883 resultados para Monitoramento térmico


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The titanium and titanium alloys are widely used as biomaterial in biomedical device and so research have been developed aiming to improve and/or better to understand interaction biomaterial/biological environment. The process for manufacturing of this titanium implants usually involves a series of thermal and mechanical processes which have consequence on the final product. The heat treatments are usually used to obtain different properties for each application. In order to understand the influence of these treatments on the biological response of the surface, it was done, in this work, different heat treatments in titanium and analyzed their influence on the morphology, adhesion and proliferation of the pre-osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1). For such heat-treated titanium disks were characterized by optical microscopy, contact angle, surface energy, roughness, microhardness, X-ray diffraction and scanning through the techniques (BSE, EDS and EBSD). For the analysis of biological response were tested by MTT proliferation, adhesion by crystal violet and β1 integrin expression by flow cytometry. It was found that the presence of a microstructure very orderly, defined by a chemical attack, cells tend to stretch in the same direction of orientation of the material microstructure. When this order does not happen, the most important factor influencing cell proliferation is the residual stress, indicated by the hardness of the material. This way the disks with the highest level state of residual stress also showed increased cell proliferation


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Thin commercial aluminum electrolytic and passed through reactions was obtained with anodic alumina membranes nanopores. These materials have applications in areas recognized electronic, biomedical, chemical and biological weapons, especially in obtaining nanostructures using these membranes as a substrate or template for processing nanowires, nanodots and nanofibers for applications noble. Previous studies showed that the membranes that have undergone heat treatment temperature to 1300° C underwent changes in morphology, crystal structure and optical properties. This aim, this thesis, a study of the heat treatment of porous anodic alumina membranes, in order to obtain and to characterize the behavior changes structures during the crystallization process of the membranes, at temperatures ranging between 300 and 1700° C. It was therefore necessary to mount a system formed by a tubular furnace resistive alumina tube and controlled environment, applying flux with special blend of Ag-87% and 13% N2, in which argon had the role of carrying out the oxygen nitrogen system and induce the closing of the pores during the densification of the membrane. The duration of heat treatment ranged from 60 to 15 minutes, at temperatures from 300 to 1700° C respectively. With the heat treatment occurred: a drastic reduction of porosity, grain growth and increased translucency of the membrane. For the characterization of the membranes were analyzed properties: Physical - thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area; morphological - SEM, EDS through compositional and, optical absorbance, and transmittance in the UV-VIS, and FTIR. The results using the SEM showed that crystallization has occurred, densification and significant changes in membrane structure, as well as obtaining microtube, the BET analysis showed a decrease in specific surface area of the membranes has to 44.381 m2.g-1 to less than 1.8 m2.g-1 and in the analysis of transmittance and absorbance was found a value of 16.5% in the range of 800 nm, characteristic of the near infrared and FTIR have confirmed the molecular groups of the material. Thus, one can say that the membranes were mixed characteristics and properties which qualify for use in gas filtration system, as well as applications in the range of optical wavelength of the infra-red, and as a substrate of nanomaterials. This requires the continuation and deepening of additional study


