1000 resultados para Nuclear collision
This essay reviews the decision-making process that led to India exploding a nuclear device in May, 1974. An examination of the Analytic, Cybernetic and Cognitive Theories of decision, will enable a greater understanding of the events that led up to the 1974 test. While each theory is seen to be only partially useful, it is only by synthesising the three theories that a comprehensive account of the 1974 test can be given. To achieve this analysis, literature on decision-making in national security issues is reviewed, as well as the domestic and international environment in which involved decisionmakers operated. Finally, the rationale for the test in 1974 is examined. The conclusion revealed is that the explosion of a nuclear device by India in 1974 was primarily related to improving Indian international prestige among Third World countries and uniting a rapidly disintegrating Indian societal consensus. In themselves, individual decision-making theories were found to be of little use, but a combination of the various elements allowed a greater comprehension of the events leading up to the test than might otherwise have been the case.
The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, a major defoliator of broad leaf trees, was accidentally introduced into North America in 1869. Much interest has been generated regarding the potential of using natural pathogens for biological control of this insect. One of these pathogens, a highly specific fungus, Entomophaga maimaiga, was accredited with causing major epizootics in populations of gypsy moth across the north-eastern United States in 1989 and 1990 and is thought to be spreading northwards into Canada. This study examined gypsy moth population densities in the Niagara Region. The fungus, .E.. maimaiga, was artificially introduced into one site and the resulting mortality in host populations was noted over two years. The relationship between fungal mortality, host population density and occurrence of another pathogen, the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV), was assessed. Gypsy moth population density was assessed by counting egg masses in 0.01 hectare (ha) study plots in six areas, namely Louth, Queenston, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Shorthills Provincial Park, Chippawa Creek and Willoughby Marsh. High variability in density was seen among sites. Willoughby Marsh and Chippawa Creek, the sites with the greatest variability, were selected for more intensive study. The pathogenicity of E. maimaiga was established in laboratory trials. Fungal-infected gypsy moth larvae were then released into experimental plots of varying host density in Willoughby Marsh in 1992. These larvae served as the inoculum to infect field larvae. Other larvae were injected with culture medium only and released into control plots also of varying host density. Later, field larvae were collected and assessed for the presence of .E.. maimaiga and NPV. A greater proportion of larvae were infected from experimental plots than from control plots indicating that the experimental augmentation had been successful. There was no relationship between host density and the proportion of infected larvae in either experimental or control plots. In 1992, 86% of larvae were positive for NPV. Presence and intensity of NPV infection was independent of fungal presence, plot type or interaction of these two factors. Sampling was carried out in the summer of 1993, the year after the introduction, to evaluate the persistence of the pathogen in the environment. Almost 50% of all larvae were infected with the fungus. There was no difference between control and experimental plots. Data collected from Willoughby Marsh indicated that there was no correlation between the proportion of larvae infected with the fungus and host population density in either experimental or control plots. About 10% of larvae collected from a nearby site, Chippawa Creek, were also positive for .E.. maimaiga suggesting that low levels of .E.. maimaiga probably occurred naturally in the area. In 1993, 9.6% of larvae were positive for NPV. Again, presence or absence of NPV infection was independent of fungal presence plot type or interaction of these two factors. In conclusion, gypsy moth population densities were highly variable between and within sites in the Niagara Region. The introduction of the pathogenic fungus, .E.. maimaiga, into Willoughby Marsh in 1992 was successful and the fungus was again evident in 1993. There was no evidence for existence of a relationship between fungal mortality and gypsy moth density or occurrence of NPV. The results from this study are discussed with respect to the use of .E.. maimaiga in gypsy moth management programs.
