999 resultados para Protons - Efeitos fisilógicos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production


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The use of games as educational tools is common, however the effectiveness of games with educational purposes is still poorly known. In this study we evaluated three different low-cost teaching strategies make and play your own board game, just play an educational science game and make a poster to be exposed in the school regarding: (1) science learning; (2) use of deep learning strategies (DLS); and (3) intrinsic motivation. We tested the hypothesis that, in these three parameters evaluated, scores would be higher in the group that made and play their own game, followed respectively by the group that just played a game and the group that made a poster. The research involved 214 fifth-grade students from six elementary schools in Natal/RN. A group of students made and played their own science board game (N = 68), a second group played a science game (N = 75), and a third group made a poster to be exposed at school (N = 71). Our hypothesis was partly empirically supported, since there was no significant difference in science learning and in the use of DLS between the group that made their own game and the group that just played the game; however, both groups had significantly higher scores in science learning and in use of DLS than the group that made the poster. There was no significant difference in the scores of intrinsic motivation among the three experimental groups. Our results indicate that activities related to non-digital games can provide a favorable context for learning in the school environment. We conclude that the use of games for educational purposes (both making a game and just playing a game) is an efficient and viable alternative to teach science in Brazilian public school


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Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However, studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context, this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100 mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for 21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards, the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT, showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50 mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group, and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result. Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration 4 promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Un conjunto de cambios viene siendo implantado en la Petrobrás procurando que sus unidades de negocios resulten más modernas y competitivas para atender las necesidades del mercado. Dentro de esta perspectiva, un nuevo régimen de trabajo, denominado turno fijo , ha sido implantado en dos activos de producción de la provincia de Rio Grande do Norte. Tal situación originó varios reclamos de los petroleros y, consecuentemente, el interés del SINDIPETRO-RN en obtener una evaluación más precisa de las consecuencias de los mismos. Este estudio, realizado a partir de la demanda sindical de esos trabajadores, ha tenido como objetivo central analizar los efectos del turno fijo sobre la salud mental de los operadores de producción, actualmente lotados en los referidos activos. El estudio ha sido realizado con 39 operadores que representan el 82,9% de la población objeto de este estudio. La muestra ha sido homogénea en cuanto al género, grado de instrucción, edad y tiempo de servicio en la compañía, lo que ha posibilitado un mayor control de las variables y un estudio comparativo entre los dos activos. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se han aplicado los siguientes instrumentos de colecta de datos: una escala de medida probada y validada (QSG-12), un cuestionario abierto, entrevistas individuales y una ficha socio-demográfica. Las respuestas del cuestionario abierto han sido categorizadas mediante la aplicación de análisis de contenido. Los resultados de ese tratamiento y las respuestas del QSG-12 han sido registradas en la forma de banco de datos del SPSS for Windows (Statical Package for social sciense for Windows) para luego procederse con el desarrolllo de los análisis estadísticos. Los principales resultados encontrados en el estudio han sido que la mitad de los participantes de la muestra han presentado resultados de deteriorización de la autoeficacia más elevado que 1,44 (un una escala de 0 a 3) y, en tensión emocional y depresión, el resultado es más elevado que 1,67; la mayoría se da cuenta del aumento de carga de trabajo, revela acentuado sufrimiento con el distanciamiento de la familia, y 58,8% presenta enfermedades psicosomáticas crónicas. La percepción de los operadores sobre el turno fijo e el análisis de éste, conforme el modelo vitamínico de Warr, conducen a la conclusión de que el turno fijo es uno de los factores que está influyendo negativamente en la salud mental de esos trabajadores


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work had as objective to evaluate the effect of five phosphorus doses and four potassium doses in two inter-row plant spacings at two sowing times in the production and quality of pigeon pea seeds, in Selviria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. For the determination of treatment effect, a completely randomized block design was used, in a 2x2x5x4 factorial, with four replications. The treatments were 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha(-1) of P(2)O(5); 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O; inter-row plant spacings were 0.50 and 0.30 m; and sowing times were December 2003 and February 2004. The first sowing generated greater productivity, whereas the second sowing produced better seed quality. The 0.50 m spacing generated heavier seeds, while the 0.30 m spacing made for seeds of greater quality. Phosphorus, in general, influences positively in the production and quality of the seeds.


