938 resultados para Plasmodium-chabaudi-adami
Terrestrial plants have been demonstrated to be sources of antimalarial compounds. In Cuba, little is known about antimalarial potentials of plant species used as medicinals. For that reason, we evaluated the antimalarial activity of 14 plant species used in Cuba as antimalarial, antipyretic and/or antiparasitic. Hydroalcoholic extracts were prepared and tested in vitro for the antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum Ghana strain and over human cell line MRC-5 to determine cytotoxicity. Parasite multiplication was determined microscopically by the direct count of Giemsa stained parasites. A colorimetric assay was used to quantify cytotoxicity. Nine extracts showed IC50 values lower than 100 µg/mL against P. falciparum, four extracts were classified as marginally active (SI < 4), one as partially active (Parthenium hysterophorus) exhibiting SI equal to 6.2 and two extracts as active (Bambusa vulgaris and Punica granatum), showing SI > 10. B. vulgaris showed the most potent and specific antiplasmodial action (IC50 = 4.7 µg/mL, SI = 28.9). Phytochemical characterization of active extracts confirmed the presence of triterpenoids in B. vulgaris and polar compounds with phenol free groups and fluorescent metabolites in both extracts as major phytocompounds, by thin layer chromatography. In conclusion, antimalarial use of B. vulgaris and P. hysterophorus was validated. B. vulgaris and P. granatum extracts were selected for follow-up because of their strong antimalarial activity.
Malaria is an unusual complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in non-endemic countries. However, transplant candidates, recipients and donors living in endemic regions frequently report previous episodes of malaria. This fact could represent an important risk for immunosuppressed recipients that could develop severe malaria cases. We report a case of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in which the donor had a history of previous malaria, and close monitoring was performed before and after procedure by parasitological and molecular tests. The donor presented Plasmodium vivax in thick blood smears one month after transplant and was treated according to Brazilian Health Ministry guidelines. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was able to detect malaria infection in the donor one week earlier than thick blood film. Even without positive results, the recipient was pre-emptively treated with chloroquine in order to prevent the disease. We highlight the importance of monitoring recipients and donors in transplant procedures with the aim of reducing the risk of malaria transmission.
Plasmodium parasites degrade host hemoglobin to obtain free amino acids, essential for protein synthesis. During this event, free toxic heme moieties crystallize spontaneously to produce a non-toxic pigment called hemozoin or ß-hematin. In this context, a group of azole antimycotics, clotrimazole (CTZ), ketoconazole (KTZ) and fluconazole (FCZ), were investigated for their abilities to inhibit ß-hematin synthesis (IßHS) and hemoglobin proteolysis (IHbP) in vitro. The ß-hematin synthesis was recorded by spectrophotometry at 405 nm and the hemoglobin proteolysis was determined by SDS-PAGE 12.5%, followed by densitometric analysis. Compounds were also assayed in vivo in a malaria murine model. CTZ and KTZ exhibited the maximal effects inhibiting both biochemical events, showing inhibition of β-hematin synthesis (IC50 values of 12.4 ± 0.9 µM and 14.4 ± 1.4 µM respectively) and inhibition of hemoglobin proteolysis (80.1 ± 2.0% and 55.3 ± 3.6%, respectively). There is a broad correlation to the in vivo results, especially CTZ, which reduced the parasitemia (%P) of infected-mice at 4th day post-infection significantly compared to non-treated controls (12.4 ± 3.0% compared to 26.6 ± 3.7%, p = 0.014) and prolonged the survival days post-infection. The results indicated that the inhibition of the hemoglobin metabolism by the azole antimycotics could be responsible for their antimalarial effect.
