989 resultados para Obligations


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The global food crisis of 2007–08 seems to be forgotten. Media attention at the time focused on food riots in Haiti and Mozambique, while world leaders and more than a dozen international organizations gathered for several food summits, calling for immediate relief measures. But not a single government seems to remember its obligations under the Right to Food (R2F) which the United Nations (UN) had enshrined back in 1948. Today we have to acknowledge that the R2F still lacks an adequate response under the present multilateral rules and disciplines applying to food production and trade. This chapter examines the present rules and disciplines under the AoA and of those contemplated in the Doha Development Round. Here we find that despite claims to the contrary they contribute precious little to the R2F. Some of the present rules, or the lack thereof, can even act as disincentives for global and national food security. Various forms of production and export subsidies, food aid abuse and export restrictions, are still WTO-legal, with few remedies available to food insecure developing countries. This amounts to a violation of their R2F obligations by many WTO Members.


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This article seeks to bring some clarity to the publicly held debate on the Swiss federal popular initiative to limit immigration as it was adopted on 9 February 2014 by the Swiss people. It considers the crux of the matter, which is the implementation of the new Swiss constitutional article in the context of public international law. The initiative is stuck in between Swiss constitutional sovereignty and Swiss treaty obligations flowing from the agreement on free movement of persons between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Specific attention is paid to the democratic element anchored in the Swiss Constitution which, in contrast to other systems where the judicial element prevails, is of high importance for whole the process of a bilateral contractual relationship between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation.


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BACKGROUND: Anaesthesia is mandatory for disbudding and castrating calves and lambs of any age, in Switzerland. According to the "anaesthesia delegation model" (ADM), anaesthesia for disbudding calves <3 weeks of age and castrating calves and lambs <2 weeks of age may be administered by certified farmers. Experience with this unique model is not available. The aim was to evaluate the experience of the veterinary practitioners with the ADM. The response rate was 42%. The survey consisted of one questionnaire for each procedure. Procedure I was the delegation of anaesthesia for disbudding calves and procedures II and III were anaesthesia for castrating calves and lambs. RESULTS: Procedure I was performed with local anaesthesia in all farms of 51.8% of the veterinary practices, while this was only 39.3% and 7.6% for procedures II and III (p < 0.001). Anaesthesia for procedure I was administered technically correctly by farmers in at least 66% of the farms of 58.3% of the practitioners, while this was 45.4% and only 23.6% for procedures II and III (p < 0.001). The ADM was assessed as a moderate to very good model to reinforce the legal obligations for procedures I, II, or III by 74.8%, 76.5% and 62.0% of the veterinary practitioners (p < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: The delegation of anaesthesia to certified farmers may be a promising model to reinforce the obligation to provide local anaesthesia for disbudding and castrating calves, but to a lesser extent for castrating lambs.


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The paper offers a critical discussion of Simon Keller’s individuals view concerning the grounds of special obligations. It is argued that the view offers a misleading account of agent-relative reasons, which leads to problems with the arguments Keller offers for his view – the Kantian, consequentialist, particularistic argument. Furthermore, it argues that Keller’s argument from phenomenology suffers from not distinguishing between reasons for partiality and reasons from partiality. At best, it can be applied to reasons from partiality – reasons that agents have in virtue of standing in a relationship of partiality with some other person. Thus, the argument does not support the individuals view, as it is compatible with the other approaches Keller discusses. The paper suggests a modified relationship view to ground reasons of partiality.


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This study describes and discusses initiatives taken by public (water) agencies in the state of Brandenburg in Germany, the state of California in the USA and the Ebro River Basin in Spain in response to the challenges which climate change poses for the agricultural water sector. The drivers and actors and the process of changing agricultural water governance are its particular focus. The assumptions discussed are: (i) the degree of planned and anticipatory top-down implementation processes decreases if actions are more decentralized and are introduced at the regional and local level; (ii) the degree of autonomous and responsive adaptation approaches seems to grow with actions at a lower administrative level. Looking at processes of institutional change, a variety of drivers and actors are at work such as changing perceptions of predicted climate impacts; international obligations which force politicians to take action; socio-economic concerns such as the cost of not taking action; the economic interests of the private sector. Drivers are manifold and often interact and, in many cases, reforms in the sector are driven by and associated with larger reform agendas. The results of the study may serve as a starting point in assisting water agencies in developing countries with the elaboration of coping strategies for tackling climate change-induced risks related to agricultural water management.


