931 resultados para Pre-Trial


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The article compares a recent aerial photograph of the lowlands of the Isle of Anglesey area with a German surveillance photograph from 1941. The authors aim to infer the environmental changes made to this sand dune and lake system as a direct consequence of constructing the airfield. Part of Tywyn Trewan, the extensive sand dune system, was completely destroyed in order to create runways and the technical and domestic accommodation to house a strategic airfield. As part of the dredging, six new water bodies with a combined surface area of approximately 6 ha were created.


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This thesis describes investigations of two classes of laboratory plasmas with rather different properties: partially ionized low pressure radiofrequency (RF) discharges, and fully ionized high density magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven jets. An RF pre-ionization system was developed to enable neutral gas breakdown at lower pressures and create hotter, faster jets in the Caltech MHD-Driven Jet Experiment. The RF plasma source used a custom pulsed 3 kW 13.56 MHz RF power amplifier that was powered by AA batteries, allowing it to safely float at 4-6 kV with the cathode of the jet experiment. The argon RF discharge equilibrium and transport properties were analyzed, and novel jet dynamics were observed.

Although the RF plasma source was conceived as a wave-heated helicon source, scaling measurements and numerical modeling showed that inductive coupling was the dominant energy input mechanism. A one-dimensional time-dependent fluid model was developed to quantitatively explain the expansion of the pre-ionized plasma into the jet experiment chamber. The plasma transitioned from an ionizing phase with depressed neutral emission to a recombining phase with enhanced emission during the course of the experiment, causing fast camera images to be a poor indicator of the density distribution. Under certain conditions, the total visible and infrared brightness and the downstream ion density both increased after the RF power was turned off. The time-dependent emission patterns were used for an indirect measurement of the neutral gas pressure.

The low-mass jets formed with the aid of the pre-ionization system were extremely narrow and collimated near the electrodes, with peak density exceeding that of jets created without pre-ionization. The initial neutral gas distribution prior to plasma breakdown was found to be critical in determining the ultimate jet structure. The visible radius of the dense central jet column was several times narrower than the axial current channel radius, suggesting that the outer portion of the jet must have been force free, with the current parallel to the magnetic field. The studies of non-equilibrium flows and plasma self-organization being carried out at Caltech are relevant to astrophysical jets and fusion energy research.


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The connection between the activity of the gonadotropic cells of the hypophysis and the neurosecretion in the pre-optico neuro-hypophysial system in different groups of vertebrates has been examined by many authors. It has been established that in many species there exists some kind of synchronism between the sexual cycle and the cellular activity of neurosecretion, a fact that has led to the prevailing idea that gonadotropic activity in the hypophysis is regulated by the hypothalamus. This paper summarises the results of experiments made in this direction on Cyclostomata. The materials for research came from adult individuals of Eudontomyson danfordi Regan taken from the rivers Somes-Rece and Ivo (Harghita district) at different times of the year.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar in vitro o desgaste dental de pré-molares (PM) e molares (M) e sua relação com o valor de dureza Vickers dos materiais utilizados como antagonistas em uma máquina de abrasão simulada para provocar o desgaste nos dentes testados. Os materiais antagonistas utilizados foram VeraBond II (liga de Ni-Cr), Solidex (resina composta) e IPS Empress 2 (cerâmica). Para cada ensaio de dureza, foram preparados seis corpos-de-prova de cada material, os quais foram polidos sob refrigeração, com ciclo de 20 min para cada granulação. Num microdurômetro (HMV-2), foram realizadas três mossas por quadrante, cada uma sob carga de 19,614 N por 30 s, totalizando 12 mossas de base quadrada com ângulo de 136 entre os planos. O teste de abrasão foi realizado numa máquina simuladora de abrasão, freqüência de 265 ciclos/min e 4,4 Hz, com um percurso do antagonista de 10 mm à velocidade de 88 mm/s. Cada dente foi testado em oposição a um antagonista (foram 6 pares dente/material para cada grupo), em água deionizada, sob carga de 5 N, por 150 min, num total de 39.750 ciclos. Foram utilizados dezenove dentes 1 pré-molares, dezenove 3 molares e confeccionados doze antagonistas em cada material em forma de pastilha. Cada grupo de seis dentes foi testado em oposição a seis antagonistas do mesmo material. Ademais, um dente 1 pré-molar (PM) e um dente 3 molar (M) foram testados em oposição ao Plexiglass. Com relação ao desgaste do esmalte dentário (PM+M) segundo o material antagonista, o teste de Kruskal-Wallis evidenciou diferença significativa com p-valor < 0,001 e o teste de Mann-Whitney evidenciou diferença significativa nas comparações PM+M/resina X PM+M/metal (p-valor < 0,001), PM+M/resina X PM+M/cerâmica (p-valor < 0,001) e PM+M/metal X PM+M/cerâmica (p-valor = 0,002). A análise isolada, considerando pré-molares e molares separadamente, encontrou diferença significativa em relação ao desgaste do esmalte dentário no teste de Kruskall-Wallis, porém não detectou diferença significativa no teste de comparação múltipla Mann-Whitney quando comparou o desgaste sofrido pelo PM/metal em relação ao PM/cerâmica. Em relação à dureza Vickers detectou-se diferença significativa da dureza dos materiais no teste de Kruskall-Wallis (p-valor < 0,001) e também no teste de Mann-Whitney nas comparações múltiplas com p-valor = 0,002. Comparando-se a dureza com a perfilometria, observou-se uma correlação estatisticamente significativa (p ≤ 0,05) na correlação negativa (ρ= -0,829) entre a dureza do metal como material antagonista e o desgaste do esmalte dentário do dente molar. Os resultados sugeriram que todo material restaurador indireto estudado causou desgaste ao esmalte dentário quando submetido a forças de simulação de abrasão com carga. Embora tenha sido observada correlação entre dureza e resistência à abrasão, essa correlação foi pouco significativa.