This study describes the epidemiological profile of malaria in the State of Tocantins, in the period 2003-2008, investigates the association between the frequency of malaria and population growth, classifies the cases by 'autochthonous' and 'imported', reports the indices of the disease and analyses the distribution of the cases by Plasmodium species, age and gender. The retrospective study was based on secondary data, stored in SIVEP-malaria and analyzed using the software Epi-Info 3.5.1. and Bioestat 5.0. 19,004 samples were investigated for malaria, 19% of them were positive, 73.32% with Plasmodium vivax, 21.80% with Plasmodium falciparum, 4.79% with mixed infections and only 0.08% with Plasmodium malariae. Male individuals accounted for 76.95% and predominated in all years and age groups, especially in the 15 to 49 years old group. From the overall cases, 34.27% were autochthonous and 65.73% were imported (χ2 = 356.8, p = 0.0001). The frequency of malaria decreased significantly during the entire series (rp = 0.96, p = 0.002) and the number of municipalities with autochthonous transmission also diminished. It was found that malaria is predominantly imported, related to land activities, which confirms the need for effective measures to maintain vigilance throughout the state and enhance educational activities in order to guide the population towards early treatment-seeking.
This study contributes to knowledge of Anopheles species, including vectors of Plasmodium from the western Brazilian Amazon in Porto Velho, Rondônia State. The sampling area has undergone substantial environmental changes as a consequence of agricultural and hydroelectric projects, which have caused intensive deforestation and favored habitats for some mosquito species. The purpose of this study was to diagnose the occurrence of anopheline species from collections in three locations along an electric-power transmission line. Each locality was sampled three times from 2010 to 2011. The principal adult mosquitoes captured in Shannon trap were Anopheles darlingi, An. triannulatus, An. nuneztovari l.s., An.gilesi and An. costai. In addition, larvae were collected in ground breeding sites for Anopheles braziliensis, An. triannulatus, An. darlingi, An. deaneorum, An. marajoara, An. peryassui, An. nuneztovari l.s. and An. oswaldoi-konderi. Anopheles darlingi was the most common mosquito in the region. We discuss Culicidae systematics, fauna distribution, and aspects of malaria in altered habitats of the western Amazon.
Introdução: Apesar de em Portugal não haver malária endógena,a crescente mobilidade das populações e os laços históricos com África possibilitam a importação de casos para o nosso país. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para melhorar o conhecimento epidemiológico e clínico da malária importada na região de Lisboa. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo das crianças com malária, internadas em dois hospitais da Grande Lisboa, durante um período de seis anos (1999-2004). Resultados: Foram identificados 134 casos, sendo a mediana das idades de sete anos. A maioria (93,3%) era de origem africana e referia estadia em região endémica (90%). O Plasmodium falciparum foi o agente etiológico mais frequente (73%). A febre foi a manifestação clínica mais frequente, seguida de manifestações gastrointestinais e cefaleias. Ocorreram complicações em 42% dos doentes, sendo a trombocitopenia (19,4%) e a anemia grave (9%) as mais frequentes. A halofantrina e o quinino foram os anti-maláricos mais usados. Conclusões: A malária importada é uma patologia relativamente comum na Grande Lisboa e, dada a inespecificidade do quadro clínico, todas as crianças febris ou doentes com estadia recente num país endémico devem ser rastreadas para esta entidade.
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most widely used tool to detect anti-Toxocara IgG antibodies for both serodiagnostic and seroepidemiological surveys on human toxocariasis. In the last eight years a high prevalence of toxocariasis (32.2-56.0%) has been reported in children attending public health units from municipalities in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Therefore, the aim of this work was to compare the frequency found among the general child population with that of children attending a public pneumology service in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil and describe the laboratorial, clinical and epidemiological findings. The research was conducted at the Consórcio Público Intermunicipal de Saúde do Setentrião Paranaense (CISAMUSEP) from July 2009 to July 2010 among children aged between one and 15 years. From a total of 167 children studied, only 4.2% (7/167) tested positive for anti-Toxocara spp. IgG antibodies and presented mild eosinophilia (2/7), increased serum IgE levels (6/7) and a positive allergy test for mites (5/7). The presence of pets (dogs or cats) at home did not correlate with the seroprevalence. In conclusion, cases of toxocariasis involving the respiratory tract are rare in children attending a public health pneumology unit in the northwestern region of Paraná State, despite the high prevalence of this type of toxocariasis among the infantile population attending Basic Health Units in the same geographical area.
