916 resultados para Preservation rules
Los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos tienen una gran importancia ecológica y socioeconómica, y mantienen altos valores medioambientales y de diversidad biológica a la vez que producen importantes servicios ecosistémicos. Estos sistemas han sido testigos de diversos cambios rápidos y drásticos en su gestión y aprovechamiento durante el último siglo. La mayor parte de la investigación desarrollada en esta tesis doctoral ha sido llevada a cabo en las dehesas españolas. Esta tesis nos muestra: i) la evidencia de la existencia de un cambio global del estrato arbóreo y del manejo del pastoreo en el todo el área de distribución de la dehesa durante los últimos 60 años; ii) la importancia del papel que juega el arbolado disperso y el adecuado manejo del ganado en la mejora de la producción, calidad y diversidad de las comunidades herbáceas, que a su vez, un pasto herbáceo bien desarrollado es importante para la rentabilidad del sistema, evaluando estos efectos bajo distintos escenarios de clima y calidad de estación; y iii) la evidencia de la falta de regeneración en sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos bajo distintos tipos de manejo del pastoreo, y además se evalúa el crecimiento y desarrollo de las pocas plántulas existentes que serán las que aseguren la viabilidad y persistencia y de estos sistemas. El arbolado disperso de estos sistemas ha experimentado una reducción importante en su densidad arbórea y fracción de cabida cubierta durante el periodo entre 1950-1980 donde tuvieron lugar importantes transformaciones en la actividad agropecuaria. La cabaña ganadera de ovino disminuyó drásticamente en los años 70 en comparación a la de bovino que desde entonces ha aumentado progresivamente hasta la actualidad. Por otro lado, el mismo tipo de manejo del ganado doméstico (especialmente bovino) durante bastante tiempo (mínimo 30 años) provocó una reducción significativa de la densidad de las plántulas. Además la probabilidad de ocurrencia y la intensidad de daños por herbivoría fue mayor bajo pastoreo bovino (con daños más intensos y consistentes) que bajo pastoreo ovino o sin pastoreo doméstico (presencia de ciervos). También el patrón de crecimiento de las plantas jóvenes estuvo afectado por el tipo de manejo, generando plántulas achaparradas en el caso del bovino y plántulas esbeltas favoreciendo el crecimiento en altura en el caso del ovino. La presencia de un arbolado disperso generó una mayor diversidad y variación en la producción de las comunidades herbáceas según las condiciones de disponibilidad de agua. Especialmente, el ecotono como microhábitat sostuvo altos valores de diversidad herbácea. La presencia del ganado bajo pastoreo continuo de intensidad moderada a alta, especialmente el bovino, incrementó los rendimientos de producción y diversidad del estrato herbáceo. Los resultados de esta tesis nos muestran la importancia que tiene la existencia de un equilibrio entre la producción y la conservación de los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos para obtener una producción sostenible de servicios ecosistémicos mientras se asegura la perpetuación del sistema a largo plazo. Es crucial diseñar planes de gestión incorporando objetivos de conservación que integren técnicas silvopastorales apropiadas para poder aplicar en los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos. ABSTRACT Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands have great ecological and socio-economic importance, supporting high environmental and amenity values, and relatively rich biological diversity while producing important ecosystem services. They have been witnesses of different and fast changes developed in the last century. Most of the research developed in this dissertation has conducted within dehesas. This thesis provides: i) the global change evidence of the tree layer and grazing management experienced in the land-use range of a Mediterranean scattered oak woodland (dehesa) over the last 60 years; ii) the important role of scattered trees and adequate management grazing in the improvement of grassland yield, quality and diversity - which it is important, in turn, for the system profitability - under different climate scenarios and site quality; and iii) the lack of oak regeneration evidence under some given representative management regimes and how is the growth development of these plants to assure the viability and persistence of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands. Tree layer experienced a significant reduction in dehesas during 1950-1980 period where the highest human impacts took place. Sheep herd decreased drastically during the 1970s and, in contrast, cattle have been increasing gradually since then. On the other hand, same livestock grazing management (especially cattle) during long time (minimum 30 years) within Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands reduced strongly the density of young oak plants and showed high probability of herbivory occurrence and intensity. Young plant growth pattern was greatly modified by livestock. Cattle grazing generated stunted plants and sheep grazing generated slender plants favoring the height growth. Microsites created by large trees modified the herbaceous yield according the water availability of the year and generated high plant diversity within herbaceous communities. Especially, ecotone microsite supported high values of herbaceous diversity. The presence of livestock species increased the herbaceous yield and maintained a more diverse community under continuous grazing at both moderate and high intensities; especially cattle. Thus, around the influence of scattered trees there is a high amount of different interactions among livestock, trees and grasslands maintaining and enhancing the quality of whole dehesa system. The results of this thesis highlight how important is balancing management and preservation of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands to obtain the optimum ecosystem services while the system conservation is assured for a long-term. It is crucial to design management plans with conservation goals that include appropriate silvopastoral practices in Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands.
