950 resultados para Online services using open-source NLP tools
Dannie Jost gave an introductory presentation on the emergence on open hardware phenomena, including synthetic biology and other technological environments at the HEPTech Workshop on Open Hardware on June 13 held at the GSI, Darmstadt (Germany). The workshop was organized by CERN and GSI. This event addressed the OSHW phenomenon and its implications for academia and industry with special attention to knowledge and technology transfer issues. Consideration was given to the various aspects of open source hardware development, and how these are dealt with in academia and industry. Presentations from legal experts, academics, practitioners and business provided input for the discussions and exchange of ideas.
Dannie Jost gave a presentation outlining some of the challenges to the patent system presented by open source hardware at the "Open Knowledge Festival", under the topic stream treating open design, hardware, manufacturing and making; September 19, 2012; Helsinki, Finland. This topic stream generated considerable discussion, and it serves to educate an audience that is usually very adverse to patents and copyright, and helps the researcher understand the issuing conflicts surrounding emerging technologies, in particular digital technologies, and the maker movement (digitally enabled).
Objectives: This pilot study describes a modelling approach to translate group-level changes in health status into changes in preference values, by using the effect size (ES) to summarize group-level improvement. Methods: ESs are the standardized mean difference between treatment groups in standard deviation (SD) units. Vignettes depicting varying severity in SD decrements on the SF-12 mental health summary scale, with corresponding symptom severity profiles, were valued by a convenience sample of general practitioners (n = 42) using the rating scale (RS) and time trade-off methods. Translation factors between ES differences and change in preference value were developed for five mental disorders, such that ES from published meta-analyses could be transformed into predicted changes in preference values. Results: An ES difference in health status was associated with an average 0.171-0.204 difference in preference value using the RS, and 0.104-0.158 using the time trade off. Conclusions: This observed relationship may be particular to the specific versions of the measures employed in the present study. With further development using different raters and preference measures, this approach may expand the evidence base available for modelling preference change for economic analyses from existing data.
Background: Injecting drug use (IDU) and associated mortality appear to be increasing in many parts of the world. IDU is an important factor in HIV transmission. In estimating AIDS mortality attributable to IDU, it is important to take account of premature mortality rates from other causes to ensure that AIDS related mortality among injecting drug users (IDUs) is not overestimated. The current review provides estimates of the excess non-AIDS mortality among IDUs. Method: Searches were conducted with Medline, PsycINFO, and the Web of Science. The authors also searched reference lists of identified papers and an earlier literature review by English et al (1995). Crude. mortality rates (CMRs) were derived from data on the number of deaths, period of follow UP, and number of participants. In estimating the all-cause mortality, two rates were calculated: one that included all cohort studies identified in the search, and one that only included studies that reported on AIDS deaths in their cohort. This provided lower and upper mortality rates, respectively. Results: The current paper derived weighted mortality rates based upon cohort studies that included 179 885 participants, 1 219 422 person-years of observation, and 16 593 deaths. The weighted crude AIDS mortality rate from studies that reported AIDS deaths was approximately 0.78% per annum. The median estimated non-AIDS mortality rate was 1.08% per annum. Conclusions: Illicit drug users have a greatly increased risk of premature death and mortality due to AIDS forms a significant part of that increased risk; it is, however, only part of that risk. Future work needs to examine mortality rates among IDUs in developing countries, and collect data on the relation between HIV and increased mortality due to all causes among this group.
There is debate regarding the use of fear appeals (emphasizing severe threats to health) in social marketing, to encourage preventive behaviours, such as screening for breast cancer. While it has been found that fear appeals may result in attitude and behaviour change there is also the risk of inciting inappropriate levels of fear, motivating the wrong audience or instigating maladaptive behaviour in the target group such as denial or defensive avoidance. This study examined the impact of an experimental threat manipulation for mammography screening on a group of women in regional Australia. The study found that varying the level of threat had no impact on stated intentions of the women to undergo mammographic screening. However, it also found that high-threat messages resulted in stronger negative emotional reactions and greater perceived susceptibility among younger women who are not the target group for screening in Australia. The results of this study emphasize the importance of limiting the use of high levels of threat in social marketing campaigns, and ensuring that campaigns are appropriately designed to specifically impact upon and motivate the target group. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This work of thesis wants to present a dissertation of the wide range of modern dense matching algorithms, which are spreading in different application and research fields, with a particular attention to the innovative “Semi-Global” matching techniques. The choice of develop a semi-global numerical code was justified by the need of getting insight on the variables and strategies that affect the algorithm performances with the primary objective of maximizing the method accuracy and efficiency, and the results level of completeness. The dissertation will consist in the metrological characterization of the proprietary implementation of the semi-global matching algorithm, evaluating the influence of several matching variables and functions implemented in the process and comparing the accuracy and completeness of different results (digital surface models, disparity maps and 2D displacement fields) obtained using our code and other commercial and open-source matching programs in a wide variety of application fields.
