925 resultados para Modern literature|Romance literature|Womens studies


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A review of literature was carried out regarding sexually related factors, sexually transmissible diseases (STD's) and infections with prostate cancer (PC) development risk. The review of literature, in conjunction with the tabulation of studies, suggested that ejaculation and circumcision may play a protective role in the development of PC and that multiple sex partners and an active sex life may play a causal role in the development of PC which may negate and counteract the protective effects of ejaculation and circumcision. HIV infection may plausibly play a function in deteriorating and compromising immune controls on carcinogenesis. Because of the coexistence of a highly active sexual lifestyle and sexual promiscuity with the growing occurence of STD's, their maybe a correlation with the high incidence of prostate cancer in the United States. Potential multi-institutional studies are warranted to confirm the high incidence of this neoplasm with the increasing cases of STD's and if in fact there is a proportional association to further elucidate the factors responsible for its high incidence.^


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Background. Because our hands are the most common mode of transmission for bacteria causing hospital acquired infections, hand hygiene practices are the most effective method of preventing the spread of these pathogens, limiting the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections and reducing transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms. Yet, compliance rates are below 40% on the average. ^ Objective. This culminating experience project is primarily a literature review on hand hygiene to help determine the barriers to hand hygiene compliance and offer solutions on improving these rates and to build on a hand hygiene evaluation performed during my infection control internship completed at Memorial Hermann Hospital during the fall semester of 2005. ^ Method. A review of peer-reviewed literature using Ovid Medline, Ebsco Medline and PubMed databases using keywords: hand hygiene, hand hygiene compliance, alcohol based handrub, healthcare-associated infections, hospital-acquired infections, and infection control. ^ Results. A total of eight hand hygiene studies are highlighted. At a children's hospital in Seattle, hand hygiene compliance rates increases from 62% to 81% after five periods of interventions. In Thailand, 26 nurses dramatically increased compliance from 6.3% to 81.2% after just 7 months of training. Automated alcohol based handrub dispensers improved compliance rates in Chicago from 36.3% to 70.1%. Using education and increased distribution of alcohol based handrubs increased hand hygiene rates from 59% to 79% for Ebnother, from 54% to 85% for Hussein and from 32% to 63% for Randle. Spartanburg Regional Medical Center increased their rates from 72.5% to 90.3%. A level III NICU achieved 100% compliance after a month long educational campaign but fell back down to its baseline rate of 89% after 3 months. ^ Discussion. The interventions used to promote hand hygiene in the highlighted studies varied from low tech approaches such as printed materials to advanced electronic gadgets that alerted individuals automatically to perform hand hygiene. All approaches were effective and increased compliance rates. Overcoming hand hygiene barriers, receiving and accepting feedback is the key to maintaining consistently high hand hygiene adherence. ^


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Background. This culminating experience project was inspired by an independent study conducted at The University of Texas School of Public Health with Dr. Andrew Springer, DrPH, who works on the evaluation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program in Travis County, Texas. It was indicated that a social marketing plan could enhance current efforts for the CATCH program. The aims of the project were to (1) review and synthesize literature on social marketing, with a specific focus on diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention; and (2) apply the gained knowledge toward a practical solution – a social marketing plan for the CATCH program.^ Methods. The literature review aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What audiences (ethnic and age groups), settings, health behaviors, and behavioral science theories have been used in social marketing campaigns? (2) What features of social marketing were used (e.g. formative research, segmentation, and the marketing mix - including promotional strategies and communication channels)? (3) What were the outcomes of the social marketing campaigns? The search aimed to identify studies that met the following inclusion criteria: (a) The study explicitly stated that social marketing was used; (b) The intervention promoted physical activity and/or healthy eating; (c) The population was children, adolescents, young adults, and/or parents; (d) Results of the intervention were available in the published literature The literature review includes studies from the past five years (2004 to 2009). After reviewing the social marketing literature, the insight and knowledge gained was applied to develop a social marketing plan for the CATCH program. The plan was guided by Hands-on Social Marketing, A Step-by-Step Guide and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing web course.^


