23 to 7,27 ± 2,54; 15,02 ± 2,86; 20,5 ± 2,1 nmols) (means ± SD), NO (from 2,64 ± 1,02 to 25,59 ± 2,29; 26,68 ± 2,41; 29,45 ± 5,87 µmols) (means ± SD) and TNF-alpha (from 2,44 ± 1,46 to 30,37 ± 8,13; 38,68 ± 1,59; 41,6 ± 0,90 units/ml) (means ± SD) in a dose-dependent manner and also showed a promising antimycobacterial activity with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 62,5 µg/ml. This plant may have therapeutic potential in the immunological and microbiological control of TB.


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Descrevem-se os aspectos clínicos da dilatação cística do úraco e uroperitônio em cinco touros. Os animais apresentaram, em datas distintas, distensão abdominal e diminuição da ingestão de alimentos e água, até culminar com inapetência, cerca de duas semanas após o aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas. Ocorreu distensão abdominal bilateral progressiva, que, no início do processo, era discreta e restrita ao quadrante inferior do abdômen; com cerca de duas semanas de evolução, o abdômen assumiu forma arredondada semelhante à pera. Observou-se bruxismo, atonia ruminal e desidratação. A abdominocentese revelou a presença de líquido amarelado com concentração de ureia superior a 200mg/dL. A concentração de ureia no soro sanguíneo variou de 220 a 280mg/dL e a creatinina de 65 a 82mg/dL. A ligadura do divertículo do úraco próximo ao vértex da bexiga foi eficaz nos quatro touros operados


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Macrófagos são conhecidos por exercerem uma importante função de mecanismo de defesa quando estas células são estimuladas com produtos naturais e produtos bacterianos (dentre outros). Uma variedade de citocinas e compostos químicos são liberados para induzir sistema de defesa fundamental. Entre outros peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) tem sido identificado como moléculas tendo multifunções. Entretanto está bem estabelecido que (H2O2) está envolvido em inúmeros processos fisiológicos, como por exemplo, neurotransmissão, relaxamento da musculatura lisa ou regulação imune. Para a determinação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) em macrófago peritoneal em camundongos, determinou-se a ação imunomodulatória de extratos (etanólico e etanólico 70%) obtidos de quatro espécies do gênero Paepalanthus (Eriocaulaceae) na concentração de 10 mg/mL. Os estratos etanólicos 70 % de capítulos de P. Hilairei, P. robustus, P. vellozioides e P. speciocus apresentaram maior liberação de (H2O2) do que os outros extratos etanólicos.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da solução composta por fenol, ácido acético e glicerina sobre o tumor ascítico de Ehrlich. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 283 camundongos divididos em 2 protocolos (animais portadores e não portadores de tumor) procedendo-se a injeção de 0,25 ml, 0,10 ml e 0,05 ml da solução teste e 0,25 ml de solução salina, o sacrifício foi realizado após 3 e 6 dias do tratamento, analisando, a seguir, a contagem diferencial de células presentes no líquido ascítico. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que nos animais portadores de tumor houve uma redução significante do número de células tumorais e aumento do número de células inflamatórias, nos animais sem tumor observou-se influxo de células inflamatórias para a cavidade peritoneal. CONCLUSÃO: A solução proposta causa, in vivo, a diminuição do número de células tumorais e aumento do número de células inflamatórias no líquido ascítico.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar a ação hìstolítica de uma solução composta de fenol, glicerina e ácido acético na ascite neoplásica em cobaias. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 32 cobaias, distribuídas por sorteio, em grupos experimentais e controles e estudados os efeitos da injeção peritonial da solução teste. Nos grupos controles empregou-se solução fisiológica. Foram estudadas alterações bioquímicas, anatomopatológicas (coração, pulmões, rins, baço e serosa peritonial), com 24 horas e 4 semanas de evolução. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a solução E quando instilada na cavidade peritonial não provocou nenhuma alteração clinica, histologica ou laboratorial nestes animais, quando comparados com o grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Frente aos resultados obtidos, consideramos interessante estudar os efeitos da solução proposta em casos de ascite neoplásica experimental em animais, com posterior estudo em seres humanos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new mast cell degranulating peptide, eumenine mastoparan-AF (EMP-AF), was isolated from the venom of the solitary wasp Anterhynchium flavomarginatum micado, the most common eumenine wasp found in Japan. The structure was analyzed by FAB-MS/MS together with Edman degradation, which was corroborated by solid-phase synthesis. The sequence of EMP-AF, Ile-Asn-Leu-Leu-Lys-Ile-Ala-Lys-Gly-Ile-lle-Lys-Ser-Leu-NH(2), was similar to that of mastoparan, a mast cell degranulating peptide from a hornet venom; tetradecapeptide with C-terminus amidated and rich in hydrophobic and basic amino acids. In fact, EMP-AF exhibited similar activity to mastoparan in stimulating degranulation from rat peritoneal mast cells and RBL-2H3 cells. It also showed significant hemolytic activity in human erythrocytes. Therefore, this is the first example that a mast cell degranulating peptide is found in the solitary wasp venom. Besides the degranulation and hemolytic activity, EMP-AF also affects on neuromuscular transmission in the lobster walking leg preparation. Three analogs EMP-AF-1 similar to 3 were snythesized and biologically tested together with EMP-AF, resulting in the importance of the C-terminal amide structure for biological activities. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chloroquine, due to its basic properties, has been shown to prevent the release of iron from holotransferrin, thereby interfering with normal iron metabolism in a variety of cell types. We have studied the effects of chloroquine on the evolution of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis by evaluating the viable fungal recovery from lung, liver and spleen from infected mice and H2O2, NO production, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10 levels and transferrin receptor (TfR) expression from uninfected and infected peritoneal macrophages. Chloroquine caused a significant decrease in the viable fungal recovery from all organs tested, during all periods of evaluation. Peritoneal macrophages from chloroquine-treated infected mice showed higher H2O2 production and TfR expression, and decreased levels of NO, endogenous and stimulated-TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10 during the three evaluated periods. However, despite its suppressor effects on the macrophage function, the chloroquine therapeutic effect upon murine paracoccidioidomycosis was probably due to its effect on iron metabolism, blocking iron uptake by cells, and consequently restricting iron to fungus growth and survival.


