932 resultados para Previdencia social - Custos - Brasil


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This study aims to understand how can the Ombudsman Office in the Central Bank of Brazil - the national monetary policy authority - contribute towards its interaction with society, especially regarding its customer service center. Social control over the government appears to be vital to the governments be responsive and pursue the public interest. The Ombudsman Office can be one instrument of social control. This research is a case study. The study presents the term ombudsman in the world and also its equivalent in Brazil - "ouvidor". Next, concepts related to public administration and accountability are approached. It was verified that the Ombudsman office can be effective in helping the social control of Central Bank of Brazil. Moreover, the Ombudsman Office brings a lot of valuable knowledge to this organization, mainly regarding its social role and its internal processes.


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O Centro de Porto Alegre (Brasil) caracteriza-se pela presença de vendedores de rua desde o século XVIII. Hoje, contudo, essa forma de comércio informal assume proporções extraordinárias, constituindo-se um fenômeno global relacionado à produção e comercialização de pirataria, consumida generalizadamente em todas as camadas sociais. O universo desta pesquisa são os camelôs e sacoleiros regularizados que trabalham na Praça XV de Novembro da capital gaúcha e comercializam mercadorias contrabandeadas de Ciudad del Este (Paraguai), trazidas por eles próprios. A atuação dos camelôs no espaço público envolve uma permanente negociação - ora pacífica, ora conflituosa - com o poder público, lojistas, meios de comunicação e vendedores de rua em situação irregular. Afora as dificuldades do trabalho de rua e a competitividade do ofício, os comerciantes estudados formam suas redes de relações (sejam elas de vizinhança, de parentesco ou de companheirismo de viagem) pautadas pela presença constante da solidariedade e lealdade - códigos simbólicos que dão sustentação ao trabalho cotidiano, conferindo sentido ao trabalho e à vida social. Procura-se, com isso, fornecer uma visão ampla do universo estudado, mostrando várias de suas facetas, acompanhadas ao longo de uma etnografia que aconteceu tanto em Porto Alegre, quanto na fronteira do Brasil com o Paraguai.


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A responsabilidade social tem se tornado tema de grande interesse no meio empresarial e acadêmico. Em tese, algumas empresas estão percebendo que a sustentabilidade dos seus negócios não será possível em um ambiente no qual os problemas sociais se agravam a cada dia. Esta pesquisa teve objetivo analisar a questão da responsabilidade social, aqui entendida como humanização nas organizações. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso: o projeto Brasil 500 anos, da Rede Globo de Televisão. Os resultados sugerem que o projeto mencionado (e a Rede que o abriga) possui características do que se denomina organizações humanizadas e que está alcançando objetivos tidos como importantes diferenciais no mundo atual.


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If urban planning is to support the equitable distribution of public goods and services, it must recognize and address the dismal condition of millions of poor people who are living in a city. The primary focus of contemporary planners and planning students should be on finding and advocating solutions that help eliminate the problems of today¿s cities. Any meaningful solution will need to be grounded in a thorough understanding of the social class inequities of citizens. With the rapid development of national economy and urbanization process in Brazil over the last two decades, the number of vehicles and their travels are dramatically increased. This is particularly evident in all large cities. Traffic congestion becomes more and more severe. Inadequate parking facilities often result in difficulty to find a parking space in large cities and many illegally parked vehicles can be seen on the crowed streets. These illegally parked vehicles further intensify traffic congestion and also pose a traffic safety hazard. The process of urbanization and motorization in Brazil is likely to continue in a rapid pace. The urban public passengers transport modes problems in large cities are likely to get even worse. There is an urgent need for the development of policy and criteria for public service of urban public passenger transport by bus in large cities. The purpose of survey is to develop policy guidelines for public transport services planning, design, construction and mobility management, that meet community needs for accessibility in large cities. So this thesis will present major comparative characteristics of urban mobility management, urban public passengers transport by bus services planning and the quality of social life in two towns of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. The study case has been focused on Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba because of the major different results of the survey presented by the two cities. The objectives of this thesis are: a) to analyze and discus existing urban mobility related accessibility and economic development problems in large cities; b) to provide an overview of the relationship within city ¿ quality of social life ¿ urban mobility in Rio and Curitiba; c) to analyze and discuss existing urban mobility management related public transport services in Rio and Curitiba; d) to analyze and discuss existing quality of bus public transport services problems in Rio. Some preliminary recommendations for mobility management policies will also be presented.


