906 resultados para On-line test


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This work describes the development of a simulation tool which allows the simulation of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the transmission and the vehicle dynamics. It is a control oriented simulation tool, designed in order to perform both off-line (Software In the Loop) and on-line (Hardware In the Loop) simulation. In the first case the simulation tool can be used in order to optimize Engine Control Unit strategies (as far as regard, for example, the fuel consumption or the performance of the engine), while in the second case it can be used in order to test the control system. In recent years the use of HIL simulations has proved to be very useful in developing and testing of control systems. Hardware In the Loop simulation is a technology where the actual vehicles, engines or other components are replaced by a real time simulation, based on a mathematical model and running in a real time processor. The processor reads ECU (Engine Control Unit) output signals which would normally feed the actuators and, by using mathematical models, provides the signals which would be produced by the actual sensors. The simulation tool, fully designed within Simulink, includes the possibility to simulate the only engine, the transmission and vehicle dynamics and the engine along with the vehicle and transmission dynamics, allowing in this case to evaluate the performance and the operating conditions of the Internal Combustion Engine, once it is installed on a given vehicle. Furthermore the simulation tool includes different level of complexity, since it is possible to use, for example, either a zero-dimensional or a one-dimensional model of the intake system (in this case only for off-line application, because of the higher computational effort). Given these preliminary remarks, an important goal of this work is the development of a simulation environment that can be easily adapted to different engine types (single- or multi-cylinder, four-stroke or two-stroke, diesel or gasoline) and transmission architecture without reprogramming. Also, the same simulation tool can be rapidly configured both for off-line and real-time application. The Matlab-Simulink environment has been adopted to achieve such objectives, since its graphical programming interface allows building flexible and reconfigurable models, and real-time simulation is possible with standard, off-the-shelf software and hardware platforms (such as dSPACE systems).


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n this work, three Cypraea species (C. talpa, C. tigris and C. zebra) were exhaustively studied. The shells have been separated in the structural layers. The mineralogy, ultra- and micro-structure of each layer were analyzed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD) and Raman Spectroscopy (RS). The presence of biologically relevant trace metals (Mn, Co, Fe, Zn, Cr, etc.) has been investigated using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as detection tool. A new method has been developed and optimized to extract and analyze the soluble organic matrix (SOM) of the shell. Although the molecular nature of the SOM is not really known, it contains at least large protein fraction, if not only consists of proteins. The extracted matrices were compared between layers and species using Size Exclusion High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Ultra Violet Spectrometry (SE-HPLC-UV), Gel electrophoresis (GE) and protein quantification tests. For the first time to our knowledge the association of trace elements to the protein in the SOM of the shell was studied using hyphenated on line as well as combined off line techniques and validated through inter-comparison tests between the different methods applied. Interesting correlations between the trace element concentration, the microstructure and the protein content were directly and indirectly detected. The metals Cu, Ni, Co and Zn have shown to bind to the SOM extracted from C. talpa, C. tigris and C. zebra shells. Within the conclusions of this work it was demonstrated that these protein-metal-complexes (or metal containing proteins) change from one layer to the other and are different between the three snails analyzed. In addition, the complexes are clearly related only to certain protein fractions of the SOM, and not to the whole SOM observed. These fractions and show not to be very metal-specific (i.e. some of these fractions bind two or three different metals).


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We usually perform actions in a dynamic environment and changes in the location of a target for an upcoming action require both covert shifts of attention and motor planning update. In this study we tested whether, similarly to oculomotor areas that provide signals for overt and covert attention shifts, covert attention shifts modulate activity in cortical area V6A, which provides a bridge between visual signals and arm-motor control. We performed single cell recordings in monkeys trained to fixate straight-ahead while shifting attention outward to a peripheral cue and inward again to the fixation point. We found that neurons in V6A are influenced by spatial attention demonstrating that visual, motor, and attentional responses can occur in combination in single neurons of V6A. This modulation in an area primarily involved in visuo-motor transformation for reaching suggests that also reach-related regions could directly contribute in the shifts of spatial attention necessary to plan and control goal-directed arm movements. Moreover, to test whether V6A is causally involved in these processes, we have performed a human study using on-line repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the putative human V6A (pV6A) during an attention and a reaching task requiring covert shifts of attention and reaching movements towards cued targets in space. We demonstrate that the pV6A is causally involved in attention reorienting to target detection and that this process interferes with the execution of reaching movements towards unattended targets. The current findings suggest the direct involvement of the action-related dorso-medial visual stream in attentional processes, and a more specific role of V6A in attention reorienting. Therefore, we propose that attention signals are used by the V6A to rapidly update the current motor plan or the ongoing action when a behaviorally relevant object unexpectedly appears at an unattended location.


