849 resultados para PVC-aren degradazioa


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Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Food bought at supermarkets in, for instance, North America or the European Union, give comprehensive information about ingredients and allergens. Meanwhile, the menus of restaurants are usually incomplete and cannot be normally completed by the waiter. This is specially important when traveling to countries with a di erent culture. A curious example is "calamares en su tinta" (squid in its own ink), a common dish in Spain. Its brief description would be "squid with boiled rice in its own (black) ink", but an ingredient of its sauce is flour, a fact very important for celiacs. There are constraints based on religious believes, due to food allergies or to illnesses, while others just derive from personal preferences. Another complicated situation arise in hospitals, where the doctors' nutritional recommendations have to be added to the patient's usual constraints. We have therefore designed and developed a Rule Based Expert System (RBES) that can address these problems. The rules derive directly from the recipes of the di fferent dishes and contain the information about the required ingredients and ways of cooking. In fact, we distinguish: ingredients and ways of cooking, intermediate products (like sauces, that aren't always made explicit) and final products (the dishes listed in the menu of the restaurant). For a certain restaurant, customer and instant, the input to the RBES are: actualized stock of ingredients and personal characteristics of that customer. The RBES then prepares a "personalized menu" using set operations and knowledge extraction (thanks to an algebraic inference engine [1]). The RBES has been implemented in the computer algebra system MapleTM2015. A rst version of this work was presented at "Applications of Computer Algebra 2015" (ACA'2015) conference. The corresponding abstract is available at [2].


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o perfil fermentativo das silagens do resíduo agroindustrial da extração do palmito da pupunha in natura, aditivada com fubá de milho (10% do peso verde) e emurchecida. Utilizou-se silos de laboratório (de PVC, 10 cm de diâmetros x 40 cm de comprimento). As aberturas dos silos ocorreram aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os valores de pH não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos tendo como média (3,80) no dia 56, no entanto esses valores apresentaram padrão de mudança cúbico ao longo dos dias com o valor mínimo sendo atingido no dia 14 para todos os tratamentos. A adição do fubá de milho na silagem elevou os teores de MS (19,71%) e PB (7,09%), no entanto não reduziu o valor de N-NH3/NT (7,89%) apresentando diferença significativa (P<0,05) com o tratamento com emurchecimento que obteve o menor valor de N-NH3/NT (6,35%). A silagem do resíduo da extração do palmito da pupunha aditiva com o fubá de milho melhorou o valor de MS e o valor de PB, podendo ser uma alternativa para alimentação dos ruminantes.


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A extração de palmito da pupunha, na região Sul do estado da Bahia, vem gerando grande quantidade de derivados, que podem ser uma alternatia de alimentação para os ruminantes na forma de silagem. Podendo, assim, solucionar o destino desses co-produtos e, desta forma, gerar tecnologias voltadas para o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais associados ao ecossistema regional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o perfil fermentativo das silagens do co-produto agroindustrial da extração do palmito da pupunha in natura, aditivada com torta de dendê (10% do peso verde) e emurchecida. Utilizou-se silos PVC com 10 cm de diâmetros x 40 cm de comprimento. As aberturas dos silos ocorreram aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os valores de pH não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos tendo como média (3,82) no dia 56, no entanto esses valores apresentaram padrão de mudança cúbica ao longo dos dias com o valor mínimo sendo atingido no dia 14 para todos os tratamentos. A adição da torta de dendê na silagem elevou os teores de MS (21,06%) e PB (7,79%), reduziu os valores de N-NH3/NT (3,73%) e de perda de MS (0,82) apresentando diferença significativa (P<0,05) para os demais tratamentos. A silagem do co-produto da extração do palmito da pupunha aditivada com torta de dendê melhorou os parâmetros de fermentação e o valor de PB. podendo ser uma alternativa para alimentação dos ruminantes.


