974 resultados para Movement disorders


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OBJECTIVE: Assess efficacy and acceptability of reduced intensity constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) in children with cerebral palsy (CP).

METHODS: Single-subject research design and semi-structured interviews. Children (9-11y) with hemiplegia underwent five baseline assessments followed by two weeks CIMT. Six further assessments were performed during treatment and follow-up phases. The primary outcome was the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (MUUL). Quantitative data were analysed using standard single-subject methods and qualitative data by thematic analysis.

RESULTS: Four of the seven participants demonstrated statistically significant improvements in MUUL (3-11%, p < .05). Two participants achieved significant improvements in active range of motion but strength and tone remained largely unchanged. Qualitative interviews highlighted limitations of the restraint, importance of family involvement, and coordination of treatment with education.

CONCLUSIONS: Reduced intensity CIMT may be effective for some children in this population; however it is not suitable for all children with hemiplegia.


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This is a single-authored extended essay on the history of reception (musical and textual) of the Badisches Wiegenlied in the German folk song movement in both East and West Germany. As such it expands on the co-written short essay on the song Badisches Wiegenlied also published in the Liederlexikon. This is part of the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).


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Concurrent feedback provided during acquisition can enhance performance of novel tasks. The ‘guidance hypothesis’ predicts that feedback provision leads to dependence and poor performance in its absence. However, appropriately-structured feedback information provided through sound (‘sonification’) may not be subject to this effect. We test this directly using a rhythmic bimanual shape-tracing task in which participants learned to move at a 4:3 timing ratio. Sonification of movement and demonstration was compared to two other learning conditions: (1) sonification of task demonstration alone and (2) completely silent practice (control). Sonification of movement emerged as the most effective form of practice, reaching significantly lower error scores than control. Sonification of solely the demonstration, which was expected to benefit participants by perceptually unifying task requirements, did not lead to better performance than control. Good performance was maintained by participants in the sonification condition in an immediate retention test without feedback, indicating that the use of this feedback can overcome the guidance effect. On a 24-hour retention test, performance had declined and was equal between groups. We argue that this and similar findings in the feedback literature are best explained by an ecological approach to motor skill learning which places available perceptual information at the highest level of importance.


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Chapter 1 introduces the scope of the work by identifying the clinically relevant prenatal disorders and presently available diagnostic methods. The methodology followed in this work is presented, along with a brief account of the principles of the analytical and statistical tools employed. A thorough description of the state of the art of metabolomics in prenatal research concludes the chapter, highlighting the merit of this novel strategy to identify robust disease biomarkers. The scarce use of maternal and newborn urine in previous reports enlightens the relevance of this work. Chapter 2 presents a description of all the experimental details involved in the work performed, comprising sampling, sample collection and preparation issues, data acquisition protocols and data analysis procedures. The proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) characterization of maternal urine composition in healthy pregnancies is presented in Chapter 3. The urinary metabolic profile characteristic of each pregnancy trimester was defined and a 21-metabolite signature found descriptive of the metabolic adaptations occurring throughout pregnancy. 8 metabolites were found, for the first time to our knowledge, to vary in connection to pregnancy, while known metabolic effects were confirmed. This chapter includes a study of the effects of non-fasting (used in this work) as a possible confounder. Chapter 4 describes the metabolomic study of 2nd trimester maternal urine for the diagnosis of fetal disorders and prediction of later-developing complications. This was achieved by applying a novel variable selection method developed in the context of this work. It was found that fetal malformations (FM) (and, specifically those of the central nervous system, CNS) and chromosomal disorders (CD) (and, specifically, trisomy 21, T21) are accompanied by changes in energy, amino acids, lipids and nucleotides metabolic pathways, with CD causing a further deregulation in sugars metabolism, urea cycle and/or creatinine biosynthesis. Multivariate analysis models´ validation revealed classification rates (CR) of 84% for FM (87%, CNS) and 85% for CD (94%, T21). For later-diagnosed preterm delivery (PTD), preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), it is found that urinary NMR profiles have early predictive value, with CRs ranging from 84% for PTD (11-20 gestational weeks, g.w., prior to diagnosis), 94% for PE (18-24 g.w. pre-diagnosis) and 94% for IUGR (2-22 g.w. pre-diagnosis). This chapter includes results obtained for an ultraperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) study of pre-PTD samples and correlation with NMR data. One possible marker was detected, although its identification was not possible. Chapter 5 relates to the NMR metabolomic study of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), establishing a potentially predictive urinary metabolic profile for GDM, 2-21 g.w. prior to diagnosis (CR 83%). Furthermore, the NMR spectrum was shown to carry information on individual phenotypes, able to predict future insulin treatment requirement (CR 94%). Chapter 6 describes results that demonstrate the impact of delivery mode (CR 88%) and gender (CR 76%) on newborn urinary profile. It was also found that newborn prematurity, respiratory depression, large for gestational age growth and malformations induce relevant metabolic perturbations (CR 82-92%), as well as maternal conditions, namely GDM (CR 82%) and maternal psychiatric disorders (CR 91%). Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are presented in Chapter 7, highlighting the value of maternal or newborn urine metabolomics for pregnancy monitoring and disease prediction, towards the development of new early and non-invasive diagnostic methods.


