998 resultados para Orsini, Fulvio, 1529-1600


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Contient : Onze lettres adressées à Baluze par Nicolas Colbert, évêque de Luçon et d'Auxerre (16 mars 1667-30 avril 1675) ; Deux lettres de Philippe IV, roi d'Espagne, à Louis XIV (3 novembre 1661) ; « Traduction de ce que M. le marquis de Fuentes doit dire au Roi. » ; Liste des couvents de Paris avant et après 1600 ; « Pour rendre compte à Monseigneur du discours latin adressé au pape, » sur les propositions du clergé de France ; « Articles pour la pacification des troubles du Berry » (23-24 octobre 1650) ; Délibérations des assemblées tenues par l'archevêque de Paris, à la suite du projet d'établissement de Monts-de-Piété en France (27 juin 1630) ; Extraits et collations de quelques pièces d'Avitus ; « Catalogue des auteurs contemporains qui ont escrit l'histoire des rois de France depuis le roy Robert jusqu'à présent » (1685), de la main de Baluze ; Pronostics tirés de la comète de 1578, en italien ; « Tractatus de votis » par [Jules-César ?] Boulanger ; Liste des traités de paix et d'alliance concernant les rois de France ; Epitaphes de Henri et Charles de Schomberg ; Fragment de poème latin sur la quatrième croisade ; Mémoire sur la succession de Philippe IV, roi d'Espagne (incomplet de la fin) ; Fragment de chronique des événements parisiens de la première partie de l'année 1597 ; Lettre de M. de Thou au comte de Brienne (12 septembre 1661) ; « Discours au Roi » (la suite est au f. 144) ; « Harangue de M. le Cardinal, par lui prononcée en Parlement le 18 janvier 1634. » ; « Récit véritable de ce qui s'est passé à Paris depuis le 24e avril 1617. » ; Pièces concernant divers négociants de Lyon et la Compagnie des Indes (1666) ; Lettre de M. de Briel à « M. le comte de Tremese », capitaine des gardes (21 septembre 1635) ; Liste de surintendants, contrôleurs généraux, etc., tirée des comptes de l'Epargne (1608-1635) ; Notes sur l'histoire des Juifs à Paris ; Notes sur les séjours des princes et des rois à Nesle ; « Extrait d'une lettre du patriarche d'Ethiopie, religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus » (14 décembre 1637) ; deux copies ; Extrait d'une lettre de la prieure de Loudun à un Père Jésuite (19 novembre 1638) ; Corrections pour le recueil des Conciles ; Notes, de la main de Baluze, sur les écrits de divers Pères de l'Eglise ; Notes sur diverses affaires ecclésiastiques ; « Il Badoaro di Francesco Patritio » (1558) ; Lettre, en latin, de Jean Maury à Colbert ; « Narratio rei nuper gestae in Parnasso, » en vers latins, adressée à Perrault ; Responsio cur Mecaenas litteratorum laudari abnuat », en vers latins, adressée à Quinault ; Lettre de P. Danès, évêque de Lavaur, à son neveu George Danès (18 avril 1566) ; Lettre de l'abbé Gamurrini, sans adresse (22 janvier 1680) ; Lettre de [Samuel] Sorbière [à Baluze] (2 juillet 1662) ; Samuelis Sorberii ad Stephanum Baluzium allocutio in funere... Petri de Marca ; imprimé de 4 pages ; Lettre de M. Lefranc à Baluze (Montauban), (27 février 1667) ; Lettre de [Henri] d'Aguesseau au même (Limoges, 6 avril 1668) ; Deux lettres de M. Devaubourg à Baluze (5 et 29 décembre 1638)