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O maracujá é um fruto de ampla aceitação dada a qualidade de seu suco, sendo o maracujazeiro-amarelo o mais cultivado no Brasil. Nos últimos anos, cresceu o interesse pelo maracujazeiro doce, em função de alcançar bons preços no mercado in natura. Assim, informações técnicas por parte dos agricultores têm se intensificado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e a qualidade dos frutos desta espécie, cultivada sob poda e irrigação em diferentes sistemas de condução. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em faixas, contendo 12 tratamentos (plantas com e sem irrigação, com e sem poda e três sistemas de condução) e 3 repetições. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir: a) o sistema de condução e a poda não afetaram o tamanho dos frutos; b) o sistema de condução não afetou a massa dos frutos, porém as plantas podadas produziram frutos com maior massa; c) a poda diminuiu o número de frutos por planta e o rendimento por área, nos sistemas de condução em T normal e espaldeira vertical com um fio de arame; d) a poda não alterou o número de frutos por planta e o rendimento por área, no sistema de condução em espaldeira vertical com dois fios de arame.


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Restos vegetais e liteira podem interferir no desenvolvimento de plantas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos alelopáticos de extratos aquosos de Pinus sp., milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) e mucuna (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) sobre a germinação, colonização micorrízica e crescimento inicial de milho (Zea mays L.), soja (Glycine max L.) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os extratos foram elaborados utilizando folhas trituradas. O experimento in vitro empregou papel Germitest umedecido com extratos ou água destilada por sete dias. O experimento em casa de vegetação teve esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 4, com quatro repetições: três espécies vegetais (soja, milho e feijão), três extratos aquosos (Pinus, milheto e mucuna) e quatro doses de extrato (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 kg L-1). O substrato foi Latossolo Vermelho coletado no município de Selvíria-MS, no bioma Cerrado. Após a semeadura, os vasos receberam, a cada cinco dias, por 45 dias, 50 mL dos extratos. Para a soja, extratos de mucuna e milheto diminuíram o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula e os de Pinus aumentaram esses comprimentos. em feijão, o extrato de Pinus diminuiu o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula, mas os extratos de mucuna e milheto aumentaram-no. O extrato do milheto reduziu a percentagem e a velocidade de germinação em feijão. Todos os extratos reduziram a colonização micorrízica e o número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em soja, milho e feijão.


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Information regarding the use of growth regulators in sunn hemp is still scarce, especially on the physiologic quality of seeds and growth seedlings. In this aspect, product knowledge and application rate stands out as relevant factors in production of quality seeds. This work aimed to evaluated the effect of the foliar application of growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, etil-trinexapac and paclobutrazol) in different rates (0; 75; 150; 225 and 300 g ha(-1)), on the physiological quality of seeds and growth seedlings of Crotalaria juncea cultivated in no-tillage system. The treatments were disposed in randomized complete block design in factorial scheme 3 x 5 (regulators x rates of application), with four replications. The results were submitted to the variance analysis, with the growth regulators compared by Tukey test and the rates for polynomial regression. Not if recommended the application of mepiquat chloride in sunn hemp culture by reducing the potential of seeds germination and dry biomass of seedlings. The etil-trinexapac must be applied in rate of 300 g ha(-1), based on the reduction of moisture content and the electrical conductivity of seeds, the greater total length of seedlings and dry biomass of seedlings. The paclobutrazol must be applied in rate of 75 g ha(-1), considering the potential and speed of seeds germination.