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Over the last 36 years, the relationship with the Portuguese state-owned enterprises registered several dynamics: nationalizations, privatizations and corporatization of public services. However, until now the State Business Sector from a national accounts perspective was never analyzed. Based on data collected and compiled for the first time at Statistics Portugal, this PhD thesis aims to test, analyzing in eight dimensions, whether the weight of the State Business Sector increased and if it contributed positively to the Portuguese economy, from 2006 to 2010. In addition to this analysis, an overview of the economic theory of state intervention in the economy, the paradigm changes of public policy in the international context, the evolution of the Portuguese State Business Sector since 1974, accompanied with a business and national accounting perspective between 2006 and 2010, are also presented. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, the weight of the State Business Sector in the Portuguese economy increased and had a tendency of a positive contribution to its economic growth. The State Business Sector also contributed positively to the nominal labour productivity (although with a decreasing trend of contribution to growth over the period under review) and the profitability of the non-financial corporations sector (although impairing the overall ratio of this sector). Nonetheless, the State Business Sector contributed negatively to the fairness in compensation of employees (although with an improvement trend) and to the competitiveness of labour cost, investment and sectorial sustainability of the Portuguese economy (reinforced by a falling trend). The results also suggest that the State Business Sector had an economic behaviour closer to a welfare maximizing model than to a profit maximizing model. This distinct performance with respect to the institutional sector in which is included, highlights the need to study and reassess the relationship of the state with public corporations, in light of agency theory using micro-data. Lastly, contributions to improve the economic performance of the State Business Sector and future prospects of evolution are presented.


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Mitochondria are central organelles for cell survival with particular relevance in energy production and signalling, being mitochondrial fatty acid β–oxidation (FAO) one of the metabolic pathways harboured in this organelle. FAO disorders (FAOD) are among the most well studied inborn errors of metabolism, mainly due to their impact in health. Nevertheless, some questions remain unsolved, as their prevalence in certain European regions and how pathophysiological determinants combine towards the phenotype. Analysis of data from newborn screening programs from Portugal and Spain allowed the estimation of the birth prevalence of FAOD revealing that this group of disorders presents in Iberia (and particularly in Portugal) one of the highest European birth prevalence, mainly due to the high birth prevalence of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. These results highlight the impact of this group of genetic disorders in this European region. The characterization of mitochondrial proteome, from patients fibroblasts with FAOD, namely multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) and long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD), provided a global perspective of the mitochondrial proteome plasticity in these disorders and highlights the main molecular pathways involved in their pathogenesis. Severe MADD forms show an overexpression of chaperones, antioxidant enzymes (MnSOD), and apoptotic proteins. An overexpression of glycolytic enzymes, which reflects cellular adaptation to energy deficiency due to FAO blockage, was also observed. When LCHADD fibroblasts were analysed a metabolic switching to glycolysis was also observed with overexpression of apoptotic proteins and modulation of the antioxidant defence system. Severe LCHADD present increased ROS alongside with up regulation of MnSOD while moderate forms have lower ROS and down-regulation of MnSOD. This probably reflects the role of MnSOD in buffering cellular ROS, maintain them at levels that allow cells to avoid damage and start a cellular response towards survival. When ROS levels are very high cells have to overexpress MnSOD for detoxifying proposes. When severe forms of MADD were compared to moderate forms no major differences were noticed, most probably because ROS levels in moderate MADD are high enough to trigger a response similar to that observed in severe forms. Our data highlights, for the first time, the differences in the modulation of antioxidant defence among FAOD spectrum. Overall, the data reveals the main pathways modulated in FAOD and the importance of ROS levels and antioxidant defence system modulation for disease severity. These results highlight the complex interaction between phenotypic determinants in FAOD that include genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. The development of future better treatment approaches is dependent on the knowledge on how all these determinants interact towards phenotype.!


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In this article, I consider the importance of epistolary narratives in the interface of autobiography and politics. In doing this, I read the letters of Fannia Mary Cohn, a Jewish immigrant worker, trade union activist and ardent labour organizer in the garment industry in the USA in the first half of the twentieth century. Cohn was a prolific writer and political activist and left a rich body of labour literature, but never wrote an autobiography or a diary or journal. It is in her letters to her comrades and friends in the labour movement that short autobiographical stories erupt and it is on such stories across her correspondence that this article focuses. The analysis is informed by Hannah Arendt’s theorization of narratives in their interrelation with politics and history. Drawing on a rich body of feminist literature around the relational self, what I argue is that an Arendtian reading of epistolary narratives is a useful analytical tool in understanding gendered politics in the diverse histories of the labour movement.