A survey of predominantly industrial silicon carbide has been carried out using Magic Angle Spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS nmr); a solid state technique. Three silicon carbide polytypes were studied; 3C, 6H, and 15R. The 13C and 29 Si MAS nmr spectra of the bulk SiC sample was identified on the basis of silicon (carbon) site type in the d iff ere n t pol Y t Y pes • Out to 5.00 A fro mac en t r a lsi 1 i con (0 r carbon) atom four types of sites were characterized using symmetry based calculations. This method of polytype analysis was also considered, in the prelminary stages, for applications with other polytypic material; CdBr 2 , CdI 2 , and PbI 2 " In an attempt to understand the minor components of silicon carbide, such as its surface, some samples were hydrofluoric acid washed and heated to extreme temperatures. Basically, an HF removable species which absorbs at -110 ppm (Si0 2 ) in the 29 Si MAS nmr spectrum is found in silicon carbide after heating. Other unidentified peaks observed at short recycle delays in some 29 Si MAS nmr spectra are considered to be impurities that may be within the lattice. These components comprise less than 5% of the observable silicon. A Tl study was carried out for 29 Si nuclei in a 3C ii polytype sample, using the Driven Equilibrium Single-Pulse Observation of T1 (DESPOT) technique. It appears as though there are a number of nuclei that have the same chemical shift but different T1 relaxation times. The T1 values range from 30 seconds to 11 minutes. Caution has to be kept when interpreting these results because this is the first time that DESPOT has been used for solid samples and it is not likely in full working order. MAS nmr indicates that the 13C and 29 Si ~sotropic chemical shifts of silicon carbide appear to have a reciprocal type of relationship_ Single crystal nmr analysis of a 6H sample is accordance with this finding when only the resultant isotropic shift is considered. However, single crystal nmr also shows that the actual response of the silicon and carbon nuclear environment to the applied magnetic field at various angles is not at all reciprocal. Such results show that much more single crystal nmr work is required to determine the actual behavior of the local magnetic environment of the SiC nuclei.
Boron tribalide complexes of 1,1-bis(dimethylamino)ethylene (DME) , t etramethylurea (TMU), tetramethylguanidine (TMG) , and pentamethylguanidine (PMG) and also mixed boron t r ihalide adducts of DME have been investigated by 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy. Both nitrogen and the C-Q-H carbon of DME are possible donor a toms to boron trihal ides but complexation has been found to occur only at carbon of DME. The initial adduct acts as a Bronsted acid and gives up a proton to free DME in solut ion. A side reaction in the DME-BF, system gives rise to trace amounts of a complex aSSigned as (DME)2BF2+. (DME)2BF2+ is produced in much larger quantities in t he DME-BF3-BC13 and DME-BF,-BBr, systems by reaction of free DME with DME:BF2X (X = Cl, Br). Restricted r otation about the C-N bonds of TMUlBC13 and n1U:BBr3 has been observed at low temperatures. This complements previous work in this system and confirms oxygen donation of TMU to boron trihalides . Restricted rotation at low temperatures also has been observed in DMEboron trihalide systems
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Biomédica) UANL
Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Biomédica) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Orientación Terminal en Morfología) UANL, 2006
The enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID) triggers antibody diversification in B cells by catalyzing deamination and consequently mutation of immunoglobulin genes. To minimize off-target deamination, AID is restrained by several regulatory mechanisms including nuclear exclusion, thought to be mediated exclusively by active nuclear export. Here we identify two other mechanisms involved in controlling AID subcellular localization. AID is unable to passively diffuse into the nucleus, despite its small size, and its nuclear entry requires active import mediated by a conformational nuclear localization signal. We also identify in its C terminus a determinant for AID cytoplasmic retention, which hampers diffusion to the nucleus, competes with nuclear import and is crucial for maintaining the predominantly cytoplasmic localization of AID in steady-state conditions. Blocking nuclear import alters the balance between these processes in favor of cytoplasmic retention, resulting in reduced isotype class switching.
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería Física Industrial) UANL, 2013.
