997 resultados para Neotropical horseflies
The genus Homodiaetus Eigenmann & Ward, 1907 is revised and four species are recognized. Its distribution is restricted to southeastern South America, from Uruguay to Paraguay river at west to the coastal drainages of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Homodiaetus is currently distinguished from other genus of Stegophilinae by the combination of the following characters: origin of ventral-fin at midlength between the snout tip and the caudal-fin origin; opercle with three or more odontodes; and gill membranes confluent with the istmus. Homodiaetus anisitsi Eigenmann & Ward, 1907, is diagnosed by the caudal-fin with black middle rays, margin of upper and lower procurrent caudal-fin rays with dark stripes extending to the caudal-fin, and 3-6 opercular odontodes; H. passarellii (Ribeiro, 1944) with 6-7 opercular odontodes, 21-24 lower procurrent caudal-fin rays and 23-26 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays; H. banguela sp. nov. with 9 opercular odontodes, 17-19 lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, 17-22 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays, reduction of fourth pharyngobranchial with only three teeth and untoothed fifth ceratobranchial; and H. graciosa sp. nov. with 5-6 dentary rows, 7-9 opercular odontodes and 16-23 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays.
Six new species of Trichomyia from Atlantic rain forest of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, are described: T. itabunensis, T. onorei, T. queirozi, T. silvatica, T. sulbaianensis and T. teimosensis. The first two have palpi with four segments, similar to the other Neotropical species. The other four species have palpi with three segments, similar to other species with wide world distribution.
The historical review and the diagnosis for the monotypical genera Catelanus Fleutiaux, 1942 and Fusimorphus Fleutiaux, 1942 are presented. Catelanus trilineatus (Castelnau, 1836) and Fusimorphus submetallicus (Fleutiaux, 1924) are redescribed and illustrated and new diagnostic characters are raised up. The historical review and the discussion on the remainder Neotropical genera of Hemirhipini are also included.
Schwarzula coccidophila sp. nov., a tiny Amazonian stingless bee, that attends scale insects (Cryptostigma Ferris, 1922, Coccidae) in its nest, is described. It is distinguished from Schwarzula timida (Silvestri, 1902), the only other species of the genus, mainly by the malar area longer than diameter of 3rd flagellomere, and the denser plumose pilosity. Additional records of S. timida is presented.
Five new species of Nesticus Thorell, 1869 are described: N. potreiro, N. taim from southern Brazil; N. brignolii from southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay; N. calilegua from southern Brazil and Argentina and N. ramirezi, from Argentina. The male palpus and female epyginum of N. brasiliensis Brignoli, 1979 are illustrated. Described species were collected in epigean habitats, in shrubs, leaf-litter, under stones, bricks, tiles or debris.
Bothriurus pichicuy, a new scorpion species from the center coast of Chile, is described. It belongs to the vittatus species-group, and differs from the others species in the group by the pigmentation patterns of the prosoma, mesosoma and venter of metasoma, by the development and arrangement of the ventral keels of caudal segment V, and for its small size. The species is the only representative of the vittatus species-group that lives in sympatry with another Bothriurus species: B. coriaceus Pocock, 1893, from the coastal desert of Chile. Records of B. pichicuy came from the provinces of Petorca and Choapa.
The new genus Hovorelus and its type-species, H. splendidus sp. nov., are described from Peru. The males of Myzomorphus flavipes Galileo, 1987 and Poekilosoma carinatipenne Lane, 1941, both with sexual dimorphism, are described for the first time.
Apsil Malloch, 1929 comprises 10 species endemic to Patagonia and southern Chile. A new species, Apsil flavithorax from Chile is described and illustrated, from three females.
The tribe Mauesini Lane, 1956 is revalidated (type genus, Mauesia Lane, 1956). The following genera are transferred from Anisocerini to Mauesini: Taurolema Thomson, 1860 and Coroicoia Lane, 1966. New synonyms proposed: Taurolema nasicornis Schwarzer, 1930 with T. albopunctata Gounelle, 1906 and T. lineata Fuchs, 1966 with T. cicatricosa Lane, 1966. New species described from Brazil: Taurolema nigropilosa (Espírito Santo); Mauesia bicornis and M. acorniculata (both from Amazonas). A key to the genera of Mauesini is added.
Natagaima Lane, 1972 is revised and provisionally transferred from Anisocerini to Acanthoderini. The genus and the type species, Natagaima balteata Lane, 1972, are redescribed and two new species added: N. moacyri, from Colombia (Tumaco) and N. heloisae, from Ecuador (Napo). All the species are illustrated and keyed.
Demophoo Thomson, 1864 is removed from the synonymy of Hoplistocerus Blanchard, 1847. The genus and D. hammatus (Chabrillac, 1857) are redescribed.
The genus Satipoella Lane, 1964 is revised and a new synonym is proposed, Icarai Galileo & Martins, 1998, with Satipoella. A new species, S. ochroma, is described from Amazonas, Brazil. New combination: Satipoella bufo (Thomson, 1864) from Icarai. The three species of Satipoella are illustrated and keyed.
Two new species, Opopaea viamao and O. ita, are described from the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, respectively. Both species present reduction or loss of posterior median eyes, a possible synapomorphic caracter.
The female of Argyrothemis argentea Ris, 1911 is described and illustrated for the first time. New records expand the distribution range of the species to Central West Region of Brazil.
The Roeboides microlepis species-group is revised. Four species are recognized: R. myersii Gill, 1870 from the Amazon basin, R. microlepis (Reinhardt, 1851) from river Paraguay, middle and lower river Paraná, R. araguaito sp. nov. from the river Orinoco basin, and R. margareteae sp. nov. known only from Rio Parnaíba and Pindaré-Mearim, northeastern Brazil. The type-locality of R. microlepis is restricted to river Paraguay; R. bonariensis (Steindachner, 1879) is considered a synonym of R. microlepis. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that R. myersii and R. araguaito are most parsimoniously related and may be a sister group. These two species are here considered as sister group of the monophyletic lineage which includes R. microlepis and R. margareteae. A key to the microlepis species-group genus Roeboides is given.