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Essa dissertação objetiva identificar até que ponto o acordo firmado entre o Codesul e a Crecenea-Litoral para integração do Sistema de Segurança Pública foi executado. A obra apresenta teorias sobre a origem do Estado e da Sociedade e procura relacionar esse assunto, em linhas gerais, com as problemáticas da Segurança Pública. Aborda questões relacionadas aos direitos e garantias individuais dos cidadãos. Mostra a estrutura da organização da Segurança Pública no Brasil e na Argentina e também faz considerações sobre a integração policial entre o Codesul e a Crecenea-Litoral. A metodologia utilizada privilegiou a pesquisa de campo. O estudo concluiu que a integração do Sistema de Segurança Pública entre o Codesul e a Crecenea-Litoral se encontra em uma fase embrionária. A vivência social, a praxe operacional e administrativa nos trabalhos policiais, das duas regiões, revelam que as políticas públicas no setor de segurança pública e principalmente no que se refere a integração policial são insignificantes.


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Este trabalho busca entender como as Incubadoras de Empresas, por meio das relações com os agentes que fazem parte das suas redes, são capazes de auxiliar o surgimento de novas empresas. Identificou-se que aquelas Incubadoras de Empresas que se relacionam por meio de laços fortes com suas Instituições Mantenedoras e onde seus gestores conseguem articular o Capital Social potencialmente disponível dentro da rede que se constrói a partir dessas Incubadoras, são capazes de estimular o surgimento de novas empresas e disponibilizar um volume de Capital Social suficientemente capaz para que essas empresas, durante o período de Incubação, tenham a possibilidade de acumular seu próprio Capital Social a ponto de garantir a sua sobrevivência, após a sua saída da Incubadora.


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The press and the State had developed, in Brazil, a relation of interdependence. Press and broadcasting corporations depend on state money for its survival and politicians depend on the press and the exposition in the media to communicate with their electorate. This relation of proximity affects the elaboration of public policies for the sector. This study analyzes public policies for broadcasting and the press since 1964, when it was established in the country the military regimen, a mark of a deep reform in the Communications. Public policies are debated in line with two dimensions - one relative to the infrastructure needed by the Communications, and another referring to the content of information. Our conclusion clarifies the urgency of a revision in the laws that regulate the media, many of which are not applicable anymore, and questions the independence of Brazilian parliamentarians to proceed with the necessary reforms and to the discussion about new public policies for the sector.


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Este trabalho objetivou verificar até que ponto os programas de preparo e acompanhamento da aposentadoria tem sido privilegiados na Administração Pública Indireta no Brasil; até que ponto a administração desses programas vem influindo positivamente na produtividade da força de trabalho ativa, bem como, se a administração desses programas está garantindo maior longevidade e satisfação para os aposentados. o estudo abrange quatro órgãos representativos dos ramos de mineração, crédito, telecomunicações e petróleo, com limitação espacial restrita ao Rio de Janeiro, sede dos mesmos, enfocando a ação do programa a partir de sua implantação, até o advento da Lei 8842 de 4 de janeiro de 1994.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e analisar as mudanças ocorridas no cenário do federalismo fiscal-tributário brasileiro, no período entre a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 e o encerramento do exercício financeiro de 2000. O referencial teórico está fundamentado na teoria das finanças públicas. Os dados foram obtidos junto a Secretaria da Receita Federal, a Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional e ao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Os resultados apontam para uma reversão parcial do padrão de descentralização observado no triênio posterior a promulgação da Constituição de 1988. As disponibilidades da União foram parcialmente reconstituídas, com ênfase nas receitas vinculadas ao financiamento da seguridade social. No âmbito subnacional os estados perderam participação relativa na distribuição das disponibilidades tributárias e os municípios afirmaram a posição obtida no ordenamento constitucional de 1988.


