910 resultados para Native tree
This study was designed to determine the response of in vitro fermentation parameters to incremental levels of polyethylene glycol (PEG) when tanniniferous tree fruits (Dichrostachys cinerea, Acacia erioloba, A. erubiscens, A. nilotica and Piliostigma thonningii) were fermented using the Reading Pressure Technique. The trivalent ytterbium precipitable phenolics content of fruit substrates ranged from 175 g/kg DM in A. erubiscens to 607 g/kg DM in A. nilotica, while the soluble condensed tannin content ranged from 0.09 AU550nm/40mg in A. erioloba to 0.52 AU550nm/40 mg in D. cinerea. The ADF was highest in P. thonningii fruits (402 g/kg DM) and lowest in A. nilotica fruits (165 g/kg DM). Increasing the level of PEG caused an exponential rise to a maximum (asymptotic) for cumulative gas production, rate of gas production and nitrogen degradability in all substrates except P. thonningii fruits. Dry matter degradability for fruits containing higher levels of soluble condensed tannins (D. cinerea and P. thonningii), showed little response to incremental levels of PEG after incubation for 24 h. The minimum levels of PEG required to maximize in vitro fermentation of tree fruits was found to be 200 mg PEG/g DM of sample for all tree species except A. erubiscens fruits, which required 100 mg PEG/g DM sample. The study provides evidence that PEG levels lower than 1 g/g DM sample can be used for in vitro tannin bioassays to reduce the cost of evaluating non-conventional tanniniferous feedstuffs used in developing countries in the tropics and subtopics. The use of in vitro nitrogen degradability in place of the favoured dry matter degradability improved the accuracy of PEG as a diagnostic tool for tannins in in vitro fermentation systems.
BACKGROUND: The selective graminicide fluazifop-P-butyl is used for the control of grass weeds in dicotyledonous crops, and commonly applied in amenity areas to reduce grass productivity and promote wildflower establishment. However, evidence suggests that fluazifop-P-butylmight also have phytotoxic effects on somenon-target plants. This study investigates the effects of fluazifop-P-butyl on the emergence, phytotoxicity and above-ground biomass of nine perennial wildflower species and two grass species, following pre- and post-emergent applications at half, full and double label rates in a series of glasshouse experiments. RESULTS: While pre- and post-emergent applications of fluazifop-P-butyl caused reductions in seedling emergence and increased phytotoxicity on native wildflower and grass species, these effects were temporary for the majority of wildflower species tested, and generally only occurred at the double application rate. No differences in biomass were observed at any of the rates, suggesting good selectivity and no long-term effects of fluazifop-P-butyl application on the wildflower species from either pre-emergent or post-emergent applications. CONCLUSION: These results have direct relevance to the management of amenity areas for biodiversity, as they confirm the suitability of these wildflower species for inclusion in seed mixtures where fluazifop-P-butyl is to be applied to control grass productivity.
An automatic method for recognizing natively disordered regions from amino acid sequence is described and benchmarked against predictors that were assessed at the latest critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction (CASP) experiment. The method attains a Wilcoxon score of 90.0, which represents a statistically significant improvement on the methods evaluated on the same targets at CASP. The classifier, DISOPRED2, was used to estimate the frequency of native disorder in several representative genomes from the three kingdoms of life. Putative, long (>30 residue) disordered segments are found to occur in 2.0% of archaean, 4.2% of eubacterial and 33.0% of eukaryotic proteins. The function of proteins with long predicted regions of disorder was investigated using the gene ontology annotations supplied with the Saccharomyces genome database. The analysis of the yeast proteome suggests that proteins containing disorder are often located in the cell nucleus and are involved in the regulation of transcription and cell signalling. The results also indicate that native disorder is associated with the molecular functions of kinase activity and nucleic acid binding.
In the lowland agro-forest of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor (SMBC), it is considered that a native rodent species, Rattus everetti is competitively dominant over an invasive pest species, Rattus tanezumi. The main aim of this study was to assess the response of R. tanezumi following short term removal of R. everetti. We tested this experimentally by trapping and removing R. everetti from two treatment sites in agro-forest habitat on three occasions over three consecutive months. This was followed by three months of non-removal trapping. Two non-treatment sites were trapped for comparison. Following R. everetti removal, R. everetti individuals rapidly immigrated into the treatment sites and a significantly higher proportion of R. tanezumi females were in breeding condition in the treatment sites than in the non-treatment sites. The results from this study provide evidence of competition between native and invasive rodent species in complex agro-ecosystems. We were also able to demonstrate that R. everetti populations are able to recover rapidly from the non-target effects of short-term lethal control in and around agro-forest.
As a consequence of land use change and the burning of fossil fuels, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing and altering the dynamics of the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems. In a number of studies using single tree species, fine root biomass has been shown to be strongly increased by elevated CO2. However, natural forests are often intimate mixtures of a number of co-occurring species. To investigate the interaction between tree mixture and elevated CO2, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula and Fagus sylvatica were planted in areas of single species and a three species polyculture in a free-air CO2 enrichment study (BangorFACE). The trees were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (580 µmol mol-1) for four years. Fine and coarse root biomass, together with fine root turnover and fine root morphological characteristics were measured. Fine root biomass, and morphology responded differentially to elevated CO2 at different soil depths in the three species when grown in monocultures. In polyculture, a greater response to elevated CO2 was observed in coarse roots to a depth of 20 cm, and fine root area index to a depth of 30 cm. Total fine root biomass was positively affected by elevated CO2 at the end of the experiment, but not by species diversity. Our data suggest that existing biogeochemical cycling models parameterised with data from species grown in monoculture may be underestimating the belowground response to global change.