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The approach to the diagnosis and treatment of congenital toxoplasmosis has been one of flux and debate, fueled by lack of knowledge, lack of consensus, different methods of screening and different national policies for screening in different parts of the world. Countries with higher prevalence of disease such as in Europe and South America have a heightened awareness of the need to screen and treat for this parasitic infection during pregnancy. In contrast, in the United States, it is a condition scarcely discussed and has been largely ignored except in some large centers and by a few researchers. Policies and research strategies for any condition should start with obtaining good data. The aims of this thesis included a review of prevalence studies conducted in the United States, focused on the past 20 years, combined with a description of original research conducted by the author several years ago. The latter was a cross-sectional study performed in Houston, one of the largest American cities with a great ethnic mix. The study analyzed prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibody in sera of women of reproductive age. Overall seroprevalence was 12.3%. In keeping with other studies, higher prevalence correlated with lower socioeconomic status, Black and Hispanic and Asian ethnicities, and increasing age. A literature search revealed only three prevalence studies performed in the United States over the past 20 years, with another four studies only referred to as personal communications or within a textbook, without further study detail available. The literature review also revealed a lack of consensus on whether or not to screen for toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, and even whether or not treatment in utero is worthwhile.^ Proponents of screening and treatment in pregnancy site studies both in the United States and France, emphasize that treatment reduces disease manifestations in infants. Opponents cite other studies that show only marginal benefits, together with potential side effects of medication regimens and generation of anxiety in parents. What is agreed on so far is the value of educating pregnant women on how to avoid contracting toxoplasmosis, and educating physicians on making the best use of reference laboratories before major treatment decisions are made. Further research to reevaluate the literature critically, review new treatment regimens and examine costs and benefits of screening and treatment of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, bringing together European and American researchers, is needed.^


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Streptococcus mutans has been identified as the primary etiological agent of human dental caries. Since its identification, there has been research focused on the development of a vaccine to prevent this disease. Preliminary research has been conducted to test both active and passive vaccines for Streptococcus mutans in animals and humans. Although a vaccine for dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans would most likely be administered to children, no testing of any type of dental caries vaccines has been conducted on children as of yet. The public health imperative for the development of a vaccine is great. Not only will a vaccine reduce the various consequences, but it would also improve quality of life for many individuals. Among the many possible vaccine antigen candidates, researchers have also been focusing on protein antigens, GTFs, and Gbps as possible candidates for a vaccine. There are also many routes of administration under research, with topical, oral, and intranasal showing a lot of promise. This review will provide an overview on the current state of research, present key factors influencing prevalence of caries, and summarize and discuss the results of animal and human studies on caries vaccines against Streptococcus mutans. The progress and obstacles facing the development of a vaccine to fight dental caries will also be discussed. ^


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Approximately 200,000 African children are born with sickle-cell anemia each year. Research has shown that individuals with hemoglobin disorders, particularly sickle-cell anemia, have increased susceptibility to contracting malaria. Currently it is recommended that patients diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia undergo malaria chemoprophylaxis in order to decrease their chances of malarial infection. However, studies have shown that routine administration of these drugs increases the risk of drug resistance and could possibly impair the development of naturally acquired immunity. Clinical trials have shown intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) to be an effective method of protection against malaria. The objective of this report was to review previously conducted clinical trials that study the effects of intermittent preventive treatment on malaria and anemia in infants and children. Based on the review, implications for its appropriateness as a protective measure against malaria for infants and children diagnosed with sickle-cell disease were provided.^ The 18 studies reviewed were randomized controlled trials that focused on IPT’s effect on malaria (7 studies), anemia (1 study), or both (8 studies). In addition to these 16, one study looks at IPT’s effect on molecular resistance to malaria, and another study is a follow-up to a study in order to review IPT’s potential to cause a rebound effect. The 18 th study in this review specifically looks at IPT’s protective efficacy in children with SCA. The studies in this report were restricted to randomized controlled trials that have been performed from 2000 to 2010. Reports on anemia were included to illustrate possible added benefits of the use of IPT specific to burdens associated with SCA other than malaria susceptibility. The outcomes of these studies address several issues of concern involving the administration of IPT: protective efficacy (in reference to age, seasonal versus perennial malaria regions, and overall effectiveness against malaria and anemia), drug resistance, drug rebound effect, drug side-effects, and long-term effects. Overall, these showed that IPT has a significant level of protective efficacy against malaria and/or anemia in children. More specifically, the IPT study evaluating children diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia proved IPT to be a more effective method of protection than traditional chemoprophylaxis. ^


