955 resultados para Postoperative Hemorrhage


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av livskvalitet efter överviktsoperation samt främjande omvårdnadsåtgärder. Metod: Litteratursökning utfördes i PubMed och Cinahl med Full Text. Sökord var följande: Bariatric, Bariatric Surgery, Quality of life, Bariatric patient, nursing, postoperative care samt treatment outcome. Dessa sökningar kompletterades med manuella sökningar. Efter genomgång avseende inklusions- och exklusionskriterier valdes sammanlagt 16 artiklar ut för denna litteraturstudie. Huvudresultat: Bestående viktminskning hos kraftigt överviktiga patienter visade sig ha ett stadigvarande resultat på livskvaliteten. Pre- och postoperativ uppföljning med hjälp av ett multidisciplinärt vårdprogram gynnade ett varaktigt resultat i form av viktnedgång och ökad livskvalitet, framförallt genom livsstilsförändringar. Slutsats: Forskning stöder insättandet av omvårdnadsåtgärder för överviktiga patienter som genomgått en överviktsoperation. Med kunskap kring hur dessa patienter upplever sin livskvalitet kan sjuksköterskor anpassa omvårdnadsåtgärderna efter patienten, vilket ligger i linje med dagens strävan om personcentrerad vård.


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The quality of critical care nurses' decision making about patients' hemodynamic status in the immediate period after cardiac surgery is important for the patients' well-being and, at times, survival. The way nurses respond to hemodynamic cues varies according to the nurses' skills, experiences, and knowledge. Variability in decisions is also associated with the inherent complexity of hemodynamic monitoring. Previous methodological approaches to the study of hemodynamic assessment and treatment decisions have ignored the important interplay between nurses, the task, and the environment in which these decisions are made. The advantages of naturalistic decision making as a framework for studying the manner in which nurses make decisions are presented.


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Critical care nurses caring for cardiac patients in the immediate postoperative period continually make decisions about the implications and treatment of their patients' haemodynamic status.

The aim of this study was to describe the haemodynamic status of patients on admission to critical care and over the 2-h period following cardiac surgery.

A quantitative, descriptive design was used. Data were collected using non-participant observation and an observation tool. The sample consisted of 38 patients.

Analysis of data revealed the dynamic nature of the haemodynamic status of postoperative cardiac patients. On admission, 60% of patients (n = 23) were haemodynamically unstable. The instability in these patients (n = 23) was due to hypotension (34%), bleeding (21%) and hypoxaemia (18%). During the 2-h recovery period, 55% of patients were hypotensive, 16% of patients had low cardiac output syndrome and 16% of patients had low systemic vascular resistance (SVR) syndrome. Twenty-one percent of patients experienced bleeding complications. Shivering was a clinically significant problem in terms of occurrence (23%) and duration (X = 45, S.D. = 30 min). Twenty-nine percent of patients (n = 11) had a profound deterioration in haemodynamic status, necessitating urgent interventions.

Haemodynamic parameters indicate that 95% of patients in this study were haemodynamically unstable at some time during the initial 2-h recovery period. These findings inform resourcing decisions by organisations and have implications for nurses' assessment and interventional haemodynamic decision making.


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Background. Cardiac surgical patients are distinguished by their potential for instability in the early postoperative period, highly invasive haemodynamic monitoring technologies and unique clinical presentations as a result of undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Little is known about nurses’ perceptions of assuming responsibility for such patients. An nderstanding of nurses’ perceptions may identify areas of practice that can be improved and assist in determining the adequacy of current decision supports.

Aim. The aim of this study was to describe critical care nurses’ perceptions of assuming responsibility for the nursing management of cardiac patients in the initial two-hour postoperative period. Design. An exploratory descriptive study based on naturalistic decision-making.

Thirty-eight nurses were interviewed immediately following a two-hour observation of their clinical practice. Content analysis and a systematic thematic analysis process called ‘Framework’ were used to analyse the interview transcripts.

Results. Nurses described their perceptions of managing patients in terms of how they felt about making decisions for complex cardiac surgical patients and in terms of how clinical processes unique to the admission phase impacted their decision-making. Nurses felt either daunted or stimulated and challenged when making decisions. Nurses identified handover from anaesthetists, settling in procedures and forms of
collegial assistance as important processes that impacted their decision-making.

Nurses’ previous experiences with similar patients influenced how they felt about making decisions during the initial two-hour postoperative period, but did not alter their views about processes important for patient safety during this time. Relevance to clinical practice. Feelings expressed by nurses in this study highlight the need for clinical supervision and appropriate allocation of resources during the immediate recovery period after cardiac surgery. Nurses identified ways to improve clinical processes that impacted their decision-making during the immediate recovery of cardiac surgical patients.


