966 resultados para Non-economic rights


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This article considers recent efforts by international bodies and advocacy groups to secure the human rights of individuals with intersex variation. Identifying that these efforts are constrained by powerful assumptions about binary sex, it argues that international rights discourse looks set to regulate intersex individuals by the same protective strategies applied to the last four decades of the women's rights movement. A frank reading of legal feminist scholarship indicates several possible risks for the nascent intersex campaign. Efforts to ensure the substantive enjoyment of rights (for all) need to move beyond the constraints of a binary system in which women and sexed/sexual minorities will always be produced as other. Having argued that human rights are not contingent on biological determinants, the right to non-discrimination on the basis of sex traits is considered.


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 Racial discrimination results in economic inefficiency. This thesis has investigated its impact and estimated, for the first time, the health-related costs attributable to racial discrimination. The study found that the Australian economy incurs substantial loss due to the burden of disease associated with the exposure of minorities to racial discrimination.


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 A constitutive model based on Non-Associated Flow rule is implemented numerically and is shown to be capable of accurate predictions of anisotropy driven phenomena, observed during the forming processes of thin sheet metals, in a more efficient manner than other traditional approaches based on Associated Flow Rule.


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© 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York Between 2005 and 2009, we document evident time-varying credit risk price discovery between the equity and credit default swap (CDS) markets for 174 US non-financial investment-grade firms. We test the economic significance of a simple portfolio strategy that utilizes fluctuation in CDS spreads as a trading signal to set stock positions, conditional on the CDS price discovery status of the reference entities. We show that a conditional portfolio strategy which updates the list of CDS-influenced firms over time, yields a substantively larger realized return net of transaction cost over the unconditional strategy. Furthermore, the conditional strategy’s Sharpe ratio outperforms a series of benchmark portfolios over the same trading period, including buy-and-hold, momentum and dividend yield strategies.


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Truths and Half Truths is aimed at economic and social science academics and students who are interested in the dynamics of China's institutional development and societal transformation. Covering the complexity of the social, economic, and governance reforms behind the economic miracles achieved by China since its reform in 1978, and particularly in the past twenty years, this book provides much needed insight and critical thinking on major aspects of China's reform. Topics include employment, environment, anti-poverty; urbanization and rural development; education, corruption, political regime and media. Readers will be able to re-evaluate the costs and benefits of China's modernization from a point-of-view of sustainability. © 2011 Woodhead Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.


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The economic reforms in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe have fundamentally reshaped ownership and governance of economic production, notably through the privatization of former state-owned enterprises. These reforms were expected to transform management practices by displacing ‘cradle-to-grave’ welfare arrangements administered by state-owned enterprises. Using data drawn from two large samples of Ukrainian establishments, we investigate, in two different time points, the relationship between non-wage benefits and firm performance during the period of transition to a market economy (1994–2004). We found that non-wage benefits continued to be a critical feature of HRM practices in Ukraine during this period, and were positively associated with firm performance.


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This paper examines the potential benefits of financial integration focusing on the role of tradable and non-tradable goods. We construct a new country-level index for tradability of output using disaggregate sector level data on output, imports and exports. Cross-country regressions show that for the overall sample, there is a weak positive interaction of tradibility of output and financial integration. When we focus on those countries within a middle range of institutional development, and thus within the middle range of income per capita, for these countries, the experience of integration is tempered significantly by increasing tradability of output. Sector-level regressions confirm the negative and significant interaction of trade and financial integration for this sample of countries.


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 This study examined Aboriginal advantage in Victoria, demonstrating that relatively rapid change is occurring on a number of socio-economic indicators. This research, including interviews with Aboriginal participants, highlighted the interdependence of Aboriginal agency and responsive societal structures as significant enablers of Indigenous progress and advancement.


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 Aging of population is challenging the traditional rehabilitation services for various movement disorders. In the foreseeable future, tele-rehabilitation will be a contributive factor for the well-being of the older generation. This research has tackled a series of problems in developing an automated assessment tool for human kinematic performance in tele-rehabilitation with optoelectronic bio-kinematic motion capture devices and preliminarily confirmed its applicability.


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The WTO established two rules concerning the international protection of the TRIPs - trade related intellectual property rights, which includes patents and copyrights. One of these rules is the non-discrimination, which has shown to be efficiency-enhancing in the context of trade tariff reductions. The other is the national-treatment commitment rule. We develop in this paper a simple framework to show that the extended version of this rule - which is nowadays being imposed to members - brings out a loss of economic efficiency and a reduction in the levels of protection of intellectual property rights worldwide. As a consequence, it tends to reduce the investments on Research and Development throughout the world. This exactly contradicts the objectives of the Agreement.


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It is known that stock prices of public listed regulated companies react to price revisions by the regulator, and that the information conveyed by this price reaction might be used by the regulator on the contract design. This paper builds on Laffont and Tirole's (1986) regulation model with observable costs to better understand the effects the inclusion of the stock market can have on the regulator-regulated firm relationship. Our numerical simulations show that the inclusion of the market induce more powerful incentive schemes, with higher cost-reducing efforts, smaller informational rent by the firms and higher overall social welfare. In particular, we find that when the regulator is committed, the presence of short-term investors can make the first-best contract feasible, and that in the non-commitment case the market affects the firm's strategy by making it reveal more information about its cost than it normally would.