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Contient : Extraits de chartes et de manuscrits, parmi lesquels on remarque les suivants : ; Chartes de Saint-Crépin de Soissons (VIIIe-IXe siècle) ; Charte de Philippe-Auguste pour l'abbaye de Sarlat, 1181 (Delisle, Actes de Philippe-Auguste, n° 19) ; Lettres de Philippe-Auguste aux nobles de Poitou, pour les mander à l'expédition d'Angleterre, d'après un ms. de l'abbaye du Jard ; Lettres relatives aux affaires d'Avignon (1470-1472) ; Notice de la fondation da l'église de Nogaro, en 1061-1062 (Bréquigny, Table chronologique, t. II, p. 83) ; Acte d'émancipation de Raoul, fils de Raoul de Cournand (1245), d'après un vidimus de 1259 ; Visio Wettini, d'après un ms. de Cl. Dupuy collationné avec un ms. de Besly ; Notes concernant sainte Wilgeforte ; Lettre de M. Boileau, doyen de Sens [à Baluze] (21 juin 1684) ; Extraits de mss. liturgiques du chapitre de Sens ; Lettre de Raban Maur au chorévêque Regimbaldus ; collation d'un ms. d'Ant. Faure ; Extraits des « Constitutiones episcopatus Sutrini », ms. appartenant au cardinal Casanata ; Extrait d'un ms. d'Orléans (aujourd'hui Bibl. nat., nouv. acq. lat. 1632 ; cf. (Delisle, Cat. des fonds Libri et Barrois, p. 111) ; Extraits d'un sacramentaire de l'église de Lyon, faits par Baluze en novembre 1673 ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims, de la main d'Adrien de Valois ; Autres extraits d'un pontifical de Sens ; Formules de serments « ex veteri codice Remensi Nicolai Fabri. » ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims ; Extraits d'un ms. de Saint-Gall (sans doute ms. 446), collationnés par Baluze en 1674 ; Ordo romanus, extraits faits d'après deux mss. de Saint-Gall ; Ordo romanus, extraits faits d'après un ms. de Cahors ; « Benedictiones, » tirées d'un ms. de Saint-Hilaire-en-Carcassès ; Extraits du De confessione verae fidei [Liber precum], de Marcellinus et Faustinus, faits par Baluze en décembre 1673, d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall (ms. 190) ; « Ex homiliis incerti auctoris qui aevo Karoli M. floruit, » d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall ; Homélies tirées d'un ms. de l'église de Lyon ; Poenitentia laicorum, de Fulbert de Chartres (Migne, Patr. lat., t. CXLI, col. 339) ; Extraits d'un pénitentiel, d'après un ms. de Saint-Arnoul de Metz ; Extraits d'un ms. de l'Oratoire de Troyes, contenant un recueil de canons ; Extraits des Decrétales du Pseudo-Isidore, d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall (ms. 670) ; Copie de deux martyrologes, envoyée par Baluze à d'Achery (cf. note au f. 185) ; le second (f. 210), tiré d'un ms. de Saint-Gall (sans doute le ms. 914), de la main de Baluze, en juin 1674 ; Extraits du De miseria humanae conditionis, d'Innocent III ; Dédicace, par Calixte II, de l'église du Ronceray d'Angers (Hist. de France, t. XIV, p. 199) ; Lettre de Charlemagne relative aux travaux de Paul Diacre (Migne, Patr. lat., t. XCV, col. 1159) ; Bulles et actes pontificaux divers : ; Bulles d'Eugène III (24 avril 1146) et d'Anastase IV (25 avril 1154) pour les églises de la province de Bordeaux (Jaffé, Regesta, nos 8910 et 9876) ; Bulle de Benoit XI portant révocation des collations de bénéfices faites par Boniface VIII (6 novembre 1303) ; Bulle d'Innocent VI pour la prédication d'une croisade contre les Grandes Compagnies (1361), d'après un ms. de Saint-Victor ; Bulle de Clément VII pour le monastère de Coiroux (6 juillet 1393) ; Lettres de Julien [de la Rovere], cardinalévêque d'Ostie, pour Antoine Galvan, seigneur de « Chausenejoulx » (15 février 1486) ; Bulle de Pie V pour Hugues de Vermondot, abbé de La Valette (23 avril 1571) ; Signature en cour de Rome pour Jean du Peyron, sacristain du monastère d'Obazine (17 février 1587) ; Bulle de Clément VIII pour Pierre Pandinhe, abbé de Bonneval (4 janvier 1596) ; Bulle du même pour Léger, abbé de Dalon (12 juin 1600) ; Bulles du même pour Jean de Montroux, abbé de Bonaigue (1601) ; Bulle d'Alexandre III pour l'église de Toulouse, 8 juillet 1162 [Jaffé, n° 10739) ; Bref de N. S. P. le pape Alexandre VII, envoyé à M. l'abbé comte de Richelieu, au sujet de son voyage d'Allemagne (23 mars 1664) ; imprimé de 4 pages in-fol ; Lettres de Philippe le Bel portant convocation d'Etats à Tours (25 mars 1307) ; Lettre de Dom Claude Estiennot à Baluze (Rome, 1er mai 1696) ; Lettre de l'empereur Léopold Ier à Charles II, roi d'Espagne (Vienne, 20 janvier 1696) ; Lettres de l'inquisiteur général de Portugal, portant condamnation des Acta sanctorum des Bollandistes (24 janvier 1696) ; Lettres des inquisiteurs d'Aragon portant même condamnation (19 novembre 1695) ; Extraits de la vie de saint Géraud d'Aurillac ; Instructions données à ceux qui visitent des églises ; Extraits d'un évengéliaire donné par la comtesse. Mathilde à l'abbaye de Padolirone ; Extrait du récit de la translation des reliques de saint Thomas d'Aquin à Toulouse, en 1368, par Raimond Hugues (Bibl. hag. lat. n° 8161), d'après un ms. des Dominicains de Toulouse ; Extraits d'un recueil de formules appartenant à Fr. Pithou (cf. Zeumer, Formulae, p. 597) ; Note sur la fuite d'Ant. Muret à Toulouse, en 1554 ; Sommaire des thèses d'Et. Baluze pour le grade de bachelier en droit canon (3 septembre 1665) ; « Harangue de M. Talon, avocat général, au lit de justice du Roy, tenu au Parlement de Paris, le mecredi XVe janvier 1648. » ; Notes sur l'histoire d'Espagne, envoyées à Baluze ; Lettres (1380-1383), relatives à Simon de Cramaud, plus tard évêque de Carcassonne ; Mémoire sur les affaires d'Italie (26 mars 1669), en italien ; Eloge de Louis XIV : paraphrase, en vers latins, du Psaume CXLIII ; Eloge de Colbert, par M. Boyer ; original ; Lettres de Pierre de Saint-Martial, archevêque de Toulouse, pour l'Hôpital Saint-Jacques de ladite ville (1391) ; Extraits d'un bréviaire ms. de Limoges ; Extraits des registres du Parlement de Toulouse ; Notes pour l'établissement du texte des lettres de Pierre de Blois ; Note sur les affaires de Roussillon ; Instructions données par Henri d'Orléans, [marquis de Rothelin], à ses fils ; « Sirventes de Arnaud Maziere, 1283 », et pièces relatives à Frothaire, archevêque de Bourges ; Notes extraites des archives de Carcassonne, envoyées à Baluze par Guillaume Besse ; Anagramme sur le nom de famille [Ruspiliosus] du pape Clément IX ; placard gravé de 1668


