958 resultados para Moldes de areia
O artigo pretende descrever e analisar a implantação da parceria que se firmou entre a Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Jose dos Campos e o Instituto Embraer de Educação e Pesquisa, sob a consultoria da Fundação Pitágoras com o objetivo de instalar um modelo de gestão empresarial na rede de ensino municipal. Para tanto, utilizou-se, dados de matrículas, documentos oficiais e entrevistas realizadas em 2008, com representantes do Instituto Embraer, Fundação Pitágoras e Secretaria Municipal de Educação. O artigo evidencia que a adesão ao modelo de gestão empresarial nomeado Sistema de Gestão Integrado (SGI) não se deu pela necessidade, mas pela oferta do Instituto Embraer. Além disso, constatamos que a parceria não pode garantir a prometida educação pública de “qualidade” na perspectiva já que organiza o sistema educacional em moldes empresariais visto que o SGI pode influenciar na responsabilidade dos estabelecimentos de ensino ao elaborar e executar a sua proposta pedagógica, prejudicando a autonomia pedagógica das escolas.
A inovação tecnológica trazida pela digitalização das transmissões de rádio e TV acentua a necessidade de novos formatos de regulação e não dispensa a atuação do Estado. Diante deste contexto, deve-se considerar que a reformulação do quadro legal das comunicações no Brasil traz a possibilidade de se instituir um órgão regulador não apenas de fomento, mas de regulação e fiscalização dos serviços públicos de radiodifusão. No mundo, existem pelo menos 84 órgãos dessa natureza, em 54 países. No Reino Unido, o caso do Ofcom (Offi ce of Communications) pode trazer referências relevantes para o Brasil, que apresenta obstáculos culturais e institucionais a serem devidamente enfrentados na luta pela constituição de um serviço público de televisão nos moldes das bem-sucedidas experiências européias. Este artigo sintetiza lições trazidas pela construção do atual quadro regulatório do Reino Unido e da União Européia e analisa as barreiras à implementação deste modelo no Brasil.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento físico-hídrico dos solos do Perímetro Irrigado Curaçá, no município de Juazeiro–BA, que possam ser utilizados como base para definir práticas de manejo de solo e da irrigação. Foram coletadas amostras em 10 lotes agrícolas em duas profundidades (0-0,30m e 0,30-0,60m) de diferentes perfis de solos cultivados com várias culturas, determinando-se a granulometria, densidade, porosidade, curva de retenção de água no solo, água disponível e disponibilidade total de água no solo. Verificou-se que os solos amostrados possuem textura areia franca em 45% das amostras estudadas, seguida de franca arenosa, em 35%, apresentando reduzido armazenamento de água. A média da densidade do solo foi de 2,06 e 1,94 Mg.m-3 nas duas profundidades, indicando compactação em 100% na superfície e 87,5% na camada sub-superficial dos solos. Concluiu-se que os solos analisados apresentam textura arenosa e, assim, naturalmente propensos a uma reduzida retenção da água no solo. Possuem, ainda, problemas de compactação, ao longo do perfil do solo.
A pesquisa teve por objetivo caracterizar as representações sobre ohomem, a natureza e as suas relações mútuas nas propostas ambientalistaselaboradas pela Campanha da Fraternidade de 2007, cujo tema foi“Fraternidade e Amazônia”. Para tal, procurou-se identificar as posições daIgreja durante o ano de 2007 a partir de fontes primárias, como obras deautores católicos, a revista Família Cristã e os endereços eletrônicos daConferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil e da Campanha da Fraternidade,com os quais se elaboraram os corpora de pesquisa. Os dados mostraram que atemática ambiental não teve grande representatividade nos meios decomunicação católicos, correspondendo geralmente a menos de 10% dostextos examinados. Especificamente, a Campanha da Fraternidade direcionouseus esforços para problemas sociais das populações e, quando tratou dasquestões ambientais da Amazônia, usou um discurso romântico eantropocêntrico rico em metáforas. Concluiu-se que a temática ambientalserviu de caminho para atrair a atenção de diferentes setores da sociedade edos meios de comunicação para as injustiças e desigualdades sociais no Brasil,nos moldes das ações baseadas na Teologia da Libertação.
