978 resultados para Miriam Colwell


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OBJECTIVE: To understand the typical actions of the mother during the pregnancy of her teenage daughter. METHODS: Qualitative study, based on the theoretical-methodological framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The data were collected in 2009, and the subjects were nine mothers of adolescent primigravidae. RESULTS: The mother of the pregnant adolescent is typified as one that reacts with surprise and disappointment to being notified of the pregnancy and who, subsequently, conforms to the new reality. In reflecting on her own experience of an adolescent mother, she has expectations to support her daughter during the pregnancy and to offer support, so that the course of her life is not impaired as a result of pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Considering the experience and expectations of the mother of the pregnant adolescent, this study could give subsidies to the planning and execution of the care for this binomial, decreasing the distance between the demands made by it and the practice of health professionals.


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Este estudo objetivou compreender as experiências e expectativas de mulheres submetidas à histerectomia. O referencial filosófico do estudo foi a Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com dez mulheres que realizaram histerectomia eletiva. A análise dos depoimentos mostrou que a mulher, diante da necessidade da histerectomia, evoca mitos e constructos sociais referentes à retirada do útero e transcende-os, decidindo pela cirurgia em decorrência dos sinais e sintomas vivenciados em seu cotidiano. Ao ser submetida à histerectomia, experiencia um processo positivo de mudanças, com melhora na vida sexual e nas relações sociais. Tem como projeto a busca por qualidade de vida, considerando as necessidades biopsicossociais vivenciadas nesse período do ciclo vital. O conhecimento das vivências da mulher após histerectomizada oferece subsídios aos profissionais de saúde que cuidam dessa clientela, sinalizando ações conforme suas experiências e expectativas de cuidado.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. METHODS: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. RESULTS: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. CONCLUSION: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.


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JUSTIFICATIVA: Embora a problemática do assédio moral no trabalho venha sendo estudada há mais de três décadas, aspectos de gerenciamento e prevenção ainda necessitam de maior estudo e sistematização. OBJETIVO: Identificar e sistematizar os métodos de intervenção em assédio moral. MÉTODO: Pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em bases de dados (Medline, Psychinfo, SciELO e Lilacs), livros, teses e sites especializados (1980 a 2010). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: O conceito de assédio moral no trabalho é inicialmente delimitado, explicitando os elementos caracterizadores básicos. As intervenções são organizadas em níveis de prevenção (primária, secundária e terciária) e alvos das ações: indivíduos diretamente envolvidos, testemunhas, grupo de trabalho e organização. Os aspectos que levam ao sucesso das intervenções e às boas práticas são elencados. CONCLUSÃO: Dada a natureza complexa do assédio moral no trabalho, intervenções isoladas e pontuais não funcionam. A abordagem precisa ser abrangente e o acompanhamento das ações, sistemático. Cada caso é singular e o desenho da intervenção deve considerar o contexto organizacional e envolver os vários atores sociais.


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A lesão do núcleo mediano da rafe (NMR) produz sintomas que sugerem validade de face ao episódio maníaco. Esta pesquisa avaliou o efeito do lítio sobre a hiperatividade locomotora induzida por esta lesão. Vinte e um ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos à lesão eletrolítica da região do NMR (LR) e 17 foram submetidos à lesão fictícia (LF). Após recuperação, a atividade locomotora foi avaliada na caixa de atividade (Med Associates/ENV-515). Parte dos animais destes grupos recebeu tratamentos com lítio (47,5 mg/kg/2x dia i.p.) por 10 dias, enquanto o restante foi tratado com salina no mesmo esquema. A reavaliação ao final dos tratamentos demonstrou que o lítio reduziu significantemente a atividade locomotora em relação à avaliação inicial no grupo LR (ANOVA/Bonferroni p < 0,05), tornando-a equivalente aos baixos níveis dos grupos LF. Estes dados sustentam a hipótese de que as manifestações induzidas pela lesão do NMR podem constituir um modelo animal de mania.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da fenomenologia social, realizada em 2010, com oito adolescentes que passaram pela experiência do aborto e foram atendidas em uma instituição hospitalar filantrópica de Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se, com ela, compreender a experiência e as necessidades de cuidado das adolescentes em situação de abortamento. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da gravidez levou-as ao medo da não aceitação da família e, ao mesmo tempo, à felicidade, pela possibilidade de ser mãe. A experiência do aborto foi marcada por sofrimento, e o atendimento foi considerado satisfatório, mas foi realçada a necessidade do recebimento de mais atenção e informação. As adolescentes planejam dar continuidade aos estudos e têm em vista a possibilidade de engravidar novamente. Vislumbram-se o planejamento de ações preventivas destinadas a este público e o desenvolvimento de novas investigações científicas que incluam a perspectiva de familiares e de profissionais de saúde.