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Contient : Épitaphes des Cordeliers de Neufchâteau ; Épitaphes de Bayon ; Épitaphes de l'abbaye de Beaupré ; Épitaphes de Magnières ; Épitaphes des Cordeliers de Mirecourt ; Épitaphes des Carmes de Besançon ; Épitaphes des Cordeliers de Besançon ; Épitaphes de Bourbonne ; Épitaphes de l'abbaye de Morimond ; Épitaphes de Beaufrémont ; Épitaphes de Remennecourt ; Copie abrégée de l'épitomé de Jean Daucy ; Extrait du Trésor de l'évêché de Verdun


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of canakinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of acute gouty arthritis. METHODS: In this 8-week, single-blind, double-dummy, dose-ranging study, patients with acute gouty arthritis whose disease was refractory to or who had contraindications to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and/or colchicine were randomized to receive a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (10, 25, 50, 90, or 150 mg; n = 143) or an intramuscular dose of triamcinolone acetonide (40 mg; n = 57). Patients assessed pain using a 100-mm visual analog scale. RESULTS: Seventy-two hours after treatment, a statistically significant dose response was observed for canakinumab. All canakinumab doses were associated with numerically less pain than triamcinolone acetonide; thus, a dose with equivalent efficacy to triamcinolone acetonide 72 hours after treatment could not be determined. The reduction from baseline in pain intensity with canakinumab 150 mg was greater than with triamcinolone acetonide 24, 48, and 72 hours after treatment (differences of -11.5 mm [P = 0.04], -18.2 mm [P = 0.002], and -19.2 mm [P < 0.001], respectively), and 4, 5, and 7 days after treatment (all P < 0.05). Canakinumab significantly reduced the risk of recurrent flares versus triamcinolone acetonide (P ≤ 0.01 for all doses) (relative risk reduction 94% for canakinumab 150 mg versus triamcinolone acetonide). The overall incidence of adverse events was similar for canakinumab (41%) and triamcinolone acetonide (42%); most were mild or moderate in severity. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that canakinumab 150 mg provides rapid and sustained pain relief in patients with acute gouty arthritis, and significantly reduces the risk of recurrent flares compared with triamcinolone acetonide.


