909 resultados para Multidimensional Scaling


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Multigroup diffusion codes for three dimensional LWR core analysis use as input data pre-generated homogenized few group cross sections and discontinuity factors for certain combinations of state variables, such as temperatures or densities. The simplest way of compiling those data are tabulated libraries, where a grid covering the domain of state variables is defined and the homogenized cross sections are computed at the grid points. Then, during the core calculation, an interpolation algorithm is used to compute the cross sections from the table values. Since interpolation errors depend on the distance between the grid points, a determined refinement of the mesh is required to reach a target accuracy, which could lead to large data storage volume and a large number of lattice transport calculations. In this paper, a simple and effective procedure to optimize the distribution of grid points for tabulated libraries is presented. Optimality is considered in the sense of building a non-uniform point distribution with the minimum number of grid points for each state variable satisfying a given target accuracy in k-effective. The procedure consists of determining the sensitivity coefficients of k-effective to cross sections using perturbation theory; and estimating the interpolation errors committed with different mesh steps for each state variable. These results allow evaluating the influence of interpolation errors of each cross section on k-effective for any combination of state variables, and estimating the optimal distance between grid points.


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Clinicians could model the brain injury of a patient through his brain activity. However, how this model is defined and how it changes when the patient is recovering are questions yet unanswered. In this paper, the use of MedVir framework is proposed with the aim of answering these questions. Based on complex data mining techniques, this provides not only the differentiation between TBI patients and control subjects (with a 72% of accuracy using 0.632 Bootstrap validation), but also the ability to detect whether a patient may recover or not, and all of that in a quick and easy way through a visualization technique which allows interaction.


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This work aims to develop a novel Cross-Entropy (CE) optimization-based fuzzy controller for Unmanned Aerial Monocular Vision-IMU System (UAMVIS) to solve the seeand-avoid problem using its accurate autonomous localization information. The function of this fuzzy controller is regulating the heading of this system to avoid the obstacle, e.g. wall. In the Matlab Simulink-based training stages, the Scaling Factor (SF) is adjusted according to the specified task firstly, and then the Membership Function (MF) is tuned based on the optimized Scaling Factor to further improve the collison avoidance performance. After obtained the optimal SF and MF, 64% of rules has been reduced (from 125 rules to 45 rules), and a large number of real flight tests with a quadcopter have been done. The experimental results show that this approach precisely navigates the system to avoid the obstacle. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to present the optimized fuzzy controller for UAMVIS using Cross-Entropy method in Scaling Factors and Membership Functions optimization.


