910 resultados para Pablo Presbere


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Se evaluó el uso actual del suelo, mediante la creación de mapas de uso/cobertura y capacidad de acogida; la problemática consiste en el crecimiento agropecuario; se validó esta información obteniendo que la expansión agropecuaria y las actividades antrópicas, aportan a la fragmentación del hábitat del bosque en detrimento de la biodiversidad existente.


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Introduction Institutionalization in a nursing home restricts autonomy, most notably free will, free choice, and free action. Decreased physical activity and fitness are predictive of disability and dependence (Rikli & Jones, 2013; Tak, Kuiper, Chorus, & Hopman-Rock, 2014); however little is known about the impact of these factors on institutionalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the impact of physical activity and fitness and on the risk of elderly people without cognitive impairment become institutionalized. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 195 non-institutionalized (80.14.4yrs) and 186 institutionalized (83.85.2yrs) participants. Cognitive impairment was assessed using Mini-Mental State Examination, physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and measures of physical fitness were determined by the Senior Fitness Test. Results: Multivariate binary logistic analysis selected 4 main predictors of institutionalization in both genders. The likelihood of becoming institutionalized increased by +18.6% for each additional year of age, while it decreased by -24.8% by each fewer kg/m2 in BMI, by -0.9% for each additional meter performed in the aerobic endurance test and by -2.0% for each additional 100MET-min/wk of physical activity expenditure (p<0.05). Values ≤50th percentile (age ≥81yrs, BMI≥26.7kg/m2, aerobic endurance ≤367.6m, and physical activity ≤693MET-min/wk) were computed using Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis as cut-offs discriminating institutionalized from non-institutionalized elderly people. Conclusion The performance of physical activity, allied to an improvement in physical fitness (mainly BMI and aerobic endurance) may prevent the institutionalization of elderly people without cognitive impairment only if they are above the 50th percentile; the following is highly recommend: expending ≥693MET-min/wk on physical activity, being ≤26.7kg/m2 on BMI, and being able to walk ≥367.6m in the aerobic endurance test, especially above the age of 80 years. The discovery of this trigger justifies the development of physical activity programs targeting the pointed cut-offs in old, and very old people. References Rikli, R., & Jones, C. (2013). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53, 255-267. Tak, E., Kuiper, R., Chorus, A., & Hopman-Rock, M. (2014). Prevention of onset and progression of basic ADL disability by physical activity in community dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev, 12, 329-338.


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Aim: to evaluate the effects of a 12-weeks combined aerobic-resistance exercise therapy on fatigue and isokinetic muscle strength, glycemic control and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in moderately affected type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients. Methods: a randomized controlled trial design was employed. Forty-three T2DM patients were assigned to an exercise group (n = 22), performing 3 weekly sessions of 60 minutes of combined aerobic-resistance exercise for 12-weeks; or a no exercise control group (n = 21). Both groups were evaluated at a baseline and after 12-weeks of exercise therapy for: 1) muscle strength and fatigue by isokinetic dynamometry; 2) plasma glycated hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C); and 3) HRQoL utilizing the SF-36 questionnaire. Results: the exercise therapy led to improvements in muscle fatigue in knee extensors (-55%) and increased muscle strength in knee flexors and extensors (+15 to +30%), while HbA1C decreased (-18%). In addition, the exercising patients showed sizeable improvements in HRQoL: physical function (+53%), vitality (+21%) and mental health (+40%). Conclusion: 12-weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise was highly effective to improve muscle strength and fatigue, glycemic control and several aspects of HRQoL in T2DM patients. These data encourage the use of aerobic and resistance exercise in the good clinical care of T2DM.


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El proyecto de 3R-Red de Repositorios Universitarios de Recursos Digitales es un trabajo de investigación orientado a desarrollar un prototipo de Repositorios Universitarios (RU) dentro de la UNAM. Parte de su trabajo se centra en la elaboración de políticas de descripción bibliográfica para aquellos objetos digitales que conforman los RU adscritos al proyecto. Actualmente esta labor ha consistido en el análisis y valoración de la Iniciativa de Metadatos Dublin Core (DCMI por sus siglas en inglés), en tanto que es un protocolo de transferencia de metadatos adecuado a los requerimientos de 3R. Sin embargo, dada la ambigüedad que DCMI presenta al momento de asentar información en algunos de sus elementos —tales como título, creador, editor y colaborador—, se previó la necesidad de utilizar esquemas alternos que coadyuven a la consignación y normalización de la información sobre los objetos digitales que conforman los RU. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo aborda de manera concreta el problema de la descripción bibliográfica y de información en los quince elementos que componen el núcleo de Dublin Core, en paticular cuatro de ellos, al tiempo que propone la utilización de esquemas de codificación alternos para la descripción bibliográfica, como es el caso de las Reglas de Catalogación Angloamericanas 2a. edición (RCA2) y diferentes normas ISO, con el fin de obtener un cuerpo de metadatos que permita la recuperación y el intercambio de información entre los distintos Repositorios Universitarios que integran el proyecto de 3R.


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Coordina: Gonzalo Celorio


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Participan: Dra. Gina Zabludovsky, Dra. Eugenia Meyer, Dra. Tatiana Sule, Dra. Anamari Gomís, Dra. Juliana González, Dra. Estela Morales, Dra. Mari Carmen Serra-Puche, Mtra. Claudia Llanos, Dra. Aurora Diez-Canedo, Dr. Ramón Xirau, Dr. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Dr. Federico Álvarez, Dr. Federico Patán, Dr. Arturo Souto, Dr. Fernando Serrano Migallón, Dr. José Antonio Matesanz, Dr. Pablo Mora, Dr. Enrique del Val, Dr. Josu Landa, Dra. Angelina Muñiz Huberman, Dra. Carmen Rovira, Dra. Julieta Lizaola, Dra. Josefina Macgregor, Dr. Ernesto Guevara Fefer, Dra. Ascensión Hernández Treviño, Dr. Luis Villoro, Dr. Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Dra. María de Lourdes Pastor Pérez, Dra. María Luisa Capella, Dr. James Valender, Dr. Javier Garciadiego, Dra. Dolores Pla, Dra. Enriqueta Tuñon, Dr. Enrique López Aguilar, Belen Santos, Leonor Sarmiento, Dr. José Luis Abellán, Dra. Alicia Alted, Dr. Abdón Mateos, Dr. Javier Muguerza, Dr. Mariano Peset, Dr. María Fernanda Mancebo, Dra. Yolanda Blasco, Dr. Jorge Correa, Dr. Salvador Albiñana.


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Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species’ threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The collation of datasets with broad taxonomic and biogeographic extents, and that support computation of a range of biodiversity indicators, is necessary to enable better understanding of historical declines and to project – and avert – future declines. We describe and assess a new database of more than 1.6 million samples from 78 countries representing over 28,000 species, collated from existing spatial comparisons of local-scale biodiversity exposed to different intensities and types of anthropogenic pressures, from terrestrial sites around the world. The database contains measurements taken in 208 (of 814) ecoregions, 13 (of 14) biomes, 25 (of 35) biodiversity hotspots and 16 (of 17) megadiverse countries. The database contains more than 1% of the total number of all species described, and more than 1% of the described species within many taxonomic groups – including flowering plants, gymnosperms, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, beetles, lepidopterans and hymenopterans. The dataset, which is still being added to, is therefore already considerably larger and more representative than those used by previous quantitative models of biodiversity trends and responses. The database is being assembled as part of the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems – www.predicts.org.uk). We make site-level summary data available alongside this article. The full database will be publicly available in 2015.


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Tese de dout., Química, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP