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Objectives: To verify the consequences of implant-supported fixed oral rehabilitation on the quality of life (QL) of elderly individuals. Material and methods: Fifteen patients were studied, being 10 females and five males; all were aged > 60 years, were completely edentulous, wore removable dentures on both arches, and were treated with implant-supported fixed dentures. Three QL questionnaires were applied, two related to the oral conditions (Oral Impact on Daily Performance - OIDP - and Oral Health Impact Profile, short version - OHIP-14) and one dealing with global aspects (World Health Organization Quality of Life - WHOQOL-BREF), before 3, 6, and 18 months after surgical placement of implants. Results: Scores in the OIDP and OHIP-14 questionnaires were better after dental treatment. The WHOQOL-BREF was less sensitive, confirming the higher reliability of specific questionnaires (focal) compared with general questions in such situations. Conclusion: Treatment with implant-supported fixed prostheses improved QL in the elderly; these effects are better detected by specific instruments focused on the subject.
Objective: To compare the dental status of Brazilian and Canadian elderly populations with respect to socioeconomic and quality of life factors. Materials and methods: A total of 496 adults aged 60-75 years, having four or more teeth, and physically and cognitively suitable for a clinical oral examination were included. Subjects answered questions concerning their lifestyle and completed the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) questionnaire. Results: In all populations, the majority were females, aged between 60 and 65 years and married. Although the Canadian New Immigrant population had lower mean income, they had more remaining teeth (23.04 +/- 6.1), more functional teeth (sound and restored teeth) (14.92 +/- 5.7), more sound teeth (15.40 +/- 7.6), but more carious teeth (2.97 +/- 3.0). The Brazilian population had higher numbers of restored teeth (12.26 +/- 6.8) and fewer remaining teeth (17.80 +/- 7.6). In all populations, females, married and younger (60-65 years old) adults were more likely to retain 20 or more teeth. The mean GOHAI scores were similar for Canadians (40.55 +/- 5.7) and Canadian New Immigrants (39.28 +/- 6.5), but were higher than that among Brazilians (31.97 +/- 8.9). Conclusions: The numbers of remaining teeth were related to greater education and higher income status for Brazilian and Canadian populations. However, Canadian New Immigrants with lower income and education retained more teeth than the other populations.
Cell-surface proteoglycans are involved in lymphocyte migration and activation. This study investigated the expression of syndecan-1, syndecan-4, and glypican in peripheral blood lymphocytes and by lymphocytes in variously inflamed periodontal tissues. Gingival specimens from healthy, gingivitis, or chronic periodontitis sites were stained by means of antibodies against B- and T-lymphocytes and also syndecan-1, syndecan-4, and glypican. Syndecan-1 expression by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy, gingivitis, and chronic periodontitis subjects was assessed by flow cytometry. Syndecan-1 was expressed by B-cells/plasma cells but not T-cells in both gingivitis and chronic periodontitis lesions, Both B-cells/plasma cells and T-cells in gingivitis and chronic periodontitis expressed syndecan-4. Glypican was expressed only by macrophages. Stimulation of PBMC with mitogens and growth factors modulated syndecan-1 expression in both the T- and B-cells. Thus, cell-surface proteoglycan expression by lymphocytes in periodontal inflammation is cell-type-specific and may be modulated by inflammation.
Objectives: To compare the productivity of Australian general practice in terms of research publications with the productivity of other medical disciplines. Design: A survey of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health publications carried out by manual searching of specific journals and an electronic search of the US National Library of Medicine's PubMed database. Main outcome measures: The number of original research publications by Australian general practitioners, physicians, surgeons and public health physicians during 1999; the relative publication rate of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health over the period 1990-1999. Results: Of original research articles published in 1999, GPs authored 65% (17/26) in Australian Family Physician and 3% (3/90) in the Medical Journal of Australia; physicians published 4% and 37%, respectively. The electronic search identified 54 research articles relating to Australian general practice published in 1999 in 21 different journals, only two of which were primary care journals. Over the period 1990-1999, there was a publication rate of one general practice [discipline] article per 1000 GPs in practice per year. Corresponding rates for medicine, surgery and public health were 105/1000, 61/1000 and 148/1000, respectively. Conclusions: There is considerable disparity between the level of research output of general practice and that of the disciplines of medicine, surgery and public health. If we are to have effective general practice research, we urgently need to develop research skills, a supportive infrastructure and a culture that nurtures research.
