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A modified simplified rate equation (RE) model of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL), which is adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant, is presented for performance analyses of a COIL. By using the Voigt profile function and the gain-equal-loss approximation, a gain expression has been deduced from the rate equations of upper and lower level laser species. This gain expression is adapted to the conditions of very low gas pressure up to quite high pressure and can deal with the condition of lasing frequency being not equal to the central one of spectral profile. The expressions of output power and extraction efficiency in a flowing COIL can be obtained by solving the coupling equations of the deduced gain expression and the energy equation which expresses the complete transformation of the energy stored in singlet delta state oxygen into laser energy. By using these expressions, the RotoCOIL experiment is simulated, and obtained results agree well with experiment data. Effects of various adjustable parameters on the performances of COIL are also presented.


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With the recent rapid growth of Radio Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) switches, there has developed an emergent requirement for more accurate theoretical models to predict their electromechanical behaviors. Many parameters exist in the analysis of the behavior of the switch, and it is inconvenient for further study. In this paper, an improved model is introduced, considering simultaneously axial stress, residual stress, and fringing-field effect of the fixed-fixed bridge structure. To avoid any unnecessary repetitive model tests and numerical simulation for RF MEMS switches, some dimensionless numbers are derived by making governing equation dimensionless. The electromechanical behavior of the fixed-fixed bridge structure of RF MEMS switches is totally determined by these dimensionless numbers.


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The experiments of drop Marangoni migration have been performed by the drop shift facility of short period of 4.5 s, and the drop accelerates gradually to an asymptotic velocity during the free fall. The unsteady and axisymmetric model is developed to study the drop migration for the case of moderate Reynolds number Re = O(1), and the results are compared with the experimental ones in the present paper. Both numerical and experimental results show that the migration velocity for moderate Reynolds number is several times smaller than that given by the linear YGB theory.


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A simulation model of a floating half zone was suggested by steady numerical simulation and experiment respectively, in the previous papers [Q.S. Chen, W.R. Hu, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 757; J.H. Han, Y. Ar, R. Zhou, W.R. Hue, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 2671]. In the present paper, the simulation model is studied by using the method of unsteady and three-dimensional numerical simulation, and the transient process from steady convection to oscillatory convection is especially analyzed. Comparison of onsets of oscillation for both simulation model and the usual model were obtained, and the results show that the critical Marangoni number of the simulation model is obviously smaller than that of the usual model for the same slender liquid bridge. This implies that the usual model of a floating half zone gives a lower estimation on the onset of oscillation for floating zone convection.


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In order to study the failure of disordered materials, the ensemble evolution of a nonlinear chain model was examined by using a stochastic slice sampling method. The following results were obtained. (1) Sample-specific behavior, i.e. evolutions are different from sample to sample in some cases under the same macroscopic conditions, is observed for various load-sharing rules except in the globally mean field theory. The evolution according to the cluster load-sharing rule, which reflects the interaction between broken clusters, cannot be predicted by a simple criterion from the initial damage pattern and even then is most complicated. (2) A binary failure probability, its transitional region, where globally stable (GS) modes and evolution-induced catastrophic (EIC) modes coexist, and the corresponding scaling laws are fundamental to the failure. There is a sensitive zone in the vicinity of the boundary between the GS and EIC regions in phase space, where a slight stochastic increment in damage can trigger a radical transition from GS to EIC. (3) The distribution of strength is obtained from the binary failure probability. This, like sample-specificity, originates from a trans-scale sensitivity linking meso-scopic and macroscopic phenomena. (4) Strong fluctuations in stress distribution different from that of GS modes may be assumed as a precursor of evolution-induced catastrophe (EIC).


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The longitudinal structure function (LSF) and the transverse structure function (TSF) in isotropic turbulence are calculated using a vortex model. The vortex model is composed of the Rankine and Burgers vortices which have the exponential distributions in the vortex Reynolds number and vortex radii. This model exhibits a power law in the inertial range and satisfies the minimal condition of isotropy that the second-order exponent of the LSF in the inertial range is equal to that of the TSF. Also observed are differences between longitudinal and transverse structure functions caused by intermittency. These differences are related to their scaling differences which have been previously observed in experiments and numerical simulations.


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A new model of thermocapillary convection in floating half zone was suggested in the present paper. The liquid bridge floats between two co-axis rods, the lower rod consists of metal with constant temperature and the upper rod consists of thermal insulating materials, where the normal gradient of temperature is nearly zero. In this case, the new model is relatively closer to simulate a half part of floating full zone in microgravity environment in comparison with the usual model of floating half zone. Basic features of the new model were studied by both numerical simulation and experiments, and the comparisons with the usual model were also discussed.