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OBJETIVO: Implantar um programa de Escola da Postura para pacientes com lombalgia crônica. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 41 sujeitos (46,81 ± 13,35 anos), de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 25-65 anos que possuíam dor lombar há mais de 6 meses. Inicialmente, foi realizado a avaliação da qualidade de vida (Medical Outcomes Study 36- Item Short-Form Health Survey- SF-36) e capacidade funcional (Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire - ODQ). em seguida, todos os sujeitos participaram de cinco encontros semanais de 60 minutos, nos quais foram desenvolvidos as capacitações teórico-práticas. Após uma semana, os sujeitos foram reavaliados. Os dados obtidos nas avaliações foram analisados utilizando o teste estatístico não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon, com nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Foi observada melhora significativa na capacidade funcional (ODQ, p<0,0001). em relação à qualidade de vida observou-se melhora significativa nos domínios capacidade funcional (p=0,0016), dor (p=0,0035), estado geral de saúde (p<0,0001), vitalidade (p<0,0001), aspectos sociais (p<0,0001) e saúde mental (p=0,0007). Nos itens aspectos físicos e aspectos emocionais não foi observada diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: O programa Escola da Postura elaborado foi capaz de melhorar a qualidade de vida e capacidade funcional dos participantes.


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Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estímulo verbal (EV) no tempo do teste de escada (TEsc) e nas variáveis cardiorrespiratórias de adultos saudáveis. Trinta e um adultos saudáveis realizaram dois TEsc (com EV e sem EV). Antes e depois de cada teste, foram avaliados os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg. Os tempos nos TEsc foram comparados por meio do Teste t de Student para amostras pareadas e as diferenças, de acordo com a ordem de realização dos testes utilizando o Teste de Mann-Whitney. Os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg foram comparados por meio do Teste de Friedman ou ANOVA com post hoc do Teste de Tukey. As variações foram comparadas utilizando o Teste t Student para amostras independentes ou Teste de Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). O tempo no TEsc sem EV foi de 23,48±8,28 segundos, significativamente maior que o teste com EV, que foi de 21,60±7,18 segundos (p<0,05). Todas as variáveis aumentaram após os testes, e a Escala de Borg foi a única que teve maior variação no TEsc com EV, variando 2,5±1,4 no teste sem estímulo e 3,0±1,8 pontos no com estímulo (p<0,05). O estímulo verbal melhora o desempenho no TEsc e leva à maior sensação de esforço.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento infra-renal da aorta abdominal pode produzir alterações renais. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano sobre a função renal, em cães submetidos a pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 30 cães, distribuídos em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico halogenado utilizado durante a anestesia, em concentrações equipotentes de 0,75 CAM: GH (n = 10) - halotano a 0,67%; GI (n = 10) - isoflurano a 0,96%; e GS (n = 10) - sevoflurano a 1,8%. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por período de 30 minutos. Os atributos renais foram estudados nos momentos: C (controle), após 15 (Ao15) e 30 (Ao30) minutos de pinçamento aórtico, e após 15 (DAo15) e 30 (DAo30) minutos do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: A depuração de água livre foi menor nos grupos GI e GS, em relação ao GH, após o despinçamento aórtico (p < 0,05). Durante o pinçamento aórtico, nos três grupos, houve aumento do débito urinário, da excreção urinária de sódio e da depuração de sódio, e diminuição da osmolaridade urinária (p < 0,05). A resistência vascular renal e a fração de filtração aumentaram somente em GS (p < 0,05), enquanto a excreção fracionária de sódio aumentou em GH e GI (p < 0,05). Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve normalização dos atributos que haviam se alterado, com exceção da osmolaridade urinária, que continuou em níveis menores do que os do controle em todos os grupos (p < 0,05). A resistência vascular renal e a fração de filtração continuaram mais elevadas em GS, acompanhadas por diminuição do fluxo sangüíneo renal e da depuração de para-aminohipurato de sódio (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: No cão nas condições experimentais empregadas, a inalação de halotano e isoflurano a 0,75 CAM, mas não de sevoflurano, atenuou a principal alteração após o pinçamento infra-renal da aorta, que é o aumento da resistência vascular renal.