891 resultados para Non-linear multiple regression
Embora haja homogeneidade nas características morfológicas na classe dos Latossolos, existe grande diversidade química na subsuperfície. Trabalhos indicam que a produção agrícola apresenta correlação significativa com atributos químicos de subsuperfície, que são mais estáveis que na camada arável, sujeita a alterações decorrentes da exploração agrícola. Pelo exposto, o presente estudo avaliou os efeitos dos atributos químicos de subsuperfície de Latossolos da região Centro-Sul do Brasil na produtividade agrícola dos três primeiros cortes de clones de cana-de-açúcar e da variedade RB72454. Utilizaram-se os dados de produtividade agrícola correspondentes ao período de 1993 a 1998. Os solos foram caracterizados sob o ponto de vista granulométrico e químico na profundidade entre 0,8 e 1,0 m e foram feitos estudos de correlação entre tais atributos e as médias de produtividade agrícola diária durante o ciclo dos clones de cada ensaio e da variedade RB72454 e análise de regressão múltipla, com as variáveis selecionadas pelo procedimento stepwise em função do R². As características químicas de subsuperfície dos Latossolos influenciaram na produtividade agrícola da cana-de-açúcar, principalmente no 3º corte. Para as médias dos clones, o modelo de produtividade do 3º corte em função de saturação por bases e fósforo, mostra R² = 0,31, ou seja, que 31% da variação de TCH dia-1 pode ser explicada por esses dois atributos. No caso da variedade RB72454, essa mesma variação no 3º corte é explicada em 47% pelos atributos soma de bases e teores de cálcio e matéria orgânica. As variações de produtividade de 1º e 2º cortes foram melhor explicadas pelo pHágua.
O conhecimento das fases de absorção de água das diferentes espécies é importante em pesquisas objetivando melhorar a qualidade das sementes, utilizando tratamentos como condicionamento osmótico, pré-hidratação e uso de bioreguladores. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia para determinar o limite entre a primeira e a segunda fase do processo, considerando o modelo W = f(t) - (a - w0)exp(-kt), utilizando testes estatísticos. O limite entre as duas primeiras fases do processo de absorção de água pelas sementes, foi determinado utilizando-se a distribuição assintótica de uma função de estimadores. O ponto a partir do qual esta diferença (W*) deixa de ser significativa foi determinado utilizando-se o teste estatístico T de Student. Para os dados utilizados como exemplo, tem-se o modelo ou =(0,434 + 0,00162 t) - (0,434 - w o)exp(-0,121 t), com r² = 0,98 e W* = (0,434 - w o) exp(-0,121 t). O valor de t encontrado (27,2 horas) é menor do que o valor determinado, considerando-se como critério para mudança de fase a diferença de 1% entre a assíntota e o valor estimado pelo modelo ajustado. Essa diferença de duas horas corresponde a 0,28% de água absorvida.
OBJETIVO: Verificar se a exposição ocupacional ao ruído é fator de risco relevante para acidentes do trabalho. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle de base populacional. Os dados foram coletados entre 16/5/2002 e 15/10/2002, na cidade de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Os casos foram definidos como trabalhadores que sofreram acidentes ocupacionais típicos nos últimos 90 dias, identificados por intermédio de amostragem aleatória sistemática de domicílios residenciais. Os controles foram trabalhadores não acidentados, aleatoriamente alocados a partir da mesma população que originou os casos, emparelhados na razão 3:1 segundo sexo, faixa etária e setor censitário de moradia. Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável independente a exposição ocupacional ao ruído, controlada por covariáveis de interesse. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 94 casos e 282 controles. Ajustando-se um modelo de regressão logística condicional múltipla observou-se que trabalhar sempre e às vezes exposto a ruído intenso associou-se a um risco relativo de acidentar-se de 5,0 (IC 95%: 2,8-8,7; p<0,001) e 3,7 (IC 95%: 1,8-7,4; p=0,0003), respectivamente, tendo como referência trabalhar não exposto a ruído, controlado para diversas covariáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nos resultados encontrados, justifica-se o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte. Essas medidas objetivam não apenas a manutenção da saúde auditiva, mas também a diminuição da acidentabilidade dos trabalhadores.
Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo e zootécnico e a deposição de lipídios no tecido hepático de machos de tilápia-do-nilo alimentados com rações contendo diferentes níveis de energia digestível, obtidos com a inclusão de óleo de soja. Foram utilizados 400 reprodutores (300 fêmeas e 100 machos) distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, composto de cinco níveis de energia digestível (2.700, 2.950, 3.200, 3.450 e 3.700 kcal.kg de ração-1) e quatro repetições. Os reprodutores foram alimentados com rações contendo 35% de proteína bruta e submetidos ao manejo reprodutivo em hapas por 101 dias. O melhor resultado de concentração espermática e percentual de espermatozoides normais foram obtidos para reprodutores alimentados com rações contendo 3.465,56 e 3.443,43 kcal. kg de ração-1, que produziram 7,98 × 10(9) espermatozoides.mL de sêmen-1 e 38,98% de espermatozoides normais, respectivamente. A produção de sêmen, o pH seminal, o índice de sobrevivência espermática e o tempo de ativação espermática não foram afetados pelos níveis energéticos das rações. Os níveis de energia das rações não influenciaram o desempenho zootécnico dos peixes, mas promoveram aumento linear na deposição de lipídios nos hepatócitos e afetaram a qualidade seminal, estimulando a produção de espermatozoides e a melhora dos índices de normalidade da morfologia espermática em níveis energéticos próximos a 3.450 kcal. kg de ração-1.
On non-ideal simple portal frame structural model: Experimental results under a non-ideal excitation
We present measurements of the non-linear oscillations of a portal frame foundation for a non-ideal motor. We consider a three-time redundant structure with two columns, clamped in their bases and a horizontal beam. An electrical unbalanced motor is mounted at mid span of the beam. Two non-linear phenomena are studied: a) mode saturation and energy transfer between modes; b) interaction between high amplitude motions of the structure and the rotation regime of a real limited power motor. The dynamic characteristics of the structure were chosen to have one-to-two internal resonance between the anti-symmetrical mode (sway motions) and the first symmetrical mode natural frequencies. As the excitation frequency reaches near resonance conditions with the 2nd natural frequency, the amplitude of this mode grows up to a certain level and then it saturates. The surplus energy pumped into the system is transferred to the sway mode, which experiences a sudden increase in its amplitude. Energy is transformed from low amplitude high frequency motion into high amplitude low frequency motion. Such a transformation is potentially dangerous.We consider the fact that real motors, such as the one used in this study, have limited power output. In this case, this energy source is said to be non-ideal, in contrast to the ideal source whose amplitude and frequency are independent of the motion of the structure. Our experimental research detected the Sommerfeld Effect: as the motor accelerates to reach near resonant conditions, a considerable part of its output energy is consumed to generate large amplitude motions of the structure and not to increase its own angular speed. For certain parameters of the system, the motor can get stuck at resonance not having enough power to reach higher rotation regimes. If some more power is available, jump phenomena may occur from near resonance to considerably higher motor speed regimes, no stable motions being possible between these two.
The objectives this paper were to estimate genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic trends of birth weight (BWT) and weights adjusted to 205 (WT205), 365 (WT365) and 550 (P550) days of age of beef buffaloes born from 1985 to 2003 in Brazil. For BWT and WT205 the model included direct and maternal genetic and maternal environment as random effects and contemporary and genetic groups as fixed effects. For WT365 and WT550 the same model was used except without direct maternal and maternal environmental effects. The genetic and phenotypic trends were estimated by regression of means of dependent variables on birth year of animals Regressions were obtained by using two methodologies: 1) linear regression; and 2) non-parametric splined regression. The direct heritability estimates were 0.09, 0.45, 0.46 and 0.58 for BWT, WT205, WT365 and WT550, respectively. The direct genetic trends from linear regression were 0.01, 0.23, 0.58 and 1.40 kg per year for PN, WT205, VVT365 and WT550, respectively (P<0.001 for all). Phenotypic trends were strongly positive while genetic trends were consistently positive but small. Genetic parameters indicate potential for increased rate of genetic change with full implementation of genetic improvement programs.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The net isosteric heat and entropy of water sorption were calculated for kiwifruit, based on sorption isotherms obtained by the static gravimetric method at different temperatures (20 to 70 degreesC). The Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer equation was fitted to the experimental data, using direct non-linear regression analysis; the agreement between experimental and calculated values was satisfactory. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of DeltaH versus DeltaS provided the isokinetic temperature, T-B = 450.9 +/- 7.7 K, indicating an enthalpy-controlled desorption process over the whole range of moisture content considered.