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Background. Children in the age group of 2-5 years spend substantial amount of time during the day in some kind of childcare setting. These settings are an excellent environmental infrastructure to enhance their nutrition and physical activity behavior and to promote healthy eating and physical activity habits. Due to the steep rise in overweight and obesity among children in the past three decades, it becomes essential to intervene early. There exists a need for literature on a comprehensive and sustainable approach to obesity prevention for younger children in these settings. ^ Methods. Systematic literature search was undertaken using databases like Medline Ovid, Pubmed, Medline Ebsco, and Cochrane Library. Articles published in English as well as English language abstracts of foreign articles were included. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) Studies conducted in any part of the world exploring relevant themes and a child care or preschool setting would be included. (2) The interventions promoted physical activity, nutrition/healthy eating/improved diet, reduced television viewing, reduced BMI, changed knowledge and behavior of children and or staff or affected policy/standards/regulations. (3) The population was children in the age group of at least 2 years to 5 years. (4) Articles published in English and English language abstracts for foreign articles would be included. ^ Results. 16 articles were included in the review that consisted of primary interventions in the form of randomized control trials or pre-post interventions were conducted in a preschool or child care or day care setting only. The outcomes pertaining to healthy weight in children were increased vegetable intake, reduced BMI and increased knowledge among others. ^ Conclusion. There is a dearth of data on strong intervention trials in the child care setting. Preschool research studies in the young children that have been conducted are not strong enough. There is a need for more randomized control trials and a well planned evaluation in the preschool age children. There is a need to develop outcome measures that can accurately assess the changes in diet and physical activity in this age group. Child care nutrition and physical activity standards need to be made stringent. ^


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Background. Decision-making on reproductive issues is influenced by an interplay of individual, familial, medical, religious and socio-cultural factors. Women with chronic medical illnesses such an HIV infection and cancers are often fraught with decisional conflicts about child-bearing. With increase in the incidence of these illnesses as well as improvement in survival rates, there is a need to pay due attention to the issue of reproductive decision-making. Examining the prevalence and determinants of fertility desires in the two groups in a comparative manner would help bring to light perception of the medical community and the society in general on the two illnesses and the issue of motherhood. ^ Methods. Systematic literature search was undertaken using databases such as MEDLINE (PubMED), MEDLINE (Ovid), PsycInfo and Web of Science. Articles published in English and English language abstracts for foreign articles were included. Studies that explore ‘fertility desires’ as the outcome variable were included. Quantitative studies which have assessed the prevalence of fertility desires as well as qualitative studies which have provided a descriptive understanding of factors governing reproductive desires were included in the review. ^ Results. A total of 34 articles (29 studies examining HIV and 5 studies examining cancer in relation to fertility desires). Variables such as age, stage of illness, support of spouse and family, perception of the medical community and one’s own view of motherhood were key determinants among both groups. ^ Conclusion. There is a need for uniform, systematic research in this field. It is important that health care workers acknowledge these decisional conflicts, include them as part of the medical care of these patients and provide guidance with the right balance of information, practicality and compassion.^


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Necrotizing enterocolitis is a common gastrointestinal disease associated with high mortality and morbidity among preterm infants. This was a systematic literature review that evaluated whether the administration of probiotic supplements is of benefit in the prevention of NEC. The search was narrowed to randomized clinical trials identified through The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, U.S. National Institute of Health clinical trials registry database, Pub Med and OVID MEDLINE databases. Inclusion criteria were: prospective, randomized clinical trials that administered probiotics as a preventive measure against NEC for infants of early gestational age (<35 wks) and/or low birth weight (<1500g), maintained NEC as the primary measured outcome, used Bell’s classification for NEC diagnosis with reports of stage 2 NEC or higher, and began probiotic administration within 10 days of life. Trials were excluded if participant enrollment was fewer than 100 infants, published before the year 2000, or probiotic supplementation was discontinued after less than seven consecutive days. Based on specific study characteristics, each resulting article was then judged by two authors for study quality. The search was further narrowed to studies of either high or moderate quality, which were then summarized in a set of tables based on study characteristics and results. From an initial set of 20 identified studies, five clinical trials met all criteria; each was discussed thoroughly based on trial limitations, strengths and comparisons to other included publications. Based on this review, the weight of evidence appears to support the use of probiotic supplementation in preterm infants as a preventive measure against NEC. Recommendations for future research were also provided.^


