976 resultados para Museums -- Educational aspects
Larvae and pupae of the cryptic firefly Photuris fulvipes (Blanchard,1837) are described. They were reared to adult stage from eggs laid by a female collected in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, adult diagnosis and some bionomic data observed in the laboratory are presented. The bionomical and morphological characteristics of P. fulvipes were compared to other unidentified species of the genus and to Bycellonycha sp. from literature. At moment, the data are insufficient to propose a diagnosis for the species, but some characteristics appear to define species group or, at least, they may have generic value.
Some species of drosophilids have been intensely studied, especially in the areas of genetics and molecular biology. However, little is known about their ecology and biogeography. Here, we revise the records of Drosophilidae species in the Cerrado domain, in order to organize the available information and to recognize patterns of geographic distribution and endemism. The 43 sampled sites in this domain reveal 100 species of drosophilids (10 of them exotic to the Neotropical region), distributed in eight genera. The collections were concentrated mainly in the States of Goiás (including the Federal District) and Minas Gerais. Serra do Cipó is the site with the highest richness of these insects. Of the 90 neotropical species found in the Cerrado, 77 also occur outside this domain, most of which are in the Atlantic Forest. Since extensive areas of this domain were poorly sampled for drosophilids and most studies used only baited traps to collect the flies, this absence of endemism should be carefully considered. It is recommended new inventories in poorly sampled regions, especially in the northeastern part of the domain. Also diversification of collection methods and improvement in the taxonomy of these flies are proposed. These directions should provide a significant increase in the list of species of drosophilids of the Cerrado; and thus, increase our knowledge about its biodiversity.
The combination of multiple exostoses (EXT) and enlarged parietal foramina (foramina parietalia permagna, FPP) represent the main features of the proximal 11p deletion syndrome (P11pDS), a contiguous gene syndrome (MIM 601224) caused by an interstitial deletion on the short arm of chromosome 11. Here we present clinical aspects of two new P11pDS patients and the clinical follow-up of one patient reported in the original paper describing this syndrome. Recognised clinical signs include EXT, FPP, mental retardation, facial asymmetry, asymmetric calcification of coronary sutures, defective vision (severe myopia, nystagmus, strabismus), skeletal anomalies (small hands and feet, tapering fingers), heart defect, and anal stenosis. In addition fluorescence in situ hybridisation and molecular analysis were performed to gain further insight in potential candidate genes involved in P11pDS.
A investigação “Do Jardim-de-infância ao Centro de Actividades de Tempos Livres: Representações das Crianças sobre o Brincar” reconhece as crianças como actores sociais, sujeitos de direitos, entre eles, o direito à participação em assuntos que lhes digam directamente respeito, a assuntos de seu interesse, nomeadamente o direito ao brincar. O brincar é uma actividade lúdica, assim como o jogar, importante no processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança e, nos tempos que correm, a sociedade, de uma forma geral, e particularmente as famílias, preocupam-se muito com o trabalho e colocam as necessidades básicas das crianças em segundo plano ao valorizarem acima de tudo o sucesso e o desempenho das mesmas. Assim, se participar significa “tomar parte em”, reconhece-se a necessidade de ouvir as crianças e o que elas têm a dizer sobre essa actividade lúdica, sobre a forma como organizam o seu dia e o tempo que despendem para brincar e sobre a forma como gostariam de ver os seus dias ocupados. É neste pressuposto, de que é através da acção e da voz das crianças, que é possível a construção de um conhecimento teórico e válido que contribua para uma melhor intervenção educativa com as crianças. Esta investigação, que