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Diseñar y construir un robot acuático que destruya la presencia de larvas o pupas de mosquitos en contenedores de agua. Se construyó y se diseñó un robot con materiales reciclables construido con tubos de cañería PVC, lupa, sensores de luz y barrera, motor de fuente 110 v, resistencias, LCR, cargador 9 v y focos led, para que destruya larvas de mosquitos en un contenedor de agua. Como resultado hay una cero prevalencia de índice larvario porque el robot detecta presencia larvaria con sensores y rayos laser activándose automáticamente con el efecto de succión y destrucción larvas en su interior eliminándolas desechas al utilizar filtros de 10 micras y aspas metálicas, el robot se activa por cinco a diez minutos y se apaga automáticamente hasta esperar la alarma otra vez según disposición de larvas. Conclusión el uso del robot acuático en contenedores de agua no se encuentra índices larvarios, así como pupas, que puede ser utilizado como control antilarvario para el combate transmisor de Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya entre otros.
Design and build an aquatic robot to destroy the presence of larvae or pupae of mosquitoes in water containers. It was built and a robot with recyclables built with tubes pipe PVC, magnifier, light sensors and barrier, engine power 110 v, resistors, LCR, charger 9 vy spotlights led, to destroy mosquito larvae was designed in a container of water. As a result there is a zero prevalence Larval rate because the robot detects larval presence sensors and lasers automatically activated with the suction effect and larvae destruction their killing the inner cast off using filters of 10 microns and metal blades, the robot is activated by five to ten minutes to wait automatically turns off the alarm again available as larvae. Conclusion use water in water containers robot is not larval indices and pupae, which can be used as anti larval control for transmitter combat Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya among others.


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This study evaluates the influence of depth and environmental parameters on the development of Gracilaria birdiae Plastino & Oliveira (Gracilariaceae Rhodophyta) in an organic shrimp pound (Litopenaeus vannamei) under euthrophical conditions. PVC structures (module) witch four ropes laden with 150 g of macroalgae each, were kept during 35 days at three different depths (surface, 10 and 20 cm depth). Wet biomass weighing and environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, turbidity, pH, transparence, precipitation, evaporation, insolation, accumulated solar radiation, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium and orthophosphate) were measured weekly. At all three proposed depths, the macroalgae displayed a higher biomass at the end of experiment than at the initial inoculations. The module kept at a 10 cm depth presented the greatest average biomass (186,3), followed by that kept at 20 cm (180,4 g) and the surface module (169,9 g). Biomass variations showed algae to suffer the direct effects of depths. Biomass loss was associated with the factors that influence light penetration, such as sediment deposits above the thallus, rate of evaporation and precipitation. The smallest loses occurred in the algae kept on surface (0,16%), followed by the algae kept at 20 cm (0,20%) and 10 cm (0,22%). The specific growth rate (SGR) of G. birdiae showed no significant difference between the three depths nor the sample periods. Nevertheless, the modules kept at 10 and 20 cm depths presented similar growth evolution, both growing 0,38%·per day-1, while the module kept on surface had an average SGR of 0,36%·day-1. The models related to growth rate demonstrated temperature, salinity, pH, orthophosphate, ammonium, precipitation and turbidity as the principal environmental parameters influencing the development of G. birdiae


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Marine shrimp farming has grown exponentially during the last years in Brazil. In spite of the promising economical situation, this activity is facing an increasing criticism due to its environmental impact. Thus, the necessity of alternatives to mitigate environmental degradation caused by this activity. An alternative that is being studied is the policulture that is the integrated culture of two or more organisms, normally one of them a filtering organism. Among filtering organisms, macroalgae are very practicable because they are efficient in the removal of the exceeding nutrients of the water and do not leave residues in the water. Besides, the integrated culture with macroalgae allows the economical exploration of the seaweed (for the manufacture of jelly and jam, for the dairy industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) along with possibility of a sustainable aquaculture. In the present experiment, the development of the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae, the influence and tolerance of this species to the environmental parameters, and its absorption efficiency in relation with the three kinds of macronutrients (NH4+, NO3- and PO4-3) found in the effluents of marine shrimp farming was studied. The experiment was divided in two parts: a laboratorial part and one part carried under natural conditions. The water used in the laboratory trial was collected in the shrimp ponds of Tecnarão farm and distributed in aquaria containing 20 g of G. birdiae. In the field trial, 0.5 kg of G. birdiae was inserted in PVC cages cultivated in the farm. The results of the study showed a modest growth of G. birdiae, probably due to its low tolerance to highly eutrophicated environments. However, the removal of nutrients was very expressive. Ammonia was reduced in approximately 34 %. Ortho-phosphate showed a reduction of 93.5 %. The capacity of biofiltration of the NO3- by the macro algae was of 100 %, showing that G. birdiae is a seaweed-filtered with a high level of removal for this nutrient under laboratorial conditions. In spite of the low growth of the macro algae in the experiment, the results in relation to the removal of nutrients of the water was encouraging, suggesting that this species can be an efficient biofilter and thus, a strong candidate to be used in a sustainable aquaculture


