976 resultados para N-BODY PROBLEM
We present a distributed 2-approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem. The algorithm is deterministic, and it runs in (Δ + 1)2 synchronous communication rounds, where Δ is the maximum degree of the graph. For Δ = 3, we give a 2-approximation algorithm also for the weighted version of the problem.
We present a distributed 2-approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem. The algorithm is deterministic, and it runs in (Δ + 1)2 synchronous communication rounds, where Δ is the maximum degree of the graph. For Δ = 3, we give a 2-approximation algorithm also for the weighted version of the problem.
A general direct technique of solving a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction by a semi-infinite plane is presented. Taking account of the correct edge-conditions, the unique solution of the problem is derived, by means of Jones' method in the theory of Wiener-Hopf technique, in the case of incident plane wave. The solution of the half-plane problem is found out in exact form. (The far-field is derived by the method of steepest descent.) It is observed that it is not the Wiener-Hopf technique which really needs any modification but a new technique is certainly required to handle the peculiar type of coupled integral equations which the Wiener-Hopf technique leads to. Eine allgemeine direkte Technik zur Lösung eines gemischten Randwertproblems in der Theorie der Beugung an einer halbunendlichen Ebene wird vorgestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung der korrekten Eckbedingungen wird mit der Methode von Jones aus der Theorie der Wiener-Hopf-Technik die eindeutige Lösung für den Fall der einfallenden ebenen Welle hergeleitet. Die Lösung des Halbebenenproblems wird in exakter Form angegeben. (Das Fernfeld wurde mit der Methode des steilsten Abstiegs bestimmt.) Es wurde bemerkt, daß es nicht die Wiener-Hopf-Technik ist, die wirklich irgend welcher Modifikationen bedurfte. Gewiß aber wird eine neue Technik zur Behandlung des besonderen Typs gekoppelter Integralgleichungen benötigt, auf die die Wiener-Hopf-Technik führt.
The major contribution of this paper is to introduce load compatibility constraints in the mathematical model for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with pickup and deliveries. The employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers and transportation of hazardous materials provided the motivation for this variation. In this paper we develop a integer programming model for the vehicle routing problem with load compatibility constraints. Specifically two types of load compatability constraints are introduced, namely mutual exclusion and conditional exclusion. The model is demonstrated with an application from the employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers.
A neural network approach for solving the two-dimensional assignment problem is proposed. The design of the neural network is discussed and simulation results are presented. The neural network obtains 10-15% lower cost placements on the examples considered, than the adjacent pairwise exchange method.
Using a modified Green's function technique the two well-known basic problems of scattering of surface water waves by vertical barriers are reduced to the problem of solving a pair of uncoupled integral equations involving the “jump” and “sum” of the limiting values of the velocity potential on the two sides of the barriers in each case. These integral equations are then solved, in closed form, by the aid of an integral transform technique involving a general trigonometric kernel as applicable to the problems associated with a radiation condition.
The problem of estimating the three-dimensional rotational parameters of a rigid body from its monocular image data has been considered using the method of moment invariants. Second- and third-order moment invariants are used to construct the feature vector for the scale and orientation independent identification of the camera view axis direction in the body-fixed reference frame. The camera rotation angle about the view axis is derived from second-order central moments. The relative attitude of the rigid body is then expressed in terms of quaternion parameters to model the outputs of a video sensor in attitude control simulations. Experimental results and simulation outputs are presented using the mathematical model of a spacecraft.