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The Qing emperors, who ruled over China from 1644-1911, managed to bring large parts of Inner Asia under their control and extended the territory of China to an unprecedented degree. This paper maintains that the political technique of patronage with its formalized language, its emphasis on gift exchange and expressions of courtesy is a useful concept for explaining the integration of Inner Asian confederations into the empire. By re-interpreting the obligations of gift exchange, the Qing transformed the network of personal relationships, which had to be reinforced and consolidated permanently into a system with clearly defined rules. In this process of formalization, the Lifanyuan, the Court for the Administration of the Outer Regions, played a key role. While in the early years of the dynasty, it was responsible for collecting and disseminating information concerning the various patronage relationships with Inner Asian leaders, over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries its efforts were directed at standardizing and streamlining the contacts between ethnic minorities and the state. Through the Lifanyuan, the rules and principles of patronage were maintained in a modified form even in the later part of the dynasty, when the Qing exercised control in the outer regions more directly. The paper provides an explanation for the longevity and cohesiveness of the multi-ethnic Qing empire. Based on recently published Manchu and Mongolian language archival material and the Maussian concept of gift exchange the study sheds new light on the changing self-conception of the Qing emperors.


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To say that regionalism is gaining momentum has become an understatement. To mourn the lack of progress in multilateral trade rule-making is a commonplace in the discourse of politicians regretting the WTO negotiation standstill, and of “know-what-to-do” academics. The real problem is the uneven level-playing field resulting from increasing differences of rules and obligations. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP) is a very ambitious project. WTI studies in 2014 have shown that the implications for Switzerland could be enormous. But even the combined market power of the two TTIP participants – the EU and the USA – will not level the playing field impairing the regulatory framework, and the market access barriers for trade in agriculture. Such differences will remain in three areas which, incidentally, are also vital for a global response to the food security challenge to feed 9 billion people before the year 2050: market access, non-tariff barriers, and trade-distorting domestic support programmes. This means that without multilateral progress the TTIP and other so-called mega-regionals, if successfully concluded, will exacerbate rather than lessen trade distortions. While this makes farmers in rich countries safer from competition, competitive production in all countries will be hampered. Consequently, and notwithstanding the many affirmations to the contrary, farm policies worldwide will continue to only address farmer security without increasing global food security. What are the implications of the TTIP for Swiss agriculture? This article, commissioned by Waseda University in Tokyo, finds that the failure to achieve further reforms – including a number of areas where earlier reforms have been reversed – is presenting Switzerland and Swiss agriculture with a terrible dilemma in the eventuality of a successful conclusion of the TTIP. If Swiss farm production is to survive for more than another generation, continuous reform efforts are required, and over-reliance on the traditional instruments of border protection and product support is to be avoided. Without a substantial TTIP obliging Switzerland to follow suit, autonomous reforms will remain extremely fragile.


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Economic globalization and respect for human rights are both highly topical issues. In theory, more trade should increase economic welfare and protection of human rights should ensure individual dignity. Both fields of law protect certain freedoms: economic development should lead to higher human rights standards, and UN embargoes are used to secure compliance with human rights agreements. However the interaction between trade liberalisation and human rights protection is complex, and recently, tension has arisen between these two areas. Do WTO obligations covering intellectual property prevent governments from implementing their human rights obligations, including rights to food or health? Is it fair to accord the benefits of trade subject to a clean human rights record? This book first examines the theoretical framework of the interaction between the disciplines of international trade law and human rights. It builds upon the well-known debate between Professor Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, who construes trade obligations as human rights, and Professor Philip Alston, who warns of a merger and acquisition of human rights by trade law. From this starting point, further chapters explore the differing legal matrices of the two fields and examine how cooperation between them might be improved, both in international law-making and institutions,in dispute settlement. The interaction between trade and human rights is then explored through seven case studies:freedom of expression and competition law; IP protection and health; agricultural trade and the right to food; trade restrictions on conflict WHO convention on tobacco control; and, finally, human rights conditionalities in preferential trade schemes.