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Since the last decade of the past century and further, there have been increased, polemic discussions in Brazil that are also occurring simultaneously in the rest of the world: the sustainability of public pension systems. The Brazilian system, which is denominated as the General Regimen of Social Welfare and was established in a distribution regimen, is becoming a growing source of expenditures for the Federal Government and is contributing to the increasing of its fiscal deficit. This situation started to decline after the promulgation of the Federal Constitution in 1988, in which actions had been established reflecting the feeling of ¿social debt¿ existing in the country by that time after years of economic growth without yield redistribution. Thus, benevolent rules had been instituted that provided an assistancialist character to the program, making it unsustainable when it is seen by the internationally accepted premise of the pension system as social insurance with perpetual duration. In consequence, there was an explosive growth of the financial needs of the system reaching the equivalent of 1.63% of the Gross Domestic Product in 2005. In this sense, many arguments in favor of revision and reforms in the current model had solidified, resulting, in 1998, in some changes in the contribution rules of the diverse sectors of society, as well as in the concession of benefit rules. However, such changes had not obtained significant effects since the main source of the imbalance, which is essentially structural, was not attacked. Therefore, this research seeks to diagnose some of the most structural points in the current public pension system in Brazil and evaluate what can be done in terms of reforms to turn the program into balance again and in restore harmony with its conceptual objectives.


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The aim of this dissertation is to study the contribution given by the Brazilian court of accounts, with the creation of the ombudsman on those institutions, to the exercise of the social control made by its citizens. Being considered one of the key inventions in the field of the external control of the public management, the ombudsman of the court of accounts is the most important means of control the society may use over the public management, as well as the place where the society and court of accounts might debate and get to an agreement concerning on how to spend the public asset in a way that will benefit the citizens. In order to fulfill the aim of the dissertation, the concepts of citizenship, particularly the deliberative citizenship, were recaptured, as well as the means of control in the public management and the role of the court of accounts as a participant in the external control of the public accounts. Lastly, some of the 18 ombudsman linked to Brazilian courts of account are presented in the dissertation. The Ombudsman of the Courts of Accounts of the states of Paraná and Pernambuco are emphasized once it is understood that they are in the path of transcending the concept of popular participation to the popular sovereignty, in which the debate with the society might, in a near future, decide possibly the course of the audits of those entities.


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The "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo" was created due to the need of studies and researches related to tourism and its social impacts. The Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, of Fundação Getulio Vargas, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and the Childhood Brazil, started in 2007, studies about the sexual exploration of children and adolescents. The present work has the objective to analyze, based on the results of the "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo", its contributions to the prevention and repression of sexual exploration of children and adolescents associated to the tourism.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Casa Brasil Project and its contribution for promoting actions related to citizenship in Vitoria and Vila Velha cities. The essay was led through a theoretical discussion about citizenship, public space, social participation and public politics. Thereafter thematic interviews based on a non-probabilistic method were done with seventeen people such as public power representatives, organized civilian society and community. The speech analysis was used for data treatment. Some negative and positive aspects referred to citizenship and public power were identified. The aim of the research was checking if there is any encouragement to a genuine and consciousness participation of the society for the structure and continuous citizenship practice. The Casa Brasil Project experience in Vitoria and Vila Velha demonstrates that its sustainability and effectiveness depend on how interacted and committed the strategic stakeholders are, since the condition of local institutions influences the model of social mobilization and individual participation. Besides, this essay shows it is necessary: to improve the citizen involvement ¿ by implementing the board of directors, which assures public participation in order to stimulate the community to take the unity control ¿ to grant democratic feature to the public power, and to increase citizenship.


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The crisis that affected the capitalist states during the last decade of the 20th century, put an end to the period of greatest expansion of the state, demanding alterations that brought, especially in economic terms, the ideals of the liberal state. The main goal of these changes was to optimize the administration of the public service by introducing into it more efficiency, transparency, and morality because the state had shown to be incapable of attending the demands of the society and its way of doing was inefficient and did not reach out to the public interest. In Brazil, like in other part of the world, recent scandals of corruption and misuse of public funds put in doubt the efficiency of the financial control system. Like any other political system Brazil has a complex set of external and internal control, institutions that work to prevent misuse of public funds and identify responsibilities if bad use occurred. All these elements highlight the mechanisms of control of the public administration, which came to be seen as essential instruments for the improvement of the management of the public resources, targeting the collective interest. Therefore, along with the traditional mechanisms of power suppression, such as the system of checks and balances, social control arises. This, when used together with the monitoring exercised by public inspection agencies, is defined as horizontal accountability activated by civil society, in which citizens and institutions gather efforts in order to promote a more effective charge of responsibility from public agents and politicians in case of misconducts. This study aimed to identify the opportunities and limitations of social control exercised by the complaint under the TCE-RJ. The results point to the need to develop measures to guarantee the anonymity of denouncers, to simplify the forms of access the TCE-RJ and to improve information spread to the citizen.