Objectivo: Rever o perfil clínico e terapêutico dos doentes com malária grave admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Tipo de estudo: Retrospectivo. População: Nove doentes com malária a Plasmodium falciparum admitidos entre Agosto de 1991 e Julho de 2001 na UCI do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC). Resultados: As complicações mais frequentes foram as manifestações neurológicas, a síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda (SDRA) e a insuficiência renal aguda. A ventilação mecânica foi utilizada em cinco doentes, a prótese renal em dois e as aminas vasopressoras em três doentes. Faleceram dois doentes (22.2%). Conclusões: A malária a Plasmodium falciparum é uma doença potencialmente fatal, pelo que os factores de risco e os critérios para admissão em UCI devem ser identificados. A presença de disfunção de órgão, nomeadamente de manifestações neurológicas, insuficiência renal e respiratória deverão ser consideradas como indicação para internamento em cuidados intensivos.
SUMMARYThe use of a “direct PCR” DNA polymerase enables PCR amplification without any prior DNA purification from blood samples due to the enzyme's resistance to inhibitors present in blood components. Such DNA polymerases are now commercially available. We compared the PCR performance of six direct PCR-type DNA polymerases (KOD FX, Mighty Amp, Hemo KlenTaq, Phusion Blood II, KAPA Blood, and BIOTAQ) in dried blood eluted from a filter paper with TE buffer. GoTaq Flexi was used as a standard DNA polymerase. PCR performance was evaluated by a nested PCR technique for detecting Plasmodium falciparum genomic DNA in the presence of the blood components. Although all six DNA polymerases showed resistance to blood components compared to the standard Taq polymerase, the KOD FX and BIOTAQ DNA polymerases were resistant to inhibitory blood components at concentrations of 40%, and their PCR performance was superior to that of other DNA polymerases. When the reaction mixture contained a mild detergent, only KOD FX DNA polymerase retained the original amount of amplified product. These results indicate that KOD FX DNA polymerase is the most resistant to inhibitory blood components and/or detergents. Thus, KOD FX DNA polymerase could be useful in serological studies to simultaneously detect antibodies and DNA in eluents for antibodies. KOD FX DNA polymerase is thus not limited to use in detecting malaria parasites, but could also be employed to detect other blood-borne pathogens.
Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii has been implicated as the primary vector of human and simian malarias out of the Brazilian Amazon and specifically in the Atlantic Forest regions. The presence of asymptomatic human cases, parasite-positive wild monkeys and the similarity between the parasites infecting them support the discussion whether these infections can be considered as a zoonosis. Although many aspects of the biology of An. cruzii have already been addressed, studies conducted during outbreaks of malaria transmission, aiming at the analysis of blood feeding and infectivity, are missing in the Atlantic Forest. This study was conducted in the location of Palestina, Juquitiba, where annually the majority of autochthonous human cases are notified in the Atlantic Forest of the state of São Paulo. Peridomiciliary sites were selected for collection of mosquitoes in a perimeter of up to 100 m around the residences of human malaria cases. The mosquitoes were analyzed with the purpose of molecular identification of blood-meal sources and to examine the prevalence of Plasmodium. A total of 13,441 females of An. (Ker.) cruzii were collected. The minimum infection rate was calculated at 0.03% and 0.01%, respectively, for P. vivax and P. malariae and only human blood was detected in the blood-fed mosquitoes analyzed. This data reinforce the hypothesis that asymptomatic human carriers are the main source of anopheline infection in the peridomiciliary area, making the probability of zoonotic transmission less likely to happen.
The loop-mediated isothermal amplification method (LAMP) is a recently developed molecular technique that amplifies nucleic acid under isothermal conditions. For malaria diagnosis, 150 blood samples from consecutive febrile malaria patients, and healthy subjects were screened in Thailand. Each sample was diagnosed by LAMP, microscopy and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR), using nPCR as the gold standard. Malaria LAMP was performed using Plasmodiumgenus and Plasmodium falciparum specific assays in parallel. For the genus Plasmodium, microscopy showed a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, while LAMP presented 99% of sensitivity and 93% of specificity. For P. falciparum, microscopy had a sensitivity of 95%, and LAMP of 90%, regarding the specificity; and microscopy presented 93% and LAMP 97% of specificity. The results of the genus-specific LAMP technique were highly consistent with those of nPCR and the sensitivity of P. falciparum detection was only marginally lower.