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Blood lead levels > 10 µg/dL are known to affect various areas of the brain that influence behavior and cause many other health problems in children. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set the blood lead action level at 10 µg/dL. However, recent research provides evidence that blood lead levels <10 µg/dL also may lead to behavioral problems in children. With the recent increase in diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children in the U.S. it is important to determine possible environmental toxins such as lead that may play a role in causing ADHD symptoms. The aim of this systematic review of the literature was to identify recent published studies that examine an association between blood lead levels < 10 µg/dL and ADHD symptoms in children in order to summarize their findings and describe major gaps in the literature. Although available research is limited, the articles reviewed indicate that blood lead at levels much below the CDC action level of 10 µg/dL may affect a child's level of attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and ADHD diagnosis. Additional prospective research is warranted in order to inform the revision of current blood lead action levels as well as better elucidate the relationship between lead and ADHD diagnoses.^


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Objective. To perform a systematic review of the internet based HIV prevention interventions.^ Data Source. Data resources including Ovid Medline, CINAHL (EBSCOhost and Psycinfo) were searched for the relevant articles. Study Selection: Studies were selected if the entire article was in English, Randomized control trial performed after 1998 till current, internet based aimed towards HIV/AIDS prevention. ^ Data Extraction. Each relevant article was coded using a code sheet which consisted of background information, study characteristics, study population information, program details, intervention and results. Data Synthesis: Total of seven relevant articles were coded and the information obtained was incorporated into the evidence tables for comparison.^ Conclusion. Overall the internet based HIV prevention studies have been very successful in recruiting large number of people but has not been able to show effective results due to high attrition. More research needs to be done in the area.^


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Groundwater constitutes approximately 30% of freshwater globally and serves as a source of drinking water in many regions. Groundwater sources are subject to contamination with human pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa) from a variety of sources that can cause diarrhea and contribute to the devastating global burden of this disease. To attempt to describe the extent of this public health concern in developing countries, a systematic review of the evidence for groundwater microbially-contaminated at its source as risk factor for enteric illness under endemic (non-outbreak) conditions in these countries was conducted. Epidemiologic studies published in English language journals between January 2000 and January 2011, and meeting certain other criteria, were selected, resulting in eleven studies reviewed. Data were extracted on microbes detected (and their concentrations if reported) and on associations measured between microbial quality of, or consumption of, groundwater and enteric illness; other relevant findings are also reported. In groundwater samples, several studies found bacterial indicators of fecal contamination (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, enterococci and E. coli), all in a wide range of concentrations. Rotavirus and a number of enteropathogenic bacteria and parasites were found in stool samples from study subjects who had consumed groundwater, but no concentrations were reported. Consumption of groundwater was associated with increased risk of diarrhea, with odds ratios ranging from 1.9 to 6.1. However, limitations of the selected studies, especially potential confounding factors, limited the conclusions that could be drawn from them. These results support the contention that microbial contamination of groundwater reservoirs—including with human enteropathogens and from a variety of sources—is a reality in developing countries. While microbially-contaminated groundwaters pose risk for diarrhea, other factors are also important, including water treatment, water storage practices, consumption of other water sources, water quantity and access to it, sanitation and hygiene, housing conditions, and socio-economic status. Further understanding of the interrelationships between, and the relative contributions to disease risk of, the various sources of microbial contamination of groundwater can guide the allocation of resources to interventions with the greatest public health benefit. Several recommendations for future research, and for practitioners and policymakers, are presented.^