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This report to the Thames Water Authority and Central Water Planning Unit is on research carried out in conjunction with the Stage 1 Group Pumping Test of five boreholes in the upper Lambourn Group for a period of three months in September, October and November 1975. The aim of the study was to assess the ecological effects of the pumpin g of five bore-holes in the upper Lambourn. That is, to determine how the seasonal sequence of ecological events in the river differed from what would hav e occurred had no pumping taken place. Since this 'experiment' has no control it is not possible to make a direct assessment. Nevertheless, by careful monitoring of ecological events before, during and after the pumping it is possible to document changes in th e river and by reference to the data already available for the Rive r Lambourn, normal seasonal changes in the flora and fauna can be separated from changes which may be attributable to the pumping and subsequent events.


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Background: The integrated treatment of first episode psychosis has been shown to improve functionality and negative symptoms in previous studies. In this paper, we describe a study of integrated treatment (individual psychoeducation complementary to pharmacotherapy) versus treatment as usual, comparing results at baseline with those at 6-month re-assessment (at the end of the study) for these patients, and online training of professionals to provide this complementary treatment, with the following objectives: 1) to compare the efficacy of individual psychoeducation as add-on treatment versus treatment as usual in improving psychotic and mood symptoms; 2) to compare adherence to medication, functioning, insight, social response, quality of life, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, between both groups; and 3) to analyse the efficacy of online training of psychotherapists. Methods/design: This is a single-blind randomised clinical trial including patients with first episode psychosis from hospitals across Spain, randomly assigned to either a control group with pharmacotherapy and regular sessions with their psychiatrist (treatment as usual) or an intervention group with integrated care including treatment as usual plus a psychoeducational intervention (14 sessions). Training for professionals involved at each participating centre was provided by the coordinating centre (University Hospital of Alava) through video conferences. Patients are evaluated with an extensive battery of tests assessing clinical and sociodemographic characteristics (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders, Strauss and Carpenter Prognostic Scale, Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, Morisky Green Adherence Scale, Functioning Assessment Short Test, World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument WHOQOL-BREF (an abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-100), and EuroQoL questionnaire), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels are measured in peripheral blood at baseline and at 6 months. The statistical analysis, including bivariate analysis, linear and logistic regression models, will be performed using SPSS. Discussion: This is an innovative study that includes the assessment of an integrated intervention for patients with first episode psychosis provided by professionals who are trained online, potentially making it possible to offer the intervention to more patients.


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[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia eraikuntzan gehituko diren argi-babeski sistema mota desberdinak aurkeztea da, bertan ematen den energia kontsumoa murrizteko asmoz. Izan ere, argi naturalaren erabilpen egoki batek eraikinaren efizientzia hobetzera eramango gaitu. Horretarako, ezinbestekoa izango da baliabide hau behar bezala ezagutzea, argitasuna eta beharrezko babesa eskaintzeko, eta ondorioz, energia aurreztea lortzeko. Babes sistema egokiena aukeratu baino lehen, aldez aurretik sortu izan diren argi-babeski mota desberdinak aztertu izan dira. Horrez gain, eguzki erradiazioa neurtzeko metodo grafiko eta analitikoak ere aztertu dira. Ondoren, Ecotect programak eskaintzen dituen simulazioei esker, eguzki erradiazioaren datu zehatzagoak lortzeko asmoz, ikasketa horretan erabiliko den eraikinaren kokapena, orientazioa eta ezaugarriak erabaki dira. Behin prototipoa definituta, programa bidez lau babes sistema mota desberdinak aztertu dira, horrela babesik gabeko eraikinean lortutako datuak alderatzeko. Azterketa Bilbo eta Sevillan egitea erabaki izan da. Izan ere, bi hiriburu hauek klimatologian duten desberdintasuna argi-babeskien aukeraketan duen eragina aztertzeko aukeratu dira, gainera, orientazioak eta argi babeskien dimentsioek ere izan dute zer esana aukeraketa garaian. Horrez gain, argi-babeskiek sortutako itzala ere aztertu izan da. Horrela, sistema hauen jarrera orokorra ikusi daiteke, eta beraz, uda garaian babesteko eta negu garaian eguzki izpiak sartzen uzteko duten ahalmena ikusi da. Bukatzeko, aurretik lortutako datu guztiei esker, eta bai kokapena zein orientazioa kontutan hartuz, babes sistema egokiena aukeratu da, jakinik ezinbestekoa dela argitasuna, babesa eta aurrezte energetikoaren arteko oreka egoki bat lortzea.