Se ha presentado la evaluación y optimización de las reglas de operación de un embalse para gestión de avenidas usando un entorno integrado hidrológico- hidráulico de tipo Monte Carlo. Some reservoirs play a major role in flood protection, managing the floods and reducing or delaying the peak discharges in the river downstream. However, the changing environment (natural and anthropological changes) requires the development of more elaborated strategies for reservoir operation. Three factors are relevant: 1) the natural variability of inflow hydrographs, 2) the competition for reservoir storage capacity between flood control and other uses, and 3) the existence of built-up areas on downstream river reaches. A framework for evaluation/optimization of reservoir operation rules for flood management in a changing environment is presented in this study. The study was carried out using an integrated hydrologic – hydraulic model in a Monte Carlo framework.
La restauración fílmica del audio es un proceso bastante complejo y se ha indagado poco en este campo. Antes de restaurar cualquier archivo, se debe preservar y conservar los archivos de la mejor manera posible. La preservación son las medidas que se deben tomar para garantizar el acceso permanente y la conservación asegura le existencia del archivo en su forma más original. Mientras que la restauración se basa en el estudio de los posibles deterioros que sufren los soportes fílmicos en el tiempo y los procesos que existen para corregirlos. La restauración siempre debe conservar la mayor originalidad posible, es decir debe mantener el audio como originalmente se expuso por primera vez. En la primera etapa, se identifican los posibles deterioros que se producen en los archivos, si conocemos en qué momento fue grabada la películas y cómo fue grabada, es decir con que máquina se realizó la grabación y el soporte fílmico en el que está grabado. Tanto las máquinas como los soportes han ido evolucionando a lo largo de la historia. El estudio de los soportes fílmicos nos permite conocer las degradaciones que sufren a lo largo del tiempo los archivos y por consecuencia, conocer las posibles restauraciones. Para intentar evitar degradaciones mayores, se intenta preservar y conservar en condiciones óptimas para el soporte. Según el soporte del archivo, tendrá unas condiciones típicas de temperatura, humedad, ventilación… en las cuales el material se conserva de la mejor manera. Tras estos pasos, se procede a restaurar. La restauración más típica es con materiales fotoquímicos, pero es bastante compleja y por tanto, en el proyecto se analiza la restauración tras digitalizar los archivos fílmicos. Para poder digitalizar correctamente los archivos, debemos tener presentes las normas y reglas de digitalización que están establecidas. La digitalización permite identificar las alteraciones típicas que aparecen en los materiales fílmicos, gracias a la herramienta del espectrograma podemos conocer las posibles soluciones de restauración para cada alteración. Las alteraciones que podemos encontrar e identificar son: · Zumbidos e Interferencias. · Siseo y Silbido. · Crujidos. · Pops y Clics. · Wow. · Lagunas o Abandonos. · Ruidos intermitentes. · Reverberación. La última parte del proyecto, una vez que se tienen todas las alteraciones típicas de los archivos fílmicos identificadas, se procede al estudio de cada una de ellas con las herramientas del espectrograma y se realiza el estudio de una manera más técnica. Con el espectrograma se determinan las herramientas que solucionan cada alteración