Over the past thirty years in Australia, there has been a recognition of the need for increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the management of their health services as part of the strategy to improve the poor health of Australia's indigenous peoples. The proliferation of Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Services and the vigorous advocacy of groups such as the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation have significantly contributed to this recognition. This, combined with additional management opportunities in government service, has drawn attention to difficulties in recruiting and retaining appropriately experienced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander managers, particularly in the northern states of Australia. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Statement of purpose: Increased resting energy expenditure following head injury is well documented, but whether this increase extends into rehabilitation and whether this is affected by changes in body composition have not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine whether children attending a rehabilitation program following head injury had altered energy expenditure and body composition. Methods: Measurements of resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry were performed in 21 head injured children (mean age 10.2±3.8 years). Measurement of body composition was performed using total body potassium. Results: Measured resting energy expenditure values were widely distributed, ranging from 52.3-156.4% of predicted values, yet the mean percentage predicted using Schofield weight, Schofield weight and height and World Health Organization predictive equations were 97.5%, 97.4% and 98.6%, respectively. Mean percentage of expected total body potassium for weight, height and age for head injured children were 85.1 ± 15.5%, 89.1 ± 14.1% and 86.9 ± 15.9%, thus all showed significant depletion. Conclusions: During rehabilitation, using predictive equations to estimate resting energy expenditure in this group revealed a small bias on average but very large bias at the individual level. Head injured children had altered resting energy expenditure and body composition.
Aim of study: This study sought to determine whether multidisciplinary case conference reviews improved outcomes for nursing home residents, and the effects of this team approach to resident care on carers, including the hands-on carers employed by the nursing home, and health professionals. Method: 245 residents of three Canberra nursing homes were enrolled in this non-randomised controlled trial. The intervention consisted of sessions of three case conference reviews held between 10/4/96 and 4/12/96. These sessions were attended by the General Practitioners (GPs) of the residents discussed, the GP project officer from the ACT Division of General Practice, a clinical pharmacist, senior nursing staff, other health professionals eg physiotherapist, and occasionally the resident concerned or their representative. At each review, a case presentation by the resident's GP was followed by a multidisciplinary discussion of all aspects, medical and non-medical, of the resident's care. The review concluded with a management plan for the resident. In total 75 residents were reviewed. Main outcome measures: Medication use and cost, and mortality. Results: One month after the reviews were completed comparisons between those who were reviewed and those who were not showed non-significant reductions in medication orders, medication cost, and mortality in the reviewed group. Many of the 92 recommendations in the management plans that were carried out benefited the residents (n=37) and/or carers (n=24). The responses of the GPs and the Directors of Nursing to the reviews were overwhelmingly positive. Conclusion: Recommendations arising from multidisciplinary case conferences were carried out to the benefit of patients and carers. Given the support shown by key stakeholders, multidisciplinary conferences should be used more.
Aims: To measure factors associated with underuse of beta-blocker therapy after myocardial infarction (MI). Methods: The Newcastle and Perth collaborating centres of the World Health Organization (WHO) MONICA project (to MONItor trends and determinants of Cardiovascular disease) systematically evaluated all patients admitted to hospital in their respective regions with possible MI. A total of 1766 patients in Newcastle and 4503 patients in Perth, discharged from hospital after confirmed MI from 1985 to 1993, were studied, Rates of beta-blocker use before and after hospital discharge were evaluated and correlates of beta-blocker use determined. Results: Beta-blocker use was similar in Newcastle and Perth before MI (21% of patients in each centre). During hospital admission, beta-blocker therapy was initiated nearly twice as frequently in Perth compared with Newcastle (66 vs 36%, respectively) and more patients were discharged from hospital on beta-blockers in Perth (68%) than in Newcastle (45%). The main factors associated with underuse of beta-blockers in multivariate analysis were geographical centre (odds ratio (OR) for Newcastle compared with Perth 0.3 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3-0.3), a history of previous MI (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.7), admission to hospital in earlier years (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.3-0.4 for years 1985-87 compared with years 1991-93), diabetes (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.8) and the concomitant use of diuretics (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4-0.6) and calcium antagonists (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.8). Conclusions: Underuse of beta-blockers after MI was strongly related to hospital prescribing patterns and not to community use of beta-blockers. Underuse occurred in patients with diabetes and in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, patients who stand to benefit most from beta-blocker use following MI.
Objective: To assess consent to record linkage, describe the characteristics of consenters and compare self-report versus Medicare records of general practitioner use. Method. Almost 40,000 women in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health were sent a request by mail for permission to link their Medicare records and survey data. Results: 19,700 women consented: 37% of young (18-23 years), 59% of mid-age (4550 years) and 53% of older women (70-75 years). Consenters tended to have higher levels of education and, among the older cohort, were in better health than nonconsenters. Women tended to under-report the number of visits to general practitioners. Conclusions: Record linkage of survey and Medicare data on a large scale is feasible. The linked data provide information on health and socio-economic status which are valuable for understanding health service utilisation. Implications: Linked records provide a powerful tool for health care research, particularly in longitudinal studies.