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A associação inversa da ingestão de cálcio dietético com adiposidade corporal e pressão arterial está documentada em estudos epidemiológicos. Achados experimentais sugerem que este fenômeno pode ser mediado por alterações na concentração intracelular de cálcio ([Ca]i). Existem poucos estudos relacionando o cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação da ingestão habitual de cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i, adiposidade corporal, perfil metabólico, biomarcadores inflamatórios, pressão arterial e função endotelial em mulheres. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido estudo transversal, com 76 mulheres na pré-menopausa submetidas à avaliação: dietética (questionário de frequência alimentar validado); da [Ca]i em eritrócitos (espectrometria de absorbância atômica); da gordura corporal (GC) total [índice de massa corporal (IMC) e % GC por bioimpedância elétrica] e central [perímetro da cintura (PC), e razão cintura quadril (RCQ)]; do perfil metabólico (glicose, colesterol e frações, insulina e HOMA-IR); dos biomarcadores inflamatórios [adiponectina e proteína C-reativa (PCR)]; dos biomarcadores da função endotelial [molécula de adesão intracelular-1 (ICAM-1), molécula de adesão celular vascular-1 (VCAM-1) e E-Selectina]; da função endotelial avaliada pelo equipamento Endo-PAT2000; e da pressão arterial. Calcitriol, paratormônio, cálcio sérico e cálcio urinário completaram o metabolismo do cálcio. As participantes foram estratificadas em 2 grupos de acordo com a ingestão habitual de cálcio: Grupo com baixa ingestão de cálcio ou BIC (n=32; ingestão de cálcio <600mg/d) e Grupo com elevada ingestão de cálcio ou AIC (n=44; ingestão de cálcio ≥600mg/d). A média da idade foi semelhante entre os grupos (Grupo BIC: 31,41,4 vs Grupo AIC: 31,41,4anos; p=0,99). Após ajustes para fatores de confundimento (idade, ingestão de energia, bebida alcoólica, proteína, carboidratos e lipídios), o Grupo AIC, em comparação com o BIC, apresentou valores significativamente mais baixos de IMC (25,65,3 vs 26,9 6,0 kg/m; p=0,02), PC (84,413,6 vs 87,815,3cm; p=0,04), % GC (31,15,9 vs 33,35,6 %; p=0,003), pressão arterial diastólica (68,210,8 vs 72,411,2 mm Hg; p=0,04) e pressão arterial média (80,1310,94 vs 83,8611,70 mmHg; p=0,04); e significativamente mais altos de HDL-colesterol (58,612,2 vs 52,912,2 mg/dL; p=0,004) e adiponectina (34572,1 19472,8 vs 31910,319385,1 ng/mL; p=0,05). A [Ca]i e as outras variáveis avaliadas não diferiram entre os grupos, mesmo após ajustes. Neste estudo realizado com mulheres, o maior consumo de cálcio se associou com valores mais baixos de adiposidade corporal total e central, pressão arterial diastólica e média; além de valores mais elevados de HDL-colesterol e adiponectina


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Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that are implicated in non-coding molecules such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Genetic variations in miRNAs can affect levels of miRNA expression if present in pre-miRNAs and in miRNA biogenesis genes or alter miRNA function if present in both target mRNA and miRNA sequences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate whether polymorphisms in pre-miRNAs, and/or miRNA processing genes contribute to predisposition for CLL. A total of 91 SNPs in 107 CLL patients and 350 cancer-free controls were successfully analyzed using TaqMan Open Array technology. We found nine statistically significant associations with CLL risk after FDR correction, seven in miRNA processing genes (rs3805500 and rs6877842 in DROSHA, rs1057035 in DICER1, rs17676986 in SND1, rs9611280 in TNRC6B, rs784567 in TRBP and rs11866002 in CNOT1) and two in pre-miRNAs (rs11614913 in miR196a2 and rs2114358 in miR1206). These findings suggest that polymorphisms in genes involved in miRNAs biogenesis pathway as well as in pre-miRNAs contribute to the risk of CLL. Large-scale studies are needed to validate the current findings.


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