908 resultados para Perry.
Top Row: st. mngr. Jack Spitalny, Charles Donahey, James O'Malley, Robert Tillson, Eugene Hirsch, asst. coach Chester Stackhouse
4th Row: John McKean, William Dawson, John Keller, Herbert Leake, John Purdue, Robert Segula, Robert Ruetter
3rd Row: Thomas Lawton, John McMaster, David Matthews, Wilbert Wedenoja, Malcom N. MacIntyre, Frank McCarthy, Robert Ufer, John Wise
2nd Row: John Dobson, Alfred Thomas, Wilbert Ackerman, John Kautz, G. Wesley Allen, Perry Kimerer, William Dobson, Charles Decker, Howard Egert
Front Row: Harry Wisner, Jack Leuritz, Geoffrey Hall, captain Don Canham, coach Ken Doherty, Alfred Piel, Warren Breidenbach, Robert Barnard
Back Row: Fowler, Wait, Perry, Stone, Emerson
Middle row: Voorheis, Kellogg, Harpham
Front Row: Dew, Conger
Back Row: Freeman, Heavenrich, Howard, Minor, Lamb, Bennett
Third Row: Faurote, Franck, Dillaway, Rebstock, Dew, Emerson, Conger, Macduff, Garrett, Muindt
Second Row: Niven, Perry, Harpham, Kellogg, Voorheis, Hall, Stone
Front Row: Carlisle, Frothingham, Edwards, Hayes, Richardson, Calvi, Miller
Back Row: mngr. Paul Colwell, Robert Grunow, Clarence Benson, Stanley Jesson, coach Steve Farrell
Front Row: J Perry Austin, Theodore Wuerfel, Randolph Monroe
Back Row: ? Kennedy, J. Perry Austin, Oliver Lowmaster, Harmon Wolfe
Edward D'Anna, coach Steve Farrell, Clarence Benson, mngr. James Thayer, David Fitzgibbons
Back Row: Harmon Wolfe, Hill, mngr. Mortimer Hawkins, Robert Crawford, Roger Howell
Front Row: Robert Feustal, David Fitzgibbons, coach Steve Charles Hoyt, J. Perry Austin
L-R: coach Charles Hoyt, captain David W. Fitzgibbons, ? Bedenik, R.D. Crawford, William Hill, ? Kahn, J. Perry Austin, R. Feustal, Harmon Wolfe, Roger Howell, Darrow, mngr. M.H. Hawkins
Front Row: William Billings, Tony Branoff, Richard Beison, Robert Topp, Donald Bennett, Merritt Green, Captain, Charles Ritter, Theodore Kress, Richard Strozewski, Cark Kamhout
Second Row: Ronald Williams, James Balog, Ray VanderZeyde, Robert Hurley, Joseph Shomsky, Robert Milligan, Stanley Knickerbocker, James Bowman, Melvin Bernay, Kenneth Shields, Casimir Chomicz
Third Row: Dean Ludwig, Donald Drake, Norman Canty, Richard Balzhiser, Junior Steilstra, James Dutcher, Robert Dingman, Peri Gagalis, Eugene Knutson, Donald Oldham, Lowell Perry</p>
Fourth Row: Edward Hickey, Duncan MacDonald, Stanley Bowns, Daniel Cline, George Muelich, Herbert Geyer, Russell Swaney, George Dutter, Fred Caffrey, Robert Timm
Fifth Row: John Veselenak, Thad Stanford, Richard O'Shaughnessy, Captain-elect, Donald Evans, Ralph Stribe, Richard Rex, Russell Rescorla, James Wagner, Donald Dugger, Laurence LeClaire
Sixth Row: Donald Zanfagna, Theodore Topor, James Bates, Wayne Melchiori, Robert Matheson, Bruce Bartholomew, Bernhardt Pederson, Roger Zatkoff, Thomas Witherspoon
Back Row: John Treadway, Ted Cachey, Fred Baer, Ray Kenaga, John Rahrig, Arthur Walker, Frank Hall, David Tinkham
Inaugural Disseration, Academia Georgia Augusta.
Contains also: Charge to the pastor, by Rev. Gardner B. Perry, p. [31]-33; Fellowship of the churches, by Rev. Milton P. Braman, p. [34]-35.
pp. 180-188: advertisements.
Ayer Coll.