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Im Juli 2009 wurde am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) erstmal ein Experiment durchgeführt, bei dem ein polarisiertes 3He Target mit Photonen im Energiebereich von 200 bis 800 MeV untersucht wurde. Das Ziel dieses Experiments war die Überprüfung der Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Summenregel am Neutron. Die Verwendung der Messdaten welche mit dem polarisierten 3He Target gewonnen wurden, geben - im Vergleich mit den bereits existieren Daten vom Deuteron - aufgrund der Spin-Struktur des 3He einen komplementären und direkteren Zugang zum Neutron. Die Messung des totalen helizitätsabhängigen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitts wurde mittels eines energiemarkierten Strahls von zirkular polarisierten Photonen, welcher auf das longitudinal polarisierte 3He Target trifft, durchgeführt. Als Produktdetektoren kamen der Crystal Ball (4π Raumabdeckung), TAPS (als ”Vorwärtswand”) sowie ein Schwellen-Cherenkov-Detektor (online Veto zur Reduktion von elektromagnetischen Ereignissen) zum Einsatz. Planung und Aufbau der verschiedenen komponenten Teile des 3He Experimentaufbaus war ein entscheidender Teil dieser Dissertation und wird detailliert in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben. Das Detektorsystem als auch die Analyse-Methoden wurden durch die Messung des unpolarisierten, totalen und inklusiven Photoabsoprtions-Wirkungsquerschnitts an flüssigem Wasserstoff getestet. Hierbei zeigten die Ergebnisse eine gute Übereinstimmung mit bereits zuvor publizierten Daten. Vorläufige Ergebnisse des unpolarisierten totalen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitts sowie der helizitätsabhängige Unterschied zwischen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitten an 3He im Vergleich zu verschiedenen theoretischen Modellen werden vorgestellt.


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Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation habe ich gemäß dem Medizinproduktegesetz ein MR-kompatibles Verabreichungsgerät entwickelt, um Patienten hyperpolarisierte Gas Boli (He-3, Xe-129) als Kontrasgas zur MRT der Lunge zu applizieren. Das Gerät wurde dazu optimiert, die Gase oder Gasmischungen (z. B. HP Gas + N2) in definierten Mengen und zu definierten Zeitpunkten während der Inspiration mit hoher Reproduzierbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit zu verabreichen, ohne dabei die MR-Qualität zu beeinträchtigen. Aus Sicherheitsgründen und zur späteren Datenanalyse werden die Atemflusskurven der Patienten kontinuierlich angezeigt und aufgezeichnet. Ein Kolbenkompressor ist integriert, um die gesamte gespeicherte He-3-Menge nutzen zu können. Weiterhin ist es möglich, die Polarisation vor Ort zu bestimmen und das abgeatmete He-3 zur späteren Rückgewinnung aufzufangen. Diese Auffangeffizienz konnte durch Untersuchungen mit He-4 (als He-3-Ersatz) gesteigert werden.rnDie ersten MR-Aufnahmen von 10 gesunden Probanden wurden mit diesem Aufbau imrnRahmen einer klinischen Studie durchgeführt. Die Analyse der bestimmten MR-Parameter Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR), Sauerstoffpartialdruck (pO2), Scheinbarer Diffusionskoeffizient (ADC=apparent diffusion coefficient) sowie die Signalanstiegszeit (rise-time) zeigt eine deutlich bessere Reproduzierbarkeit bei der Verabreichung des He-3 mit dem Applikators anstelle eines Tedlarbags (= kleine heliumdichte Plastiktüte).