como Reverb para la reverberación, Decrackle para los crujidos… y en el marco técnico se determina las características que tiene cada herramienta, es decir el tipo de filtro, ventana… que se puede utilizar para poder restaurar el audio de cada alteración. La restauración digital es un campo aún por investigar, pero se debería de empezar a concienciar que es una solución factible. Que este tipo de restauración puede mantener el sonido original y no va a modificar los archivos, como muchas veces se piensa. Ya que el paso del tiempo, poco a poco, ira degradando y destruyendo los soportes fílmicos en los que se encuentran, y el principal objetivo que se pretende conseguir es que los materiales fílmicos perduren a lo largo de la historia. ABSTRACT. The film audio restoration is a fairly complex process and little research has been done in this field. Before restoring any files, you must preserve and keep the files in the best way possible. The preservation is the measures to be taken to ensure continued access to and preservation ensures existence of the file in its original form. The restoration is based on the study of possible damage suffered by the film media in time and the processes that exist to correct them. The restoration must always retain the most original as possible, i.e. to keep the audio as originally discussed for the first time. In the first stage, potential impairments that occur in the files are identified, if you know what time it was recorded the movies and how it was recorded, i.e. that machine recording and film media on which is recorded took place. Both machines as media have evolved throughout history. The study of film media lets us know the suffering degradations over time and result files, make possible restorations. To try to prevent further degradation, are intended to preserve and keep in good condition for support. Depending on the media file, will have typical conditions of temperature, humidity, ventilation... in which the material is preserved in the best way. After these steps, we proceed to restore. The most typical is with photochemical restoration materials, but is rather complex and therefore the restoration project is analyzed after scanning film archives. To successfully scan the files must be aware of the rules and regulations are established digitization. Digitization allows identifying the typical alterations that appear in the film materials, thanks to the tool spectrogram we know the possible restoration solutions for each alteration. The alterations that can find and identify are: · Buzz and Interference. · Hiss and Hissing. · Crackle. · Pops and Clicks. · Wow and Flutter. · Audio Dropouts. The last part of the project, when we have all the typical alterations identified film archives, proceed to the study of each of them with the tools of spectrogram and the study of a more technical way is done . With the spectrogram tools that solve every alteration as Reverb for reverb, Decrackle for cracks... and the technical framework the features that each tool is determined, i.e. the type of filter, window... that can be used are determined for to restore the audio of each alteration. Digital restoration is an area for future research, but should start aware that it is a feasible solution. This type of restoration can keep the original sound and will not modify files, as is often thought. Since the passage of time, gradually degrading and destroying anger film media in which they are, and the main objective to be achieved is that the film materials endure throughout history.
