880 resultados para Oxygen-consumption
Introdução – O treino dos músculos inspiratórios (TMI) surge como uma intervenção importante na população com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC), mas com interesse crescente na população saudável. No entanto, não existem estudos suficientes que comprovem se o treino dos músculos inspiratórios se traduz também numa melhoria da capacidade aeróbia objetivada no consumo de oxigénio (VO2). Assim, a relação entre o TMI e os seus resultados no indivíduo saudável carece de estudo que comprove os efeitos reais do treino. Considerou-se, pelo anteriormente exposto, pertinente a realização de um estudo de investigação na população saudável que permitisse avaliar em que medida um programa de TMI induz alterações na força muscular inspiratória e na capacidade aeróbia. Métodos e análise – A amostra foi constituída por indivíduos saudáveis (n=19) com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 21 anos que realizam exercício físico regularmente (≥3 vezes por semana ou ≥4h por semana). A capacidade aeróbia foi estimada através do Teste de Ebbeling e a força dos músculos inspiratórios foi medida pela pressão inspiratória máxima (PIM) obtida num dinamómetro específico (MicroRPM®), em dois momentos distintos (pré e pós-treino). A referida amostra foi dividida aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=9 no grupo experimental e n=10 no grupo de controlo). O grupo experimental (GE) foi submetido a um TMI de alta intensidade (≥50% Pi,máx), enquanto o grupo de controlo (GC) não foi sujeito a qualquer intervenção. O TMI foi realizado através do PowerBreathe Classic® Level 1 e Level 2, que fornece uma pressão consistente e específica para a força muscular inspiratória, independentemente do fluxo inspiratório do indivíduo. Conclusões – Após o treino verificou-se um aumento de 37% na PIM do GE, enquanto o GC apresentou uma melhoria de 7%. Na comparação intragrupos, ambos os grupos aumentaram significativamente tanto a PIM como o VO2 (p<0,05). Já na comparação intergrupos, a diferença foi significativa para a PIM (p=0,000), mas não para o VO2. Serão necessários mais estudos no sentido de concluir e avaliar em que condições o TMI produz alterações na capacidade aeróbia.
Following cultivation of distinct mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations derived from human umbilical cord under hypoxic conditions (between 1.5% to 5% oxygen (O-2)) revealed a 2- to 3-fold reduced oxygen consumption rate as compared to the same cultures at normoxic oxygen levels (21% O-2). A simultaneous measurement of dissolved oxygen within the culture media from 4 different MSC donors ranged from 15 mu mol/L at 1.5% O-2 to 196 mu mol/L at normoxic 21% O-2. The proliferative capacity of the different hypoxic MSC populations was elevated as compared to the normoxic culture. This effect was paralleled by a significantly reduced cell damage or cell death under hypoxic conditions as evaluated by the cellular release of LDH whereby the measurement of caspase 3/7 activity revealed little if any differences in apoptotic cell death between the various cultures. The MSC culture under hypoxic conditions was associated with the induction of hypoxia-inducing factor-alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and an elevated expression of energy metabolism-associated genes including GLUT-1, LDH and PDK1. Concomitantly, a significantly enhanced glucose consumption and a corresponding lactate production could be observed in the hypoxic MSC cultures suggesting an altered metabolism of these human stem cells within the hypoxic environment.