The Pantanal is a Quaternary sedimentary basin located at the left margin of the Upper Paraguay River, west-central Brazil. Basin infilling was mainly by siliciclastic sediments and the stratigraphic succession exhibits an overall finingupward pattern. The depositional system tract is composed by a large meandering fluvial plain and several marginal alluvial fans, being the Taquari megafan the most striking feature. The present landscape is a complex tropical wetland, with geomorphic features derived from the present conditions and other inherited from successive Pleistocene and Holocene climates. During the Pleistocene, the sedimentary environment was dominated by braided alluvial fans, the original geometry of which is preserved as relict forms, permitting remarkable patterns of distributary paleochannels to be easily recognized in satellite images. Eolian processes were active in some abandoned lobes, contemporaneously with sedimentation in active fan lobes. Closed ponds bordered by lunette sand dunes, originally salt pans produced by eolian deflation, are relict eolian landforms in the Pantanal landscape. Eolian processes were probably more effective at the glacial maximum. Landscape has been changing in the Pantanal area since the end of the Pleistocene in adaptation to a more humid and warmer environment prevailing during Holocene. Initiation of the modern wetland has occurred during the Pleistocene / Holocene transition, with the change to a more humid climate and the individualization of lacustrine systems. The modern Pantanal wetland is a vast expanse of poorly drained lowlands that experiences annual flooding from summer to fall months. Although climatic fluctuations have occurred during all the Holocene, the alluvial fans have remained active depositional systems and lobes were formed by progradation and abandonment. Abandoned lobes were subjected... (Complete abstract click electronic address below)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Roxana Guadalupe Herrera Alvarez procura discutir nesta obra o processo de criação artística a partir das questões relativas ao conceito de realidade, desenvolvidas pelo pensador suíço Jean Piaget. A autora destoa, porém, da abordagem mais generalista de Howard Gardner - o primeiro a aplicar Piaget nos estudos sobre a criação artística e de quem se declara seguidora neste trabalho. Aqui ela utiliza a função simbólica piagetiana para analisar especificamente a obra do contista e romancista argentino Julio Cortázar (1914-84). Para a pesquisadora, Cortázar é um excelente ancoradouro para essa proposta: o escritor se revela como um criador de mundos, ao romper com os moldes literários clássicos, especialmente do conto, por meio de narrativas que desafiam a linearidade temporal e onde os personagens adquirem autonomia e profundidade psicológica inédita, inclusive negando o mundo como um lugar absoluto, conhecido e seguro. A produção do autor argentino também é fértil em reflexões constantes sobre o ato criador, o que permite à autora estabelecer, por esta via de mão dupla na obra cortazariana, uma relação profícua entre a criação de uma obra artística e os primórdios da consciência do artista que a criou.
Matayba guianensis Aubl . is a shrubby or arborial Sapindaceae quite common in the Brazilian Cerrado with a key role in providing resources for ants and bees. It presents a rapid growth, and is important for the recovery of degraded areas, but little is known about its seedlings production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the branch and the seed germination and of seedling Matayba guianensis Aubl . in its post-seminal development and define the type of substrate and container suitable for seedling emergence and seedling production of this species. We evaluated three types of containers: black polyethylene bags, cartridge and polystyrene tray, with 5 kinds of substrates: sand, earth, earth - sand - manure (1:1:1); commercial substrate, and coconut fiber, with 4 replicates of 25 seeds per treatment . The branch, fruit, seed, seedling and their morphological events were described. The branch is cylindrical with paripinnate and alternate leaves, the fruit is dry and dehiscent. The seeds have a large amount of aryl, and the germination is cryptocotylar and hypogeal. The highest percentage of emergence occurred in styrofoam container with 91 % of the seeds germinated in commercial substrate , followed by coconut fiber (88 %). The development of root and stem were higher in tubes and plastic bags , using coconut fiber or commercial substrate.
The experiment was carried out aiming to analyze the dry mass production and distribution and the content and accumulation of macronutrients in sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) plants cultivated under mineral nutrition standard conditions. Plants grew in 7-liter pots filled with sand substrate and daily irrigated with nutrient solution, being maintained under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of times of evaluation (21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, 119, and 133 days after emergence - DAE) and were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates. Sourgrass showed small accumulation of dry mass (0.3 g per plant) and macronutrients (3.7 mg of N per plant, 0.4 mg of P per plant, 5.6 mg of K per plant, 0.9 mg of Ca per plant, 0.7 mg of Mg per plant, and 0.3 mg of S per plant) at vegetative growth stage (< 49 DAE). Those accumulations increased mainly after 77 DAE, reaching the maximum theoretical value at 143, 135, 141, 129, 125, 120, and 128 DAE, for dry mass (12.4 g per plant), N (163.2 mg per plant), P (27.1 mg per plant), K (260.5 mg per plant), Ca (47.6 mg per plant), Mg (30.9 mg per plant), and S (13.7 mg per plant), respectively. K and N were found with higher rates and, as a consequence, they were required and accumulated in greater amounts in plant tissues of sourgrass.