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Cytotoxic T cell (CTL) activation by antigen requires the specific detection of peptide-major histocompatibility class I (pMHC) molecules on the target-cell surface by the T cell receptor (TCR). We examined the effect of mutations in the antigen-binding site of a Kb-restricted TCR on T cell activation, antigen binding and dissociation from antigen.These parameters were also examined for variants derived from a Kd-restricted peptide that was recognized by a CTL clone. Using these two independent systems, we show that T cell activation can be impaired by mutations that either decrease or increase the binding half-life of the TCR-pMHC interaction. Our data indicate that efficient T cell activation occurs within an optimal dwell-time range of TCR-pMHC interaction. This restricted dwell-time range is consistent with the exclusion of either extremely low or high affinity T cells from the expanded population during immune responses.


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The role of PIP(2) in pancreatic beta cell function was examined here using the beta cell line MIN6B1. Blocking PIP(2) with PH-PLC-GFP or PIP5KIgamma RNAi did not impact on glucose-stimulated secretion although susceptibility to apoptosis was increased. Over-expression of PIP5KIgamma improved cell survival and inhibited secretion with accumulation of endocytic vacuoles containing F-actin, PIP(2), transferrin receptor, caveolin 1, Arf6 and the insulin granule membrane protein phogrin but not insulin. Expression of constitutively active Arf6 Q67L also resulted in vacuole formation and inhibition of secretion, which was reversed by PH-PLC-GFP co-expression. PIP(2) co-localized with gelsolin and F-actin, and gelsolin co-expression partially reversed the secretory defect of PIP5KIgamma-over-expressing cells. RhoA/ROCK inhibition increased actin depolymerization and secretion, which was prevented by over-expressing PIP5KIgamma, while blocking PIP(2) reduced constitutively active RhoA V14-induced F-actin polymerization. In conclusion, although PIP(2) plays a pro-survival role in MIN6B1 cells, excessive PIP(2) production because of PIP5KIgamma over-expression inhibits secretion because of both a defective Arf6/PIP5KIgamma-dependent endocytic recycling of secretory membrane and secretory membrane components such as phogrin and the RhoA/ROCK/PIP5KIgamma-dependent perturbation of F-actin cytoskeleton remodelling.


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Converging evidence suggests that recurrent excessive calorie restriction causes binge eating by promoting behavioral disinhibition and overeating. This interpretation suggests that cognitive adaptations may surpass physiological regulations of metabolic needs after recurrent cycles of dieting and binging. Intermittent access to palatable food has long been studied in rats, but the consequences of such diet cycling procedures on the cognitive control of food seeking remain unclear. Female Wistar rats were divided in two groups matched for food intake and body weight. One group received standard chow pellets 7 days/week, whereas the second group was given chow pellets for 5 days and palatable food for 2 days over seven consecutive weeks. Rats were also trained for operant conditioning. Intermittent access to palatable food elicited binging behavior and reduced intake of normal food. Rats with intermittent access to palatable food failed to exhibit anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus maze, but displayed reduced locomotor activity in the open field and developed a blunted corticosterone response following an acute stress across the diet procedure. Trained under a progressive ratio schedule, both groups exhibited the same motivation for sweetened food pellets. However, in contrast to controls, rats with a history of dieting and binging exhibited a persistent compulsive-like behavior when access to preferred pellets was paired with mild electrical foot shock punishments. These results highlight the intricate development of anxiety-like disorders and cognitive deficits leading to a loss of control over preferred food intake after repetitive cycles of intermittent access to palatable food.