Esta Tesis tiene como objetivo demostrar que los programas de preservación del patrimonio, durante su fase de implementación, deben someterse a un análisis multidisciplinar que haga un balance de su ejecución. Dicho análisis permitirá identificar resultados significativos, capaces de fundamentar la rectificación de las bases conceptuales de la política pública en cuestión. Este reajuste podrá darse, por lo tanto, durante su vigencia y, de forma más relevante, posteriormente, sus motivos y resultados permitirán elaborar nuevas estrategias que serán aplicadas en futuros programas de intervención. Por otro lado se indagó, además, si las ciudades participantes en un programa nacional de preservación del patrimonio, regidas por normas y metas comunes, podrían alcanzar resultados diferentes. Para atender a estos objetivos, la investigación se encuentra enfocada a la realidad brasileña, siendo seleccionado como objeto de estudio el Programa Monumenta. Este Programa formó parte de la política pública cultural del Ministerio de Cultura con una importante implicación del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Implementado a partir de 1999, procuró promover un proceso de recuperación urbana sostenible y de preservación del patrimonio de 26 Sitios Históricos Urbanos o Conjuntos de Monumentos Urbanos protegidos por el Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico y Artístico Nacional (Iphan). El Programa contó con el apoyo de la Unesco y del Iphan, así como con la participación de las Administraciones Municipales y/o Estatales, sectores privados y la sociedad civil. Las hipótesis planteadas en esta Tesis Doctoral fueron: (a) el análisis de los resultados en la fase de implementación de un programa de preservación del patrimonio es imprescindible, porque permite extraer conclusiones preliminares y orientar sus reformas; (b) los objetivos a corto plazo establecidos por el Programa Monumenta fueron alcanzados de modo diferenciado en las distintas ciudades beneficiadas; (c) a pesar de las diferencias, el Programa Monumenta presentó resultados preliminares positivos y significativos en la preservación del patrimonio histórico urbano brasileño. Los procedimientos metodológicos se centraron en un análisis cuantitativo, cualitativo y comparativo de los resultados alcanzados por tres ciudades beneficiadas por el Programa Monumenta, seleccionadas según su tamaño poblacional: Pelotas, Porto Alegre (Estado de Rio Grande do Sul) y São Francisco do Sul (Estado de Santa Catarina). Estos procedimientos fueron aplicados en los siguientes indicadores: utilización de los equipamientos culturales, características de la población y de los domicilios, variación de las actividades económicas, financiación destinada al sector privado para la recuperación de inmuebles y el fomento de la seguridad urbana. La Tesis ha englobado discusiones y conceptos abordados en las disciplinas de la Sociología Urbana, Geografía Urbana, Historia, Economía y Estadística de modo que se atribuye al objeto de investigación una visión interdisciplinar que ayudará a la comprensión de la teoría y la práctica preservacionistas. El análisis de la varianza, la regresión lineal y el análisis factorial fueron las herramientas estadísticas aplicadas sobre los datos con el objetivo de constatar la significación de los resultados y la relación de correspondencia entre algunas variables. Esta Tesis contribuye a la elaboración de una metodología analítica que puede ser aplicada en el cálculo de la superficie ocupada por las actividades económicas, con base en el método estadístico del Diagrama de Caja y Bigotes, de John Wilder Tukey. Las conclusiones corroboran las hipótesis planteadas y pretenden contribuir al diseño de las nuevas políticas públicas de preservación de sitios históricos de carácter urbano, enfatizando, con ello, la necesidad de evaluaciones más profundas de los resultados durante su fase de implementación. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESUMO--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A presente Tese apresenta como objetivo principal demonstrar que os programas de preservação do patrimônio histórico, durante a sua fase de implementação, necessitam de uma análise multidisciplinar sobre a sua execução. Essa análise permite identificar resultados significativos, capazes de fundamentar a retificação das bases conceituais da política pública em questão. A correção poderá, portanto, ser realizada tanto durante a sua vigência como posteriormente, ao permitir a elaboração de novas estratégias a serem aplicadas nos futuros programas de intervenção. Por outro lado, indagou-se se cidades participantes de um mesmo programa nacional de preservação do patrimônio histórico, regidas por normas e metas comuns, poderiam alcançar resultados não similares. Para atender tais objetivos, a investigação enfoca a realidade brasileira, tendo sido selecionado o Programa Monumenta como objeto de estudo. Esse Programa fez parte de uma política pública cultural do Ministério da Cultura, que atuou em parceria com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. Implantado em nível nacional, a partir de 1999, visava promover um processo de recuperação urbana sustentável, bem como a preservação do patrimônio de 26 Sítios Urbanos Históricos ou Conjuntos de Monumentos Urbanos, protegidos pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan). O Programa contou com o apoio da Unesco e do Iphan, além da participação das Administrações Municipais e/ou Estaduais, setores privados e sociedade civil. As hipóteses estabelecidas