Sydämen krooninen vajaatoiminta on merkittävä maailmanlaajuinen ongelma. Se on erilaisten sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttama monimuotoinen oireyhtymä. Sydämen vasemman kammion hypertrofia eli sydämen seinämien paksuuntuminen on yksi keskeinen tekijä, joka voi olla sydämen vajaatoiminnan taustalla. Kohonnut verenpaine on yleisin syy, joka johtaa sydänlihaksen paksuuntumiseen. Tämä johtaa sydämen pumppaustoiminnan häiriintymiseen, erilaisten neurohormonaalisten mekanismien aktivaatioon ja edelleen sydämen vajaatoimintaan. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan neurohormonaalisista mekanismeista tärkeimmät ovat reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni-järjestelmän ja sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatio, sydämen rakenteiden uudelleenmuovautuminen, sydänlihassolujen apoptoosi ja systeeminen tulehdustila. Sydämen hypertrofiaa ja sen syntymistä pyritään estämään kohonneen verenpaineen lääkehoidolla. Reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteronijärjestelmällä on keskeinen merkitys sydämen vajaatoiminnassa. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavista lääkeaineista angiotensiinikonvertasin estäjät (ACEestäjät) ovat säilyttäneet johtoasemansa jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Angiotensiinireseptoreiden salpaajien (AT1-salpaajien) odotettiin syrjäyttävän ACE-estäjät sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta toistaiseksi niitä pidetään vain vaihtoehtoisina lääkkeinä. Sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota vähentävät β-salpaajat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa toiseksi tärkeimpänä lääkeryhmänä. Diureetit ovat paljon käytetty lääkeaineryhmä sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta niistä ainoastaan aldosteroniantagonisteilla on tutkitusti ennustetta parantavaa vaikutusta. Kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käytetään edelleen myös digoksiinia. Tulevaisuudessa sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavia lääkeaineita voivat olla reniinin estäjät, neutraaliendopeptidaasin estäjät, vasopressiinin antagonistit tai inflammatroisiin sytokiineihin vaikuttavat molekyylit. Erikoistyön kokeellisessa osiossa tarkoituksena oli tutkia sydämen hypertrofian kehittymistä vatsa-aortta kuristetuilla rotilla ja kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanin sekä AT1-salpaaja valsartaanin vaikutuksia hypertrofian kehittymiseen. Kokeellisessa osiossa arvioitiin myös sydämen hypertrofian ja vajaatoiminnan jyrsijämallina käytetyn vatsa-aortan kuristuksen (koarktaation) toimivuutta ja vaikutuksia ultraäänen avulla määritettyihin kardiovaskulaarisiin parametreihin. Vatsa-aortta kuristettiin munuaisvaltimoiden yläpuolelta. Kuristus saa aikaan verenpaineen kohoamisen ja sydämen työtaakan lisääntymisen. Pitkittyessään tila johtaa sydänlihaksen hypertrofiaan ja vajaatoimintaan. 64 eläintä jaettiin ryhmiin, siten että jokaiseen ryhmään tuli kahdeksan eläintä. Ryhmistä kolmelle annettiin lääkeaineena levosimendaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,01 mg/kg; 0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg) ja kolmelle valsartaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg; 10,00 mg/kg) juomaveden mukana. Lääkitys aloitettiin leikkauksen jälkeen ja jatkettiin kahdeksan viikon ajan. Kardiovaskulaariset parametrit, kuten isovolumetrinen relaksaatioaika (IVRT), vasemman kammion läpimitta systolessa ja diastolessa sekä seinämäpaksuudet, ejektiofraktio (EF), supistuvuusosuus (FS), minuuttitilavuus (CO) ja iskutilavuus (SV) määritettiin kahdeksan viikon kuluttua leikkauksesta ultraäänitutkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi määritettiin eläinten sydämen paino suhteessa ruumiin painoon. Tuloksia verrattiin ilman lääkehoitoa olleeseen koarktaatioryhmään. Eläinmallin toimivuutta arvioitiin vertaamalla koarktaatioryhmän tuloksia sham-operoidun ryhmän tuloksiin. Levosimendaanilla havaittiin työssä sydämen systolista toimintaa parantava vaikutus. Tämä näkyi tendenssinä parantaa ejektiofraktioita ja vasemman kammion supistuvuusosuuksia. Sydämen diastoliseen toimintaan ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Diastolista toimintaa arvioitiin isovolumetrisen relaksaatioajan muutoksilla. Sydämen hypertrofian kehittymiseen ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Eläinmallin todettiin mallintavan hyvin sydämen hypetrofiaa ihmisellä, mutta ei niinkään sydämen vajaatoimintaa.
Former President of Finland Urho Kekkonen was not only a powerful politician but also a well-known sportsman and keep-fit enthusiast. The president’s sports hobbies were covered and celebrated in the media and thus became an integral part of his public persona. This paper looks at Kekkonen’s athletic and able-bodied image and its significance for his power from the perspective of gender. In his exercise activities, Kekkonen was able to display his bodily prowess and demonstrate his version of masculinity, which emphasized both physical and mental strength. The union of mind and muscle in turn buttressed his political ascendancy. Kekkonen’s athletic body served as a cornerstone of his dominance over his country and, simultaneously, as a shield protecting Finland from both internal and external threats. Furthermore, Kekkonen’s sports performances were essential elements in the myth that was created around the president during his term and which was carefully conserved after his fall from power. Drawing upon scholarship on men and masculinities, this paper reassesses the still-effective mythical image of Kekkonen as an invincible superman. The article reveals the performative nature of his athletic activities and shows that in part, his pre-eminence in them was nothing more than theatre enacted by him and his entourage. Thus, Kekkonen’s superior and super-masculine image was actually surprisingly vulnerable and dependent on the success of the performance. The president’s ageing, in particular, demonstrates the fragility of his displays of prowess, strength and masculinity, and shows how fragile the entanglement of body and power can be.