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Esta tesis se centra en la identificación y análisis de los factores que pueden favorecer o actuar como barreras del éxito de la implementación de la innovación y las relaciones entre sí, desde el enfoque de la interface marketing-ventas. El trabajo empírico se enmarca en el vacío de investigación existente en el campo del proceso de lanzamiento de nuevos productos en los mercados donde operan subsidiarias de empresas multinacionales de consumo masivo (FMCG). Las empresas FMCG son altamente dependientes de la innovación como proceso clave determinante del crecimiento competitivo de mediano y largo plazo. En un contexto de acortamiento del ciclo de vida de los productos, como resultado del desarrollo tecnológico y científico que impactan en el comportamiento de los consumidores, las empresas invierten un mayor nivel de recursos en el desarrollo de nuevos productos, reingeniería y programas de innovación (Mundra, Gulati y Gupta, 2013). Sin embargo, a pesar del aumento en la inversión, las tasas de éxito de la innovación reportadas son inferiores al 25% (Evanschitzky, Eisend, Calantone y Jiang, 2012). Aumentar las tasas de éxito de los proyectos de innovación es reconocida en la literatura como un elemento clave para la supervivencia y competitividad de las empresas, para ser superiores a su competencia y desarrollar nuevos modelos de negocios. A pesar de la existencia de estudios que intentan comprender el proceso de lanzamiento de nuevos productos, no se ha identificado un claro prototipo de gestión de la innovación (Gupta et al, 2007). Profundizando en los factores de éxito, los autores Keupp, Palmié y Gassman (2012) reconocen que la innovación exitosa no depende solamente de la estrategia de selección de los proyectos de innovación, sino también la forma en que los mismos son implementados (Klein and Sorra, 1996; Repenning, 2002; Keupp, Palmié y Gassmann, 2012). Al analizar la implementación de los proyectos de lanzamiento de nuevos productos al mercado, en empresas FMCG, dicho proceso es responsabilidad principalmente de las funciones de marketing y ventas a través de la comunicación con los consumidores y los clientes respectivamente (Ernst, Hoyer y Rubsaamen, 2010). Es decir que el éxito en la implementación de la innovación requiere la gestión efectiva de la relación inter-funcional entre marketing y ventas (Ernst, Hoyer y Rubsaamen, 2010; Hughes, Le Bon y Malshe, 2012). A pesar de la importancia de la integración entre marketing y ventas en la conceptualización e implementación de la innovación, este tema no ha sido estudiado en profundidad (Hughes, Le Bon y Malshe, 2012; Keupp, Palmié y Gassmann, 2012). En las empresas multinacionales, está demostrado que el desempeño de las subsidiarias determinan el éxito competitivo de la empresa a nivel global. El desafío de dichas subsidiarias es conjugar el desarrollo global de innovación y comunicación con las características locales de comportamiento del consumidor y el mercado. Por lo tanto, esta investigación empírica responde a la pregunta académica y de gestión acerca de cómo mejorar las tasas de éxito de lanzamiento de nuevos productos al mercado en subsidiarias de empresas de consumo masivo, desde la perspectiva de la relación entre marketing y ventas. En particular analiza cómo afectan la formalización de los procesos y los mecanismos de comunicación a la confianza interpersonal y a la efectividad de la interface marketing-ventas y dichos factores a su vez sobre la planificación integrada de la implementación de la innovación. La determinación de los factores o ítems que conforman cada uno de los constructos del proceso de ejecución de la innovación, se llevó a cabo a partir de una revisión exhaustiva del estado del arte de la literatura sobre las interfaces funcionales y el proceso de innovación. Posteriormente, los ítems seleccionados (más de 50 en total) fueron validados por referentes de marketing y ventas de Argentina y Uruguay a través de entrevistas en profundidad. A partir de los factores identificados se construyeron dos modelos teóricos: • (1) relativo a la influencia de las dimensiones de confianza interpersonal sobre la efectividad de las uniones inter-funcionales y como los mecanismos organizacionales, tales como la frecuencia y la calidad de la comunicación entre las áreas, afectan la confianza y la relación entre ellas; • (2) relativo a la dimensión planificación integrada de la implementación de la innovación, ya que durante el lanzamiento de nuevos productos al mercado, marketing y ventas utilizan procesos formales que facilitan la comunicación frecuente y efectiva, desarrollando confianza inter-personal que no solamente afecta la efectividad de su relación sino también el desarrollo de planes integrados entre ambas áreas. El estudio fue llevado a cabo en una empresa multinacional de consumo masivo que integra la lista Global 500 (Fortune, 2015), presente en todo el mundo con más de 25 marcas participantes en más de 15 categorías, implementando 150 proyectos de innovación en el último año. El grupo de subsidiarias en estudio fue reconocido a nivel mundial por su desempeño en crecimiento competitivo y su alta contribución al crecimiento total. El modelo analizado en esta tesis fue expandido al resto de América Latina, tratándose entonces de un caso ejemplar que representa una práctica de excelencia en la implementación de la innovación en subsidiarias de una empresa multinacional. La recolección de los datos fue llevado a cabo a través de un cuestionario estructurado y confidencial, enviado a la base de datos de todo el universo de directores y gerentes de marketing y ventas. El nivel de