Two experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions to study the accumulation and distribution of dry mass and macronutrients in maize and Ipomoea hederifolia. Plants of both species had grown, separately, in pots with sand substrate and irrigation with nutrient solution. Treatments were represented by the times of evaluation, realized in intervals of 14 days, starting at 21 days after emergence (DAE). A maize plant showed slight growth up to 30 DAE, when dry mass allocation was higher in roots and leaves (80%); while an I. hederifolia plant, up to 50 DAE, when the allocation of dry mass was higher in offshoots and leaves (79). Dry mass accumulation was almost five times greater in maize (134 g per plant) than in I. hederifolia (29 g per plant). The average values of N and K contents were greater in I. hederifolia. Maximum accumulations of macronutrients by maize were 1,431; 474; 1,832; 594; 340, and 143 mg per plant, while by I. hederifolia, 727; 52; 810; 350; 148, and 65 mg per plant, for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. Mean accumulation rate of dry mass and macronutrients by maize plants was crescent up to 87 DAE, reaching the maximum value at 103 DAE; while being crescent up to 121 DAE by I. hederifolia plants, reaching the maximum value at 138 DAE. Thus, beyond the interference on harvesting process, a population of I. hederifolia also can compete with maize crop for nutrients.
This experiment was carried out to analyze dry mass production and distribution, and the content and accumulation of macronutrients in arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia) plants cultivated under mineral nutrition standard conditions. Plants grew in seven liter pots filled with sand substrate and daily irrigated with nutrient solution, under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of times of evaluation (21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, 119, and 133 days after emergence - DAE) and were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates. Arrowleaf sida plants showed small accumulation of dry mass (0.3 g per plant) and macronutrients (6.9 mg N per plant, 0.7 mg P per plant, 8.6 mg K per plant, 4.9 mg Ca per plant, 2,6 mg Mg per plant, and 0.3 mg S per plant) at the vegetative growth stage (< 49 DAE). Those accumulations increased, mainly after 63 DAE, and the daily accumulation rate was crescent up to 94 DAE (dry mass - DM), 89 DAE (N and P), 98 DAE (K), 95 DAE (Ca and S), and 93 DAE (Mg), when there was accumulation of 26.3 g DM per plant, 402.6 mg N per plant, 45.6 mg P per plant, 359.3 mg K per plant, 337.6 mg Ca per plant, 71.9 mg Mg per plant, and 20.9 mg S per plant. N and K had the highest rates and, consequently, were the most required and accumulated in greater amounts in plant tissues of arrowleaf sida.
Based on the hypothesis that alternative substrates should improve the yield of lettuce crops by producing better quality seedlings, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different substrates on the production of seedlings of this species, and their growth in the field. The study was in two stages. The first consisted of the production of lettuce seedlings, and the second assessed their development in the field. Four alternative substrates were tested, obtained by mixing together a sieved vermicompost from which all clumps had been removed, sterilized sand, charred rice husks and basalt powder. The commercial substrate, Plantmax HA®, was also tested. In the first phase, which was conducted in a completely randomised design with four replications, the height, root length, number of leaves, leaf area and dry weight of the seedlings were all evaluated 28 days after sowing. In the second phase, which was carried out in the field in a randomised block design with four replications, the plants were harvested 50 days after transplanting and the head diameter, fresh weight, number of leaves and leaf and stem dry weight were evaluated. The alternative substrates produced larger seedlings in less time than the commercial substrate, resulting in a reduction of 10 days in the total crop cycle. The reduction in the time between sowing and harvesting, together with those aspects relating to sustainability, are the main advantages of the use of alternative substrates, since in the field crop production did not differ between treatments.
This study investigated the following aspects regarding a soakaway, i.e. an infiltration well: i) entrance filter device; ii) permeability of the geotextile; and iii) emptying time. The 3.6 m³ infiltration well drains a roof area of 241.8 m². The entrance device is made up of layers of sand, gravel and geotextile set on a metal structure. The concrete rings that form the lateral walls were covered with geotextile, and bricks were laid between the soil and concrete rings. The infiltration well remained in operation during the entire testing period, and specific events were simulated to measure the emptying time. Permeability and fine particle tests were carried out after eight months of operation. Samples of geotextile taken from the bottom, the walls and the entrance device presented average permeability reductions of approximately 50.7%, 7.7% and 21.2%, respectively. The sand in the entrance device retained around 34.8% of fine particles and the gravel retained 0.13% in the same period. The infiltration rate was approximately 34.7 mm/h. The R2 coefficient for measured and calculated times was 0.97.
The previous knowledge of the infection process and pathogens behavior, for evaluating the physiological potential of maize seeds, is essential for decision making on the final destination of lots that can endanger sowing. This research was carried out in order to study the minimum period required for maize seeds contamination by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe and Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg, as well as these pathogens influence on seed germination and vigor, by using the cold test. Three maize seeds hybrids, kept in contact with the pathogens for different periods, were evaluated with and without surface disinfection. After determining the most suitable period, new samples were contaminated by F. graminearum and F. verticillioides, under different infection levels, and subjected to germination tests in sand. The cold test was conducted with healthy and contaminated seeds, at different periods, in a cold chamber. The contact of maize seeds with F. graminearum and F. verticillioides for 16 hours was enough to cause infection. F. graminearum and F. verticillioides did not affect the maize seeds germination, however, F. graminearum reduced the vigor of seeds lots.