995 resultados para Portin, Petter: Ne geenit! Ne geenit!


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Nuestro trabajo lleva por título el "epígrafe" que Arturo Ripstein eligió para su película Las razones del corazón, a partir del cual nos acercaremos a ella. La obra más reciente de este director mexicano puede interpretarse como una adaptación de los últimos días de Emma Bovary, uno de los personajes más conocidos y a la vez desconocidos de la literatura occidental. El guión fue escrito por Paz Alicia Garcíadiego a partir de lo que recordaba de su lectura durante su juventud de la novela de Gustave Flaubert. ¿Cómo se reinterpreta esta historia en blanco y negro que narra la tristeza y angustia permanentes en la que está sumida Em(ili)a, su insatisfacción perpetua, su fracaso como esposa y madre ejemplar, su sentirse desdichada cuando aparentemente no hay motivo para ello, todo eso que la lleva al adulterio y que la conduce inexorablemente al suicidio cuando la vida ya carece de sentido para ella? ¿Cómo se (re)construye en este melodrama el peso de la culpa en relación con los valores de una sociedad en la que la infidelidad ha dejado de tener el peso moral que conservaba en la Francia del Siglo XIX?


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The Darwin Mounds are a series of small (<=5 m high, 75-100 m diameter) sandy features located in the northern Rockall Trough. They provide a habitat for communities of Lophelia pertusa and associated fauna. Suspended particulate organic matter (sPOM) reaching the deep-sea floor, which could potentially fuel this deep-water coral (DWC) ecosystem, was collected during summer 2000. This was relatively "fresh" (i.e. dominated by labile lipids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids) and was derived largely from phytoplankton remains and faecal pellets, with contributions from bacteria and microzooplankton. Labile sPOM components were enriched in the benthic boundary layer (~10 m above bottom (mab)) relative to 150 mab. The action of certain benthic fauna that are exclusively associated with the DWC ecosystem (e.g. echiuran worms) leads to the subduction of fresh organic material into the sediments. The mound surface sediments are enriched in organic carbon, relative to off-mound sites. There is no evidence for hydrocarbon venting at this location.


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Sediment trap samples from OMEX 2 (49°N, 13°W) provide a continuous record of the seasonal succession of planktonic foraminifera in the midlatitude North Atlantic and reveal a complex relationship between periods of production and specific hydrographic conditions. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral coiling (d.), Globigerina bulloides, and Globorotalia inflata are found in great numbers during both the spring and summer seasons, whereas Globigerina quinqueloba, Globorotalia hirsuta, Globorotalia scitula, and Globigerinita glutinata are associated predominantly with the increase in productivity during the spring bloom. Globigerinella aequilateralis, Orbulina universa, and Globigerinoides sacculifer are restricted to late summer conditions following the establishment of a warm, well-stratified surface ocean. An annually integrated fauna from the sediment trap, comprising ~13,000 individuals, is used to evaluate the accuracy of five faunal-based statistical methods of paleotemperature estimation. All of the temperature reconstruction techniques produce estimates of ~16°C and ~11°C for summer and winter surface temperature, respectively, which are in excellent agreement with regional hydrographic data and suggest that the sediment trap assemblage is well represented in the core top faunas. Analysis of the key species that dominate the OMEX 2 sediment trap fauna, G. bulloides, G. inflata, and N. pachyderma d., based on d18O derived temperatures from North Atlantic core top samples, suggests that seasonal variations in planktonic foraminiferal production are nonuniform across the midlatitudes and that this is likely to complicate reconstructing past seasonal hydrographic dynamics using these taxa.