respuesta fue muy elevado (70%), logrando 152 casos válidos. El análisis de datos comprendió el análisis descriptivo de los mismos, estimación de fiabilidad y análisis factorial exploratorio a través del software SPSS v.20. El análisis factorial confirmatorio y el análisis de senderos para examinar las relaciones entre los factores se estudiaron mediante el software R (Package 2.15.1., R Core Team, 2012) (Fox, 2006). Finalmente se llevaron a cabo entrevistas en profundidad a gerentes de marketing y ventas de cada uno de los seis países con el fin de profundizar en los constructos y sus relaciones. Los resultados de los modelos demuestran que la frecuencia de comunicación impacta positivamente en la calidad de la misma, que a su vez afecta directamente la relación entre marketing y ventas. Adicionalmente, la calidad de la comunicación impacta sobre la confianza cognitiva, que a su vez se relaciona no solamente con la confianza afectiva sino también con la relación entre ambas áreas. Esto significa que para mejorar la implementación de la innovación, los gerentes deberían orientarse a reforzar la relación entre marketing y ventas facilitando la construcción de confianza interpersonal primero cognitiva y luego afectiva, incrementando la frecuencia de la comunicación que alimenta la calidad de la comunicación entre ambas áreas. A través del segundo modelo se demuestra que durante el lanzamiento de nuevos productos al mercado, marketing y ventas necesitan emplear procesos formales que faciliten la comunicación frecuente y efectiva. De esta forma se contrarresta el efecto negativo de la formalización sobre la planificación integrada entre ambas áreas. Adicionalmente, los gerentes de ambos departamentos deberían promover la construcción de confianza interpersonal, no solamente para mejorar la efectividad de la relación, sino también para desarrollar planes integrados de implementación de nuevos productos. Finalmente, se valida que la frecuencia de la comunicación, la confianza afectiva y la relación marketing-ventas, se relacionan positivamente con la planificación integrada en la implementación de la innovación. El estudio contribuye a la comprensión de los factores que las empresas pueden emplear para mejorar la relación inter-funcional entre marketing y ventas y la implementación de la innovación en empresas de consumo masivo. El aporte de esta investigación puede ser valorado de dos maneras, los aportes a la gestión y a la academia. Desde el punto de vista empresarial, provee a los líderes al frente de empresas de consumo masivo, del conocimiento sobre los factores que afectan la implementación de la innovación y en definitiva el éxito del negocio a mediano y largo plazo. Desde el punto de vista académico aporta al conocimiento del proceso de implementación de la innovación y en la efectividad de la interface marketing y ventas en un caso de buenas prácticas en el mercado de consumo masivo. A su vez incorpora por primera vez un estudio empírico en geografías emergentes capaces de recuperar el camino de crecimiento posterior a una profunda crisis económica a través de la exitosa implementación de la innovación en sus mercados. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the identification, analysis and relationship study of factors which may benefit or hinder the successful deployment of innovation, from a marketing-sales interface perspective. Considering the non-existent investigation dedicated to the study of new products launches into markets in which Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies’ subsidiaries operate, it is that this investigation has been carried out. FMCG companies rely on innovation as their key process for a competitive growth on a medium and long term basis. Nowadays, the life-cycle of products is getting shorter as a result of new technological and scientific development, having impact on consumer behavior, and therefore companies are forced to dedicating more resources to the development of new products, reengineering and innovation programs (Mundra, Gulati and Gupta, 2013). However, in spite of the investment increase, the innovation success rates have been reported to be lower than 25% (Evanschitzky, Eisend, Calantone y Jiang, 2012). Increasing success rates on innovation processes has been considered as a key element on the survival and competitiveness of companies, outperforming competitors and developing new business models. Despite new studies which try to comprehend the process of new products launch, a prototype of innovation management has not yet been identified (Gupta et al, 2007). Emphasizing on success factors, authors Keupp, Palmié and Gassman (2012) recognize that successful innovation does not solely depend on innovation processes’ selection strategy, but it is also based on the way in which these are implemented (Klein and Sorra, 1996; Repenning, 2002; Keupp, Palmié y Gassmann, 2012). While analyzing the implementation of projects for new products releases on massive consumption companies, the two departments in charge of taking this forward are marketing and sales, by focusing on communication strategies with consumers and clients respectively (Ernst, Hoyer y Rubsaamen, 2010). This means that having success on innovation implementation requires an effective management of inter-functional relationship among marketing and sales (Ernst, Hoyer y Rubsaamen, 2010; Hughes, Le Bon y Malshe, 2012). In spite of the importance on the integration between marketing and sales on the conceptualization and implementation of innovation, this subject has not been studied in depth (Hughes, Le Bon y Malshe, 2012; Keupp, Palmié y Gassmann, 2012). In multinational companies, previous