Em invertebrados eurialinos, a exposição a metais pode induzir distúrbios respiratórios, iônicos e osmóticos, bem como estresse oxidativo. Diversos estudos sobre o efeito combinado da salinidade da água e a exposição a metais em invertebrados estuarinos estão relatados na literatura, porém a maioria destes estudos estão focados em apenas alguns metais como Cd, Cu, Pb e Zn. Entretanto, poucos estudos avaliaram as respostas bioquímicas e fisiológicas de invertebrados eurialinos à exposição ao Ni em diferentes salinidades. No presente estudo, o caranguejo estuarino Neohelice granulata foi mantido sob condições controle (sem adição de Ni na água) ou exposto (96 h) a concentrações subletais de Ni (100 e 1000 µg/L) em duas salinidades (2 e 30). Após exposição, o consumo de oxigênio corporal foi medido e amostras de tecidos (hemolinfa, hepatopâncreas, músculo, e brânquias anteriores e posteriores) foram coletadas para análises posteriores. A concentração osmótica e a composição iônica (Na+ , Cl- , Ca2+, Mg2+ e K+ ) foram determinadas nas amostras de hemolinfa. A atividade da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) foi medida na hemolinfa, hepatopâncreas e músculo, enquanto a peroxidação lipídica (LPO) foi analisada no hepatopâncreas, músculo e brânquias (anteriores e posteriores). Os caranguejos controle não apresentaram diferença na concentração osmótica em função da salinidade, porém aqueles aclimatados à salinidade 2 apresentaram menores concentrações hemolinfáticas de Na+ , K + e Mg2+, bem como maiores níveis de LPO nas brânquias (anteriores e posteriores) e hepatopâncreas do que aqueles aclimatados à salinidade 30. O consumo de oxigênio corporal e a atividade tecidual da LDH foram semelhantes nos caranguejos controles aclimatados a 2 e 30. Estes resultados indicam que, após duas semanas de manutenção em laboratório, N. granulata apresenta ajustes fisiológicos da concentração osmótica (2‰: hiper-regulação; 30‰: hipo-regulação), composição iônica hemolinfática e taxas 4 metabólicas (aeróbica e anaeróbica) em função da salinidade, com conseqüente maior dano oxidativo em lipídios durante a hiper-regulação em baixa salinidade. Quanto à exposição ao Ni, houve aumento do consumo de oxigênio corporal, da atividade da LDH hemolinfática e da concentração hemolinfática de K+ na salinidade 2. Na salinidade 30 foi observado um aumento da atividade da LDH hemolinfática, da concentração osmótica e de Cl- hemolinfática, bem como uma diminuição das concentrações hemolinfáticas de K+ e Mg2+. Nos caranguejos aclimatados à salinidade 2, os efeitos do Ni parecem estar associados a distúrbios metabólicos (aeróbico e anaeróbico), enquanto distúrbios osmóticos e ionoregulatórios foram mais evidentes nos caranguejos aclimatados e expostos ao Ni na salinidade 30.
Apesar de ser um micronutriente essencial aos organismos, o cobre (Cu) é tóxico quando presente em elevadas concentrações na água. O mecanismo pelo qual este metal exerce sua toxicidade em invertebrados marinhos ainda não está bem estabelecido. Dentre os diversos efeitos relatados, observa-se uma redução do consumo de oxigênio corporal e tecidual no marisco Mesodesma mactroides exposto (96 h) ao Cu (150 µg L-1 ) em água do mar (salinidade 30). Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos desta exposição ao Cu no metabolismo energético em teciduais do marisco M. mactroides. Os conteúdos de ATP e coenzimas (NAD+ e NADH) nas brânquias, glândula digestiva e músculo pedal não foram alterados pela exposição ao Cu, indicando que estes tecidos mantiveram suas capacidades de produção aeróbica de energia. Porém, foi observada uma redução no conteúdo hemolinfático de ATP. Quanto ao conteúdo de proteínas, houve um aumento na glândula digestiva, que pode estar associado à maior oxidação de proteínas já relatada para esse tecido após exposição ao Cu. Os conteúdos de lipídios, glicogênio e glicose permaneceram inalterados em todos os tecidos analisados, exceto no músculo pedal, onde foi observada uma redução no conteúdo de glicose. Por isso, os conteúdos de piruvato e lactato também foram analisados no músculo pedal e na hemolinfa. Em ambos tecidos, foi observado um aumento do conteúdo de lactato, sem alteração no conteúdo de piruvato. Portanto, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que os tecidos de M. mactroides utilizam a anaerobiose para obtenção de energia durante a exposição ao Cu, conforme demonstrado no músculo pedal e hemolinfa. Apesar disso, a hemolinfa não é capaz de manter o nível de ATP nas condições experimentais testadas.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Especialização em Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade em Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
The effects of the Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) were evaluated on the mussel Perna perna, using physiological and genotoxic biomarkers. The Micronuclei (MN) assay was used to estimate effects at nuclear level, whereas the physiological effects were evaluated by measuring the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Significant effects were observed for the MN assay and the ammonia excretion rate, even in low concentrations. The oxygen consumption was not affected in the tested concentrations. For MN and ammonia excretion, the animals exposed to intermediate concentrations were not affected, but responded to the higher concentrations, indicating the existence of compensatory mechanisms at physiological level. However, parallel to this study other authors indicate the presence of progressive effects at the cellular level, suggesting that the organisms are not capable to recover of such increasing effects. Additionally, the results show that the levels of LAS observed for Brazilian coastal waters may chronically affect the biota.