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Background: Immunogenicity of standard infl uenza vaccine is suboptimal in lung transplant recipients. Intradermal vaccine may elicit stronger responses due to recruitment of local dendritic cells. We compared the immunogenicity of the infl uenza vaccine administered intradermally (ID) to the standard intramuscular (IM) vaccination. Methods: In this investigator-blinded, two-center, prospective trial, lung transplant patients were randomized to receive intradermal (6ug) or intramuscular (15ug) 2008/9 trivalent inactivated infl uenza vaccine. Immunogenicity was evaluated using a standard hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA). Response to the vaccine was defi ned as a fourfold increase of the HIA levels for any of the 3 viral strains in the vaccine. Geometric mean titers (GMT) and seroprotection rate (HIA ≥32) were also analyzed. Patients were followed during 6 months for the development of infl uenza or acute rejection. Results: We randomized 84 patients to receive the ID (n=41) vs. IM (n=43) vaccine, respectively. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Median time from transplantation was 3.4 yrs (ID) vs. 3.3 yrs (IM) (p=0.84). Vaccine response to at least one antigen was seen in 6/41 (14.6%) patients in the ID vs. 8/43 (18.6%) in the IM group (p=0.77). In the ID group, GMTs (95% CI) after vaccination were 15.7 (11.1-22.3) for H1N1, 84.0 (52.0-135.7) for H3N2, and 14.5 (9.6-21.8) for B strains vs. in the IM group 17.5 (11.8-25.9) for H1N1, 108.9 (77.5-153.2) for H3N2, and 20.2 (12.8-31.9) for B (p=NS, all 3 strains). Seroprotection was 39% (H1N1), 82.9% (H3N2) and 29.3% (B strain) in the ID group vs. 27.9% (H1N1), 97.7% (H3N2) and 58.1% (B strain) in the IM group. No factors associated with vaccine response were identifi ed. Mild adverse events were seen in 44% of patients (ID) vs. 34% (IM) (p=0.38). Two patients (4.8%) in the ID group developed infl uenza infection compared to none in the IM group. Two patients in each group developed biopsy-proven acute rejection during follow-up. Conclusions: Immunogenicity of the 2008/09 infl uenza vaccine was poor in lung transplant recipients. ID administration of the vaccine elicited similar immune responses to standard IM vaccination. Novel strategies of vaccination are needed to protect lung transplant recipients from infl uenza.


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The glyoxalase system is the most important pathway for the detoxification of methylglyoxal (MG), a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound mainly formed as a by-product of glycolysis. MG is a major precursor of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. Although the neurotoxic effects of MG and AGEs are well characterized, little is known about the glyoxalase system in the brain, in particular with regards to its activity in different neural cell types. Results of the present study reveal that both enzymes composing the glyoxalase system [glyoxalase-1 (Glo-1) and Glo-2] were highly expressed in primary mouse astrocytes compared with neurons, which translated into higher enzymatic activity rates in astrocytes (9.9- and 2.5-fold, respectively). The presence of a highly efficient glyoxalase system in astrocytes was associated with lower accumulation of AGEs compared with neurons (as assessed by Western blotting), a sixfold greater resistance to MG toxicity, and the capacity to protect neurons against MG in a coculture system. In addition, Glo-1 downregulation using RNA interference strategies resulted in a loss of viability in neurons, but not in astrocytes. Finally, stimulation of neuronal glycolysis via lentiviral-mediated overexpression of 6-phosphofructose-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 resulted in increased MG levels and MG-modified proteins. Since MG is largely produced through glycolysis, this suggests that the poor capacity of neurons to upregulate their glycolytic flux as compared with astrocytes may be related to weaker defense mechanisms against MG toxicity. Accordingly, the neuroenergetic specialization taking place between these two cell types may serve as a protective mechanism against MG-induced neurotoxicity.


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Alternative premessenger RNA splicing enables genes to generate more than one gene product. Splicing events that occur within protein coding regions have the potential to alter the biological function of the expressed protein and even to create new protein functions. Alternative splicing has been suggested as one explanation for the discrepancy between the number of human genes and functional complexity. Here, we carry out a detailed study of the alternatively spliced gene products annotated in the ENCODE pilot project. We find that alternative splicing in human genes is more frequent than has commonly been suggested, and we demonstrate that many of the potential alternative gene products will have markedly different structure and function from their constitutively spliced counterparts. For the vast majority of these alternative isoforms, little evidence exists to suggest they have a role as functional proteins, and it seems unlikely that the spectrum of conventional enzymatic or structural functions can be substantially extended through alternative splicing.