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In a previous exploratory study we observed no relevant differences in psychopathology, personality, and functioning between inpatients diagnosed with gastrointestinal motor disorders (GMDs) or functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGDs) [1]. However, we observed higher levels of incongruence between clinician-assessed performance status and patients’ self-reported levels of functioning among patients diagnosed with FGDs. Likewise, research in other medical conditions has shown incongruences between self-reported and clinician-reported or objective measures [2]. Furthermore, in a study on chronic depression, the authors found that discrepancies between patients’ and physicians’ assessments of medical comorbidities were related to higher levels of depressive symptomatology [3]. In this line, the aim of this study was to explore whether the inconsistencies between clinician-assessed and patient self-reported levels of functioning could be related to psychopathology among patients admitted for evaluation of gastrointestinal motility.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Recent research has started to identify mood disorders and problems associated with acute and chronic wounds, which have been shown to contribute to delayed healing, poor patient well-being and a reduced quality of life. Furthermore, mood disorders have been shown to have a negative impact on financial costs for service providers and the wider society in terms of treatment and sickness absence. This study aimed to survey a multinational sample of health professionals to explore their perspective and awareness of mood disorders amongst acute and chronic wound patients. Responses were received from n = 908 health professionals working in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. A strong awareness of the prevalence of mood disorders appeared to be widespread among the health professionals across the world, in addition to a view on the potential factors contributing to these problems with mood. Despite this, it was thought that few patients were actually receiving treatment for their mood disorders. Implications for clinical practice include the need for health professionals to actively engage with their patients to enable them to learn from their experiences. Studies that explore the benefits of treatments and techniques appropriate for minimising mood disorders in patients with wounds would provide empirical evidence for health professionals to make recommendations for patients with acute and chronic wounds.


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Background. Patients with anxiety disorder diagnoses commonly have more than one anxiety diagnosis. While cognitive-behavioral interventions have proven efficacy in treating single anxiety disorder diagnoses, there has been little investigation of their efficacy in treating cooccurring anxiety disorders. Aims. To evaluate the efficacy of a transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral intervention for treating co-occurring anxiety disorders. Methods. An A-B single case study design (N = 6) was used to evaluate the efficacy of a 12 to 13 session modular transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral intervention for treating co-occurring anxiety disorders across patients with at least two of the following diagnoses: GAD, Social Phobia, Panic Disorder and/or OCD. Results. Five of the six participants completed treatment. At post-treatment assessment the five treatment completers achieved diagnostic and symptomatic change with three participants being diagnosis free. All participants who completed treatment no longer met criteria for any DSM-IV-TR Axis-I diagnosis at the three-month follow-up assessment, and demonstrated reliable and clinically-significant improvements in symptoms. Across the participants, statistically significant improvements from pre- to post-intervention were found on measures of anxiety, depression and general well-being, and all improvements were maintained at three-month follow-up. Conclusions. Results suggest that transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral interventions can be of benefit to patients with co-occurring anxiety disorders.


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BACKGROUND: Affective instability (AI), childhood trauma, and mental illness are linked, but evidence in affective disorders is limited, despite both AI and childhood trauma being associated with poorer outcomes. Aims were to compare AI levels in bipolar disorder I (BPI) and II (BPII), and major depressive disorder recurrent (MDDR), and to examine the association of AI and childhood trauma within each diagnostic group. METHODS: AI, measured using the Affective Lability Scale (ALS), was compared between people with DSM-IV BPI (n=923), BPII (n=363) and MDDR (n=207) accounting for confounders and current mood. Regression modelling was used to examine the association between AI and childhood traumas in each diagnostic group. RESULTS: ALS scores in descending order were BPII, BPI, MDDR, and differences between groups were significant (p<0.05). Within the BPI group any childhood abuse (p=0.021), childhood physical abuse (p=0.003) and the death of a close friend in childhood (p=0.002) were significantly associated with higher ALS score but no association was found between childhood trauma and AI in BPII and MDDR. LIMITATIONS: The ALS is a self-report scale and is subject to retrospective recall bias. CONCLUSIONS: AI is an important dimension in bipolar disorder independent of current mood state. There is a strong link between childhood traumatic events and AI levels in BPI and this may be one way in which exposure and disorder are linked. Clinical interventions targeting AI in people who have suffered significant childhood trauma could potentially change the clinical course of bipolar disorder.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina Dentária (Dentisteria Conservadora), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2016