nesta Tese Doutoral foram: (a) a análise dos resultados na fase de implementação de um programa de preservação do patrimônio é imprescindível, pois permite extrair conclusões preliminares e orientar as suas reformulações; (b) os objetivos em curto prazo, estabelecidos pelo Programa Monumenta, foram alcançados de modo diferente pelas cidades beneficiadas; (c) apesar das diferenças, o Programa Monumenta apresentou resultados preliminares positivos e significativos sobre a preservação do patrimônio histórico urbano brasileiro. Os procedimentos metodológicos se centraram em análises quantitativa, qualitativa e comparativa dos resultados alcançados em três cidades beneficiadas pelo Programa Monumenta, selecionadas de acordo com o tamanho populacional: Pelotas, Porto Alegre (Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) e São Francisco do Sul (Estado de Santa Catarina). Esses procedimentos foram aplicados nos seguintes indicadores: utilização dos equipamentos culturais, características da população e dos domicílios, atividades econômicas, financiamento destinado ao setor privado para a recuperação dos imóveis e, ainda, o fomento da segurança urbana. A Tese inclui discussões e conceitos abordados nas disciplinas de Sociologia Urbana, Geografia Urbana, História, Economia e Estatística, de modo a atribuir ao objeto de investigação uma visão interdisciplinar e uma compreensão entre a teoria e a prática preservacionista. A análise de variância, regressão linear e análise fatorial foram as técnicas estatísticas aplicadas sobre os dados, com o objetivo de constatar a significação dos resultados e a relação de correspondência entre algumas variáveis. Esta Tese contribui com a elaboração de uma metodologia aplicada no cálculo da superfície ocupada pelas atividades econômicas, utilizando como método estatístico o Diagrama de Caixa e Bigodes, de John Wilder Tukey. As conclusões corroboram com as hipóteses estabelecidas e pretendem contribuir para o desenho de novas políticas públicas de preservação de sítios históricos de caráter urbano, enfatizando a necessidade de avaliações mais profundas dos resultados durante a sua fase de implementação. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main goal of this PhD. Thesis is to demonstrate that a multidisciplinary analysis is needed during the implementation phase of preservation of heritage programmes. Such analysis allows the identification of significant results, which in turn can serve as the foundation for the conceptual bases of the public policy at hand. Thus, any corrections can be made both during the programme and afterward, by introducing new strategies to be applied in future intervention programmes. On the other hand, this project also asks whether cities participating in the same national preservation of heritage programme with common rules and goals can achieve distinct results. In order to meet these objectives, the project chose Brazil as its focus and Monumenta Programme for its object of study. This Programme is part of the Ministry of Culture’s public cultural policy, and was developed with cooperation by the Inter-American Development Bank. Implemented at the national level in 1999, the Programme aimed at promoting a process of sustainable urban renewal and the preservation of 26 urban historic sites or urban monumental ensembles, protected by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN). UNESCO and IPHAN supported the Programme, and participants included municipal and state offices, private businesses, and local residents. The hypotheses established in this Doctoral Thesis were: (a) the analysis of the results in the implementation phase of a cultural public policy is imperative, because it enables preliminary conclusions to be drawn and orientate reforms; (b) the short-term objectives set out in the Monumenta Programme were achieved differently in the benefitted cities; (c) despite the differences, the Monumenta Programme displayed significant positive preliminary results in the conservation of the urban historic heritage in Brazil. Methodology procedures centered around quantitative, qualitative, and comparative analyses of the results achieved in three benefiting cities, selected according to population size: Pelotas, Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State) and São Francisco do Sul (Santa Catarina State). These procedures were applied to the following indicators: the use of the cultural facilities, characteristics of the population and the residential housing, variation of the economic activities, financing destined for the recovery of real estate, and promoting urban safety. The Thesis includes discussions and concepts addressed in urban sociology, urban geography, history, economics, and statistics, in order to examine the object of study with an interdisciplinary eye and an understanding between preservation theory and practice. Variance analysis, linear regression, and factorial analysis were the statistical techniques applied to the data, with the goal of defining the significance of the results and the correspondence ratio between some of the variables. This Thesis attempted to elaborate an applied methodology for calculating the space occupied by economic activities, using John Wilder Tukey's statistical method of Box-and-Whisker Plot. The conclusions corroborated the hypotheses established and are meant to contribute to the design of new public policies of historical site preservation in urban settings, emphasizing the need for deeper evaluations of the results during the implementation phase.
