925 resultados para Multilevel converter


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This work describes the parallelization of High Resolution flow solver on unstructured meshes, HIFUN-3D, an unstructured data based finite volume solver for 3-D Euler equations. For mesh partitioning, we use METIS, a software based on multilevel graph partitioning. The unstructured graph used for partitioning is associated with weights both on its vertices and edges. The data residing on every processor is split into four layers. Such a novel procedure of handling data helps in maintaining the effectiveness of the serial code. The communication of data across the processors is achieved by explicit message passing using the standard blocking mode feature of Message Passing Interface (MPI). The parallel code is tested on PACE++128 available in CFD Center


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In the recent past it has been found that HVDC transmission systems and turbine-generator shaft torsional dynamics can interact in an unfavourable manner. This paper presents a detailed linearised state space model of AC/DC system to study this torsional interaction. The model developed is used to study the effect of various system parameters, such as, dc line loading, converter firing angle, the firing scheme employed. The results obtained are compared with those given in[3].


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A procedure has been given for minimizing the total output noise of a Generalized Impedance Converter (GIC), subject to constraints dictated by signal handling capability of the Operational Amplifiers and ease of microcircuit fabrication. The noise reduction is achieved only by the adjustment of RC elements of the GIC, and the total output noise after optimization in the example cited is close to the theoretical lower limit. The output noise of a higher-order filter can be reduced by RC-optimizing the individual GIC's of the active realization. Experimental results on a 20–24 kHz channel bank band-pass filter demonstrate the effectiveness of the above procedure.


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Many real-time database applications arise in electronic financial services, safety-critical installations and military systems where enforcing security is crucial to the success of the enterprise. For real-time database systems supporting applications with firm deadlines, we investigate here the performance implications, in terms of killed transactions, of guaranteeing multilevel secrecy. In particular, we focus on the concurrency control (CC) aspects of this issue. Our main contributions are the following: First, we identify which among the previously proposed real-time CC protocols are capable of providing covert-channel-free security. Second, using a detailed simulation model, we profile the real-time performance of a representative set of these secure CC protocols for a variety of security-classified workloads and system configurations. Our experiments show that a prioritized optimistic CC protocol, OPT-WAIT, provides the best overall performance. Third, we propose and evaluate a novel "dual-CC" approach that allows the real-time database system to simultaneously use different CC mechanisms for guaranteeing security and for improving real-time performance. By appropriately choosing these different mechanisms, concurrency control protocols that provide even better performance than OPT-WAIT are designed. Finally, we propose and evaluate GUARD, an adaptive admission-control policy designed to provide fairness with respect to the distribution of killed transactions across security levels. Our experiments show that GUARD efficiently provides close to ideal fairness for real-time applications that can tolerate covert channel bandwidths of upto one bit per second.


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Active-clamp dc-dc converters are pulsewidth-modulated converters having two switches featuring zero-voltage switching at frequencies beyond 100 kHz. Generalized equivalent circuits valid for steady-state and dynamic performance have been proposed for the family of active-clamp converters. The active-clamp converter is analyzed for its dynamic behavior under current control in this paper. The steady-state stability analysis is presented. On account of the lossless damping inherent in the active-clamp converters, it appears that the stability region in the current-controlled active-clamp converters get extended for duty ratios, a little greater than 0.5, unlike in conventional hard-switched converters. The conventional graphical approach fails to assess the stability of current-controlled active-clamp converters due to the coupling between the filter inductor current and resonant inductor current. An analysis that takes into account the presence of the resonant elements is presented to establish the condition for stability. This method correctly predicts the stability of the current-controlled active-clamp converters. A simple expression for the maximum duty cycle for subharmonic free operation is obtained. The results are verified experimentally.


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This paper presents the detailed dynamic digital simulation for the study of phenomenon of torsional interaction between HVDC-Turbine generator shaft, dynamics using the novel converter model presented in [ 1 ] The system model includes detailed representation of the synchronous generator and the shaft dynamics, the ac and dc network transients. The results of a case study indicate the various factors that influence the torsional interaction.


