994 resultados para Missão de Guajiru
O livro apresenta os resultados mais relevantes das atividades realizadas dentro do Programa de Pesquisa sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais, patrocinado pela Fapesp e relacionado a estudos de impactos, vulnerabilidades e variabilidades nas mudanças do clima no estado de São Paulo e região sudeste do Brasil. Tais experiências têm sido discutidas e desenvolvidas com grupos de pesquisa de Portugal, que dão ao trabalho um caráter mais abrangente e internacional. O Brasil vem estudando já há algum tempo impactos das mudanças no clima que possam servir como base para estratégias de adaptação e para análises de vulnerabilidade diante das ameaças climáticas. O projeto da Fapesp tem, especificamente, a missão de produzir estudos de detecção e traçar cenários climáticos futuros, com metodologias que possam ser aplicadas em todo o Brasil. Essa metodologia leva em conta uma combinação de dados do clima (observações e projeções derivadas de modelos climáticos) com base em informações ambientais, geográficas, geofísicas e sociais. A ênfase está nos extremos climáticos e nos seus impactos sobre os recursos hídricos, assim como no planejamento com vista a minimizar os desastres naturais de origem meteorológica, que de alguns anos para cá têm se disseminado pelo país
Neste livro, Danielle Oliveira Mércuri analisa as formas e expressões do poder sagrado, durante o Medievo, dos reis portugueses e castelhano-leoneses, ou seja, propõe um estudo comparativo sobre as atitudes, palavras e gestos, conforme relatados pela crônica da época, que permitiram a esses monarcas colocar em evidência o poder que julgavam divino. Entre os séculos XIII, XIV e XV, os soberanos medievais cristãos não eram percebidos apenas como intermediários entre os homens e Deus, mas também como responsáveis por construir seu reino na terra à semelhança do reino celeste. Ao rei também era dada a missão de ser o modelo das perfeições terrestres e, consequentemente, a sua capacidade de ordenar o mundo dependia de sua conduta moral. Dessa forma, seus atos, gestos e palavras eram referências para uma boa governança. Profanos, mas também sagrados, os reis sustentavam o poder tanto no âmbito temporal como na esfera espiritual e ofereciam à sociedade as maneiras de se conduzir e a rota a seguir. As cerimônias e rituais que envolviam o cotidiano régio o associavam a uma realidade transcendente. A autora foca as produções cronísticas realizadas em Castela, no fim do século XIV e início do XV pelo chanceler Pero López de Ayala, referentes à ascensão da casa real Trastâmara. E em Portugal, em meados do século XV, as escritas pelo primeiro cronista oficial português Fernão Lopes, que acompanha a chegada ao poder da Dinastia de Avis
Historicamente, as escolas assumiram como missão o disciplinamento de crianças e jovens, supostamente com o objetivo de adequá-los ao convívio e às normas sociais. Um dos instrumentos criados para exercer este ofício são os chamados Livros de Ocorrências, existentes nas escolas desde a década de 1920. Neste contexto, buscamos compreender como esses livros têm sido utilizados nas escolas atualmente, como esta utilização tem sido interpretada pelos professores e quais os sentidos dos registros. Em nossa análise apontamos que os registros têm pouca efetividade em termos de favorecimento à aprendizagem do aluno, mas que exercem uma função de disciplinamento e normalização. Pôde-se também apontar, com base na análise de entrevistas com os professores, nas quais utilizamos a técnica de grupo focal, que os registros tendem a ganhar um novo significado, de proteção da escola e dos professores, ainda que esta proteção possa ser compreendida mais como simbólica do que propriamente efetiva.
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Traditionally, undergraduate education emphasizes theory and technique. The ethical education of the professional who will act in society is placed at most in a discipline related to professional´s deontology. Ethical discussions are developed in a bored way and the mission of educating students is considered fulfilled. Based on this analysis, the principal purpose of this study was to verify if the training provided by university has some influence on the development of students’ moral judgment and moral competence. The participants were 540 undergraduate students from the first and the last year of education from Pedagogy course from two universities of São Paulo state, one of them was public and the other private. The instruments were Defining Issues Test (DIT-2) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT-xt). The results indicated that the training received did not lead to significant improvement of their capacity to reflect about moral issues.
This article examines the challenges involved in the process of police militarization and implementation of police discipline in the State of São Paulo during the First Brazilian Republic (1889 to 1930). Th e implementation of a militarized police model, initiated by the 1906 French Military Mission, was not fully able to deal with indiscipline issues among policemen. Beyond creating problems of its own, such as fostering a corporatist culture and strengthening rigid hierarchies, military discipline prevented police forces to address new issues that would aff ect its practices. Documents in the São Paulo State Public Archive provides a window to the daily violence, the personal compromises, the institutional confl icts and the political meddling that was part of police life in the State of São Paulo at the turn of the century.
