866 resultados para Polycystic Kidney Disease Gene 1


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The nurses in the hemodialysis has an important role in the nursing process implementation, in the context of a theoretical referential. Among the nursing theories, highlights the Roy´s adaptations model, who considers a person as an holistic adaptive system that aims to adapt customers to different living conditions. Thus, it is believed that the Roy´s nursing process will guide nursing care to patients on dialysis. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the nursing diagnosis present in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis based on the theoretical model of Roy and NANDA-International. Descriptive and cros-sectional study, performed at a dialysis center in a city in northeastern Brazil. Sample of 178 patients and consecutive sampling by convenience. Data collection ocurred from October/2011 until February/2012, through interview and physical examination forms. Data analysis was initiated by clinical reasoning, diagnosis judgment and similarity relation. Then, the data were entered into SPSS program, 16.0 version, generating descriptive statistics. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee (protocol nº 115/11) with a Presentation Certificate for Ethics Appreciation (in 0139.0.051.000-111) and was funded by the Universal edict MCT / CNPq 14/2010. The results revealed that most patients were male (52.2%), married (62.9%) and residents in the Natal´s metropolitan region (54.5%). The mean age was 46.6 years and the years of study, 8,5. Regarding nursing diagnosis obtained an average of 6.6, especially: Risk of Infection (100%), excessive fluid volume (99.4%) and hypothermia (61.8%). On the other hand the adaptive problems average was 6.4, and the most common: intracellular fluid retention (99.4%); Hyperkalemia (64.6%); Hypothermia (61.8%) and edema (53.9%). Were established 20 similarity relations between the NANDA-International nursing diagnosis and adaptive problems of Roy, namely: risk of falls / injury risk and potential for injury, impaired physical mobility and walking mobility and / or restricted coordination, dressing self-care deficit and loss of self-care ability; hypothermia and hypothermia; impaired skin integrity and impaired skin integrity; excessive fluid volume and intracellular fluid retention / Hyperkalemia / Hypocalcemia / edema; imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements and Nutrition less than the body's needs; constipation and constipation, acute pain and acute pain, chronic pain and chronic pain, sensorial perception disturbed: visual, tactile and auditory disabilities and a primary sense: sight, hearing and tactile; sleep deprivation and insomnia, fatigue and intolerance to activities; ineffective self health and fails in the role; sexual dysfunction and sexual dysfunction; situational low self-esteem and low self-esteem, and diarrhea and diarrhea. We conclude that there is similarity between the typologies and was required a model´s analysis, because they present different ways to establish the nursing diagnosis. Moreover, the nursing process use, under the context of a theory and a classification system, subsidizes the care and contributes to the strengthening of nursing science


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One of the Primary Health Care strategies for adolescent health is the growth and development follow-up and the early detection of overweight adolescents. Even though the School Health Program in Brazil proposes to evaluate the nutritional state of the school population in the corresponding community health units, not all cities have adhered to the Program and many nurses do not recognize overweight as a problem in their territory. The objective of the study was to identify the nurse´s participation in the screening of overweight adolescent students in their work territory. Cross sectional study conducted in eight state supported schools of the municipality of Natal/RN and in four Primary Health Units. The total student population was 27.277. A stratified sample was statistically calculated based on the student population of the four city geographical zones: 112 North , 74 West; 108 East; and 78 South, totalizing 372 adolescents. The students were selected by a probability process where eight schools were first selected, two per district, until the number per subsample in each district was reached. Four primary health nurses, responsible for the health units were included. Two instruments were used for data collection, a screening questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form for questioning of the nurses. The content of both instruments was validated. Anthropometric and health data were collected from the students and analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics. Interview data were transcribed and submitted to content analysis. The nursing diagnosis of overweight was identified in 50 (13,5%) of the adolescents and its association with consumption of foods that have cardiovascular risk (canned foods, pasta and fried food). An association of the nursing diagnosis was identified with family history (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and kidney disease). The nurses judged that care of overweight adolescents was important but noted difficulties because of the absence of this population in the health units, because of their work overload, and the lack of school articulation. The nurses do not have impacting actions with this population and delegate the responsibility to other professionals. It is concluded that overweight is a nutritional problem relevant to the adolescent school population in Natal/RN, with a 13,5% prevalence and that it is related to food consumption with cardiovascular risk and family health history. The nurses consider overweight as an important public health problem but do not envision ways to maintain linkage with adolescents and with the school to promote the needed care