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La corrección de una falla por distorsión puede ser compleja ya que involucra efectos microestructurales y esfuerzos residuales que son la causa principal del fenómeno de distorsión. Las fallas por distorsión son serias debido a que pueden conducir a que el producto final no cumpla con los requerimientos dimensionales y no sea aceptado para desarrollar su función. Hoy en día, la problemática es la distorsión que sufren los componentes cuando se les somete a un tratamiento térmico temple, debido a las transformaciones de fase y esfuerzos residuales que se generan por el enfriamiento rápido, así como del tratamiento térmico de revenido donde el exceso de carbono es liberado de la estructura cristalina de la martensita y/o bainita y genera la deformación en la estructura cristalina, con esta problemática es posible hacer uso del modelo de Tratamiento Térmico que contiene el paquete comercial computacional FORGE HPC 2011®, para tratar de reproducir estos fenómenos que se llevan a cabo durante los tratamientos térmicos mencionados, y posteriormente generar información relacionada al tratamiento térmico de revenido, para desarrollar un modelo matemático que sea capaz de predecir las propiedades mecánicas finales. Este trabajo consistió en 3 etapas, la primer etapa se basó en estudiar detalladamente el grado de acero 42CrMo4 al aplicarle un tratamiento térmico de temple, bajo condiciones industriales con la finalidad de generar mayor conocimiento de los fenómenos de distorsión del acero antes mencionado, los cuales muchos autores atribuyen que este fenómeno se presenta con mayor frecuencia durante el temple, debido a la transformación de fase martensita, fase metaestable más dura en los aceros que tienen la capacidad de generar esta estructura cristalina, el experimento se desarrolló tratando térmicamente 16 anillos con las siguientes dimensiones; diámetro exterior = 2631 mm, pared = 164 mm y altura de 188 mm, instrumentados cada componente con 20 termopares tipo “k” de γ mm de diámetro, orientados cada 90°, esta metodología se desarrolló con la finalidad de obtener el máximo dato posible durante temple para posteriormente asociarlo con los coeficientes de transferencia de calor h, y así modelar la distorsión en las piezas utilizando un paquete comercial computacional, así como las condiciones de enfriamiento de la primer prueba experimental, encontrando errores máximos de 10 % comparando los resultados experimentales con los resultados obtenidos de la simulación. La segunda parte del proyecto consistió en una matriz de experimentos de tratamientos térmicos de temple y revenido, donde las variables principales fueron la temperatura y el tiempo, aplicadas en 13 probetas con las siguientes dimensiones; 100 mm X 100 mm X 200 mm, para generar conocimiento de la evolución de la dureza así como las propiedades mecánicas del mismo grado de acero, esta parte del experimento tuvo como finalidad el desarrollo y evaluación de un modelo matemático implementado en computadora que gobierne dicho comportamiento, encontrando errores en el rango de 1 hasta 40 %, comparando los resultados experimentales vs los resultados simulados. La tercera etapa del proyecto consistió en evaluar el grado de acero AISI 8630 y AISI 4340 utilizando el modelo de tratamiento térmico de revenido y datos experimentales de tres tiempos y tres temperaturas para cada uno de los aceros ya mencionados, encontrando que el modelo de tratamiento térmico de revenido no es capaz de reproducir perfiles de dureza en aceros de madia y alta aleación como están clasificados los aceros mencionados, ya que los resultados entre la parte experimental y la simulada no coincide con una línea recta para el acero AISI 8630, se encontró un coeficiente de correlación de 0.87 y errores entre 22 y 44 %, y para el acero AISI 4340, se encontró un coeficiente de correlación de 0.53 y errores entre 17 y 33 %


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This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO® Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficiência Energética de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity


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This research covers the topic of social housing and its relation to thermal comfort, so applied to an architectural and urban intervention in land situated in central urban area of Macaíba/RN, Brazil. Reflecting on the role of design and use of alternative building materials in the search for better performance is one of its main goals. The hypothesis is that by changing design parameters and choice of materials, it is possible to achieve better thermal performance results. Thus, we performed computer simulations of thermal performance and natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics or CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The presentation of the thermal simulation followed the methodology proposed in the dissertation Negreiros (2010), which aims to find the percentage of the amount of hours of comfort obtained throughout the year, while data analysis was made of natural ventilation from images generated by the images extracted from the CFD. From model building designed, was fitted an analytical framework that results in a comparison between three different proposals for dwellings housing model, which is evaluated the question of the thermal performance of buildings, and also deals with the spatial variables design, construction materials and costs. It is concluded that the final report confirmed the general hypotheses set at the start of the study, it was possible to quantify the results and identify the importance of design and construction materials are equivalent, and that, if combined, lead to gains in thermal performance potential.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Energia e Climatização de Edifícios, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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The recent tendency to utilize parking lots for other purposes has demonstrated that more time has been spent by visitors, mainly in great cities. Therefore, this paper investigates the thermal comfort and the air quality indoors in areas specifically used as parking lots by analyzing the direct relation between such environments and vehicular pollution. The thermal comfort and the quality of air indoors in parking lots with different architectonic typology (ground-floor and underground) are also studied, aiming to contribute to the proposition of suitable new areas designated to human usage. Field research was done, in two distinct periods within different weather conditions (January and July) in, two naturally cooled, parking lots located in Natal - RN. The internal environment agents were measured by using tools for air temperature, humidity, speed and direction; interviews with employees and visitors and chemical analysis through appropriate tools to analyze specific material, carbon monoxide and ozone. The results showed that chemical agents densely concentrate mostly in the closed parking space, aggravated by weather conditions, which dissatisfied the visitors. Still, it was shown that architectonic typology, alongside topographical aspects compromise internal environmental conditions, which increases the retention of pollution, leading to dissatisfactory thermal comfort levels and becoming less suitable for usage by visitors considering air and thermal comfort aspects. Consequently, they are not suitable for human stay due to the poor quality of the indoor air