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Interdisciplinary frameworks for studying natural hazards and their temporal trends have an important potential in data generation for risk assessment, land use planning, and therefore the sustainable management of resources. This paper focuses on the adjustments required because of the wide variety of scientific fields involved in the reconstruction and characterisation of flood events for the past 1000 years. The aim of this paper is to describe various methodological aspects of the study of flood events in their historical dimension, including the critical evaluation of old documentary and instrumental sources, flood-event classification and hydraulic modelling, and homogeneity and quality control tests. Standardized criteria for flood classification have been defined and applied to the Isère and Drac floods in France, from 1600 to 1950, and to the Ter, the Llobregat and the Segre floods, in Spain, from 1300 to 1980. The analysis on the Drac and Isère data series from 1600 to the present day showed that extraordinary and catastrophic floods were not distributed uniformly in time. However, the largest floods (general catastrophic floods) were homogeneously distributed in time within the period 1600¿1900. No major flood occurred during the 20th century in these rivers. From 1300 to the present day, no homogeneous behaviour was observed for extraordinary floods in the Spanish rivers. The largest floods were uniformly distributed in time within the period 1300-1900, for the Segre and Ter rivers.


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BACKGROUND: : Superselective ophthalmic artery chemotherapy (SOAC) has recently been proposed as an alternative to intravenous chemoreduction for advanced intraocular retinoblastoma. Preliminary results appear promising in terms of tumor control and eye conservation, but little is known regarding ocular toxicity and visual prognosis. In this study, we report on the vascular adverse effects observed in our initial cohort of 13 patients. METHODS: : The charts of 13 consecutive patients with retinoblastoma who received a total of 30 injections (up to 3 injections of a single agent per patient at 3-week interval) of melphalan (0.35 mg/kg) in the ophthalmic artery between November 2008 and June 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. RetCam fundus photography and fluorescein angiography were performed at presentation and before each injection. Vision was assessed at the latest visit. RESULTS: : Enucleation and external beam radiotherapy could be avoided in all cases but one, with a mean follow-up of 7 months. Sectoral choroidal occlusive vasculopathy leading to chorioretinal atrophy was observed temporally in 2 eyes (15%) 3 weeks to 6 weeks after the beginning of SOAC and retinal arteriolar emboli in 1 eye 2 weeks after injection. There was no stroke or other clinically significant systemic side effects except a perioperative transient spasm of the internal carotid artery in one patient. Vision ranged between 20/1600 and 20/32 depending on the status of the macula. CONCLUSION: : Superselective ophthalmic artery chemotherapy was effective in all patients with no stroke or other systemic vascular complications. Unlike intravenous chemoreduction, SOAC is associated with potentially sight-threatening adverse effects, such as severe chorioretinal atrophy secondary to subacute choroidal occlusive vasculopathy or central retinal artery embolism, not to mention the risk of ophthalmic artery obstruction, which was not observed in this series. Further analysis of the risks and benefits of SOAC will define its role within the therapeutic arsenal. Meanwhile, we suggest that SOAC should be given in one eye only and restricted to advanced cases of retinoblastoma, as an alternative to enucleation and/or external beam radiotherapy.


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Inhibitory control, a core component of executive functions, refers to our ability to suppress intended or ongoing cognitive or motor processes. Mostly based on Go/NoGo paradigms, a considerable amount of literature reports that inhibitory control of responses to "NoGo" stimuli is mediated by top-down mechanisms manifesting ∼200 ms after stimulus onset within frontoparietal networks. However, whether inhibitory functions in humans can be trained and the supporting neurophysiological mechanisms remain unresolved. We addressed these issues by contrasting auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to left-lateralized "Go" and right NoGo stimuli recorded at the beginning versus the end of 30 min of active auditory spatial Go/NoGo training, as well as during passive listening of the same stimuli before versus after the training session, generating two separate 2 × 2 within-subject designs. Training improved Go/NoGo proficiency. Response times to Go stimuli decreased. During active training, AEPs to NoGo, but not Go, stimuli modulated topographically with training 61-104 ms after stimulus onset, indicative of changes in the underlying brain network. Source estimations revealed that this modulation followed from decreased activity within left parietal cortices, which in turn predicted the extent of behavioral improvement. During passive listening, in contrast, effects were limited to topographic modulations of AEPs in response to Go stimuli over the 31-81 ms interval, mediated by decreased right anterior temporoparietal activity. We discuss our results in terms of the development of an automatic and bottom-up form of inhibitory control with training and a differential effect of Go/NoGo training during active executive control versus passive listening conditions.