Inspections are used to prevent tax evasion or any other unlawful behavior. ? The effect of inspections depends on the network topology and the contagion rule. ? The network is modeled as a Watts?Strogatz Small World that is tuned from regular to random. ? Two contagion rules are applied: continuous and discontinuous. ? The equilibrium populations of payers and evaders are obtained in terms of these system parameters.
Proteases as well as alterations in intracellular calcium have important roles in hepatic preservation-reperfusion injury, and increased calpain activity recently has been demonstrated in liver allografts. Experiments were designed to evaluate (i) hepatic cytosolic calpain activity during different periods of cold ischemia (CI), rewarming, or reperfusion, and (ii) effects of inhibition of calpain on liver graft function using the isolated perfused rat liver and arterialized orthotopic liver transplantation models. Calpain activity was assayed using the fluorogenic substrate Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-methyl coumarin (AMC) and expressed as mean ± SD pmol AMC released/min per mg of cytosolic protein. Calpain activity rose significantly after 24 hr of CI in University of Wisconsin solution and further increased with longer preservation. Activity also increased within 30 min of rewarming, peaking at 120 min. Increased durations of CI preceding rewarming resulted in significantly higher activity (P < 0.01). Calpain activity increased rapidly upon reperfusion and was significantly enhanced by previous CI (P < 0.01). Calpain inhibition with Cbz-Val-Phe methyl ester significantly decreased aspartate aminotransferase released in the isolated perfused rat liver perfusate (P < 0.05). Duration of survival after orthotopic liver transplantation using livers cold-preserved for 40 hr was also significantly increased (P < 0.05) with calpain inhibitor. In conclusion, calpain proteases are activated during each phase of transplantation and are likely to play an important role in the mechanisms of preservation-reperfusion injury.
Economics of Cybersecurity Part 2. SPSI-2015-01-0024.
The membrane assembly of polytopic membrane proteins is a complicated process. Using Chinese hamster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as a model protein, we investigated this process previously and found that Pgp expresses more than one topology. One of the variations occurs at the transmembrane (TM) domain including TM3 and TM4: TM4 inserts into membranes in an Nin-Cout rather than the predicted Nout-Cin orientation, and TM3 is in cytoplasm rather than the predicted Nin-Cout orientation in the membrane. It is possible that TM4 has a strong activity to initiate the Nin-Cout membrane insertion, leaving TM3 out of the membrane. Here, we tested this hypothesis by expressing TM3 and TM4 in isolated conditions. Our results show that TM3 of Pgp does not have de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity whereas TM4 initiates the Nin-Cout membrane insertion regardless of the presence of TM3. In contrast, TM3 and TM4 of another polytopic membrane protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), have a similar level of de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity and TM4 of CFTR functions only as a stop-transfer sequence in the presence of TM3. Based on these findings, we propose that 1) the membrane insertion of TM3 and TM4 of Pgp does not follow the sequential model, which predicts that TM3 initiates Nin-Cout membrane insertion whereas TM4 stops the insertion event; and 2) “leaving one TM segment out of the membrane” may be an important folding mechanism for polytopic membrane proteins, and it is regulated by the Nin-Cout membrane insertion activities of the TM segments.
