925 resultados para Motocicli cinematica statica equilibrio ammortizzatori Matlab trazione compressione pressione tensione perni spine bilancieri Bimota


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This paper describes a ‘drive-by’ method of bridge inspection using an instrumented vehicle. Accelerometers on the vehicle are proposed as a means of detecting damage on the bridge in the time it takes for the vehicle to cross the bridge at full highway speed. For a perfectly smooth road profile, the method is shown to be feasible. Changes in bridge damping, which is an indicator of damage, are clearly visible in the acceleration signal of a quarter-car vehicle on a smooth road surface modelled using MatLab. When road profile is considered, the influence of changes in bridge damping on the vehicle acceleration signal is much less clear. However, when a half-car model is used on a road with a rough profile, it is again possible to detect changes in bridge damping, provided the vehicle has two identical axles.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while switched reluctance motor (SRM) is one of the promising motor for such applications. This paper presents a novel SRM fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance operation solution. Based on the traditional asymmetric half-bridge topology for the SRM driving, the central tapped winding of the SRM in modular half-bridge configuration are introduced to provide fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance functions, which are set idle in normal conditions. The fault diagnosis can be achieved by detecting the characteristic of the excitation and demagnetization currents. An SRM fault-tolerance operation strategy is also realized by the proposed topology, which compensates for the missing phase torque under the open-circuit fault, and reduces the unbalanced phase current under the short-circuit fault due to the uncontrolled faulty phase. Furthermore, the current sensor placement strategy is also discussed to give two placement methods for low cost or modular structure. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 750-W SRM validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, which may have significant implications and improve the reliability of EVs/HEVs.


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The Richardson–Lucy algorithm is one of the most important in image deconvolution. However, a drawback is its slow convergence. A significant acceleration was obtained using the technique proposed by Biggs and Andrews (BA), which is implemented in the deconvlucy function of the image processing MATLAB toolbox. The BA method was developed heuristically with no proof of convergence. In this paper, we introduce the heavy-ball (H-B) method for Poisson data optimization and extend it to a scaled H-B method, which includes the BA method as a special case. The method has a proof of the convergence rateof O(K^2), where k is the number of iterations. We demonstrate the superior convergence performance, by a speedup factor off ive, of the scaled H-B method on both synthetic and real 3D images.


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Simulation is a well-established and effective approach to the development of fuel-efficient and low-emissions vehicles in both on-highway and off-highway applications.

The simulation of on-highway automotive vehicles is widely reported in literature, whereas research relating to non-automotive and off-highway vehicles is relatively sparse. This review paper focuses on the challenges of simulating such vehicles and discusses the differences in the approach to drive cycle testing and experimental validation of vehicle simulations. In particular, an inner-city diesel-electric hybrid bus and an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) powered forklift truck will be used as case studies.

Computer prediction of fuel consumption and emissions of automotive vehicles on standardised drive cycles is well-established and commercial software packages such as AVL CRUISE have been specifically developed for this purpose. The vehicles considered in this review paper present new challenges from both the simulation and drive-cycle testing perspectives. For example, in the case of the forklift truck, the drive cycles involve reversing elements, variable mass, lifting operations, and do not specify a precise velocity-time profile. In particular, the difficulties associated with the prediction of productivity, i.e. the maximum rate of completing a series of defined operations, are discussed. In the case of the hybrid bus, the standardised drive cycles are unrepresentative of real-life use and alternative approaches are required in the development of efficient and low-emission vehicles.

Two simulation approaches are reviewed: the adaptation of a standard automotive vehicle simulation package, and the development of bespoke models using packages such as MATLAB/Simulink.


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Alfredo Mires asumió en 1982 la conducción de la Red de Bibliotecas Rurales de Cajamarca. Apuntaló desde entonces la organícidad y principios que ahora caracterizan este movimiento. Desde antes ya habia acompañado procesos de rescate cultural y sustentó el inicio de esta tarea al interior de la Red. En 1986, via asambleas y reuniones con campesinos y en las propias comunidades, fundó el Proyecto Enciclopedia Campesina. Fruto de esos andares es este trabajo, reflexión de la experiencia que afirma la convicción de mirar hacia las raices para seguir creciendo. Aquí se suman muchas lunas y soles, armadas con Ia hoja sagrada y caminatas interminables acompañando este proceso éducativo-cultural desde y con las propias comunidades campesinas. Lo que cuento no es mi cuento fue concebido inicialmente como una tesis, pero revisado y ampliado, precisa la concepción y la experiencia sostenida. Porque hablar del saber andino y de las experiencias mencionadas, es habitual de una población que vive, recrea, fortalece y recupera de manera permanente y desde siempre el equilibrio sagrado entre sociedad y naturaleza.