decorreu numa instituição com várias vertentes, entre elas a vertente da Animação Infantil, enquadra-se no paradigma qualitativo de natureza participativa, e procura interpretar os significados atribuídos pelas crianças, que frequentam o Jardim-deinfância da rede pública e a mesma instituição, na condição de Componente de Apoio à Família, ao brincar, às suas vivências no que concerne à gestão do seu quotidiano, quer no que refere ao tempo que passam no Jardim-de-infância, quer no que passam no Prolongamento de Horário/Actividades de Tempos Livres. Neste trabalho de investigação que decorreu numa instituição situada numa freguesia pertencente ao Distrito de Viana do Castelo e que disponibiliza os serviços de ATL, participaram como protagonistas as crianças da faixa etária entre os três e os seis anos de idade e que frequentam dois contextos: educacional e lúdico. Este trabalho é sustentado por um referencial teórico que engloba o brincar na sociedade actual e a sua importância, a educação pré-escolar e as suas funções, a natureza da componente de apoio à família, a animação sócio-educativa e os contextos de vida das crianças, que permitiram questionar a participação infantil em assuntos de seu interesse. Ainda que este estudo não permita generalizações, reflecte-se sobre a realidade existente, dá voz às crianças e indica aspectos que, de uma forma geral, precisam de mais atenção. Afinal o brincar na infância é um assunto sério…
Morphological aspects of the male and female genitalia and their associated sclerites, abdominal tergite and sternite 8, are described, illustrated and discussed for seven species of Heilus Kuschel 1955 of tribe and subtribe Hylobiini-Hylobiina. The seven species are H. faldermanni (Boheman, 1836); H. fasciculatus (Boheman, 1843); H. freyreissi (Boheman, 1836); H. myops (Boheman, 1836); H. pupillatus (Olivier, 1790); H. rufescens (Boheman, 1836) and H. tuberculosus (Perty, 1832).
Since World War II, the United States government has made improved accessto higher education a priority. This e¤ort has substantially increasedthe number of people who complete college. We show that by reducing theeffective interest rate on borrowing for education, such policies canactually increase the gap in wages between those with a college educationand those without. The mechanism that drives our results is the signaling role of education first explored by Spence (1973). We argue that financialconstraints on education reduce the value of education as a signal. Wesolve for the reduced form relationship between the interest rate and thewage premium in the steady state of a dynamic asymmetric information model.In addition, we discuss evidence of decreases in borrowing costs for educationfinancing in the U.S.
The synanthropic index and other ecological aspects of the Muscidae family were evaluated through simultaneous monthly sampling in three different environments (urban, rural and forest) using van Someren-Rydon traps baited with human faeces, chicken viscera and decomposing fish and onion. Four traps were set up in each environment (one per bait item) for 48 hours per month, with samples taken every 12 hours. A total of 5726 specimens were collected, belonging to 19 species and 13 genera. Brontaea normata (+99,9), Brontaea quadristigma (+96,9), Synthesiomyia nudiseta (+96,5), Ophyra aenescens (+96,2), Musca domestica (+95,7) and Atherigona orientalis (+93,8) had the highest synanthropic indices, showing a marked preference for human environments. The most abundant species were B. normata (24,31%), Biopyrellia bipuncta (20,60%) and Pseudoptilolepis nigripoda (15,82%), the latter two showed a preference for uninhabited areas. A total of 11 new records for Colombia were found: Ophyra aenescens, Cyrtoneuropsis pararescita, Morellia basalis, Neomuscina dorsipuncta, Biopyrellia bipuncta, Pseudoptilolepis nigripoda, Neomuscina instabilis, Neomuscina currani, Polietina orbitalis, Neomuscina pictipennis and Cyrtoneuropsis maculipennis. Except for the first four species, the remainder presented negative synantrophy indexes (from minor to major), which would allow to use them as ecological indicators of the disturbance degree of dry forests in Colombia.