We study large-scale kinematic dynamo action due to turbulence in the presence of a linear shear flow in the low-conductivity limit. Our treatment is non-perturbative in the shear strength and makes systematic use of both the shearing coordinate transformation and the Galilean invariance of the linear shear flow. The velocity fluctuations are assumed to have low magnetic Reynolds number (Re-m), but could have arbitrary fluid Reynolds number. The equation for the magnetic fluctuations is expanded perturbatively in the small quantity, Re-m. Our principal results are as follows: (i) the magnetic fluctuations are determined to the lowest order in Rem by explicit calculation of the resistive Green's function for the linear shear flow; (ii) the mean electromotive force is then calculated and an integro-differential equation is derived for the time evolution of the mean magnetic field. In this equation, velocity fluctuations contribute to two different kinds of terms, the 'C' and 'D' terms, respectively, in which first and second spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field, respectively, appear inside the space-time integrals; (iii) the contribution of the D term is such that its contribution to the time evolution of the cross-shear components of the mean field does not depend on any other components except itself. Therefore, to the lowest order in Re-m, but to all orders in the shear strength, the D term cannot give rise to a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect; (iv) casting the integro-differential equation in Fourier space, we show that the normal modes of the theory are a set of shearing waves, labelled by their sheared wavevectors; (v) the integral kernels are expressed in terms of the velocity-spectrum tensor, which is the fundamental dynamical quantity that needs to be specified to complete the integro-differential equation description of the time evolution of the mean magnetic field; (vi) the C term couples different components of the mean magnetic field, so they can, in principle, give rise to a shear-current-type effect. We discuss the application to a slowly varying magnetic field, where it can be shown that forced non-helical velocity dynamics at low fluid Reynolds number does not result in a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect.
The flow over a missile-shaped configuration is investigated by means of Schlieren visualization in short-duration facility producing free stream Mach numbers of 5.75 and 8. This visualization technique is demonstrated with a 41 degrees full apex angle blunt cone missile-shaped body mounted with and without cavity. Experiments are carried out with air as the test gas to visualize the flow field. The experimental results show a strong intensity variation in the deflection of light in a flow field, due to the flow compressibility. Shock stand-off distance measured with the Schlieren method is in good agreement with theory and computational fluid dynamic study for both the configurations. Magnitude of the shock oscillation for a cavity model may be greater than the case of a model without cavity. The picture of visualization shows that there is an outgoing and incoming flow closer to the cavity. Cavity flow oscillation was found to subside to steady flow with a decrease in the free stream Mach number.
A new feature-based technique is introduced to solve the nonlinear forward problem (FP) of the electrical capacitance tomography with the target application of monitoring the metal fill profile in the lost foam casting process. The new technique is based on combining a linear solution to the FP and a correction factor (CF). The CF is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) trained using key features extracted from the metal distribution. The CF adjusts the linear solution of the FP to account for the nonlinear effects caused by the shielding effects of the metal. This approach shows promising results and avoids the curse of dimensionality through the use of features and not the actual metal distribution to train the ANN. The ANN is trained using nine features extracted from the metal distributions as input. The expected sensors readings are generated using ANSYS software. The performance of the ANN for the training and testing data was satisfactory, with an average root-mean-square error equal to 2.2%.
A simple method using a combination of conformal mapping and vortex panel method to simulate potential flow in cascades is presented. The cascade is first transformed to a single body using a conformal mapping, and the potential flow over this body is solved using a simple higher order vortex panel method. The advantage of this method over existing methodologies is that it enables the use of higher order panel methods, as are used to solve flow past an isolated airfoil, to solve the cascade problem without the need for any numerical integrations or iterations. The fluid loading on the blades, such as the normal force and pitching moment, may be easily calculated from the resultant velocity field. The coefficient of pressure on cascade blades calculated with this methodology shows good agreement with previous numerical and experimental results.