999 resultados para Nordenskiöld, Adolf-Erik
The fundamental debt of E. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author’s hypothesis, O’Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader’s right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O’Neill’s work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author’s article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O’Neill’s drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.
Pro gradu -työn taustalla oli selvittää sähkökemiallisella polymeroinnilla tuotetun viologeenikalvon anioniselektiivisyyttä. Polymerointi toteutettiin sekä staattisella kennosysteemillä että suihkuvirtauskennolla (engl. wall-jet) käyttäen 1,3,5-tris-(N-metyyli-4-syanopyridinium)-2,4,6-trimetyylitribromidi-, trans-1,2-bis-(karbamoyyli-para-metyylisyano-pyridinium)-sykloheksaanidibromidi- ja 1,3-bis-[4-(para-metyylisyanopyridinium)-fenyyli-tioureido]-ksyleenidibromidilähtöaineita. Platina- ja kultasubstraateille muodostettuja viologeenikalvoja tutkittiin voltammetrisesti (CV), kronoamperometrisesti (CA), konduktometrisesta (GA) sekä kvartsikidemikrovaakaa (QCMB) apuna käyttäen. Tulosten perusteella polymeerirakenteet omasivat anionikaviteetteja mutta affiniteetit eri anionien väillä eivät korreloineet täydellisesti sähkökemiallisessa generoinnissa käytettyjen muotti-ionien kanssa. Selektiivisyyteen todennäköisesti vaikuttivat myös liuosfaasissa olleiden ionisten molekyylien ja solvatoituneiden anionien poolisuus ja hydraattiverhon koko. Lisäksi polymeroitujen viologeenien anionivakansseista suurin osa todettiin inaktiivisiksi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella substituoidut γ,γ’-bipyridyylit ovat materiaaleina lupaavia ja yleisen sensoriteknologian mielenkiinnon kohteena mm. aurinkokennoissa, biosensoreissa ja elektronin delokalisaatioon perustuvissa värinäytöissä (ECD). Ongelmina löydetyissä sovellutuksissa ovat olleet bipyridyylien vuotaminen liuokseen, katalyyttisesti verraten hitaat elektroninsiirtoreaktiot ja yhdisteiden myrkyllisyys. Vastaavasti etuja ovat olleet polymeerien intensiiviset värit, väriskaalan muokattavuus, sähkökemiallisesti tuotetun radikaalikationin stabiilius vesiliuoksessa, katalyyttinen aktiivisuus ja helppo synteesireitti syanopyridiinilähtöaineista.
Climate warming may lead to changes in the trophic structure and diversity of shallow lakes as a combined effect of increased temperature and salinity and likely increased strength of trophic interactions. We investigated the potential effects of temperature, salinity and fish on the plant-associated macroinvertebrate community by introducing artificial plants in eight comparable shallow brackish lakes located in two climatic regions of contrasting temperature: cold-temperate and Mediterranean. In both regions, lakes covered a salinity gradient from freshwater to oligohaline waters. We undertook day and night-time sampling of macroinvertebrates associated with the artificial plants and fish and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators within artificial plants and in pelagic areas. Our results showed marked differences in the trophic structure between cold and warm shallow lakes. Plant-associated macroinvertebrates and free-swimming macroinvertebrate predators were more abundant and the communities richer in species in the cold compared to the warm climate, most probably as a result of differences in fish predation pressure. Submerged plants in warm brackish lakes did not seem to counteract the effect of fish predation on macroinvertebrates to the same extent as in temperate freshwater lakes, since small fish were abundant and tended to aggregate within the macrophytes. The richness and abundance of most plant-associated macroinvertebrate taxa decreased with salinity. Despite the lower densities of plant-associated macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean lakes, periphyton biomass was lower than in cold temperate systems, a fact that was mainly attributed to grazing and disturbance by fish. Our results suggest that, if the current process of warming entails higher chances of shallow lakes becoming warmer and more saline, climatic change may result in a decrease in macroinvertebrate species richness and abundance in shallow lakes
We assessed the importance of temperature, salinity, and predation for the size structure of zooplankton and provided insight into the future ecological structure and function of shallow lakes in a warmer climate. Artificial plants were introduced in eight comparable coastal shallow brackish lakes located at two contrasting temperatures: cold-temperate and Mediterranean climate region. Zooplankton, fish, and macroinvertebrates were sampled within the plants and at open-water habitats. The fish communities of these brackish lakes were characterized by small-sized individuals, highly associated with submerged plants. Overall, higher densities of small planktivorous fish were recorded in the Mediterranean compared to the cold-temperate region, likely reflecting temperature-related differences as have been observed in freshwater lakes. Our results suggest that fish predation is the major control of zooplankton size structure in brackish lakes, since fish density was related to a decrease in mean body size and density of zooplankton and this was reflected in a unimodal shaped biomass-sizespectrum with dominance of small sizes and low size diversity. Salinity might play a more indirect role by shaping zooplankton communities toward more salt-tolerant species. In a global-warming perspective, these results suggest that changes in the trophic structure of shallow lakes in temperate regions might be expected as a result of the warmer temperatures and the potentially associated increases in salinity. The decrease in the density of largebodied zooplankton might reduce the grazing on phytoplankton and thus the chances of maintaining the clear water state in these ecosystems
L'objectiu principal és oferir uns recursos educatius multimèdia (en format HTML i JAVA) utilitzables en línea (Internet) o en suport autònom (CD-ROM) per a l'autoformació i l'autoevaluació ...
Digitoitu 28. 9. 2007.
Digitoitu 28. 9. 2007.
Digitoitu 28. 9. 2007.
Soitinnus: Mieskuoro (TTBB).
Soitinnus: Lauluääni (baritoni), kvartetti (TTBB), mieskuoro (TTBB).
Digitoitu 28. 9. 2007.
Soitinnus: Lauluääni (baritoni), mieskuoro (TTBB).
Soitinnus: Lauluääni (baritoni), sekakuoro (SATB).
Soitinnus: sekakuoro = puhekuoro.
The objective of this paper was to show the potential additional insight that result from adding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to plant performance evaluation criteria, such as effluent quality (EQI) and operational cost (OCI) indices, when evaluating (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The proposed GHG evaluation is based on a set of comprehensive dynamic models that estimate the most significant potential on-site and off-site sources of CO2, CH4 and N2O. The study calculates and discusses the changes in EQI, OCI and the emission of GHGs as a consequence of varying the following four process variables: (i) the set point of aeration control in the activated sludge section; (ii) the removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS) in the primary clarifier; (iii) the temperature in the anaerobic digester; and (iv) the control of the flow of anaerobic digester supernatants coming from sludge treatment. Based upon the assumptions built into the model structures, simulation results highlight the potential undesirable effects of increased GHG production when carrying out local energy optimization of the aeration system in the activated sludge section and energy recovery from the AD. Although off-site CO2 emissions may decrease, the effect is counterbalanced by increased N2O emissions, especially since N2O has a 300-fold stronger greenhouse effect than CO2. The reported results emphasize the importance and usefulness of using multiple evaluation criteria to compare and evaluate (plant-wide) control strategies in a WWTP for more informed operational decision making