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La idea de la Creación de un Centro de Fortalecimiento Físico y Espiritual en la ciudad de Quito es para contrarestar principalmente el estrés de las personas, pues la gran mayoría de los quiteños tienen o han tenido algunos de los síntomas que este mal produce, estos son causados por las preocupaciones diarias producidas por el trabajo, estudio o problemas personales. Zona vital brindará los servicios de masajes reductores (maderoterapia), masajes antiestrés, capoeira, reiki, baños de cajón. Todos estos tratamientos ayudan a que el organismo de las personas se mantenga sanos y otro punto muy importante es que la mente también es beneficiada, pues con la ayuda de estas actividades se encuentra un punto de equilibrio entre el cuerpo y el alma. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto fue necesario conocer las necesidades de los consumidores por lo que el estudio de mercado facilitó realizar este análisis, obteniendo datos como los ingresos, los precios, demanda, oferta y el interés por parte de los individuos en asistir a un lugar donde se entreguen los servicios anteriormente mencionados. Todas estas variables ayudaron ha determinar la necesidad de la creación de un centro para cubrir la demanda insatisfecha existente actualmente.


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El diseño de una empresa agrícola productora de frutilla en la ciudad de Quito, fue creado con el fin de implementar un proyecto atractivo con ventajas competitivas que permitan obtener resultados positivos, dentro del cual se realizan cuatro estudios que son: de mercado, técnico, financiero y de impacto. Por tanto, para observar la viabilidad del mismo se investigó utilizando una muestra poblacional de 384 familias del sector norte de la ciudad de Quito y mediante la colaboración de otras fuentes, con lo cual se pudo obtener resultados confiables sobre la oferta y demanda de frutilla existente en la ciudad de Quito, con lo cual se obtuvo que la oferta de frutilla para el presente año, en la ciudad de Quito, es de 3`564.074 kilos y la demanda es de 4´455.093 kilos, resultando una demanda insatisfecha de 891.018 kilos de frutilla, cuya demanda puede ser satisfecha con la implementación de proyectos como éste. Esta empresa estará ubicada en el sector norte de Quito, en San Juan de Calderón, donde se realizará el cultivo de frutilla con la utilización de un terreno de 1080 metros cuadrados, distribuidos eficiente y adecuadamente para obtener la productividad esperada, constando de 12 platabandas con tres hileras cada una, que medirán 47 metros de largo y 1 metro de ancho, cuyo cultivo, producirá la cantidad de 18360 kilos de frutilla al año. Contando con las respectivas contingencias, este cultivo se desarrolla en un ciclo de producción de tres meses, momento en el cual ya está lista la fruta para su distribución, realizando para esto tres siembras de cuatro platabandas cada una de ellas, las cuales se sembrarán cuatro en enero, cuatro en febrero y las últimas cuatro platabandas en marzo, obteniendo con esto una producción secuencial mensual a partir del mes de abril del primer año, puesto que la cantidad de equilibrio de la distribución de frutilla en la ciudad de Quito es de 8.098 kilos al año, lo que representa que la producción a obtener es superior, también es necesario expresar que aunque es un cultivo muy fácil de implementar se deben tener los conocimientos necesarios para ello, cuya información se encuentra en el presente trabajo.


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The exponential growth of the world population has led to an increase of settlements often located in areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Consequently, despite the important advances in the field of natural catastrophes modelling and risk mitigation actions, the overall human losses have continued to increase and unprecedented economic losses have been registered. In the research work presented herein, various areas of earthquake engineering and seismology are thoroughly investigated, and a case study application for mainland Portugal is performed. Seismic risk assessment is a critical link in the reduction of casualties and damages due to earthquakes. Recognition of this relation has led to a rapid rise in demand for accurate, reliable and flexible numerical tools and software. In the present work, an open-source platform for seismic hazard and risk assessment is developed. This software is capable of computing the distribution of losses or damage for an earthquake scenario (deterministic event-based) or earthquake losses due to all the possible seismic events that might occur within a region for a given interval of time (probabilistic event-based). This effort has been developed following an open and transparent philosophy and therefore, it is available to any individual or institution. The estimation of the seismic risk depends mainly on three components: seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The latter component assumes special importance, as by intervening with appropriate retrofitting solutions, it may be possible to decrease directly the seismic risk. The employment of analytical methodologies is fundamental in the assessment of structural vulnerability, particularly in regions where post-earthquake building damage might not be available. Several common methodologies are investigated, and conclusions are yielded regarding the method that can provide an optimal balance between accuracy and computational effort. In addition, a simplified approach based on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) is proposed, which allows for the rapid estimation of fragility curves, considering a wide spectrum of uncertainties. A novel vulnerability model for the reinforced concrete building stock in Portugal is proposed in this work, using statistical information collected from hundreds of real buildings. An analytical approach based on nonlinear time history analysis is adopted and the impact of a set of key parameters investigated, including the damage state criteria and the chosen intensity measure type. A comprehensive review of previous studies that contributed to the understanding of the seismic hazard and risk for Portugal is presented. An existing seismic source model was employed with recently proposed attenuation models to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard throughout the territory. The latter results are combined with information from the 2011 Building Census and the aforementioned vulnerability model to estimate economic loss maps for a return period of 475 years. These losses are disaggregated across the different building typologies and conclusions are yielded regarding the type of construction more vulnerable to seismic activity.