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The thesis analyses relationships between ecological and social systems in the context of coastal ecosystems. It examines human impacts from resource extraction and addresses management and governance behind resource exploitation. The main premises are that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management and that the dichotomy between social and natural systems is an artificial one. The thesis illustrates the importance of basing resource management on the ecological conditions of the resource and its ecosystem. It also demonstrates the necessity of accounting for the human dimension in ecosystem management and the challenges of organising human actions for sustainable use of ecosystem services in the face of economic incentives that push users towards short-term extraction. Many Caribbean coral reefs have undergone a shift from coral to macroalgal domination. An experiment on Glovers Reef Atoll in Belize manually cleared patch reefs in a no-take zone and a fished zone (Papers I and II). The study hypothesised that overfishing has reduced herbivorous fish populations that control macroalgae growth. Overall, management had no significant effect on fish abundance and the impacts of the algal reduction were short-lived. This illustrated that the benefits of setting aside marine reserves in impacted environments should not be taken for granted. Papers III and IV studied the development of the lobster and conch fisheries in Belize, and the shrimp farming industry in Thailand respectively. These studies found that environmental feedback can be masked to give the impression of resource abundance through sequential exploitation. In both cases inadequate property rights contributed to this unsustainable resource use. The final paper (V) compared the responses to changes in the resource by the lobster fisheries in Belize and Maine in terms of institutions, organisations and their role in management. In contrast to Maine’s, the Belize system seems to lack social mechanisms for responding effectively to environmental feedback. The results illustrate the importance of organisational and institutional diversity that incorporate ecological knowledge, respond to ecosystem feedback and provide a social context for learning from and adapting to change.


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[EN] Information about anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency that occurs over time during short-lasting maximal exercise is scarce and controversial. Bilateral leg press is an interesting muscle contraction model to estimate anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency during maximal exercise because it largely differs from the models used until now. This study examined the changes in muscle metabolite concentration and power output production during the first and the second half of a set of 10 repetitions to failure (10RM) of bilateral leg press exercise. On two separate days, muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis prior and immediately after a set of 5 or a set of 10 repetitions. During the second set of 5 repetitions, mean power production decreased by 19% and the average ATP utilisation accounted for by phosphagen decreased from 54% to 19%, whereas ATP utilisation from anaerobic glycolysis increased from 46 to 81%. Changes in contraction time and power output were correlated to the changes in muscle Phosphocreatine (PCr; r = -0.76; P<0.01) and lactate (r = -0.91; P<0.01), respectively, and were accompanied by parallel decreases (P<0.01-0.05) in muscle energy charge (0.6%), muscle ATP/ADP (8%) and ATP/AMP (19%) ratios, as well as by increases in ADP content (7%). The estimated average rate of ATP utilisation from anaerobic sources during the final 5 repetitions fell to 83% whereas total anaerobic ATP production increased by 9% due to a 30% longer average duration of exercise (18.4 +/- 4.0 vs 14.2 +/- 2.1 s). These data indicate that during a set of 10RM of bilateral leg press exercise there is a decrease in power output which is associated with a decrease in the contribution of PCr and/or an increase in muscle lactate. The higher energy cost per repetition during the second 5 repetitions is suggestive of decreased mechanical efficiency.