La matière sombre est un mystère dans le domaine de l’astrophysique depuis déjà plusieurs années. De nombreuses observations montrent que jusqu’à 85 % de la masse gravitationnelle totale de l’univers serait composée de cette matière de nature inconnue. Une théorie expliquant cette masse manquante considérerait les WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), particules stables, non chargées, prédites par des extensions du modèle standard, comme candidats. Le projet PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques à la matière Sombre) est une expérience qui tente de détecter directement le WIMP. Le projet utilise des détecteurs à gouttelettes de fréon (C4F10) surchauffées. La collision entre un WIMP et le noyau de fluor crée un recul nucléaire qui cause à son tour une transition de phase de la gouttelette liquide à une bulle gazeuse. Le bruit de ce phénomène est alors capté par des senseurs piézoélectriques montés sur les parois des détecteurs. Le WIMP n’est cependant pas la seule particule pouvant causer une telle transition de phase. D’autres particules environnantes peuvent former des bulles, telles les particules alpha où même des rayons gamma . Le système d’acquisition de données (DAQ) est aussi en proie à du bruit électronique qui peut être enregistré, ainsi que sensible à du bruit acoustique extérieur au détecteur. Finalement, des fractures dans le polymère qui tient les gouttelettes en place peut également causer des transitions de phase spontanées. Il faut donc minimiser l’impact de tous ces différents bruit de fond. La pureté du matériel utilisé dans la fabrication des détecteurs devient alors très importante. On fait aussi appel à des méthodes qui impliquent l’utilisation de variables de discrimination développées dans le but d’améliorer les limites d’exclusion de détection du WIMP.
Le récepteur nucléaire Nr5a2 est exprimé dans l’ovaire, plus spécifiquement dans les cellules de granulosa et lutéales. Une déplétion conditionnelle de Nr5a2 dans les cellules de granulosa au stade de follicule primaire par croisement de souris Nr5a2-flox et Amhr2-Cre (Nr5a2f/fAmhr2Cre/+) génère des problèmes au niveau de l’expansion du cumulus, de l’ovulation et de la lutéinisation. Ainsi, nous estimons que Nr5a2 régule les connexions intercellulaires dans le follicule ovarien via la connexine 43 (Cx43), une protéine de jonction impliquée dans l’expansion du cumulus. Le premier objectif de l’étude était de déterminer si l’absence d’expansion du cumulus chez les souris Amhr2Cre-cKO est liée à l’absence de communication intercellulaire adéquate entre les cellules de granulosa et de cumulus dans les follicules préovulatoires. À cette fin, des ovaires de souris immatures Amhr2Cre-cKO et non transgéniques ont été prélevés (n=3) après un traitement de superstimulation utilisant les gonadotropines eCG suivie de hCG afin d’induire l’ovulation. Nous avons ainsi démontré, par RT-PCR, une sous-expression de Cx43 avant et au moment du stimulus ovulatoire (0 h et 2 h) chez le groupe Amhr2Cre-cKO (P<0.01), ce qui pourrait mener à un problème dans l’acquisition de la compétence développementale de l’oocyte. D’un autre côté, au moment de l’ovulation (12 h), l’ARNm de Cx43 est surexprimé dans le groupe Amhr2Cre-cKO, ce qui pourrait prévenir les cellules du cumulus de se détacher l’une de l’autre. Nous avons ainsi conclu que Cx43 est un gène sous le contrôle de Nr5a2 et qu’une régulation erronée de ce gène est une cause possible du problème d’expansion du cumulus chez les souris Amhr2Cre-cKO. Afin d’examiner le rôle de Nr5a2 dans l’ovulation et la lutéinisation à différents stades de la maturation folliculaire, nous suggérons que Nr5a2 module la séquence temporelle des événements menant à l’ovulation. En croisant des souris Nr5a2-flox et Cyp19-Cre (Nr5a2f/fCyp19Cre/+), l’expression de Nr5a2 a été interrompue dans les cellules de granulosa des follicules antraux et préovulatoires. Aucune portée n’a été obtenue de ces souris (n=4) durant un essai d’accouplement de 6 mois. Chez les souris Cyp19Cre-cKO on remarque la présence de structures s’apparentant à des cellules de type lutéales et les femelles âgées d’un an présentent des kystes folliculaires hémorragiques et une hypertrophie de l’épithélium en surface de l’ovaire. Les deux modèles transgéniques démontrent donc une absence de l’expansion du cumulus et de l’ovulation. En conclusion, Nr5a2 semble réguler différemment la folliculogenèse et l’ovulation dans les cellules de granulosa des follicules primaires et antraux.