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Dentre as macroalgas capazes de absorver altas concentrações de N e P dissolvidos na água, destaca-se a Chlorophyta Ulva lactuca, bastante adaptável e resistente às adversidades ambientais, como grandes variações de temperatura, salinidade, matéria orgânica e metais pesados. Trata-se também de uma espécie bastante comum nas áreas intertidais do litoral norte-riograndense. Devido a suas características ecológicas, fisiológicas e nutricionais, foi avaliado nesse estudo, o seu potencial como biofiltro na redução de NH4+, NO3- e PO4-2, tanto em condições controladas como também em um viveiro de camarão. No experimento laboratorial, foram utilizados quatro aquários de vidro de 30 x 20 x 20cm com 10L de água, sendo três aquários experimentais contendo 20g de U. lactuca e um controle. O acréscimo de biomassa foi de 2,92g (22,92 ± 6,29g; p < 0,05) em relação ao inóculo inicial de 20g, sob temperatura (28,50 ± 0,58ºC), salinidade (35,00 ± 0,00 ), pH (8,26 ± 0,02) e luz constante (250 μmol.m2s-1). O crescimento positivo (1,78 ± 4,38%dia-1; p < 0,05), juntamente com a alta eficiência de absorção de amônio (83%; p < 0,001), nitrato (83%; p < 0,001) e ortofosfato (53%; p < 0,001), demonstrou que, nessas condições, a Ulva lactuca absorveu os nutrientes e aumentou sua biomassa. Já no experimento de campo, realizado na fazenda TECNARÃO, situada no município de Arez/RN (06° 11 40 Latitude Sul, e 35º 09 37 Longitude Oeste), foram utilizadas três gaiolas de PVC, posicionadas a 12cm da superfície da água, cada uma com dimensões de aproximadamente 59 x 59 x 15cm, onde foram colocadas 200g de U. lactuca. O ganho de biomassa de 3g (203,00 ± 41,02g; p < 0,001) foi muito semelhante às condições controladas, demonstrando a adaptabilidade da espécie em condições ambientais variáveis, onde, apesar da temperatura pouco variável (27,45 ± 0,64ºC), houve progressiva diminuição de salinidade (25 - 15 ), devido ao período de fortes chuvas (34,70 ± 23,78mm). Somado a isso, foram observados vários fatores biológicos interferindo no viveiro, como a presença de epífitas, organismos endofíticos, fouling e a herbivoria por parte dos próprios camarões. Houve aumento nas concentrações de NH4+ (4,36 ± 1,69 μmol.L-1), NO3- (0,17 ± 0,25μmol.L-1) e PO4-2 (0,41 ± 0,13μmol.L-1), coincidindo com o crescimento da espécie até a terceira semana. Todos os parâmetros ambientais analisados, assim como a biomassa e a Taxa de Crescimento Relativo (TCR), obtidos no campo, apresentaram variações altamente significativas (p < 0,001). As correlações observadas entre biomasa e NH4+ (r = 0,82; p < 0,001) e entre biomassa e PO4-2 (r = 0,87; p < 0,001), indicam que esta espécie é capaz de ter um crescimento satisfatório nas condições eutróficas de um viveiro de camarão, sendo possível seu uso como biofiltro.