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This paper first presents a stochastic structural model to describe the random geometrical features of rock and soil aggregates. The stochastic structural model uses mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape to construct the microstructures of aggregates,and introduces two types of structural elements (block element and jointed element) and three types of material elements (rock element, soil element, and weaker jointed element)for this microstructure. Then, continuum-based discrete element method is used to study the deformation and failure mechanism of rock and soil aggregate through a series of loading tests. It is found that the stress-strain curve of rock and soil aggregates is nonlinear, and the failure is usually initialized from weaker jointed elements. Finally, some factors such as mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape are studied in detail. The numerical results are in good agreement with in situ test. Therefore, current model is effective for simulating the mechanical behaviors of rock and soil aggregates.


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An embedded cell model is presented to obtain the effective elastic moduli and the elastic-plastic stress-strain relations of three-dimensional two-phase particulate composites. Each cell consists of an ellipsoidal inclusion surrounded by a finite ellipsoidal matrix that embedded in an infinite matrix. When both matrix and particle are elastic, the effective elastic moduli are derived which is an exact analytic formula without any simplified approximation that can be expressed in an explicit form. Further, the elastic-plastic stress-strain relations are obtained for spherical cells and oblate spheroid cells, in which the matrix is elastic and the particle is elastic-plastic. In addition, the macroscopic elastic-plastic constitutive relation of particle reinforced composites (PRC) is investigated by a systematic approach [1] in which the matrix is elastic-plastic and the particle is elastic.


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We have recently developed a generalized JKR model for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic cylinder and a stretched substrate where both tangential and normal tractions are transmitted across the contact interface. Here we extend this model to a generalized Maugis-Dugdale model by adopting a Dugdale-type adhesive interaction law to eliminate the stress singularity near the edge of the contact zone. The non-slipping Maugis-Dugdale model is expected to have a broader range of validity in comparison with the non-slipping JKR model. The solution shares a number of common features with experimentally observed behaviors of cell reorientation on a cyclically stretched substrate.


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A two-dimensional kinematic wave model was developed for simulating runoff generation and flow concentration on an experimental infiltrating hillslope receiving artificial rainfall. Experimental observations on runoff generation and flow concentration on irregular hillslopes showed that the topography of the slope surface controlled the direction and flow lines of overland flow. The model-simulated results satisfactorily compared with experimental observations. The erosive ability of the concentrated flow was found to mainly depend on the ratio of the width and depth of confluent grooves.


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It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional DSD team acts as the first point of contact. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents are as fully informed as possible and have access to specialist psychological support. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Una debilidad en las aplicaciones de insecticidas para el control de plagas del sorgo, es el desconocimiento existente acerca del efecto de los volúmenes de agua sobre la efectividad del producto químico aplicado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de diferentes volúmenes de agua aplicados en diferentes etapas fonológicas del cultivo sobre la efectividad de clorpirifos sobre el gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)) . El ensayo se estableció el 20 de Septiembre de 2001, en terrenos de la es~ación experimental numero 2 del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal (CENTA), ubicado en SanAndrés, departamento de la Libertad, El Salvador .. Se efectuaron aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos en dosis de ~ .4 1 ha·, utilizando 285 y ~42 litros de agua, aplicado en dos etapas de crecimiento del cultivo de sorgo (25 y 45 días después de siembra). Los tratamientos incluyeron una aplicación a un determinado volumen y tiempo (25 días después de siembra), y dos a aplicaciones a determinados volúmenes y tiempo, una a los 25 y otra a los 45 días después de siembra. La aplicación de Chlorpyrifos redujo de significativamente la intestación de larvas a las 24 horas después de la primera aplicación, cuando se le compara con el tratamiento control. Sin embargo, no se determinaron diferencias significativas en la eficacia del insecticida, cuando se comparó la infestación de larvas en parcelas tratadas con diferentes cantidades de agua. El volumen mayor de agua pareciera que mejora la distribución del producto qufmico sobre la planta, lo que conduce a una mayor mortalidad de larvas. Una segunda aplicación de insecticida, 20 días después de la primera aplicación, redujo significativamente la infestación de larvas comparada con una sola aplicación. Esta información indica que el incremento en los volúmenes de agua mejora la eficacia del insecticida Chlorpyrifos contra el gusano cogollero en el cultivo de sorgo. Una segunda aplicación del tratamiento insecticida es efectiva contra relnfestaciones de larvas y sugiere que el cogollero que se alimenta de estructuras vegetativas del sorgo, en los ntveles encontrados en este estudio en el Salvador, puede reducir la producción de grano del sorgo.