Objective: The effect of a single 5 day enrofloxacin treatment on the native Campylobacter coli population in conventionally weaned 5-week-old pigs was investigated. Materials: Twelve pigs were split into two groups of six: one group was treated with a therapeutic dose (15 mg/pig/day) of enrofloxacin and the other remained untreated to act as the control. Campylobacter coli were isolated from faecal samples and tested for ciprofloxacin resistance by measuring MIC values. Mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of the gyrA gene of resistant isolates were identified by sequencing and denaturing HPLC. Levels of enrofloxacin and its primary metabolite ciprofloxacin in the pig faeces were also measured by HPLC. Results: No quinolone-resistant C. coli (n = 867) were detected in any of the pigs prior to treatment, indicating <0.1% resistance in the group. Resistant C. coli were isolated from pigs for up to 35 days after treatment with a therapeutic dose. These resistant C. coli had MIC values of 128 mg/L and 8-16 mg/L for nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin, respectively, and the same single point mutation causing a Thr-86 to Ile substitution in the QRDR was identified in each. The concentration of enrofloxacin in the pig faeces was 2-4 mug/g faeces for the duration of the 5 day therapeutic treatment and was detected up to 10 days post-treatment. Ciprofloxacin was also measured and peaked at 0.6 mug/g faeces in the treated group. Conclusion: This study provides evidence that a single course of enrofloxacin treatment contributes directly to the emergence and persistence of fluoroquinolone resistance in C. coli.
Robotic multiwell planar patch-clamp has become common in drug development and safety programs because it enables efficient and systematic testing of compounds against ion channels during voltage-clamp. It has not, however, been adopted significantly in other important areas of ion channel research, where conventional patch-clamp remains the favored method. Here, we show the wider potential of the multiwell approach with the ability for efficient intracellular solution exchange, describing protocols and success rates for recording from a range of native and primary mammalian cells derived from blood vessels, arthritic joints and the immune and central nervous systems. The protocol involves preparing a suspension of single cells to be dispensed robotically into 4-8 microfluidic chambers each containing a glass chip with a small aperture. Under automated control, giga-seals and whole-cell access are achieved followed by preprogrammed routines of voltage paradigms and fast extracellular or intracellular solution exchange. Recording from 48 chambers usually takes 1-6 h depending on the experimental design and yields 16-33 cell recordings.
Four commercially available, biostimulants sold under the trade names ‘Generate’, ‘Crop Set’, ‘Fulcrum’ and ‘Redicrop 2000’ were applied either as a root drench or foliar spray to three transplant-sensitive tree species, red oak(Quercus rubra), birch(Betula pendula) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) post transplanting. The short and long-term efficacy of the biostimulants on growth was quantified by recording root and shoot vigour at week 8 and 20. In addition, improvements in tree vitality were assessed by measurement of a chlorophyll a performance index based on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence emissions. Irrespective of species, no significant effect of mode of application (foliar spray versus root drench) was recorded on growth and vitality. The biostimulants Generate and Fulcrum increased growth of all three tree species. No significant effects on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence of birch and beech were recorded following applications of the biostimulants Crop Set and Redicrop 2000, however, significant increase in growth of red oak was recorded. Only the biostimulant Generate increased chlorophyll fluorescence values of all test species. Results show use of biostimulants can improve root and shoot vigour following transplanting. However, selection of an appropriate biostimulant is critical as effects on growth and vitality can vary widely between tree species possibly as a result of the differing active ingredient used in the formulation of the product.
This article argues that a native-speaker baseline is a neglected dimension of studies into second language (L2) performance. If we investigate how learners perform language tasks, we should distinguish what performance features are due to their processing an L2 and which are due to their performing a particular task. Having defined what we mean by “native speaker,” we present the background to a research study into task features on nonnative task performance, designed to include native-speaker data as a baseline for interpreting nonnative-speaker performance. The nonnative results, published in this journal (Tavakoli & Foster, 2008) are recapitulated and then the native-speaker results are presented and discussed in the light of them. The study is guided by the assumption that limited attentional resources impact on L2 performance and explores how narrative design features—namely complexity of storyline and tightness of narrative structure— affect complexity, fluency, accuracy, and lexical diversity in language. The results show that both native and nonnative speakers are prompted by storyline complexity to use more subordinated language, but narrative structure had different effects on native and nonnative fluency. The learners, who were based in either London or Tehran, did not differ in their performance when compared to each other, except in lexical diversity, where the learners in London were close to native-speaker levels. The implications of the results for the applicability of Levelt’s model of speaking to an L2 are discussed, as is the potential for further L2 research using native speakers as a baseline.
This paper reports on a comparative study of pauses made by L2 learners and native speakers of English while narrating picture stories. The comparison is based on the number of pauses and total amount of silence in themiddle and at the end of clauses in the performance of 40 native speakers and 40 L2 learners of English. The results of the quantitative analyses suggest that, although the L2 learners generally pausemore repeatedly and have longer periods of silence than the native speakers, the distinctive feature of their pausing pattern is that they pause frequently in the middle of clauses rather than at the end. The qualitative analysis of the data suggests that some of the L2 learners’mid-clause pauses are associated with processes such as replacement, reformulation, and online planning. Formulaic sequences, however, contain very few pauses and therefore appear to facilitate the learners’ fluency.