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Le nettoyage des systèmes de Chauffage, Ventilation et Climatisation de l’Air est important pour assurer une bonne qualité d’air intérieur. Le déclenchement de leur nettoyage est basé sur une inspection visuelle qui ne tient pas compte du contenu en moisissures, lesquelles ont des effets sur le système respiratoire. Cette recherche vise à proposer une méthode d’évaluation du contenu en moisissures afin d’aider les gestionnaires d’immeuble. Cinq générations de poussières ont été effectuées pour simuler un conduit de ventilation. Une cassette modifiée 37 mm et un filtre CPV pré-pesés ont utilisés pour collecter les poussières déposées avec une pompe calibrée à 15L/min. Les pourcentages de collecte des cassettes et des filtres ont été calculés pour 54 échantillons. Dix générations supplémentaires de poussières ont été effectuées concomitamment avec la génération de spores. Soixante échantillons ont été analysés selon quatre méthodes : culture, comptage direct des spores par microscopie (CDSM), dosage de β-N-acétylhexosaminidase (NAHA), 18S-q-PCR. La limite de détection (LD), la réplicabilité, la répétabilité, le nombre de spores et le coefficient de corrélation (r) ont été déterminés. Les récupérations de poussières étaient supérieures à 84%. Selon la méthode analytique, les concentrations médianes de spores/100 cm² allaient de 10 000 à 815 000. Les LD variaient dépendamment de la méthode de 120 à 218 000 spores/100 cm² et r de -0,08 à 0,83. La réplicabilité et la répétabilité étaient de 1% et 1% pour PCR; 5% et 10% pour CDSM; 6% et 15% pour NAHA; 12% et 11% pour culture. La méthode de collecte a démontré une excellente efficacité de récupération. La PCR est la méthode analytique recommandée pour l’évaluation fongique des systèmes de ventilation. Une validation terrain est en cours.


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Silver Bow Creek (SBC) flows into the Warm Springs Ponds Operable Unit (WSPOU), where various containment cells are used to precipitate copper and other metals (e.g., Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn). Lime is added seasonally to increase the pH and assist in removal of metals from the water column. Although the WSPOU is effective at removing copper and other cationic trace metals, concentrations of dissolved arsenic exiting the facility are often above the site specific standard, 20 20 ug/L, during low-flow periods each summer and fall. This thesis is a continuation of arsenic geochemistry studies by Montana Tech in the WSPOU. Field work focused on Pond 3, the largest and first in the series of treatment ponds. Shallow groundwater was sampled from 8 PVC piezometers located near the south end of Pond 3. Three sediment pore-water diffusion samplers (“peepers”) were also deployed at the south end of Pond 3 to examine vertical gradients in chemistry in the top 25 cm of the pond sediment. In general, the pH and Eh values of the shallow groundwater and sediment pore-water were less than in the pond water. Concentrations of arsenic were generally higher in subsurface water, and tended to pass through a maximum (up to 530 g/L) about 10 cm below the sediment-water interface. In the peeper cells, there was a strong positive correlation between dissolved As and dissolved Fe, and an inverse correlation with sulfate. Therefore, the zone of arsenic release corresponds to a zone of bacterial Fe and sulfate reduction in the shallow, organic-rich sediment. Redox speciation of arsenic shows that arsenate (As(V)) is dominant in the pond, and arsenite (As(III)) is dominant in the subsurface water. A series of laboratory experiments with pH adjustment were completed using SBC water collected near the inlet to the WSPOU as well as water and shallow sediment collected from Pond 3. Water ± sediment mesocosms were set up in 1-L Nalgene bottles (closed system) or a 20-L aquarium (open system), both with continuous stirring. The pH of the mesocosm was adjusted by addition of NaOH or HNO3 acid. The closed system provided better pH control since the water was not in contact with the atmosphere, which prevented exchange of carbon dioxide. In both the closed and open systems, dissolved arsenic concentrations either decreased or stayed roughly the same with increase in pH to values > 11. Therefore, the release of dissolved As into the treatment ponds in low-flow periods is not due to changes in pH alone. All of these results support the hypothesis that the arsenic release in WSPOU is linked to microbial reduction of ferric oxide minerals in the organic-rich sediment. Upwards diffusion of dissolved As from the sediment pore-water into the pond water is the most likely explanation for the increase in As concentration of the WSPOU in low-flow periods.