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Obiettivo del lavoro è quello di legare tra di loro due aspetti che storicamente sono sempre stati scollegati. Il primo è il lungo dibattito sul tema “oltre il PIL”, che prosegue ininterrottamente da circa mezzo secolo. Il secondo riguarda l’utilizzo dei sistemi di misurazione e valutazione della performance nel settore pubblico italiano. Si illustra l’evoluzione del dibattito sul PIL facendo un excursus storico del pensiero critico che si è sviluppato nel corso di circa cinquanta anni analizzando le ragioni assunte dagli studiosi per confutare l’utilizzo del PIL quale misura universale del benessere. Cogliendo questa suggestione l’Istat, in collaborazione con il CNEL, ha avviato un progetto per individuare nuovi indicatori da affiancare al PIL, in grado di misurare il livello non solo della crescita economica, ma anche del benessere sociale e sostenibile, con l’analisi degli indicatori riferiti a 12 domini di benessere individuati. Al progetto Istat-CNEL si è affiancato il progetto UrBES, promosso dall’Istat e dal Coordinamento dei sindaci metropolitani dell’ANCI, che hanno costituito una rete di città metropolitane per sperimentare la misurazione e il confronto sulla base di indicatori di benessere urbano equo e sostenibile, facendo proprio un progetto del Comune di Bologna e di Laboratorio Urbano (Centro di documentazione, ricerca e proposta sulle città), che ha sottoposto a differenti target un questionario on line, i cui risultati, con riferimento alle risposte fornite alle domande aperte, sono stati elaborati attraverso l’utilizzo di Taltac, un software per l’analisi dei testi, al fine di individuare i “profili” dei rispondenti, associando i risultati dell’elaborazione alle variabili strutturali del questionario. Nell’ultima parte i servizi e progetti erogati dal comune di Bologna sono stati associati alle dimensioni UrBES, per valutare l’impatto delle politiche pubbliche sulla qualità della vita e sul benessere dei cittadini, indicando le criticità legate alla mancanza di dati adeguati.


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This paper aims at the development and evaluation of a personalized insulin infusion advisory system (IIAS), able to provide real-time estimations of the appropriate insulin infusion rate for type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients using continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps. The system is based on a nonlinear model-predictive controller (NMPC) that uses a personalized glucose-insulin metabolism model, consisting of two compartmental models and a recurrent neural network. The model takes as input patient's information regarding meal intake, glucose measurements, and insulin infusion rates, and provides glucose predictions. The predictions are fed to the NMPC, in order for the latter to estimate the optimum insulin infusion rates. An algorithm based on fuzzy logic has been developed for the on-line adaptation of the NMPC control parameters. The IIAS has been in silico evaluated using an appropriate simulation environment (UVa T1DM simulator). The IIAS was able to handle various meal profiles, fasting conditions, interpatient variability, intraday variation in physiological parameters, and errors in meal amount estimations.


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We used fMRI to investigate the neuronal correlates of encoding and recognizing heard and imagined melodies. Ten participants were shown lyrics of familiar verbal tunes; they either heard the tune along with the lyrics, or they had to imagine it. In a subsequent surprise recognition test, they had to identify the titles of tunes that they had heard or imagined earlier. The functional data showed substantial overlap during melody perception and imagery, including secondary auditory areas. During imagery compared with perception, an extended network including pFC, SMA, intraparietal sulcus, and cerebellum showed increased activity, in line with the increased processing demands of imagery. Functional connectivity of anterior right temporal cortex with frontal areas was increased during imagery compared with perception, indicating that these areas form an imagery-related network. Activity in right superior temporal gyrus and pFC was correlated with the subjective rating of imagery vividness. Similar to the encoding phase, the recognition task recruited overlapping areas, including inferior frontal cortex associated with memory retrieval, as well as left middle temporal gyrus. The results present new evidence for the cortical network underlying goal-directed auditory imagery, with a prominent role of the right pFC both for the subjective impression of imagery vividness and for on-line mental monitoring of imagery-related activity in auditory areas.


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This paper examines the accuracy of software-based on-line energy estimation techniques. It evaluates today’s most widespread energy estimation model in order to investigate whether the current methodology of pure software-based energy estimation running on a sensor node itself can indeed reliably and accurately determine its energy consumption - independent of the particular node instance, the traffic load the node is exposed to, or the MAC protocol the node is running. The paper enhances today’s widely used energy estimation model by integrating radio transceiver switches into the model, and proposes a methodology to find the optimal estimation model parameters. It proves by statistical validation with experimental data that the proposed model enhancement and parameter calibration methodology significantly increases the estimation accuracy.