research has confirmed that the performance of their subsidiaries determine the competitive success of the company on a global scale. The challenge of said subsidiaries is to conjugate the global innovation development and communication with the local consumer and market behavior. Therefore, this empirical study aims to respond to the academic and management question of how to improve the success rates of new product launches into MNE subsidiary’ markets, from a marketing-sales relationship perspective. Particularly, this investigation analyses how the formalization of products and communication mechanisms affect interpersonal trust and marketing-sales interface effectiveness and also on how these factors affect the overall planning of the implementation of innovation. The determination of which factors build the hypothesis of the innovation execution process was taken forward through an extensive research on the extant literature on functional interfaces and innovation processes. More than 50 items were selected which were in turn validated by marketing and sales referents on Uruguay and Argentina through in depth interviews. Based on the identified factors, two theoretical models were proposed: (1) Relative to the influence that interpersonal trust dimensions have on inter functional linkages effectiveness and how organizational mechanisms such as frequency and quality of communication between departments affect trust and their relationship. (2) Relative to the integrated planning and innovation implementation dimensions. Marketing and sales department use formal process thus allowing inter-personal trust, which affects positively their relationship and also enables the development of integrated planning between them. The study was performed within a massive consumption company which is part of the “Global 500” (Fortune, 2015), with subsidiaries all over the world and more than 25 participant brands in 15 categories, having implemented over 150 innovation projects in the year under study. The analyzed subsidiary group has been awarded worldwide for their performance in competitive growth and their high contribution to the total growth. The model being analyzed in this thesis was implemented throughout Latin America, representing a remarkable case of innovation implementation excellence for subsidiaries of multinational companies. Data recollection was carried out through a structured and confidential questionnaire, sent to the universe of marketing-sales directors and managers’ database available with a high level of responsiveness of 70%, resulting in 152 valid cases. Data exploration involved a descriptive analysis, followed by a reliability estimation and an exploratory factorial analysis carried out through SPSS v.20. Confirmatory factorial analysis and path analysis (to examine relations between the different study factors) were studied using “R” software (Package 2.15.1., R Core Team, 2012) (Fox, 2006). Finally, in depth interviews were carried out to several marketing and sales managers in each of the six countries so as to further confirm the hypothesis and their relations. The models results prove that communication frequency has a positive impact on the quality of the same, which in turn has direct effects on the marketing-sales relations. Additionally, communication quality has an impact on the cognitive trust, which also relates not only to affective trust, but also to the relation between both areas. This means that in order to improve the implementation of innovation, managers should strive to enforce marketing-sales relations, facilitating the interpersonal trust construction (firstly cognitive, followed by affective trust), increasing the communication frequency, and therefore nurturing the communication quality among both areas. Through the second model, the results confirm the importance of creating effective relationships between sales and marketing to facilitate planning integrated new product implementations. While formalized new product development processes provide opportunities for sales and marketing to communicate, this does not directly influence the planning of integrated new product implementations. By using these formal opportunities to communicate to create information quality, it is possible to improve sales and marketing’s ability to integrate information during the planning process. Further, communication quality creates inter-personal trust in the other party’s competences (cognitive-based trust), leading to affect-based trust. Affect-based inter-personal trust, not only to improve the overall effectiveness of the sales and marketing relationship, but also helps in planning integrated new product implementations. This study contributes to the understanding of factors which enterprises can use to improve the inter-functional relations between marketing and sales, and the implementation of innovation in FMCG companies. The contribution of this investigation can be measured in two ways: enrichment of management and contribution to the academic area. From a business perspective, it provides massive consumption businesses leaders with knowledge on which factors affect innovation implementation, which results on mid and long-term success for the company. From an academic point of view, it provides knowledge on a prototype of successful innovation implementation management based on the marketing-sales interface effectiveness through a case study in the FMCG consumption market. Last but not least, it incorporates for the first time an empiric study on emerging geographies capable of recovery post a deep economic crisis through successful innovation implementation on their markets.