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Le nettoyage des systèmes de Chauffage, Ventilation et Climatisation de l’Air est important pour assurer une bonne qualité d’air intérieur. Le déclenchement de leur nettoyage est basé sur une inspection visuelle qui ne tient pas compte du contenu en moisissures, lesquelles ont des effets sur le système respiratoire. Cette recherche vise à proposer une méthode d’évaluation du contenu en moisissures afin d’aider les gestionnaires d’immeuble. Cinq générations de poussières ont été effectuées pour simuler un conduit de ventilation. Une cassette modifiée 37 mm et un filtre CPV pré-pesés ont utilisés pour collecter les poussières déposées avec une pompe calibrée à 15L/min. Les pourcentages de collecte des cassettes et des filtres ont été calculés pour 54 échantillons. Dix générations supplémentaires de poussières ont été effectuées concomitamment avec la génération de spores. Soixante échantillons ont été analysés selon quatre méthodes : culture, comptage direct des spores par microscopie (CDSM), dosage de β-N-acétylhexosaminidase (NAHA), 18S-q-PCR. La limite de détection (LD), la réplicabilité, la répétabilité, le nombre de spores et le coefficient de corrélation (r) ont été déterminés. Les récupérations de poussières étaient supérieures à 84%. Selon la méthode analytique, les concentrations médianes de spores/100 cm² allaient de 10 000 à 815 000. Les LD variaient dépendamment de la méthode de 120 à 218 000 spores/100 cm² et r de -0,08 à 0,83. La réplicabilité et la répétabilité étaient de 1% et 1% pour PCR; 5% et 10% pour CDSM; 6% et 15% pour NAHA; 12% et 11% pour culture. La méthode de collecte a démontré une excellente efficacité de récupération. La PCR est la méthode analytique recommandée pour l’évaluation fongique des systèmes de ventilation. Une validation terrain est en cours.


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The central objective of this case study was to formulate the strategy of internationalization of Tubofuro®, discriminating relevant points from its design to its implementation. This is a company located in Leiria, Ortigosa parish, which operates, among others, in the Portuguese PVC pipes industry for which currently the domestic market is clearly insufficient, given the oversupply compared to demand. Being Tubofuro® an exporting company since 2004, the work here developed specifically intended to increase sales to the foreign market, with this representing 45% of total company's business in 2018 increasing of the number of markets through new partners to enable the positioning of Tubofuro® among the main players in each market, particularly in South American markets, North African and European. To achieve the above objectives presented a case study was applied, centred on Tubofuro® company, target of the internationalization strategy. The search carried out for the formulation of the strategy has been supported on a thorough analysis of the external environment and internal characteristics of the company, for which were crossed different types of data, quantitative, qualitative, secondary data and primary data. From this work resulted the development of internationalization and international marketing plan for the next three years, whose objectives are based on entrance and consequent growth in new markets, including the market Chilean, Peruvian, Mexican, Argentine, Algerian and German, as well growth in the presence and turnover in the markets for which Tubofuro® already exports regularly, for example Spain, France, Tunisia and Morocco. Based on the production capacity of Tubofuro® company, which will not suffer any kind of investment for incrementing but only to update, it is expected that the appropriate response capacity for the company is 8 regular markets, and could eventually arise sporadic exports to other markets not interfering with the normal production capacity of the company. The suggestion of the presented markets resulted from the study of the final price based on the one that local customers purchase a product equal or similar to Tubofuro® and the number of potential existing customers in each market. The internationalization model known as Uppsala Model corresponds to the strategy adopted by the company to its internationalization process, taking into account the philosophy of senior management and the risk aversion of them. The sales team Tubofuro® demand for each market, export a full container registering customer feedback, including quality and flow capacity in the market in order to seek a partnership agreement with a local distributor, which allows the Tubofuro® go to step two above mentioned model. The partnership agreement is based on mutual commitment to technical cooperation and trade between the Tubofuro® and partner, in order to increase the performance capacity among local customers. Only if the market presents a greater demand to our supply capacity and be justified by cost / benefit ratio, the entry into this market through a joint venture or subsidiary is that the decision will be taken. Although this is a case study, which means that is adjusted to the concrete case Tubofuro® preventing generalization of findings, we believe that this work can be a useful example for other companies in the internationalization process or the methodology adopted in formulating strategy or the outputs and conclusions drawn.