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BACKGROUND: The Roche CARDIAC proBNP point-of-care (POC) test is the first test intended for the quantitative determination of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in whole blood as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected congestive heart failure, in the monitoring of patients with compensated left-ventricular dysfunction and in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes. METHODS: A multicentre evaluation was carried out to assess the analytical performance of the POC NT-proBNP test at seven different sites. RESULTS: The majority of all coefficients of variation (CVs) obtained for within-series imprecision using native blood samples was below 10% for both 52 samples measured ten times and for 674 samples measured in duplicate. Using quality control material, the majority of CV values for day-to-day imprecision were below 14% for the low control level and below 13% for the high control level. In method comparisons for four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test with the laboratory reference method (Elecsys proBNP), the slope ranged from 0.93 to 1.10 and the intercept ranged from 1.8 to 6.9. The bias found between venous and arterial blood with the POC NT-proBNP method was < or =5%. All four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test investigated showed excellent agreement, with mean differences of between -5% and +4%. No significant interference was observed with lipaemic blood (triglyceride concentrations up to 6.3 mmol/L), icteric blood (bilirubin concentrations up to 582 micromol/L), haemolytic blood (haemoglobin concentrations up to 62 mg/L), biotin (up to 10 mg/L), rheumatoid factor (up to 42 IU/mL), or with 50 out of 52 standard or cardiological drugs in therapeutic concentrations. With bisoprolol and BNP, somewhat higher bias in the low NT-proBNP concentration range (<175 ng/L) was found. Haematocrit values between 28% and 58% had no influence on the test result. Interference may be caused by human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) types 1 and 2. No significant influence on the results with POC NT-proBNP was found using volumes of 140-165 muL. High NT-proBNP concentrations above the measuring range of the POC NT-proBNP test did not lead to false low results due to a potential high-dose hook effect. CONCLUSIONS: The POC NT-proBNP test showed good analytical performance and excellent agreement with the laboratory method. The POC NT-proBNP assay is therefore suitable in the POC setting.


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Autism has been associated with enhanced local processing on visual tasks. Originally, this was based on findings that individuals with autism exhibited peak performance on the block design test (BDT) from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. In autism, the neurofunctional correlates of local bias on this test have not yet been established, although there is evidence of alterations in the early visual cortex. Functional MRI was used to analyze hemodynamic responses in the striate and extrastriate visual cortex during BDT performance and a color counting control task in subjects with autism compared to healthy controls. In autism, BDT processing was accompanied by low blood oxygenation level-dependent signal changes in the right ventral quadrant of V2. Findings indicate that, in autism, locally oriented processing of the BDT is associated with altered responses of angle and grating-selective neurons, that contribute to shape representation, figure-ground, and gestalt organization. The findings favor a low-level explanation of BDT performance in autism.


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Nearly 22 million Americans operate as shift workers, and shift work has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study is aimed at identifying pivotal risk factors of CVD by assessing 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure, state anxiety levels and sleep patterns in 12 hour fixed shift workers. We hypothesized that night shift work would negatively affect blood pressure regulation, anxiety levels and sleep patterns. A total of 28 subjects (ages 22-60) were divided into two groups: 12 hour fixed night shift workers (n=15) and 12 hour fixed day shift workers (n=13). 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements (Space Labs 90207) were taken twice: once during a regular work day and once on a non-work day. State anxiety levels were assessed on both test days using the Speilberger’s State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Total sleep time (TST) was determined using self recorded sleep diary. Night shift workers demonstrated increases in 24 hour systolic (122 ± 2 to 126 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.012); diastolic (75 ± 1 to 79 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.001); and mean arterial pressures (90 ± 2 to 94 ± 2mmHg, P<0.001) during work days compared to off days. In contrast, 24 hour blood pressures were similar during work and off days in day shift workers. Night shift workers reported less TST on work days versus off days (345 ± 16 vs. 552 ± 30 min; P<0.001), whereas day shift workers reported similar TST during work and off days (475 ± 16 minutes to 437 ± 20 minutes; P=0.231). State anxiety scores did not differ between the groups or testing days (time*group interaction P=0.248), suggesting increased 24 hour blood pressure during night shift work is related to decreased TST, not short term anxiety. Our findings suggest that fixed night shift work causes disruption of the normal sleep-wake cycle negatively affecting acute blood pressure regulation, which may increase the long-term risk for CVD.