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High-resolution palynological analysis on annually laminated sediments of Sihailongwan Maar Lake (SHL) provides new insights into the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China. The robust chronology of the presented record is based on varve counting and AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant macro-remains. In addition to the qualitative interpretation of the pollen data, we provide quantitative reconstructions of vegetation and climate based on the method of biomization and weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS) technique, respectively. Power spectra were computed to investigate the frequency domain distribution of proxy signals and potential natural periodicities. Pollen assemblages, pollen-derived biome scores and climate variables as well as the cyclicity pattern indicate that NE China experienced significant changes in temperature and moisture conditions during the Holocene. Within the earliest phase of the Holocene, a large-scale reorganization of vegetation occurred, reflecting the reconstructed shift towards higher temperatures and precipitation values and the initial Holocene strengthening and northward expansion of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). Afterwards, summer temperatures remain at a high level, whereas the reconstructed precipitation shows an increasing trend until approximately 4000 cal. yr BP. Since 3500 cal. yr BP, temperature and precipitation values decline, indicating moderate cooling and weakening of the EASM. A distinct periodicity of 550-600 years and evidence of a Mid-Holocene transition from a temperature-triggered to a predominantly moisture-triggered climate regime are derived from the power spectra analysis. The results obtained from SHL are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from NE China, substantiating the regional nature of the reconstructed vegetation and climate patterns. However, the reconstructed climate changes contrast with the moisture evolution recorded in S China and the mid-latitude (semi-)arid regions of N China. Whereas a clear insolation-related trend of monsoon intensity over the Holocene is lacking from the SHL record, variations in the coupled atmosphere-Pacific Ocean system can largely explain the reconstructed changes in NE China.


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1. Shallow arctic lakes and ponds have simple and short food webs, but large uncertainties remain about benthic-pelagic links in these systems. We tested whether organic matter of benthic origin supports zooplankton biomass in a pond in NE Greenland, using stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the pond itself and in a 13C-enrichment enclosure experiment. In the latter, we manipulated the carbon isotope signature of benthic algae to enhance its isotopic discrimination from other potential food sources for zooplankton. 2. The cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana responded to the 13C-enrichment of benthic mats with progressively increasing d13C values, suggesting benthic feeding. Stable isotope analysis also pointed towards a negligible contribution of terrestrial carbon to the diet of D. middendorffiana. This agreed with the apparent dominance of autochthonous dissolved organic matter in the pond revealed by analysis of coloured dissolved organic matter. 3. Daily net production by phytoplankton in the pond (18 mg C/m**2/day) could satisfy only up to half of the calculated minimum energy requirements of D. middendorffiana (35 mg C/m**2/day), whereas benthic primary production alone (145 mg C/m**2/day) was more than sufficient. 4. Our findings highlight benthic primary production as a major dietary source for D. middendorffiana in this system and suggest that benthic organic matter may play a key role in sustaining pelagic secondary production in such nutrient-limited high arctic ponds.


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The first 1400-year floating varve chronology for north-eastern Germany covering the late Allerød to the early Holocene has been established by microscopic varve counts from the Rehwiese palaeolake sediment record. The Laacher See Tephra (LST), at the base of the studied interval, forms the tephrochronological anchor point. The fine laminations were examined using a combination of micro-facies and ?-XRF analyses and are typical of calcite varves, which in this case provide mainly a warm season signal. Two varve types with different sub-layer structures have been distinguished: (I) complex varves consisting of up to four seasonal sub-layers formed during the Allerød and early Holocene periods, and, (II) simple two sub-layer type varves only occurring during the Younger Dryas. The precision of the chronology has been improved by varve-to-varve comparison of two independently analyzed sediment profiles based on well-defined micro-marker layers. This has enabled both (1) the precise location of single missing varves in one of the sediment profiles, and, (2) the verification of varve interpolation in disturbed varve intervals in the parallel core. Inter-annual and decadal-scale variability in sediment deposition processes were traced by multi-proxy data series including seasonal layer thickness, high-resolution element scans and total organic and inorganic carbon data at a five-varve resolution. These data support the idea of a two-phase Younger Dryas, with the first interval (12,675 - 12,275 varve years BP) characterised by a still significant but gradually decreasing warm-season calcite precipitation and a second phase (12,275 - 11,640 varve years BP) with only weak calcite precipitation. Detailed correlation of these two phases with the Meerfelder Maar record based on the LST isochrone and independent varve counts provides clues about regional differences and seasonal aspects of YD climate change along a transect from a location proximal to the North Atlantic in the west to a more continental site in the east.