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We present a set of new volume scaling relationships specific to Svalbard glaciers, derived from a sample of 60 volume–area pairs. Glacier volumes are computed from ground-penetrating radar (GPR)-retrieved ice thickness measurements, which have been compiled from different sources for this study. The most precise scaling models, in terms of lowest cross-validation errors, are obtained using a multivariate approach where, in addition to glacier area, glacier length and elevation range are also used as predictors. Using this multivariate scaling approach, together with the Randolph Glacier Inventory V3.2 for Svalbard and Jan Mayen, we obtain a regional volume estimate of 6700 ± 835 km3, or 17 ± 2 mm of sea-level equivalent (SLE). This result lies in the mid- to low range of recently published estimates, which show values as varied as 13 and 24 mm SLE. We assess the sensitivity of the scaling exponents to glacier characteristics such as size, aspect ratio and average slope, and find that the volume of steep-slope and cirque-type glaciers is not very sensitive to changes in glacier area.


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Neocortex, a new and rapidly evolving brain structure in mammals, has a similar layered architecture in species over a wide range of brain sizes. Larger brains require longer fibers to communicate between distant cortical areas; the volume of the white matter that contains long axons increases disproportionally faster than the volume of the gray matter that contains cell bodies, dendrites, and axons for local information processing, according to a power law. The theoretical analysis presented here shows how this remarkable anatomical regularity might arise naturally as a consequence of the local uniformity of the cortex and the requirement for compact arrangement of long axonal fibers. The predicted power law with an exponent of 4/3 minus a small correction for the thickness of the cortex accurately accounts for empirical data spanning several orders of magnitude in brain sizes for various mammalian species, including human and nonhuman primates.