Broad nosed caiman are ectotherm sauropsids that naturally experience long fasting intervals. We have studied the postprandial responses by measuring oxygen consumption using respirometry, the size changes of the duodenum, the distal small intestine, and the liver, using repeated non-invasive ultrasonography, and by investigating structural changes on the level of tissues and cells by using light- and electron microscopy. The caimans showed the same rapid and reversible changes of organ size and identical histological features, down to the ultrastructure level, as previously described for other ectothermic sauropsids. We found a configuration change of the mucosa epithelium from pseudostratified during fasting to single layered during digestion, in association with hypertrophy of enterocytes by loading them with lipid droplets. Similar patterns were also found for the hepatocytes of the liver. By placing the results of our study in comparative relationship and by utilizing the phylogenetic bracket of crocodiles, birds and squamates, we suggest that the observed features are plesiomorphic characters of sauropsids. By extending the comparison to anurans, we suggest that morphological and physiological adjustments to feeding and fasting described here may have been a character of early tetrapods. In conclusion, we suggest that the ability to tolerate long fasting intervals and then swallow a single large meal as described for many sit-an-wait foraging sauropsids is a functional feature that was already present in ancestral tetrapods.
The oil activity in the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) is a permanent threat to coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, with the possibility of oil spills. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential resistance of the mangrove environment of a possible spill. Were selected and isolated microorganisms degrading oil by the technique of enrichment cultures and formation of a bacterial consortium. The kinetic study of the consortium was held in rotary incubator shaken at 150 rpm and 30° C. Samples were taken at intervals of 4 hours for analysis of cell concentration and surface tension. The biodegradation was monitored using two methods of respirometry: manometric (OxiTop-C ®) and conductivimetry, where the biodegradation of oil was estimated indirectly by oxygen consumption and CO2 production, respectively. Furthermore, it was used a full 2² factorial design with triplicate at central point to the runs that used the conductivimetric methodology.. The technique of enrichment cultures allowed to obtain thirteen bacterial strains. Kinetic study of the consortium, we can showed the absence of the lag phase, reaching a maximum cell concentration of 2.55 g / L at 16 h of cultivation and a reduction on surface tension. When we adopted the methodology of OxiTop-C was detected a band indicating biodegradability (1% oil v/v), however when we used the conductivimetry methodology did not observe any band that would indicate effective biodegradation. By monitoring a process of biodegradation is necessary to observe the methodology will be adopted to evaluate the biodegradation process, since for the same conditions adopted different methodologies can produce different results. The oil-degrading isolates from soils of the mangrove estuary Potengi / RN are largely to be used in bioremediation strategies of these places, in the case of a possible oil spill, or it can be used in the treatment of waste oil generated in saline environments, since they are optimized the conditions of the tests so that the efficiency of biodegradation reach the minimum level suggested by the standarts
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.