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Critical care nurses’ haemodynamic decision-making in the immediate postoperative cardiac surgical context is complex. To optimise patient outcomes, nurses of varying levels of experience are required to make complex decisions rapidly and accurately. In a dynamic clinical context such as critical care, the quality of such decision-making is likely to vary considerably. The aim of this study was to describe variability of nurses’ haemodynamic decision-making in the 2-hour period after cardiac surgery as a function of interplay between decision complexity, nurses’ levels of experience, and the support provided. A descriptive study based on naturalistic decision-making was used. Data were collected using continuous non-participant observation of clinical practice for a 2-hour period and follow-up interview. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 38 nurses for inclusion in the study. The quality of nurses’ decision-making was influenced by interplay between the complexity of patients’ haemodynamic presentations, nurses’ levels of cardiac surgical intensive care experience, and the form of decision support provided by nursing colleagues. Two factors specifically influenced decision-making quality: nurses’ utilisation of evidence for practice and the experience levels of both nurses and their colleagues. The findings have implications for staff resourcing decisions and postoperative patient management, and may be used to inform nurses’ professional development and education.


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Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in Australia. In the next 10-15 years, the number of people needing this surgery is expected to double, This article is based on a study, which explored the types and levels of symptoms experienced by patients post-ophthalmic surgery. Patients were asked to complete two instruments: a 'Postoperative Symptoms Diary' and a follow up 'Telephone Survey Questionnaire'. Eight males and 15 females (n = 23) with a mean age of 80.5 years were recruited. The findings revealed that patients' symptom levels decreased over time, except for tiredness and moving around which increased slightly on Day 4 post-operatively. A carer was required for an average of 2.3 days. This study highlighted the discrepancies in current day surgery literature, which recommend that a carer is needed during only the first 24 hours post-operatively.


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• Pain assessment and management are complex issues that embrace physiological, emotional, cognitive, and social dimensions.

• This observational study sought to investigate nurse–patient interactions associated with pain assessment and management in hospitalized postsurgical patients in clinical practice settings.

• Twelve field observations were carried out on Registered Nurses' activities relating to pain with their assigned patients. All nurses were involved in direct patient care in one surgical unit of a metropolitan teaching hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Six observation times were identified as key periods for activities relating to pain, which included change of shift and high activity periods. Each observation period lasted 2 hours and was examined on two occasions.

• Four major themes were identified as barriers to effective pain management: nurses' responses to interruptions of activities relating to pain, nurses' attentiveness to patient cues of pain, nurses' varying interpretations of pain, and nurses' attempts to address competing demands of nurses, doctors and patients.

• These findings provide some understanding of the complexities impacting on nurses' assessment and management of postoperative pain. Further research using this observational methodology is indicated to examine these influences in more depth. This knowledge may form the basis for developing and evaluating strategic intervention programmes that analyse nurses' management of postoperative pain and, in particular, their administration of opioid analgesics.


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Background and Purpose-: Little is known about any variations in resource use and costs of care between stroke subtypes, especially nonhospital costs. The purpose of this study was to describe the patterns of resource use and to estimate the first-year and lifetime costs for stroke subtypes.

Methods-: A cost-of-illness model was used to estimate the total first-year costs and lifetime costs of stroke subtypes for all strokes (subarachnoid hemorrhages excluded) that occurred in Australia during 1997. For each subtype, average cost per case during the first year and the present value of average cost per case over a lifetime were calculated. Resource use data obtained in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) were used.

Results-: The present value of total lifetime costs for all strokes was Aus $1.3 billion (US $985 million). Total lifetime costs were greatest for ischemic stroke (72%; Aus $936.8 million; US $709.7 million), followed by intracerebral hemorrhage (26%; Aus $334.5 million; US $253.4 million) and unclassified stroke (2%; Aus $30 million; US $22.7 million). The average cost per case during the first year was greatest for total anterior circulation infarction (Aus $28 266). Over a lifetime, the present value of average costs was greatest for intracerebral hemorrhage (Aus $73 542), followed by total anterior circulation infarction (Aus $53 020), partial anterior circulation infarction (Aus $50 692), posterior circulation infarction (Aus $37 270), lacunar infarction (Aus $34 470), and unclassified stroke (Aus $12 031).

Conclusions-: First-year and lifetime costs vary considerably between stroke subtypes. Variation in average length of total hospital stay is the main explanation for differences in first-year costs.


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Little evidence exists to describe expected volumes of chest tube (CT) drainage after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).

The study objective was to map the trajectory of CT drainage volumes from insertion to removal after CABG.


This was a retrospective, descriptive study.
The study included 239 patients who underwent CABG at a single metropolitan hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

The sample (N = 234), aged 68.7 years (standard deviation [SD] 9.9), was predominantly male (N = 185, 79.1%). The mean duration of CT insertion was 45.2 hours (SD 26.7), and total drainage volume was 1300.6 mL (SD 763.8). Drainage volumes plateau to 31 mL per hour, 8 hours after surgery. From 24 to 48 hours, the mean drainage was 21 mL per hour. Drainage volumes varied between genders.

Evidence of similar drainage patterns in other populations is difficult to locate. If the pattern of drainage shown in this study is consistent, experimental intervention studies comparing standard removal time and earlier removal are recommended. If not, prospective collection of relevant preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors across multiple sites is necessary to determine which patient or practice variations influence CT drainage patterns after CABG.