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A seleção deste tema deve-se ao fato de para além de ser um tema bastante interessante, o fato de possuir também uma perspetiva futura muito interessante, sobretudo quando contextualizado como solução de problemas tais como dependência energética, poluição e excesso de população. Apesar de muitos dos conceitos ligados ao tema não serem assim tão recentes, a verdade é que os recentes avanços tecnológicos, (informática e robótica), associados a novas ideologias, (preservação do meio ambiente e energias renováveis), e a diferentes conjunturas, nomeadamente a crise económica de 2009, trouxe uma nova perspetiva sobre o tema e sobre as suas potencialidades. Consultando a Internet é possível reunir varias informações sobre como construir com inteligência passando por temáticas como os edifícios Inteligentes, a sustentabilidade ou até mesmo os serviços de saúde em casa, contudo ainda é algo difícil perceber qual a importância que estes aspetos podem vir a desempenhar no futuro. Isto advém em grande medida, da própria dificuldade dos autores em concordar sobre o que realmente é um edifício inteligente e qual pode ser a sua importância para as cidades no futuro. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho passa por abordar os conceitos base do que são edifícios inteligentes desde a sua génese até ao presente, não só a partir do ponto de vista tecnológico como também do ponto de vista ambiental e da forma como estes se articulam, principalmente num período de dificuldade económica como o vivido nos dias de hoje. Hoje em dia torna-se demasiado redutor só pensar os edifícios inteligentes a partir da sua componente tecnológica uma vez que a sua adaptabilidade permite que sejam uma solução para um número muito maior de problemas, alguns dos quais onde a componente tecnológica perde o seu lugar de destaque para a componente ambiental, onde um design inteligente pode potenciar grandes melhorias com o mínimo de gastos económicos. Em conclusão um edifício Inteligente é nos dias de hoje muito mais que a soma das suas partes seja ela tecnológica, económica ou ambiental. A “verdadeira” Inteligência está em conjugar o melhor de cada vertente potenciando o que têm de melhor de forma a proporcionarem uma qualidade de vida acrescida ao utilizador sem comprometer o meio e sem implicar gastos económicos incomportáveis.


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FORTEACERO S.A.S es una empresa con sede en Bogotá, creada en el año 2012 como filial de la empresa ESCAYOLA Ltda., dedicada a la fabricación de perfiles, masilla, pintura y comercialización de productos para la construcción liviana, dentro de los que se incluyen drywall, PVC y los elementos necesarios para su instalación. Por el crecimiento y dinamismo del mercado al cual pertenece esta empresa, la organización vio la necesidad de crear un plan de mercadeo para identificar a partir de este oportunidades y planes de acción, con el propósito de tener un mejor desempeño en el mercado mediante el incremento en ventas y reconocimiento para la empresa por parte de los clientes y los competidores. El objetivo de este plan de mercadeo es incrementar las ventas en un 28% por medio de estrategias que se describen puntualmente en este documento.


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Este trabajo busca aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para identificar los problemas que se presentan en la empresa “Calzado Yullyan” y obtener posibles soluciones para lograr un mejor desempeño de la organización en el sector. Se pretende determinar los posibles escenarios en los que la empresa se puede ver involucrada, de manera que se planteen soluciones que mejoren las actividades desarrolladas y permitan el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de la misma. Para este trabajo se realizó un análisis del sector teniendo en cuenta diferentes aspectos como la productividad, el comportamiento de las importaciones y las exportaciones, la cadena productiva, las fuerzas del mercado, entre otros.