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Background. There is currently a push to increase the number of minorities in cancer clinical trials in an effort to reduce cancer health disparities. Overcoming barriers to clinical trial research for minorities is necessary if we are to achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010. To understand the unexpectedly high rate of attrition in the A NULIFE study, the research team examined the perceived barriers to participation among minority women. The purpose of this study was to determine if either personal or study-related factors influenced healthy pre-menopausal women aged 25-45 years to terminate their participation in the A NULIFE Study. We hypothesized that personal factors were the driving forces for attrition rates in the prevention trial.^ Methods. The target population consisted of eligible women who consented to the A NULIFE study but withdrew prior to being randomized (N= 46), as well as eligible women who completed the informed consent process for the A NULIFE study and withdrew after randomization (N= 42). Examination of attrition rates in this study occurred at a time point when 10 out of 12 participant groups had completed the A NULIFE study. Data involving the 2 groups that were actively engaged in study activities were not used in this analysis. A survey instrument was designed to query the personal and study-related factors that were believed to have contributed to the decision to terminate participation in the A NULIFE study.^ Results. Overall, the highest ranked personal reason that influenced withdrawal from the study was being “too busy” with other obligations. The second highest ranked factor for withdrawal was work obligations. Whereas, more than half of all participants agreed that they were well-informed about the study and considered the study personnel to be approachable, 54% of participants would have been inclined to remain in the study if it were located at a local community center.^ Conclusions. Time commitment was likely a major factor for withdrawal from the A NULIFE study. Future investigators should implement trials within participant communities where possible. Also, focus group settings may provide detailed insight into factors that contribute to the attrition of minorities in cancer clinical trials.^


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Most studies related to diarrhea have been focused narrowly on the etiological and pathophysiological factors involved in inducing the disease. Such studies have often failed to consider other facets contributing to and possibly prolonging the problem, namely: socio-economic conditions, educational opportunities and attainments, cultural characteristics and beliefs, and the political administration and its commitment towards fulfilling its moral and ethical obligations in responding to and fostering human development.^ This study utilized the diagnostic approach of the PRECEDE model. The acronym stands for the predisposing reinforcing, and enabling constructs in educational diagnosis and evaluation. The constituents of this model were identified by utilizing participant observation field methods, traditionally applied by ethnographers to collect data describing the multiple facets of a culture, and linguistic anthropology used to capture and define characteristic semantics and viewpoints. The household study sample was randomly selected from a defined list of households known to have at least one child less than five years of age. An open-ended questionnaire format was used to interview the 115 mothers in the selected households sample.^ Kalama, the study community, is characteristically an agricultural village, situated in the Governorate of Kaliobia and located approximately 25 Km (about 15.5 miles) from the capital, Cairo, Egypt. The 1986 census indicates a population size of 13,328 people in 4,818 households. There were 65 deaths occurring among children less than five years in 1986. The causes of death were primarily related to diarrhea, followed by upper respiratory infections, congenital anomalies and birth injuries.^ This study outlines (a) practices related to the management of diarrhea, including the administration of foods and drinks during such episodes; (b) influences of governmental policies; and (c) recommended strategies for overcoming barriers and promoting effective diarrhea intervention programs. ^


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Perceptions of chief executive officers (CEOs) of Texas Catholic health care institutions regarding the poor and the provision of Catholic health care were the focus for this study. A total of 40 health care administrators were asked to participate in a survey. Thirty-seven CEOs responded, including seven religious superiors, six health system CEOs and 24 hospital CEOs. Survey items concerning Catholic health for the poor centered on obligations and responsibilities of Catholic hospitals, means of achieving those obligations, and assessment of whether hospitals' objectives were being met. In addition, respondents' attitudes and beliefs about poor people in general were examined. Independent variables were CEO type, gender, religious preference, member of a religious order, and educational preparation. For purposes of analysis, most survey items were classified by level of consensus exhibited by respondents. The respondents to this survey agreed on most issues concerning poor people and the provision of Catholic health care. However, there were areas of disagreement particularly in Part I of the survey which dealt with responsibility/obligation, means/methods, and assessment of health care delivery for the poor. ^