An ability to predict population dynamics of the amphipod Diporeia is important in understanding how energy pathways in the Lake Superior food web might be altered by disturbances to the ecosystem. Estimating growth rates for this prominent prey item for fish requires information on the physiological effects of changes to its environment. These effects have been investigated for Diporeia in other Great Lakes, but little is known about Lake Superior populations. The primary objective of this study is to obtain quantitative data for rates of Diporeia respiration and consumption that can be incorporated into a bioenergetics model for Lake Superior. Benthic communities in Lake Superior were sampled bimonthly from April through September during 2011 and 2012 to investigate spatial and temporal trends of Diporeia abundances as well as size class structures of the population. Additional samples of Diporeia were collected and kept alive in natural sediment for laboratory experiments. Respiration rates for Diporeia were measured by monitoring dissolved oxygen concentrations in microcosoms using microelectrodes. Additionally, a series of experiments to estimate consumption rates based on food availability were conducted using 14C-labeled algae (Selenastrum capricornutum). Amphipod population densities are highest between 30-110 m (slope) compared to 0-30 m (shelf) or >110 m (profundal) regions in Lake Superior. This heterogeneous distribution of Diporeia in Lake Superior is an important component to quantifying lake-wide biomass. Rates of oxygen consumption by Diporeia range from 32.0 to 44.7 mgO2*gDW-1*d-1, and do not vary significantly with body size per individual. The predicted consumption rate corresponding to average Lake Superior algal carbon fluxes was 0.08 ± SE mgC*gDW-1*d-1. Data on Lake Superior Diporeia biomass and bioenergetics found in this study can be incorporated in a model used to estimate the viability of this population under potential future environmental stressors.
Mitochondrial diseases (MD) are the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism. In affected tissues, MD can alter cellular oxygen consumption rate leading to potential decreases in whole-body resting energy expenditure (REE), but data on pediatric children are absent. We determined, using indirect calorimetry (IC), whole-body oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory quotient (RQ) and REE in pediatric patients with MD and healthy controls. Another goal was to assess the accuracy of available predictive equations for REE estimation in this patient population. IC data were obtained under fasting and resting conditions in 20 MD patients and 27 age and gender-matched healthy peers. We determined the agreement between REE measured with IC and REE estimated with Schofield weight and FAO/WHO/UNU equations. Mean values of VO2, VCO2 (mL·min-1·kg-1) or RQ did not differ significantly between patients and controls (P = 0.085, P = 0.055 and P = 0.626 respectively). Accordingly, no significant differences (P = 0.086) were found for REE (kcal·day-1 kg-1) either. On the other hand, although we found no significant differences between IC-measured REE and Schofield or FAO/WHO/UNU-estimated REE, Bland-Altman analysis revealed wide limits of agreement and there were some important individual differences between IC and equation-derived REE. VO2, VCO2, RQ and REE are not significantly altered in pediatric patients with MD compared with healthy controls. The energy demands of pediatric patients with MD should be determined based on IC data in order to provide the best possible personalized nutritional management for these children.
The purpose of this study was to quantify the metabolic equivalents (METs) of resistance exercise in obese patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and healthy young subjects and to evaluate whether there were differences between sessions executed at low- versus high-intensity resistance exercise. Twenty obese patients with T2DM (62.9±6.1 years) and 22 young subjects (22.6±1.9 years) performed two training sessions: one at vigorous intensity (80% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM)) and one at moderate intensity (60% of 1RM). Both groups carried out three strength exercises with a 2-day recovery between sessions. Oxygen consumption was continuously measured 15 min before, during and after each training session. Obese T2DM patients showed lower METs values compared with young healthy participants at the baseline phase (F= 2043.86; P<0.01), during training (F=1140.59; P<0.01) and in the post-exercise phase (F=1012.71; P<0.01). No effects were detected in the group x intensity analysis of covariance. In this study, at both light-moderate and vigorous resistance exercise intensities, the METs value that best represented both sessions was 3 METs for the obese elderly T2DM patients and 5 METs for young subjects.
Our aim was to determine the normative reference values of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and to establish the proportion of subjects with low CRF suggestive of future cardio-metabolic risk.
The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year.