Data were collected and analysed from seven field sites in Australia, Brazil and Colombia on weather conditions and the severity of anthracnose disease of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes scabra caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Disease severity and weather data were analysed using artificial neural network (ANN) models developed using data from some or all field sites in Australia and/or South America to predict severity at other sites. Three series of models were developed using different weather summaries. of these, ANN models with weather for the day of disease assessment and the previous 24 h period had the highest prediction success, and models trained on data from all sites within one continent correctly predicted disease severity in the other continent on more than 75% of days; the overall prediction error was 21.9% for the Australian and 22.1% for the South American model. of the six cross-continent ANN models trained on pooled data for five sites from two continents to predict severity for the remaining sixth site, the model developed without data from Planaltina in Brazil was the most accurate, with >85% prediction success, and the model without Carimagua in Colombia was the least accurate, with only 54% success. In common with multiple regression models, moisture-related variables such as rain, leaf surface wetness and variables that influence moisture availability such as radiation and wind on the day of disease severity assessment or the day before assessment were the most important weather variables in all ANN models. A set of weights from the ANN models was used to calculate the overall risk of anthracnose for the various sites. Sites with high and low anthracnose risk are present in both continents, and weather conditions at centres of diversity in Brazil and Colombia do not appear to be more conducive than conditions in Australia to serious anthracnose development.
The transmission network planning problem is a non-linear integer mixed programming problem (NLIMP). Most of the algorithms used to solve this problem use a linear programming subroutine (LP) to solve LP problems resulting from planning algorithms. Sometimes the resolution of these LPs represents a major computational effort. The particularity of these LPs in the optimal solution is that only some inequality constraints are binding. This task transforms the LP into an equivalent problem with only one equality constraint (the power flow equation) and many inequality constraints, and uses a dual simplex algorithm and a relaxation strategy to solve the LPs. The optimisation process is started with only one equality constraint and, in each step, the most unfeasible constraint is added. The logic used is similar to a proposal for electric systems operation planning. The results show a higher performance of the algorithm when compared to primal simplex methods.
The influence of sintering process and atmosphere on the non-ohmic properties of SnO2 based varistor
The non-ohmic properties of the 98.95% SnO2 + 1.0 CoO + 0.05 Nb2O5 (all in mole%) system, as well as the influence of sintering temperature and atmosphere on these properties, were characterized in this study. The maximum non-linear coefficient (alpha = 32) was obtained for a sintering temperature of 1300 degrees C in an oxygen atmosphere and this maximum is associated with the presence of O in SnO2 grain boundaries, as interface defects. Experimental results also indicate thermionic-type conduction mechanisms, which are associated with the potential barrier of Schottky or Poole-Frenkel types.
The objective of this work was to carry a descriptive analysis in the monthly precipitation of rainfall stations from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using data of position and dispersion and graphical analyses, and to verify the presence of seasonality and trend in these data, with a study about the application of models of time series. The descriptive statistics was to characterize the general behavior of the series in three stations selected which present consistent historical series. The methodology of analysis of variance in randomized blocks and the determination of models of multiple linear regression, considering years and months as predictors variables, disclosed the presence of seasonality, what allowed to infer on the occurrence of repetitive natural phenomena throughout the time and absence of trend in the data. It was applied the methodology of multiple linear regression to removal the seasonality of these time series. The original data had been deducted from the estimates made by the adjusted model and the analysis of variance in randomized blocks for the residues of regression was preceded again. With the results obtained it was possible to conclude that the monthly rainfall present seasonality and they don't present trend, the analysis of multiple regression was efficient in the removal of the seasonality, and the rainfall can be studied by means of time series.
Monthly samples of the shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus from two distinct annual periods showed that ovigerous females are present throughout the Year in the population. However, the relative ovigerous abundance of specimens among sexually mature changes from less than 10% during the winter months to almost 80% in summer. Linear correlations for each year revealed that both temperature and photoperiod were positively associated with relative abundance of ovigerous females. Multiple regression analyses suggested that photoperiod was the main factor affecting breeding in this species. Timing of observed reproductive pattern may enhance larval survival because of particular oceanographic conditions in the study region and favor early juvenile development due to certain species-specific growth features.