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Errors in the administration of medication represent a significant loss of medical resources and pose life altering or life threatening risks to patients. This paper considered the question, what impact do Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) systems have on medication errors in the hospital inpatient environment? Previous reviews have examined evidence of the impact of CPOE on medication errors, but have come to ambiguous conclusions as to the impact of CPOE and decision support systems (DSS). Forty-three papers were identified. Thirty-one demonstrated a significant reduction in prescribing error rates for all or some drug types; decreases in minor errors were most often reported. Several studies reported increases in the rate of duplicate orders and failures to remove contraindicated drugs, often attributed to inappropriate design or to an inability to operate the system properly. The evidence on the effectiveness of CPOE to reduce errors in medication administration is compelling though it is limited by modest study sample sizes and designs. ^


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Objective. To review professional literature regarding treatment modalities of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst female Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) veterans, to assess the efficacy of these treatment options, and to summarize implications of the findings from this literature. Design. Systematic review of published literature. Data sources. Medline, Pubmed, Psycinfo. Review Methods. Articles selected for the literature review pertain to the treatment options of female OIF or OEF veterans who have a diagnosis of PTSD. In addition, other relevant articles, such as articles that discuss the prevalence of the problem, access to care, and similar treatment modalities for PTSD in other war settings, were selected for background information for the review. Results. The search strategy identified 1,305 potential journal articles, taken from thorough searches in Medline, Pubmed, and Psycinfo. These articles were then imported into Refworks. Following final screening, there were 18 articles included in the systematic review and 28 articles used as background information. The remaining articles were excluded following screening of abstract and/or full text of articles. Treatment modalities presented in these trials include: Exposure Therapy (average of 68% reduction in PTSD symptoms), Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (23% reduction), Body-Oriented Therapy (57% reduction), Electroconvulsive Therapy (35% reduction), Holographic Reprocessing (47% reduction), a self-defense training program (13% reduction), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (65% reduction) and a variety of pharmacotherapies (antipsychotics at 81% reduction, sympatholytic drug at 100% reduction). Outcomes of the studies included in this systematic review were measured by using personal assessment of whether there was a reduction in symptoms of PTSD, based on the results in each study. Conclusion. Overall, all of the treatment modalities investigated in the systematic review proved to be somewhat effective in relieving the burden of symptoms of PTSD amongst female veterans of OIF/OEF. In addition to pharmacotherapy, which had the highest reduction in PTSD symptoms, both the Exposure Therapy and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques proved to have the most positive results. As all of the therapies had a positive effect on this population, to some degree, a study needs to be done in the future to compare and contrast the efficacy of each therapy intervention when applied to a standardized population.^


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Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. CVD mainly comprise of coronary heart disease and stroke and were ranked first and fourth respectively amongst leading causes of death in the United States. Influenza (flu) causes annual outbreaks and pandemics and is increasingly recognized as an important trigger for acute coronary syndromes and stroke. Influenza vaccination is an inexpensive and effective strategy for prevention of influenza related complications in high risk individuals. Though it is recommended for all CVD patients, Influenza vaccine is still used at suboptimal levels in these patients owing to prevailing controversy related to its effectiveness in preventing CVD. This review was undertaken to critically assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccination as a primary or secondary prevention method for CVD. ^ Methods: A systematic review was conducted using electronic databases OVID MEDLINE, PUBMED (National Library of Medicine), EMBASE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR and TRIP (Turning Research into Practice). The study search was limited to peer-reviewed articles published in English language from January 1970 through May 2012. The case control studies, cohort studies and randomized controlled trials related to influenza vaccination and CVD, with data on at least one of the outcomes were identified. In the review, only population-based epidemiologic studies in all ethnic groups and of either sex and with age limitation of 30 yrs or above, with clinical CVD outcomes of interest were included. ^ Results: Of the 16 studies (8 case control studies, 6 cohort studies and 2 randomized controlled trials) that met the inclusion criteria, 14 studies reported that there was a significant benefit in u influenza vaccination as primary or secondary prevention method for preventing new cardiovascular events. In contrary to the above findings, two studies mentioned that there was no significant benefit of vaccination in CVD prevention. ^ Conclusion: The available body of evidence in the review elucidates that vaccination against influenza is associated with reduction in the risk of new CVD events, hospitalization for coronary heart disease and stroke and as well as the risk of death. The study findings disclose that the influenza vaccination is very effective in CVD prevention and should be encouraged for the high risk population. However, larger and more future studies like randomized control trials are needed to further evaluate and confirm these findings. ^