The present production aims to approach environmental sustainability and communication to demonstrate that the public relations´s professional is capable of legitimation process´s assistance of ethics and coherent speechs and capable of sense´s construction´s assistance for environmental sustainability on contemporary organizations. This position shows that organization´s consistent speechs are connected with its institutional mission and effort besides, it is value and sensitive to interested parts that emphasis the environmental preservation and environmental project´s introduction, integrating organization with community. On this context it is constructed a discussion about Sustainability Report´s content and guidelines used for sustainability reporting framework, as where as main environmental organizational activities, analyzing three different companies and its respective Sustainability Reports on 2009. Thereby, it is pointed out relevance of efficient communication which deal with opposite interests between organizations and its stakeholders so that public relations focus on strategic management trying to include negotiation, dialogue, transparency and ethics to line up both interests
A Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil, ou Movimento Bandeirante, é uma instituição de educação não formal criada na Inglaterra, em 1909 por Robert Baden-Powell que chegou ao Brasil em 1919, onde foi expandida por Jerônima Mesquita, sendo adaptada a realidade brasileira. A instituição tem como missão “Ajudar crianças, adolescentes e jovens a desenvolverem seu potencial máximo como responsáveis cidadãos do mundo” (FEDERAÇÃO DE BANDEIRANTES DO BRASIL, 2001, p. 4) através de atividades baseadas na metodologia desenvolvida pelo fundador onde o “aprender fazendo” é base estrutural das mesmas, com regras e valores próprios, além do material didático criado por seus membros voluntários. Nesta perspectiva, este trabalho pretende analisar um dos grandes objetivos gerais, ou Áreas do Programa, que servem como apoio às ações Bandeirantes, com a finalidade de verificar se os princípios e virtudes subjacentes ao Movimento Bandeirante proporcionam a construção da autonomia moral, comparando com o referencial teórico de Jean Piaget e sua teoria do desenvolvimento moral. O estudo será realizado através de uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como ferramenta a análise de conteúdo. Para tanto será necessário analisar o material bibliográfico da Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil e textos do fundador do Bandeirantismo e Escotismo, Baden-Powell, para relacioná-los com teóricos de educação moral
Millennia ago, through the myths of greeks gods and demi-gods, comes a series of celebrations called Pan-Hellenic Games. Among these festivals, the most famous was certainly the Olympic Games - the Olympics. Forbidden by Rome in the third century AD, they are considered to worship the pagan gods, were rescued in 1894 by Pierre de Coubertin. Over 113 years and 29 Olympiads, the event took gigantic proportions and the right to host the Games has become one of the closest racing of the modern world. Catalyst for urban development, the Olympic Games were the subject of dream for the city of Sao Paulo in the 2000’s, and an internal dispute was fought with Rio de Janeiro to get the right to host the 2012 Games. A team of Paulo Mendes da Rocha and associates was responsible for designing the plan. Eliminated from contention, Sao Paulo forgot the Olympic dream, and in October 2009 the city of Rio was finally chosen to host the Olympics in 2016. This project aims to rescue the look of architectural and urban plan Sao Paulo 2012 and with a critical and poetic eye create a visual identity for a fictitious victory in the election of São Paulo in 2003. Not aiming to create a corporate identity program - because this is not the mission of the architect - but look at Sao Paulo and the Olympics with poetry and criticism in the true Olympic spirit of peace and hope.