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Los principios de confianza y seguridad (entendida como control del riesgo) aparecen como dos elementos constitutivos de la lógica de las relaciones en el estado providencia, con claras articulaciones con el tema del empleo. El presente trabajo se propone indagar, en la crisis del Estado de Bienestar, qué papel cumple el proceso de radicalización de la modernidad, que conocemos como posmodernidad en la elaboración de la noción de riesgo y consecuentemente de la de seguridad y cómo pueden afectar los institutos que la representan orgánicamente. Se observa la pérdida de certidumbre como una característica de las sociedades actuales, signadas por la complejidad y el consecuente traslado de la confianza a los sistemas expertos con la consecuencia de la despersonalización de las relaciones y el creciente poder de los operadores del sistema.


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La acedia ocupó un importante lugar dentro de la teología espiritual de los Padres del Desierto y el concepto por ellos acuñado pasó al mundo latino a través de Casiano aunque con un significado ya levemente diverso. San Gregorio Magno la desplaza de su listado de los siete pecados capitales y, es por eso, que en los siglos siguientes la acedia será considerada una especie de pereza concerniente a las actividades piadosas propias de la vida religiosa. La escolástica del siglo XIII, sin embargo, produce una renovación del estudio de la acedia, la que encontrará un lugar más o menos importante dentro de los tratados que escribirán pensadores como Guillermo de Auxerre, Alejandro de Hales, Alberto Magno o Tomás de Aquino. En este trabajo deseo puntualizar los aspectos más destacados de la doctrina sobre la acedia que elabora Alberto Magno a lo largo de varias de sus obras, buscando señalar los aspectos más destacados y que evidencia una clara evolución de su pensamiento al respecto.


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La preocupación por proporcionar a la intervención social de herramientas teóricas que puedan ser capaces de "viajar" transculturalmente para ser aplicadas en diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y culturales, es decir, el hecho de poder pensar a las necesidades en tanto categorías de investigación e intervención1es uno de los problemas teóricos más suscitados en el campo de la intervención social. Comenzaremos por recorrer algunas de las perspectivas que consideramos señeras de nuestro tema a abordar. Luego, abordaremos la relación entre las obligaciones del Estado, las necesidades y los derechos sociales para finalmente, indicar algunas conceptualizaciones que refieren a los mecanismos específicos en que se sitúan los conceptos de necesidades y bienestar en nuestra región. Creemos que frente al reconocimiento de necesidades, y de la falta de bienes y servicios para su satisfacción, las políticas sociales a implementar deben dar cuenta sí o sí de los compromisos éticos y morales que se traducen en obligacion es sociales del Estado. Estas instancias de intervención política deben partir de dos recursos: el conocimiento técnico sobre las necesidades y el conocimiento que los actores sociales tienen de sus necesidades sentidas.


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La preocupación por proporcionar a la intervención social de herramientas teóricas que puedan ser capaces de "viajar" transculturalmente para ser aplicadas en diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y culturales, es decir, el hecho de poder pensar a las necesidades en tanto categorías de investigación e intervención1es uno de los problemas teóricos más suscitados en el campo de la intervención social. Comenzaremos por recorrer algunas de las perspectivas que consideramos señeras de nuestro tema a abordar. Luego, abordaremos la relación entre las obligaciones del Estado, las necesidades y los derechos sociales para finalmente, indicar algunas conceptualizaciones que refieren a los mecanismos específicos en que se sitúan los conceptos de necesidades y bienestar en nuestra región. Creemos que frente al reconocimiento de necesidades, y de la falta de bienes y servicios para su satisfacción, las políticas sociales a implementar deben dar cuenta sí o sí de los compromisos éticos y morales que se traducen en obligacion es sociales del Estado. Estas instancias de intervención política deben partir de dos recursos: el conocimiento técnico sobre las necesidades y el conocimiento que los actores sociales tienen de sus necesidades sentidas.