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The effects of Vimang((R)), an aqueous extract of the stem bark of Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaccae), on cell migration in an experimental model of asthma was investigated. In vivo treatment of Toxocara canis-infected BALB/c mice for 18 days with 50 mg/kg Vimang((R)) reduced eosinophil migration into the bronchoalveolar space and peritoneal cavity. Also, eosinophil generation in bone marrow and blood eosinophilia were inhibited in infected mice treated with Vimang((R)). This reduction was associated with inhibition of IL-5 production in serum and eotaxin in lung homogenates. In all these cases the effects of Vimang((R)) were more selective than those observed with dexamethasone. Moreover, Virnang((R)) treatment is not toxic for the animals, as demonstrated by the normal body weight increase during infection. These data confirm the potent anti-inflammatory effect of Vimang R and support its potential use as an alternative therapeutic drug to the treatment of eosinophilic disorders including those caused by nematodes and allergic diseases. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective and design: To investigate the effect of galectin-1 (Gal-1) and -3 (Gal-3) on leukocyte migration and analyze the expression of both galectins in inflammatory cells using a model of rat peritonitis.Material or Subjects: Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 4 per group).Treatment: Peritonitis was induced in animals through intraperitoneal injection of carrageenin (1.5 mg/kg) and rat mesenteries were analyzed at different time points (0, 4, 24 and 48h). For pharmacological treatment, rats received intravenous injection of Gal-1 or -3 (3 mu g/kg) followed by carrageenin.Methods: Western blotting and immunoelectron microscopy analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test.Results: Pharmacological treatment with Gal-1, but not Gal-3, inhibited (similar to 50%) leukocyte recruitment into the peritoneal cavity at 4h time-point. In this early phase, immunogold staining of mesenteries showed a diminished Gal-3 expression in degranulated mast cells and Gal-1 in transmigrated neutrophils (similar to 20% reduction compared to intravascular cells). In the later phases (24 and 48 h), leukocyte turnover was associated with augmented Gal-1 expression in neutrophils and macrophages and Gal-3 in mast cells and macrophages.Conclusions: These results point to a balanced expression of cell-associated-Gal-1/Gal-3 and might impact on the development of new therapeutic strategies for inflammatory diseases.


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In this study we investigated the effect of beta-glucan derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on fungicidal activity, cytokine production and natural killer activity. Spleen and peritoneal cells from female C57BL/6 mice, previously injected (24 or 48 h) with 20 or 100 mu g of glucan by i.p. route, were assayed. In vivo mu-glucan administration primed spleen cells for a higher production of IL-12 and TNF-alpha when S. aureus was used as a stimulus. In addition, beta-glucan increased NK spleen cells activity against YAC target cells. Some immunomodulatory activities not yet described for beta-glucan were observed in this work.