Several aspects interfere when it comes to choose a career. Some of which are family and cultural influence; and even lack of opportunities. Such aspects were greatly taken into consideration for defining the subject of this research which is to analyze the reasoning Pedagogy students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista – University of São Paulo State) used when choosing their academic career, and to assess the students’ profile who were taking this course in 2011 as well as the influence of students’ socioeconomic conditions. An empiric approach with a qualitative survey was chosen to develop this research which was conducted with a questionnaire appliance and with a semi-structured interview with randomly selected students. A theoretical study about the specifics of the academic career and a fully comprehension of the legal / regulatory aspects of this profession in Brazil were also conducted. The survey results showed that most students were women, supporting the fact that this career has become a female profession. Characteristics such as vocation and mission, presented on literatures as the specifics of this profession were clearly seen in the survey results. Several students went to public schools and are labeled into the classes C and D in social economical status; furthermore almost 50% had not chosen Pedagogy as a first choice for a major. However, most of the students do not think that their social economical status had influence in their choice. Nevertheless some students claimed that their options were not their first wish and their choice was made by the easier possibility of entering and concluding the course besides the prompt need of these professionals after graduating in the job market. The students’ education background were also discussed in the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In scenery where the information and the knowledge are acquiring more and more importance, the corporations are looking for alternatives to remain themselves competitive in the market, once the competition happens globally. The current work presents, through bibliographic research and multicases studies, one possibility for the organizations that wishes to increase their competitiveness and look into the participation of the Public Relations professional in the development of Corporative Education programs aiming (at) the continuing education of a very important audience for the organizations, the intern one Through courses and trainings that can happen by presence or remote way, the Corporative Educational programs have as target developing of the critical competence to the organizations, aiming to solve internal problems and reach the best position against competitors. This work is aimed to present how the Public Relation professional can act like a facilitator agent for the education of the intern public of the companies through the Corporative Education. The courses offered through these programs aim to keep the professional always updated, besides to disseminate the values, culture and company’s legacy. At this point, the participation of the Public Relations is appointed to a possibility to strengthen the organization’s internal communication and promote a larger engagement and participation of the employees
The Project presents as main subject the relationship between entrepreneurship and the Public Relations professional. In the entrepreneurship, business plan is stood up, a document able to assist the entrepreneur to plan the activities related to implementation or creation of a new business. Assuming the business plan is an essential instrument of the entrepreneurial process, this study aims to describe the important use of the business plan for the creation or maintenance of a company and verify the Public Relations acting possibilities in the construction of this plan. For this, the project presents a study on a business plan for a small company with family structure, located in Sao Paulo countryside, in operation for over 30 years. Through the process of the business plan elaboration, it can be seen that the Public Relations professional has important skills that can be assist in the preparation of this plan, such as Marketing tools and communication knowledge and ability to establish a mission, the vision and the company values. Besides, this professional presents entrepreneurial characteristics that can help him in his activities, actions and planning
Os processos geomorfológicos são responsáveis pelas formas do relevo, constituindo uma das dimensões do substrato físico para o desenvolvimento das atividades antrópicas. O conhecimento e a identificação dos mecanismos destes processos podem contribuir para o entendimento das dinâmicas naturais e das ações humanas sobre a superfície terrestre. Desta forma, objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar as principais unidades geomorfológicas do baixo curso do rio Paranapanema, a partir da utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e do uso de geotecnologias. No SIG foram realizadas as seguintes etapas da pesquisa: processamento digital das imagens de radar, georreferenciamento dos dados, delimitação e compilação da área de estudo e elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados fundamentaram-se basicamente nos conceitos de morfoestrutura e morfoescultura para classificação e taxonomia do relevo, desenvolvidos por Jurandir L. S. Ross (1992). As classes de dissecação do relevo, carta clinográfica e hipsometria da bacia foram obtidas a partir do processamento de cartas topográficas e imagens de radar da missão SRTM. Os resultados apresentados na forma de mapas, gráficos e tabelas permitiram analisar e caracterizar os processos geomorfológicos atuantes na bacia do baixo Paranapanema, com maior riqueza de detalhe (1: 250 000)
Companies, in general, operate due to the work of its subsystems and this is possible thanks to operational planning that tries to promote the best way to integrate them without giving up the mission, vision and values of the company. The main purpose of a business is to serve customers, but to be successful must take into account other factors such as survival, profitability, growth and operational standpoint to use their resources effectively. The use of tools to support the process of analysis of management decision-making is gaining importance in the context of competitiveness in the world market. The objective of this paper is to present a simulation of the process of forecasting demand to obtain optimal results for a steel company, compare the actual results with order entry and assess the magnitude of the error
The implications of modernity and globalization stimulated the establishment of a new type of organization. Resilient organizations, as they will be called, representing the twenty-first century and are aligned with the social, political and economic context for their adaptability and flexibility. The study of the case will be the communication of the NGO Periferia Legal, also linked to the plane of the creative economy because of the intangible asset it produces. The study will be focused on the ways which public relations can help in the development of the NGO by analyzing their media. Thus, the three fronts of communication from the NGO (external, internal and institutional) will be analyzed through observations and interviews and their channels are categorized into: inefficient, low efficiency , average efficiency and efficient. The media will be key to understanding the phenomenon and the degree of efficiency will be marked as it achieves the proposed and designed objectives by the project itself - through the mission and vision of the NGO - using communication. In this way, the study seeks to understand the characteristics of resilient organizations from the standpoint of public relations