When the heart fails, there is often a constellation of biochemical alterations of the β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) signaling system, leading to the loss of cardiac inotropic reserve. βAR down-regulation and functional uncoupling are mediated through enhanced activity of the βAR kinase (βARK1), the expression of which is increased in ischemic and failing myocardium. These changes are widely viewed as representing an adaptive mechanism, which protects the heart against chronic activation. In this study, we demonstrate, using in vivo intracoronary adenoviral-mediated gene delivery of a peptide inhibitor of βARK1 (βARKct), that the desensitization and down-regulation of βARs seen in the failing heart may actually be maladaptive. In a rabbit model of heart failure induced by myocardial infarction, which recapitulates the biochemical βAR abnormalities seen in human heart failure, delivery of the βARKct transgene at the time of myocardial infarction prevents the rise in βARK1 activity and expression and thereby maintains βAR density and signaling at normal levels. Rather than leading to deleterious effects, cardiac function is improved, and the development of heart failure is delayed. These results appear to challenge the notion that dampening of βAR signaling in the failing heart is protective, and they may lead to novel therapeutic strategies to treat heart disease via inhibition of βARK1 and preservation of myocardial βAR function.
To understand how the human visual system analyzes images, it is essential to know the structure of the visual environment. In particular, natural images display consistent statistical properties that distinguish them from random luminance distributions. We have studied the geometric regularities of oriented elements (edges or line segments) present in an ensemble of visual scenes, asking how much information the presence of a segment in a particular location of the visual scene carries about the presence of a second segment at different relative positions and orientations. We observed strong long-range correlations in the distribution of oriented segments that extend over the whole visual field. We further show that a very simple geometric rule, cocircularity, predicts the arrangement of segments in natural scenes, and that different geometrical arrangements show relevant differences in their scaling properties. Our results show similarities to geometric features of previous physiological and psychophysical studies. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of early vision.
Polyamides composed of four amino acids, imidazole (Im), pyrrole (Py), hydroxypyrrole (Hp), and β-alanine (β), are synthetic ligands that form highly stable complexes in the minor groove of DNA. Although specific pairing rules within the 2:1 motif can be used to distinguish the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs, a comparable recognition code for 1:1 polyamide:DNA complexes had not been described. To set a quantitative baseline for the field, the sequence specificities of Im, Py, Hp, and β for the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs were determined for two polyamides, Im-β-ImPy-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (1, for Im, Py, and β) and Im-β-ImHp-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (2, for Hp), in a 1:1 complex within the DNA sequence context 5′-AAAGAGAAGAG-3′. Im residues do not distinguish G,C from A,T but bind all four base pairs with high affinity. Py and β residues exhibit ≥10-fold preference for A,T over G,C base pairs. The Hp residue displays a unique preference for a single A⋅T base pair with an energetic penalty.
Mass extinctions have played many evolutionary roles, involving differential survivorship or selectivity of taxa and traits, the disruption or preservation of evolutionary trends and ecosystem organization, and the promotion of taxonomic and morphological diversifications—often along unexpected trajectories—after the destruction or marginalization of once-dominant clades. The fossil record suggests that survivorship during mass extinctions is not strictly random, but it often fails to coincide with factors promoting survival during times of low extinction intensity. Although of very serious concern, present-day extinctions have not yet achieved the intensities seen in the Big Five mass extinctions of the geologic past, which each removed ≥50% of the subset of relatively abundant marine invertebrate genera. The best comparisons for predictive purposes therefore will involve factors such as differential extinction intensities among regions, clades, and functional groups, rules governing postextinction biotic interchanges and evolutionary dynamics, and analyses of the factors that cause taxa and evolutionary trends to continue unabated, to suffer setbacks but resume along the same trajectory, to survive only to fall into a marginal role or disappear (“dead clade walking”), or to undergo a burst of diversification. These issues need to be addressed in a spatially explicit framework, because the fossil record suggests regional differences in postextinction diversification dynamics and biotic interchanges. Postextinction diversifications lag far behind the initial taxonomic and morphological impoverishment and homogenization; they do not simply reoccupy vacated adaptive peaks, but explore opportunities as opened and constrained by intrinsic biotic factors and the ecological and evolutionary context of the radiation.