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Significant improvements in human health have been achieved through the increased consumption of pharmaceutical drugs. However, most of these active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are excreted by mammals (in a metabolized or unchanged form) into the environment. The presence of residual amounts of these contaminants was already confirmed in aqueous streams since treatment processes either wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) or sewage treatment plants (STPs) are not specifically designed for this type of pollutants. Although they are present in aqueous effluents, they are usually at very low concentrations, most of the times below the detection limits of analytical equipment used for their quantification, hindering their accurate monitoring. Therefore, the development of a pre-concentration technique in order to accurately quantify and monitor these components in aqueous streams is of major relevance. This work addresses the use of liquid-liquid equilibria, applying ionic liquids (ILs), for the extraction and concentration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) from aqueous effluents. Particularly, aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) composed of ILs and potassium citrate were investigated in the extraction and concentration of naproxen, diclofenac and ketoprofen from aqueous media. Both the extraction efficiency and concentration factor achievable by these systems was determined and evaluated. Within the best conditions, extraction efficiencies of 99.4% and concentration factors up to 13 times were obtained.


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Predictions which invoke evolutionary mechanisms ar e hard to test. Agent-based modeling in artificial life offers a way to simulate behaviors and interac tions in specific physical or social environments o ver many generations. The outcomes have implications fo r understanding adaptive value of behaviors in context. Pain-related behavior in animals is communicated to other animals that might protect or help, or might exploit or predate. An agent-based model simulated the effects of displaying or not displaying pain (expresser/non-expresser strategies) when injured, and of helping, ignoring or exploiting another in pain (altruistic/non-altruistic/selfish strategies) . Agents modeled in MATLAB interacted at random while foraging (gaining energy); random injury inte rrupted foraging for a fixed time unless help from an altruistic agent, who paid an energy cost, speeded recovery. Environmental and social conditions also varied, and each model ran for 10,000 iterations. Findings were meaningful in that, in general, conti ngencies evident from experimental work with a variety of mammals, over a few interactions, were r eplicated in the agent-based model after selection pressure over many generations. More energy-demandi ng expression of pain reduced its frequency in successive generations, and increasing injury frequ ency resulted in fewer expressers and altruists. Allowing exploitation of injured agents decreased e xpression of pain to near zero, but altruists remained. Decreasing costs or increasing benefits o f helping hardly changed its frequency, while increasing interaction rate between injured agents and helpers diminished the benefits to both. Agent- based modeling allows simulation of complex behavio urs and environmental pressures over evolutionary time.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de elementos finitos, baseado na teoria clássica de placas, para a análise linear e não-linear de estruturas do tipo placa/casca integrando sensores e actuadores piezoeléctricos. É usado um simples e eficiente elemento placa/casca triangular plano de 3 nós, e em cuja formulação se introduz um grau de liberdade referente ao potencial eléctrico, por cada camada piezoeléctrica do elemento finito. É utilizada a formulação Lagrangeana actualizada associada à tecnica de Newton - Raphson para a solução iterativa das equações de equilibrio .O modelo pode ser aplicado a cascas piezolaminadas com geometria e carregamento arbitrários. Apresentam-se vários exemplos ilustrativos cujos resultados mostram a eficiencia do modelo proposto.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo de elementos finitos, baseado na teoria clássica de placas, para a análise linear e não-linear de estruturas do tipo placa/casca integrando sensores e actuadores piezoeléctricos. É usado um simples e eficiente elemento placa/casca triangular plano de 3 nós, e em cuja formulação se introduz um grau de liberdade referente ao potencial eléctrico, por cada camada piezoeléctrica do elemento finito. É utilizada a formulação Lagrangeana actualizada associada à tecnica de Newton - Raphson para a solução iterativa das equações de equilibrio .O modelo pode ser aplicado a cascas piezolaminadas com geometria e carregamento arbitrários. Apresentam-se vários exemplos ilustrativos cujos resultados mostram a eficiencia do modelo proposto.


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This paper presents the development and implementation of a digital simulation model of a threephase, three-leg, three-winding power transformer. The proposed model, implemented in MATLAB environment, is based on the simultaneous analysis of both magnetic and electric lumped-parameters equivalents circuits, and it is intended to study its adequacy to incorporate, at a later stage, the influences of the occurrence of windings interturn short-circuit faults. Both simulation and laboratory tests results, obtained so far, for a three-phase, 6 kVA transformer, demonstrate the adequacy of the model under normal operating conditions.


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This paper presents the development and implementation of a digital simulation model of a three-phase, three-leg, power transformer. The proposed model, implemented in MATLAB environment, is based on the physical concept of representing windings as mutually coupled coils, and it is intended to study its adequacy to incorporate, at a later stage, the influences of the occurrence of windings inter- turn short-circuits. Both simulation and laboratory tests results, obtained so far, for a three-phase, 6 kVA transformer, demonstrate the adequacy of the model under normal operating conditions.


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Dissertação mest., Oceanografia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008