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a evolução de pacientes com lesão renal aguda (LRA) por Necrose Tubular Aguda internados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de coorte retrospectivo, no qual foram avaliados 477 pacientes maiores de 18 anos, no período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2008. LRA foi definida de acordo com os valores de creatinina sérica, conforme proposto pelo Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN). RESULTADOS: A média de idade da população estudada foi de 65,5 ± 16,2 anos, com predomínio de homens (62%) e com idade > 60 anos (65,2%). Diabetes mellitus ocorreu em 61,9%, hipertensão arterial em 44,4% e doença renal crônica em 21,9%. A mortalidade foi de 66%. Após análise multivariada, foram variáveis associadas ao óbito a necessidade de diálise, internação em UTI, idade > 60 anos e menor tempo de acompanhamento nefrológico. A recuperação renal entre os sobreviventes foi de 96,9%. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho mostra que a evolução dos pacientes com LRA provenientes de enfermarias clínica e cirúrgica é semelhante à literatura. Porém, a alta mortalidade do grupo mostra a necessidade da identificação de fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de LRA nesses pacientes e capacitação da equipe assistente para o diagnóstico precoce dessa síndrome.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A vacinação contra influenza é a principal forma de prevenir e reduzir a morbidade e mortalidade associadas à doença entre os idosos e grupos de risco. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, comportamentais e de saúde associados à vacinação, entre idosos residentes em diferentes áreas do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2001 a 2002. Trata-se de um delineamento transversal de base populacional que considerou os idosos residentes em duas áreas do Estado: uma composta pelo município de Campinas e distrito do Butantã, na cidade de São Paulo, e outra pelos municípios de Taboão da Serra, Embu e Itapecerica da Serra (região metropolitana do município de São Paulo). A amostra foi composta por 849 e 641 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, residentes em tais localidades, respectivamente. Na análise bruta foram utilizadas razões de prevalência e intervalos de confiança de 95% e a análise multivariada foi realizada pela regressão de Poisson. A prevalência de vacinação auto-referida foi de 66,9% entre os residentes em Campinas e no distrito do Butantã e 67,6% naqueles das demais localidades. Após análise ajustada, para os idosos de Campinas e Butantã, apenas menor escolaridade (RP = 1,25; IC 95%: 1,02-1,54) esteve associada à vacinação. Já na área composta pelos municípios menos populosos, idade mais avançada (RP = 1,15; IC 95%: 1,02-1,31), hipertensão arterial (RP = 1,21; IC 95%: 1,02-1,45), diabetes (RP = 1,16; IC 95%: 1,01-1,33) e doença crônica de pulmão (RP = 1,30; IC 95%: 1,03-1,64) referidas, estiveram também associadas. Apesar de a prevalência de vacinação contra influenza entre os idosos das diversas localidades ser praticamente a mesma, pôde-se observar diferenças no perfil do idoso quanto à referência desse procedimento preventivo.


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Introdução: A nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva é importante causa de doença renal crônica com necessidade de diálise. As características que distinguem um portador de hipertensão arterial que evolui com nefroangioesclerose de outro que mantém função renal estável não são bem estabelecidas, devido à dificuldade em assegurar que os portadores daquela doença não sejam, na verdade, portadores de glomerulopatias ou outras doenças renais confundíveis. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar características clínicas ou laboratoriais que distingam os pacientes que desenvolveram doença renal crônica a partir da hipertensão, confirmada por biópsia renal, daqueles que, mesmo apresentando hipertensão arterial, não desenvolveram nefroangioesclerose. Métodos: Realizou-se comparação retrospectiva de dados clínicos e laboratoriais de 15 portadores de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva confirmada por biópsia renal e 15 hipertensos oriundos do ambulatório do Centro de Hipertensão Arterial, cuja ausência de nefroangioesclerose foi definida pela ausência de proteinúria. Os grupos foram pareados quanto à idade e gênero. Resultados: Dentre as variáveis avaliadas, tempo de hipertensão arterial, pressão de pulso, glicemia, ácido úrico, creatinina e frequência de uso de diuréticos e simpatolíticos diferiram estatisticamente entre os dois grupos. Todas essas variáveis apresentaram valores maiores no grupo com nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva. Conclusão: O presente estudo associa a nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva, confirmada por biópsia, com alterações metabólicas, duração e intensidade da hipertensão e corrobora a ideia de que a prevenção primária da hipertensão arterial, postergando o seu início, o controle pressórico mais estrito, quando a hipertensão já está estabelecida, bem como o controle metabólico têm a potencialidade de prevenir o desenvolvimento de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva.


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Relatou-se um caso de fibrossarcoma localizado na uretra média de uma cadela, sem raça definida, que apresentava sinais de polaquiúria, estrangúria e hematúria no início da micção. O animal também apresentava poliúria, polidipsia, êmese e anorexia há dois dias. Os exames complementares levaram ao diagnóstico de hidronefrose bilateral, hipoplasia renal direita e massa em uretra causando dilatação dorsal de sua porção média. A biópsia não foi realizada antemortem devido ao estado geral do paciente, que, mesmo com a instituição de tratamento para doença renal crônica, não apresentou progresso. A uretrocistografia retrógrada e a histologia foram os exames decisivos para detectar o fibrossarcoma uretral. A ultrassonografia e a citologia por sondagem traumática não foram conclusivos, devido ao fato de a massa apresentar-se em região media de uretra e o caráter pouco esfoliativo da neoplasia.