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Static characteristics of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can be directly determined from the histogram-based quasi-static approach by measuring the ADC output when excited by an ideal ramp/triangular signal of sufficiently low frequency. This approach requires only a fraction of time compared to the conventional dc voltage test, is straightforward, is easy to implement, and, in principle, is an accepted method as per the revised IEEE 1057. However, the only drawback is that ramp signal sources are not ideal. Thus, the nonlinearity present in the ramp signal gets superimposed on the measured ADC characteristics, which renders them, as such, unusable. In recent years, some solutions have been proposed to alleviate this problem by devising means to eliminate the contribution of signal source nonlinearity. Alternatively, a straightforward step would be to get rid of the ramp signal nonlinearity before it is applied to the ADC. Driven by this logic, this paper describes a simple method about using a nonlinear ramp signal, but yet causing little influence on the measured ADC static characteristics. Such a thing is possible because even in a nonideal ramp, there exist regions or segments that are nearly linear. Therefore, the task, essentially, is to identify these near-linear regions in a given source and employ them to test the ADC, with a suitable amplitude to match the ADC full-scale voltage range. Implementation of this method reveals that a significant reduction in the influence of source nonlinearity can be achieved. Simulation and experimental results on 8- and 10-bit ADCs are presented to demonstrate its applicability.


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Previous research on Human Resource Management (HRM) has focused extensively on the potential relationships between the use of HRM practices and organizational performance. Extant research in HRM has been based on the underlying assumption that HRM practices can enhance organizational performance through their impact on positive employee attitudes and performance, that is, employee reactions to HRM. At the current state of research however, it remains unclear how employees come to perceive and react to HRM practices and to what extent employees in organizations, units and teams react to such practices in similar or widely different ways. In fact, recent HRM studies indicate that employee reactions to HRM may be far less homogeneous than assumed. This raises the question of whether or not the linkage between HRM and organizational outcomes can be explained by employee reactions in terms of attitudes and performance, if these reactions are largely idiosyncratic. Accordingly, this thesis aims to shed light on the processes that shape individuals’ reactions to HRM practices and how these processes may influence the variance or sharedness in such reactions among employees in organizations, units and teams. By theoretically developing and empirically examining the effects of employee perceptions of HRM practices from the perspective of ‘HRM as signaling’ and psychological contract theory, the main contributions of this thesis focus on the following research questions: i) How employee perceptions of the HRM practices relate to individual and collective employee attitudes and performance. ii) How employee perceptions of HRM practices relates to variance in employee attitudes and performance. iii) How collective employee performance mediates the relationship between employee perceptions of HRM practices and organizational performance. Regarding the first research questions the findings indicate that individuals do respond positively to HRM practices by adjusting their felt obligations towards the employer. This finding is in line with the idea of HRM as a signaling device where each HRM practice, implicitly or explicitly, sends signals to employees about promised rewards (inducements) and behaviors (obligations) expected in return. The relationship was also confirmed at the group level of analysis. What is more, variance was found to play an important role in that employee groups with more similar perceptions about the HRM system displayed a stronger relationship between HRM and employee obligations. Concerning the second question the findings were somewhat contradictory in that a strong HRM system was found negatively related to variance in employee performance but not employee obligations. Regarding the third question, the findings confirmed linkages between the HRM system and organizational performance at the group level and the HRM system and employee performance at the individual level. Also, the entire chain of links from the HRM system through variance in employee performance, and further through the level of employee performance to organizational performance was significant.


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The optimization of a photovoltaic pumping system based on an induction motor driven pump that is powered by a solar array is presented in this paper. The motor-pump subsystem is analyzed from the point of view of optimizing the power requirement of the induction motor, which has led to an optimum u-f relationship useful in controlling the motor. The complete pumping system is implemented using a dc-dc converter, a three-phase inverter, and an induction motor-pump set. The dc-dc converter is used as a power conditioner and its duty cycle is controlled so as to match the load to the array. A microprocessor-based controller is used to carry out the load-matching.