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The allometric relationships for plant annualized biomass production (“growth”) rates, different measures of body size (dry weight and length), and photosynthetic biomass (or pigment concentration) per plant (or cell) are reported for multicellular and unicellular plants representing three algal phyla; aquatic ferns; aquatic and terrestrial herbaceous dicots; and arborescent monocots, dicots, and conifers. Annualized rates of growth G scale as the 3/4-power of body mass M over 20 orders of magnitude of M (i.e., G ∝ M3/4); plant body length L (i.e., cell length or plant height) scales, on average, as the 1/4-power of M over 22 orders of magnitude of M (i.e., L ∝ M1/4); and photosynthetic biomass Mp scales as the 3/4-power of nonphotosynthetic biomass Mn (i.e., Mp ∝ Mn3/4). Because these scaling relationships are indifferent to phylogenetic affiliation and habitat, they have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary implications (e.g., net primary productivity is predicted to be largely insensitive to community species composition or geological age).


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Gravitational lenses, besides being interesting in their own right, have been demonstrated to be suitable as “gravitational standard rulers” for the measurement of the rate of expansion of the Universe (Ho), as well as to constrain the values of the cosmological parameters such as Ωo and Λo that control the evolution of the volume of the Universe with cosmic time.


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To provide a more general method for comparing survival experience, we propose a model that independently scales both hazard and time dimensions. To test the curve shape similarity of two time-dependent hazards, h1(t) and h2(t), we apply the proposed hazard relationship, h12(tKt)/ h1(t) = Kh, to h1. This relationship doubly scales h1 by the constant hazard and time scale factors, Kh and Kt, producing a transformed hazard, h12, with the same underlying curve shape as h1. We optimize the match of h12 to h2 by adjusting Kh and Kt. The corresponding survival relationship S12(tKt) = [S1(t)]KtKh transforms S1 into a new curve S12 of the same underlying shape that can be matched to the original S2. We apply this model to the curves for regional and local breast cancer contained in the National Cancer Institute's End Results Registry (1950-1973). Scaling the original regional curves, h1 and S1 with Kt = 1.769 and Kh = 0.263 produces transformed curves h12 and S12 that display congruence with the respective local curves, h2 and S2. This similarity of curve shapes suggests the application of the more complete curve shapes for regional disease as templates to predict the long-term survival pattern for local disease. By extension, this similarity raises the possibility of scaling early data for clinical trial curves according to templates of registry or previous trial curves, projecting long-term outcomes and reducing costs. The proposed model includes as special cases the widely used proportional hazards (Kt = 1) and accelerated life (KtKh = 1) models.


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The cytosolic phosphorylation ratio ([ATP]/[ADP][P(i)]) in the mammalian heart was found to be inversely related to body mass with an exponent of -0.30 (r = 0.999). This exponent is similar to -0.25 calculated for the mass-specific O2 consumption. The inverse of cytosolic free [ADP], the Gibbs energy of ATP hydrolysis (delta G'ATP), and the efficiency of ATP production (energy captured in forming 3 mol of ATP per cycle along the mitochondrial respiratory chain from NADH to 1/2 O2) were all found to scale with body mass with a negative exponent. On the basis of scaling of the phosphorylation ratio and free cytosolic [ADP], we propose that the myocardium and other tissues of small mammals represent a metabolic system with a higher driving potential (a higher delta G'ATP from the higher [ATP]/[ADP][P(i)]) and a higher kinetic gain [(delta V/Vmax)/delta [ADP]] where small changes in free [ADP] produce large changes in steady-state rates of O2 consumption. From the inverse relationship between mitochondrial efficiency and body size we calculate that tissues of small mammals are more efficient than those of large mammals in converting energy from the oxidation of foodstuffs to the bond energy of ATP. A higher efficiency also indicates that mitochondrial electron transport is not the major site for higher heat production in small mammals. We further propose that the lower limit of about 2 g for adult endotherm body size (bumblebee-bat, Estrucan shrew, and hummingbird) may be set by the thermodynamics of the electron transport chain. The upper limit for body size (100,000-kg adult blue whale) may relate to a minimum delta G'ATP of approximately 55 kJ/mol for a cytoplasmic phosphorylation ratio of 12,000 M-1.


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Landforms and earthquakes appear to be extremely complex; yet, there is order in the complexity. Both satisfy fractal statistics in a variety of ways. A basic question is whether the fractal behavior is due to scale invariance or is the signature of a broadly applicable class of physical processes. Both landscape evolution and regional seismicity appear to be examples of self-organized critical phenomena. A variety of statistical models have been proposed to model landforms, including diffusion-limited aggregation, self-avoiding percolation, and cellular automata. Many authors have studied the behavior of multiple slider-block models, both in terms of the rupture of a fault to generate an earthquake and in terms of the interactions between faults associated with regional seismicity. The slider-block models exhibit a remarkably rich spectrum of behavior; two slider blocks can exhibit low-order chaotic behavior. Large numbers of slider blocks clearly exhibit self-organized critical behavior.


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We present an overview of the statistical mechanics of self-organized criticality. We focus on the successes and failures of hydrodynamic description of transport, which consists of singular diffusion equations. When this description applies, it can predict the scaling features associated with these systems. We also identify a hard driving regime where singular diffusion hydrodynamics fails due to fluctuations and give an explicit criterion for when this failure occurs.


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Using the results of large scale numerical simulations we study the probability distribution of the pseudo critical temperature for the three dimensional Edwards Anderson Ising spin glass and for the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We find that the behaviour of our data is nicely described by straightforward finitesize scaling relations.