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The technique of surface coating using magnetron sputtering is one of the most widely used in the surface engineering, for its versatility in obtaining different films as well as in the micro / nanometric thickness control. Among the various process parameters, those related to the active species of the plasma are of the most fundamental importance in the mechanism and kinetics of deposition. In order to identify the active species of the plasma, parameters such as gas flow, pressure and density of electric power were varied during titanium coating on glass substrate. By flowing argon gas of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 sccm (cubic centimeters per minute) for each gas flow a sequential scan of the electric current of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 , 0.50 A. The maximum value of 0.50 A was chosen based both on literature data and on limitations of the equipment. The monitoring of plasma species present during the deposition was carried out in situ by the technique of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) through the spectrometer Ocean Optics USB2000 Series. For this purpose, an apparatus was developed to adapt the OES inside the plasma reactor to stay positioned closest to the target. The radiations emitted by the species were detected by an optical fiber placed behind the glass substrate and their intensities as a function of wavelength were, displayed on a monitor screen. The acquisition time for each condition of the plain parameters was related to the minima of spectral lines intensities due to the film formed on the substrate. The intensities of different emission lines of argon and titanium were then analyzed as a function of time, to determine the active species and estimate the thickness of the deposited films. After the deposition, the coated glasses thin films were characterized by optical transmittance through an infrared laser. It was found that the thickness and deposition rate determined by in situ analysis were consistent with the results obtained by laser transmittance


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The heat transfer between plasma and a solid occurs mostly due the radiation and the collision of the particles on the material surface, heating the material from the surface to the bulk. The thermal gradient inside the sample depends of the rate of particles collisions and thermal conductivity of the solid. In order to study that effect, samples of AISI M35 steel, with 9,5 mm X 3,0 mm (diameter X thickness) were quenched in resistive furnace and tempereds in plasma using the plane configuration and hollow cathode, working with pressures of 4 and 10 mbar respectively. Analyzing the samples microstructure and measuring the hardness along the transversal profile, it was possible to associate the tempered temperature evaluating indirectly the thermal profile. This relation was obtained by microstructural analyzes and through the hardness curve x tempered sample temperature in resistive furnace, using temperatures of 500, 550, 600, 650 and 700°C. The microstructural characterization of the samples was obtained by the scanning electron microscopy, optic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was verified that all samples treated in plasma presented a superficial layer, denominated affected shelling zone, wich was not present in the samples treated in resistive furnace. Moreover, the samples that presented larger thermal gradient were treated in hollow cathode with pressure of 4 mbar


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Como a agricultura é altamente influenciada pelas condições climáticas e meteorológicas, o conhecimento dessas condições é fundamental para o setor. Desenvolvido em 2002 e disponibilizado em 2003 na Web, o Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico (Agritempo) oferece gratuitamente informações agrometeorológicas de elevado interesse para a agricultura. Foram utilizados recursos públicos no desenvolvimento do sistema, sendo, portanto, direito da sociedade conhecer os retornos. Foram analisados os benefícios oriundos da redução de custos e do incremento de produtividade na agricultura e na mão de obra pela adoção do sistema. Considerando os dados de custos e benefícios, no período de 2002 a 2014 a taxa interna de retorno foi de 38,2%; a relação benefício/custo, de 2,61; e o valor presente líquido, de R$ 8.663.859,17. Verificaram-se também benefícios não monetários: segurança alimentar, capacitação, capacidade produtiva do solo e uso de recursos naturais, geração e intercâmbio de novos conhecimentos, melhoria na captação de recursos e no relacionamento político-institucional, entre outros. Com esses resultados favoráveis, comprovam-se a importância do Agritempo e os retornos dos recursos públicos na pesquisa agrícola.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar e identificar a biodiversidade de espécies de Psylloidea em plantios florestais experimentais e na vegetação nativa no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, em Manaus, AM.