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Research confirms that laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) results in shorter lengths of hospital stay and earlier return to usual activity than the traditional cholecystectomy procedure. Research in this area, however, focuses more on the medical aspects of patient recovery, but very few studies have evaluated how these patients manage their recovery at home or what types of problems they encounter. A total of 28 LC patients were randomly assigned to two groups: (1) 23 h stay (overnight) in a general surgical ward or (2) day procedure unit (DPU) stay. Data was collected by a self-administered Postoperative Symptoms Diary and telephone interview. Results showed no significant difference between the two groups of patients recovery symptoms scores. Problems with mobility, pain and elimination recorded the highest mean scores for both groups of patients. Overnight patients also experienced problems with tiredness and eating. All DPU patients were able to manage their postoperative symptoms, compared to only 44% of patients who had stayed in overnight. Carer assistance was needed with regard to activities of daily living, child care and reassurance. Results showed that with careful selection of patients, LC cases performed as day procedures did not impact at all on the patients' recovery trajectory.


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This is a methodological study in which a case report is used to retrospectively analyse the link between a successful pilot study and stalled main study to identify potential methodological weaknesses in the planning process. The analysis identified unanticipated influences related to hospital processes and discipline boundaries that adversely influenced participant recruitment and retention for a clinical trial. The findings of the study demonstrate that, whilst the pilot is an important step in research planning to confirm the design and operational processes for a study, a thorough analysis of the relevant health service environment is an important additional objective for the pilot study.


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Background: Overwhelming, sometimes fatal infections represent a lifelong risk after surgical removal of the spleen, or in patients who develop hyposplenism as a consequence of illnesses. This risk may be reduced by all or a combination of vaccination, antibiotic prophylaxis and education. We aimed to determine if a registry approach to delivering these interventions would be cost effective using our own experience and published data.
Method: The decision model compared a cohort of 1,000 people covered by a registry to a cohort of 1,000 people with no registry. The impact of the registry was assessed in terms of achieved rates of vaccination, chemoprophylaxis and education, consequent outcomes of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) and mortality (years of life lived). The cost-effectiveness of the registry compared with no registry was estimated in terms of additional cost per case of OPSI avoided and as additional cost per life year gained.
Results: In the first two years, the additional cost of the registry was $152,611 per case of OPSI avoided or $205,931 per life year gained. After this initial registration period the costeffectiveness improves over time, such that over the cohort lifetime a post-splenectomy register is associated with an additional cost of $105,159 per case of OPSI avoided or $16,113 per life year gained.
Conclusion: A registry-based approach is likely to prove cost effective in terms of mortality and rates of OPSI avoided.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to define appropriate criteria for assessing the presence of lymphedema, and to report the prevalence and risk factors for development of upper limb lymphedema after level I-III axillary dissection for melanoma.
Summary Background Data: The lack of a consistent and reliable objective definition for lymphedema remains a significant barrier to appreciating its prevalence after axillary dissection for melanoma (or breast carcinoma).
Methods: Lymphedema was assessed in 107 patients (82 male, 25 female) who had previously undergone complete level I-III axillary dissection. Of the 107 patients, 17 had also received postoperative axillary radiotherapy. Arm volume was measured using a water displacement technique. Change in volume of the arm on the side of the dissection was referenced to the volume of the other (control) arm. Volume measurements were corrected for the effect of handedness using corrections derived from a control group. Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis was used to determine a threshold fractional arm volume increase above which volume changes were considered to indicate lymphedema.
Results: Based on the CART analysis results, lymphedema was defined as an increase in arm volume greater than 16% of the volume of the control arm. Using this definition, lymphedema prevalence for patients in the present study was 10% after complete level I-III axillary dissection for melanoma and 53% after additional axillary radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and wound complications were independent risk factors for the development of lymphedema.
Conclusions: A suggested objective definition for arm lymphedema after axillary dissection is an arm volume increase of greater than 16% of the volume of the control arm.


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We evaluated cardiac output (CO) using three new methods – the auto-calibrated FloTrac–Vigileo (COed), the non-calibrated Modelflow (COmf ) pulse contour method and the ultra-sound HemoSonic system (COhs) – with thermodilution (COtd) as the reference. In 13 postoperative cardiac surgical patients, 104 paired CO values were assessed before, during and after four interventions: (i) an increase of tidal volume by 50%; (ii) a 10 cm H2O increase in positive end-expiratory pressure; (iii) passive leg raising and (iv) head up position. With the pooled data the difference (bias (2SD)) between COed and COtd, COmf and COtd and COhs and COtd was 0.33 (0.90), 0.30 (0.69) and −0.41 (1.11) l.min−1, respectively. Thus, Modelflow had the lowest mean squared error, suggesting that it had the best performance. COed significantly overestimates changes in cardiac output while COmf and COhs values are not significantly different from those of COtd. Directional changes in cardiac output by thermodilution were detected with a high score by all three methods.