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A two-channel boxcar integrator with an analog to digital converter was constructed using integrated circuits wherever convenient. The digital output can be instantaneously displayed or displayed after accumulating many samplings in the totaliser. The totaliser mode provides averaging at the digitiser level and hence the integrator has an infinite holding time. When used in the double boxcar mode the instrument overcomes the problem of any base line instability.


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Grid connected PWM-VSIs are being increasingly used for applications such as Distributed Generation (DG), power quality, UPS etc. Appropriate control strategies for grid synchronisation and line current regulation are required to establish such a grid interconnection and power transfer. Control of three phase VSIs is widely reported in iterature. Conventionally, dq control in Synchronous Reference Frame(SRF) is employed for both PLL and line current control where PI-controllers are used to track the DC references. Single phase systems do not have defined direct (d) and quadrature (q) axis components that are required for SRF transformation. Thus, references are AC in nature and hence usage of PI controllers cannot yield zero steady state errors. Resonant controllers have the ability to track AC references accurately. In this work, a resonant controller based single phase PLL and current control technique are being employed for tracking grid frequency and the AC current reference respectively. A single phase full bridge converter is being operated as a STATCOM for performance evaluation of the control scheme.


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Direct stability analysis ofAC/DC power systems using a structure-preserving energy function (SPEF) is proposed in this paper. The system model considered retains the load buses thereby enabling the representation of nonlinear voltage dependent loads. TheHVDC system is represented with the same degree of detail as is normally done in transient stability simulation. The converter controllers can be represented by simplified or detailed models. Two or multi-terminalDC systems can be considered. The stability analysis is illustrated with a 3-machine system example and encouraging results have been obtained.


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Neutral point clamped (NPC), three level converters with insulated gate bipolar transistor devices are very popular in medium voltage, high power applications. DC bus short circuit protection is usually done, using the sensed voltage across collector and emitter (i.e., V-CE sensing), of all the devices in a leg. This feature is accommodated with the conventional gate drive circuits used in the two level converters. The similar gate drive circuit, when adopted for NPC three level converter protection, leads to false V-CE fault signals for inner devices of the leg. The paper explains the detailed circuit behavior and reasons, which result in the occurrence of such false V-CE fault signals. This paper also illustrates that such a phenomenon shows dependence on the power factor of the supplied three-phase load. Finally, experimental results are presented to support the analysis. It is shown that the problem can be avoided by blocking out the V-CE sense fault signals of the inner devices of the leg.


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High power converters are used in variable speed induction motor drive applications. Riding through a short term power supply glitch is becoming an important requirement in these power converters. The power converter uses a large number of control circuit boards for its operation. The control power supply need to ensure that any glitch in the grid side does not affect any of these control circuit boards. A power supply failure of these control cards results in shut down of the entire system. The paper discusses the ride through system developed to overcome voltage sags and short duration outages at the power supply terminals of the control cards in these converters. A 240VA non-isolated, bi-directional buck-boost converter has been designed to be used along with a stack of ultracapacitors to achieve the same. A micro-controller based digital control platform made use of to achieve the control objective. The design of the ultracapacitor stack and the bidirectional converter is described the performance of the experimental set-up is evaluated.


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Reduction of the execution time of a job through equitable distribution of work load among the processors in a distributed system is the goal of load balancing. Performance of static and dynamic load balancing algorithms for the extended hypercube, is discussed. Threshold algorithms are very well-known algorithms for dynamic load balancing in distributed systems. An extension of the threshold algorithm, called the multilevel threshold algorithm, has been proposed. The hierarchical interconnection network of the extended hypercube is suitable for implementing the proposed algorithm. The new algorithm has been implemented on a transputer-based system and the performance of the algorithm for an extended hypercube is compared with those for mesh and binary hypercube networks