Descreve-se um caso de malária grave por Plasmodium falciparum numa criança de raça negra, de 5 anos de idade, residente em Angola até 2 semanas antes do internamento. Apesar da terapêutica com quinino i.v. o quadro evoluiu com falência multiorgânica, nomeadamente coma, insuficiência renal, necrose hepática, diátese hemorrágica e rabdomiólise. Foi necessário instituir ventilação mecânica e na terapêutica de suporte recorreu-se à administração de derivados plasmáticos, aminas vasoactivas e diuréticos em altas doses, tendo havido regressão do quadro clínico. Discutem-se as complicações bem como os factores de mau prognóstico presentes neste caso.
Neste trabalho é feita uma revisão sobre alguns aspectos biológicos do Toxoplasma gondii, principalmente sobre a ultraestrutura da forma interfásica e as modificações ultraestruturais que ocorrem no parasito durante o seu processo de divisão. Considera-se inicialmente o processo de divisão binária admitindo-se, porém, a possibilidade de que as imagens interpretadas como senão de divisão binária representem estágios da divisão por endodiogenia. Quanto à endodiogenia descrevem-se as alterações que ocorrem na "parasito mãe" durante o processo de formação dos dois "parasitos filhos". Este processo é semelhante no Toxoplasma gondii, Besnoitia jellisoni, Sarcocystis tenella e Frenkelia. Discute-se a possibilidade da formação de mais de dois "parasitos filhos" por um processo de endopoligenia, bem como o processo de esquizogonia. Os resultados mais recentes mostram que não existe esquizogonia nas formas vsgetativas do Toxoplasma gondii, senão que as imagens interpretadas como tal, ao microscópio ótico, são o resultado de endodiogenias sucessivas em que os endozoitas formados permanecem ligados entre si pela região posterior. A esquizogonia é, no entanto, encontrada nas formas que se desenvolvem no interior de células epiteliais do intestino do gato, que é o hospedeiro definitivo do Toxoplasma gondii. Discute-se o conceito de esquizogonia, comparando-o em três protozoários: Eimeria bovis, E. callospermophili e Plasmodium juxtanucleare, que apresentam diferenças entre si quanto ao processo de iniciação da individualização dos "parasitos filhos". Refere-se à recente hipótese que considera a endodiogenia como o processo fundamental de divisão dos esporozoárlos, ocorrendo na fase final da esquizogonia. Finalmente é acentuado o papel que a microscopia eletrônica aliada às modernas técnicas de citoquímica e imunocitoquimica poderá desempenhar no sentido de um melhor conhecimento da biologia do Toxoplasma gondii e da fisiopatogenia da Toxoplasmose.
Neste trabalho foram estudados exemplares do roedor, Calomys callosus, nascidos em laboratório, a infecções experimentais com quatro parasitos: Plasmodium berghei, Leishmania mexicana amazonensis, Schistosoma mansoni e Hymenolepsis nana. A positividade das infecções foi de 80% para os três primeiros parasitos e 0 para H. nana. C. callosus é um roedor de excelente adaptação em laboratório e de fácil manuseio. Acredita-se que, de acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, este animal poderia ser um bom modelo experimental de laboratório para certos agentes patogênicos.
The effects ofone non-lethal species ofmalarialparasite, Plasmodium yoelii, and one lethal species, P. berghei, on the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) of BALB/c mice were studied. P. yoelii caused a greater and more sustained expansion and activation of the MPS, and the two major populations of spleen phagocytic cells-red pulp and marginal zone macrophages - exhibited a greater increase in numbers in this infection. During the course of P. berghei mataria, the spleen was progressively occupied by haematopoietic tissue and, at the terminal stage of infection, an extensive depletion of lymphocytes and macrophages was apparent. The possibility was suggested that the outcome of mataria may be inftuenced by the particular way the parasite interacts with the MPS.