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2008
Influence of different tropical fruits on biological and behavioral aspects of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Tephritidae). Studies on Ceratitis capitata, a world fruit pest, can aid the implementation of control programs by determining the plants with higher vulnerability to attacks and plants able to sustain their population in areas of fly distribution. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of eight tropical fruits on the following biological and behavioral parameters of C. capitata: emergence percentage, life cycle duration, adult size, egg production, longevity, fecundity, egg viability, and oviposition acceptance. The fruits tested were: acerola (Malpighia glabra L.), cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.), star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.), guava (Psidium guajava L.), soursop (Annona muricata L.), yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.), Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense L.), and umbu (Spondias tuberosa L.). The biological parameters were obtained by rearing the recently hatched larvae on each of the fruit kinds. Acceptance of fruits for oviposition experiment was assessed using no-choice tests, as couples were exposed to two pieces of the same fruit. The best performances were obtained with guava, soursop, and star fruit. Larvae reared on cashew and acerola fruits had regular performances. No adults emerged from yellow mombin, Malay apple, or umbu. Fruit species did not affect adult longevity, female fecundity, or egg viability. Guava, soursop, and acerola were preferred for oviposition, followed by star fruit, Malay apple, cashew, and yellow mombin. Oviposition did not occur on umbu. In general, fruits with better larval development were also more accepted for oviposition.
The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection while traveling abroad is increased in certain populations. Pre-travel consultation should include the education of travelers on the prevalence of HIV in the countries visited and on appropriate prevention measures. In patients infected with HIV (PHIV), combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) improves immunity, enabling them to travel with less risk for their health. Pre-travel consultation of PVIH has the following objectives: to determine immune status, to update immunization and to decide on anti-malaria drug prophylaxis, taking into account potential drug interactions with antiretroviral therapy. Vaccine response and duration of protection is shorter-lived in PVIH, especially if the CD4 count is below 200 cells/mm3 and the HIV viral load is detectable. Therefore cART is a cornerstone for disease prevention among patients infected with HIV who travel.
Estudia la variabilidad de las aguas costerasen dos transectos cerca de los 8 y 10°S
Occurrence of adults and biological aspects of Geniates borelli Camerano (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Due to the importance of Geniates borelli Camerano as a pest in many crops, studies were developed at Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Aquidauana campus, MS, Brazil. Adults were collected with a light trap from January 2006 to December 2007. 3,320 adults were collected, and the highest quantities were obtained in October 2006 and November 2007, with 1,548 and 802 adults recorded, respectively. Collected adults were kept in plastic containers with soil and Brachiaria decumbens seedlings for oviposition. 535 eggs measuring 2.30 × 1.60 mm were obtained. As the embryonic development progressed, eggs increased in size to 3.00 × 2.70 mm, and this change occurred between 6 and 10 days after oviposition. The embryonic period lasted 17.9 days. The first, second, and third instars lasted 37.6, 49.7, and 74 days, respectively. The prepupal stage lasted 65.9 days and the pupal stage lasted an average of 18.5 days. The biological cycle is completed in 315.8 days, which characterizes the species as univoltine. The average longevity of females was 35.4 days and 28.5 days for males.
The plastron theory was tested in adults of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner, 1970, through the analysis of the structure that coats these insects' integument and also through submersion laboratorial experiments. The tegument processes were recognized in three types: agglutinated scales with large perforations, plumose scales of varied sizes and shapes, and hairs. The experiments were carried out on 264 adult individuals which were kept submerged at different time intervals (n = 11) and in two types of treatment, natural non-aerated water and previously boiled water, with four repetitions for each treatment. The tests showed a maximum mortality after 24 hours of immersion in the previously boiled water treatment. The survival of the adults was negative and significantly correlated with the types of treatment employed and within the different time intervals. The values of oxygen dissolved in water (mg/l) differed significantly within the types of treatment employed. They were positively correlated with the survival of the adults in the two types of treatment, although more markedly in the treatment with previously boiled water. The mortality of adults after 24 hours of submersion in the treatment with previously boiled water may be associated with the physical-chemical conditions of the non-tested water in this study, such as low surface tension and concentration of solutes. These results suggest plastron functionality in the adults of this species.