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O estudo das pressões arteriais sistólica, média, diastólica e da frequência cardíaca, pelo método indireto oscilométrico (petmap®), foi realizado em 150 cães atendidos pelo Serviço de Clínica Médica de Pequenos Animais da FMVZ - Unesp/Botucatu. Investigou-se a influência de fatores como presença do proprietário, estado de saúde, diagnóstico de doença renal, raça, idade, sexo, decúbito, contenção, fluidoterapia, condição corpórea, temperamento, atividade física, dieta e atitude associados ou não à elevação da pressão arterial. Dos 150 cães, 34% encontravam-se sob a categoria de risco mínimo para o desenvolvimento de lesões hipertensivas, 14,6% com hipertensão branda, 22,6% com hipertensão moderada e 28,66%, com hipertensão grave. Houve influência, dos fatores analisados, na elevação da pressão arterial de acordo com a categoria de risco.


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Background. The Paulista Registry of Glomerulopathies was created in May 1999 and comprises several centres of São Paulo, the most populous Brazilian State, that concentrates people from all regions of the country who look for health care.Methods. This report includes data from 2086 patients from Brazil submitted to renal biopsy due to the presumed diagnosis of glomerular diseases, registered prospectively since May 1999 until January 2005. Data were collected by the integrants of the 11 centres involved, utilizing a standardized questionnaire.Results. The mean age of the patients was 34.5 +/- 14.6 years. Primary glomerular diseases were more frequent in males (55.1%) than in females; on the other hand, secondary glomerular diseases were more frequent in females (71.8%). The most common clinical presentation was nephrotic syndrome and the frequency of hypertension, at this time, was 55.5%. There was a predominance of indication of biopsies in the third, fourth and fifth decades of life. The most common primary glomerular diseases were focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (29.7%), followed by membranous nephropathy (20.7%), IgA nephropathy (17.8%), minimal change disease (9.1%), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (7%), crescentic glomerulonephritis (4.1%), advanced chronic glomerulopathy (4%), non-IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis (3.8%), diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis (2.5%), focal segmental proliferative glomerulonephritis (1%) and others (0.3%). The most frequent secondary glomerular disease was lupus nephritis, corresponding to 66.2% of the cases, followed by post-infectious glomerulonephritis (12.5%), diabetic nephropathy (6.2%), diseases associated to paraproteinaemia (4.9%), hereditary diseases (4.6%), vasculitis (3.2%), malignancies (0.9.%), secondary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (0.6%) and others (0.9%).Conclusion. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis was the most frequent primary glomerular disease, followed by membranous nephropathy and IgA nephropathy. Lupus nephritis predominated over all the other secondary glomerular diseases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rats treated with two injections of adriamycin (week 0 and week 12) developed glomerusclerosis and severe tubulointerstitial lesions as described in the literature. In addition, a number of glomerular alterations were present. These included capillary loop dilation, insudation of eosinophilic material, necrosis, duplication of the glomerular basement membrane, severe mesangiolysis with disruption of the mesangial matrix and segmental double- contours. The renal arterioles and interlobular arteries showed endothelial cell swelling. The subendothelial space was infiltrated by fibrinoid material and there was intensive fibrinoid necrosis of the wall of both arteries and arterioles extending into the glomerular tuft. These alterations were very similar to those observed in the hemolytic uremic syndrome. This observation suggests that the two injections of adriamycin, with a long interval in between them, might induce renal lesions similar to those observed in the hemolytic uremic syndrome.


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The effect of cyclosporine on adriamycin nephropathy was studied over both short (6 weeks) and long (26 weeks) periods. In the short-term study, cyclosporine was introduced 2 weeks after nephritis induction and in the long-term study, 14 weeks after the first adriamycin injection. The animals with adriamycin nephropathy treated with cyclosporine, studied for 6 weeks, developed proteinuria with increased renal size and glomerular area. The nephrotic animals treated with cyclosporine showed less proteinuria than the nephrotic control animals. There were no differences in glomerular area, creatinine clearance or serum creatinine and kidney weight between the treated nephrotic group and the health control group. The nephrotic animals, studied for the longer period, developed intense proteinuria, decreased creatinine clearance, glomerular necrosis and sclerosis, severe tubulointerstitial nephritis, increased hydroxyproline concentration and tubulointerstitial area. No difference was observed between the nephrotic animals treated with cyclosporine and those not treated. In conclusion, Cyclosporine A reduced proteinuria, glomerular hypertrophy and kidney weight in rats with short-term nephropathy but had no effect on the established nephropathy.