O trabalho proposto é a montar um projeto exploratório funcional que parta da cartografia cognitiva, que é definida como a arte, teoria e técnica de construir mapas do conhecimento, visando com esta cartografia a sua aplicabilidade na estruturação de um conjunto de cursos/saberes da área da Comunicação. Assemelhado ao conceito de mapas conceituais, ou cognitivos, representam o conhecimento organizado e são compostos por conceitos. Este mapas foram desenvolvido a partir da década de setenta por vários pesquisadores. A tese experimento foi montada tendo como base os softwares de relacionamento por temas e interesses dentro de um ambiente de interatividade tridimensional , montado no conceito de arvore do conhecimento relacional. Esta experiência é construída em ambiente tridimensional com uso de softwares 3D que rodam como aplicativos de engines de vídeo games, que são motores gráficos. A base de dados e a interatividade de textos e tarefas é realizada sob a plataforma do MediaWiki, que é o software aberto que roda a Wikipédia. A plataforma de mapas roda dentro de um software MindJet MindManager e do CMAPS. As vídeo conferências são administradas pelo FlashMeeting, de Web conferência. A maioria deles são softwares abertos. Todos operando em sistemas presenciais ou de modulação EAD. A base conceitual está estruturada dentro de uma visão de educação disruptiva, que lança um novo modelo educacional baseado em mapas, visto dentro de uma abordagem de um mundo de múltiplas telas, um mundo da era hiper, um mundo hipermoderno, que tem como base uma cultura da era tecnológica, numa renovação dos conceitos de Cultura, agora revigorados à luz das novas tecnologias e da nova sociedade interligada em rede.
Apesar de o Brasil não apresentar um cenário propício para uma Divulgação Científica eficiente à formação cidadã, nota-se um considerável crescimento no apoio às pesquisas nos últimos anos, principalmente subsidiado pelo fomento de fundações governamentais de diferentes estados. Encontramos, na atualidade, um novo método de expansão informativa, caracterizada pela migração dos meios de comunicação convencionais à internet. Frente a esse desenvolvimento, diversos veículos divulgadores de ciência, com destaque a Pesquisa FAPESP, passaram a empregar esse novo canal no complemento de suas mensagens. Nota-se, porém, uma adoção ainda fragilizada, deixando de lado alguns dos princípios básicos do ciberespaço, tais como a hipertextualidade, por exemplo. A intenção deste trabalho é analisar as ferramentas utilizadas pela Pesquisa FAPESP Online, assim como apontar diversas outras técnicas que poderiam ser inseridas no contexto da Divulgação Científica virtual. Para isso, foi realizada uma entrevista com os editores da revista, bem como uma leitura do portal, com subsídios teóricos da Análise do discurso. Conclui-se que as técnicas praticadas pelo site, embora ainda escassas se comparadas aos demais segmentos do universo digital, são bem utilizadas pelo veículo, preenchendo a lacuna existente na DC e facilitando o acesso da população sobre pesquisas nacionais.(AU)
Innovation is part and parcel of any service in today's environment, so as to remain competitive. Quality improvement in healthcare services is a complex, multi-dimensional task. This study proposes innovation management in healthcare services using a logical framework. A problem tree and an objective tree are developed to identify and mitigate issues and concerns. A logical framework is formulated to develop a plan for implementation and monitoring strategies, potentially creating an environment for continuous quality improvement in a specific unit. We recommend logical framework as a valuable model for innovation management in healthcare services. Copyright © 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Construction projects are risky. However, the characteristics of the risk highly depend on the type of procurement being adopted for managing the project. A build-operate-transfer (BOT) project is recognized as one of the most risky project schemes. There are instances of project failure where a BOT scheme was employed. Ineffective rts are increasingly being managed using various risk management tools and techniques. However, application of those tools depends on the nature of the project, organization's policy, project management strategy, risk attitude of the project team members, and availability of the resources. Understanding of the contents and contexts of BOT projects, together with a thorough understanding of risk management tools and techniques, helps select processes of risk management for effective project implementation in a BOT scheme. This paper studies application of risk management tools and techniques in BOT projects through reviews of relevant literatures and develops a model for selecting risk management process for BOT projects. The application to BOT projects is considered from the viewpoints of the major project participants. Discussion is also made with regard to political risks. This study would contribute to the establishment of a framework for systematic risk management in BOT projects.
The internet is used across a range of disciplines to conduct qualitative research and qualitative psychologists are increasingly turning to the internet as a medium for conducting interviews. In this article we explore the first author’s experience of conducting synchronous online interviews using instant messaging or ‘chat’ software. We highlight the costs and benefits of conducting online interviews and reflect on the development of a rapport with participants within this medium. In particular, we consider how researchers can attempt to make online interviewing less abrupt and more conversational, how researchers can demonstrate ‘listening’ and how insider/outsider status of the interviewer effects interaction within online interviews.