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New emerging international dynamics introduce a global poly-axiological polycentric disorder which undermines the tradition of a unique global legal order in international law. Modern Era was characterized by Western European civilizational model – from which human rights is a byproduct. This consensus had its legitimacy tested by XXst century’s scenario – and the ‘BRICS factor/actor’ is a symptom of this reality. Its empowerment in world politics lead to the rise of distinct groups of States/civilizations provided with different legal, political, economic and social traditions – promoting an unexpected uprise of otherness in international legal order and inviting it to a complete and unforeseeable reframing process. Beyond Washington or Brussels Consensus, other custom-originated discourses (Brasília, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking or Cape Town Consensus, among other unfolded possibilities) will probably henceforth attempt shaping international law in present global legal disorder.


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Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre o mercado de crédito e as instituições que regem bancarrota corporativa. No capítulo um, trazemos evidências que questionam a ideia de que maiores níveis de proteção ao credor sempre promovem desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito. Desde a publicação dos artigos seminais de La Porta et al (1997,1998), a métrica de proteção ao credor que os autores propuseram -- o índice de proteção ao credor -- tem sido amplamente utilizada na literatura de Law and Finance como variável explicativa em modelos de regressão linear em forma reduzida para determinar a correlação entre proteção ao credor e desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito. Neste artigo, exploramos alguns problemas com essa abordagem. Do ponto de vista teórico, essa abordagem geralmente supõe uma relação monotônica entre proteção ao credor e expansão do crédito. Nós apresentamos um modelo teórico para um mercado de crédito com seleção adversa em que um nível intermediário de proteção ao credor é capaz de implementar equilíbrios first best. Este resultado está de acordo com diversos outros artigos teóricos, tanto em equilíbrio geral quanto em equilíbrio parcial. Do ponto de vista empírico, tiramos proveito das reformas realizadas por alguns países durante as décadas de 1990 e 2000 para implementar uma estratégia inspirada na literatura de treatment effects e estimar o efeito sobre o valor de mercado e sobre a dívida de: i) permitir automatic stay a firmas em recuperação; e ii) conceder aos credores o direito de afastar os administradores. Os resultados que obtivemos apontam para um impacto positivo de automatic stay sobre todas as variáveis que dependem do valor de mercado da firma. Não encontramos efeito sobre dívida, e não encontramos efeitos significativos do direito de afastar administradores sobre valor de mercado ou dívida. O capítulo dois avalia as consequências empíricas de uma reforma na lei de falências sobre um mercado de crédito pouco desenvolvido. No início de 2005, o Congresso Nacional brasileiro aprovou uma nova lei de falências, a lei 11.101/05. Usando dados de firmas brasileiras e não-brasileiras, nós estimamos, usando dois modelos diferentes, o efeito da reforma falimentar sobre variáveis contratuais e não-contratuais de dívida. Ambos os modelos produzem resultados similares. Encontramos um aumento no volume total de dívida e na dívida de longo prazo, e uma redução no custo de dívida. Não encontramos efeitos significativos sobre a estrutura de propriedade da dívida. No capítulo três, desenvolvemos um modelo estimável de equilíbrio em search direcionado aplicado ao mercado de crédito, modelo este que pode ser usado para realizar avaliações ex ante de mudanças institucionais que afetem o crédito (como reformas em leis de falência). A literatura em economia há muito reconhece uma relação causal entre instituições (como leis e regulações) e desenvolvimento dos mercados financeiros. Essa conclusão qualitativa é amplamente reconhecida, mas há pouca evidência de sua importância quantitativa. Com o nosso modelo, é possível estimar como contratos de dívida mudam em resposta a mudanças nos parâmetros que descrevem as instituições da economia. Também é possível estimar o impacto sobre investimentos realizados pelas firmas, bem como caracterizar a distribuição do tamanho, idade e produtividade das firmas antes e depois da mudança institucional. Como ilustração, realizamos um exercício empírico em que usamos dados de firmas brasileiras para simular o impacto de variações na taxa de recuperação de créditos sobre os valores médios e totais de dívida e capital das firmas. Encontramos dívida crescente e capital quase sempre também crescente na taxa de recuperação.


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In trade agreements, governments can design remedies to ensure compliance (property rule) or to compensate victims (liability rule). This paper describes an economic framework to explain the pattern of remedies over non-tariff restrictions—particularly domestic subsidies and nonviolation complaints subject to liability rules. The key determinants of the contract form for any individual measure are the expected joint surplus from an agreement and the expected loss to the constrained government. The loss is higher for domestic subsidies and nonviolations because these are the policies most likely to correct domestic distortions. Governments choose property rules when expected gains from compliance are sufficiently high and expected losses to the constrained country are sufficiently low. Liability rules are preferable when dispute costs are relatively high, because inefficiencies in the compensation process reduce the number of socially inefficient disputes filed.