996 resultados para Michigan. Geological Survey Division


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The Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GNSS - RBMC is a national network of continuously operating reference GNSS stations. Since its establishment in December of 1996, it has been playing an essential role for the maintenance and user access of the fundamental geodetic frame in the country. In order to provide better services for RBMC, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE and the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform - INCRA are both partners involved in the National Geospatial Framework Project - PIGN. This paper provides an overview of the recent modernization phases the RBMC network has undergone highlighting its future steps. These steps involve the installation of new equipment, provide real time data from a group of core stations and compute real-time DGPS corrections, based on CDGPS (The real-time Canada-Wide DGPS Service) (The Real-Time Canada-Wide DGPS Service. http://www.cdgps.com/ 2009a). In addition to this, a post-mission Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service has been established based on the current Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan (CSRS-PPP) service. This service is operational since April 2009 and is in large use in the country. All activities mentioned before are based on a cooperation signed at the end of 2004 with the University of New Brunswick, supported by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency. The Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan is also participating in this modernization effort under the same project. This infrastructure of 66 GNSS stations, the real time, post processing services and the potentiality of providing Wide Area DGPS corrections in the future show that the RBMC system is comparable to those available in USA and Europe. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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No período de outubro a novembro de 1990, foi realizado na Bacia Sergipe-Alagoas o primeiro levantamento gravimétrico de poço no Brasil, através de um programa com a participação da Universidade Federal do Pará, a PETROBRÁS e o U.S.G.S. (United States Geological Survey). Este levantamento teve como objetivos o teste do equipamento, a resposta dos perfis gravimétricos em relação aos problemas encontrados nas bacias sedimentares brasileiras e a comparação com os dados de densidade obtidos com o perfil de densidade compensada (CDL). Os levantamentos foram realizados em três poços e os dados obtidos passaram por um processo de redução, onde os valores foram transformados para miligals e corrigidos dos efeitos de maré, deriva e terreno, para obter as densidades preliminares. Porém, a região onde foram realizados os levantamentos apresenta além do embasamento muito raso, uma seqüência evaporítica com contraste de densidade grande em relação ao resto do pacote sedimentar, gerando gradientes verticais anômalos. Estes efeitos foram então corrigidos e obtidos os valores finais de densidade. Com base em uma caracterização litológica prévia, os valores de densidade foram então comparados com o perfil CDL. Verificou-se a boa qualidade dos dados, o que permitiu o cálculo de valores de porosidade, mostrando assim possíveis intervalos de interesse à exploração de hidrocarbonetos, tanto no embasamento, reservatório mais importante, quanto no intervalo sedimentar.


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As zeolitas possuem atividade pozolânica normalmente sem a necessidade de ativação térmica, por isto têm sido empregadas na produção de cimento e concreto hidráulicos desde a época do império romano. Hoje em dia são utilizadas na fabricação do cimento Portland através da substituição do clinquer em percentuais que variam entre 5 e 20%, dependendo da reatividade e da finura da zeólita. Em razão disto, são muito importantes do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental, principalmente quando não necessitam de tratamento térmico para adquirirem caráter pozolânico satisfatório, porque reduzem significativamente a energia de produção do clinquer e a liberação de CO2 proveniente tanto da descarbonatação da calcita como da combustão de combustíveis fósseis. Contudo, dados sobre reservas de zeólitas naturais são escassos e imprecisos. No Brasil, não existe conhecimento sobre depósitos naturais de zeólitas que possam ser explorados comercialmente. No nordeste do Brasil existe a ocorrência de zeolitas sedimentares relacionadas a arenitos descoberta nos anos 2000. Estes arenitos são constituídos de quartzo, argilominerais e zeolitas naturais (estilbita). O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar se esta zeólita natural presente no arenito possui atividade pozolânica satisfatória para ser empregada como adição mineral em cimentos Portland. No programa experimental o arenito zeolítico passou por beneficiamento através da remoção, por peneiramento, do quartzo e outros minerais inertes, de modo a concentrar a zeólita estilbita e com isto verificar as propriedades pozolânicas deste mineral. No estudo experimental foram empregadas as técnicas de difração de raios X, calorimetria, ensaios químicos e de determinação da atividade pozolânica em argamassas de cal hidratada e cimento Portland. Os resultados mostraram que o arenito zeolítico acelerou a hidratação do cimento Portland devido a extrema finura do material. O arenito apresentou atividade pozolânica, sendo a estilbita responsável por este comportamento. Entretanto, a reatividade foi ligeiramente inferior ao mínimo exigido para ser empregado em escala industrial como pozolana. Estudos complementares são necessários para averiguar se o tratamento térmico entre 300 °C e 500 °C pode aumentar a atividade pozolânica do arenito devido a destruição da estrutura cristalina tanto da estilbita quanto da esmectita presente no arenito.


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O uso adequado de pozolanas possibilita a produção de cimentos especiais, de menor custo de fabricação e de maior durabilidade que os correspondentes sem adição. O emprego dessas adições minerais possibilita ganhos significativos em termos de produtividade e uma extensão da vida útil dos equipamentos de produção e da própria jazida de calcário, também ajudando na diminuição de CO2 lançado na atmosfera. As zeólitas têm sido utilizadas como material pozolânico em misturas com "terras vulcânicas" e água nas construções desde o tempo do antigo Império Romano. Nos dias atuais, existem muitas discussões envolvendo reatividade pozolânica das zeólitas naturais na incorporação dos cimentos Portland. Na Região nordeste do Brasil, zeólitas sedimentares relacionadas a arenitos da Bacia do Parnaíba foram descobertas pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil nos anos 2000. Estes arenitos são constituídos em sua maioria de quartzo, zeólitas naturais (estilbita) e argilominerais (esmectita). Estudos preliminares constataram que este arenito pode ser empregado como material pozolânico em sistemas a base de cimento Portland, desde que o material seja peneirado para remoção do quartzo e ativado termicamente, uma vez que a estilbita é uma zeólita de baixa atividade pozolânica. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi determinar qual proporção de arenito zeolítico ativado termicamente proporciona melhores propriedades mineralógicas e mecânicas ao cimento Portland. No programa experimental empregou-se o arenito zeolítico passante na peneira 200# e calcinado à temperatura de 500ºC. A análise química das amostras foi realizada por espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios-x e a caracterização mineralógica por difração de raios-x e análise termogravimétrica e termodiferencial. O comportamento da hidratação dos cimentos foi avaliado através de calorimetria de condução, difratometria de raio-X e análises termodiferencial e termogravimétricas. Para avaliação da atividade pozolânica foi adotado um ensaio mecânico de resistência à compressão em argamassas cimento Portland (CP I -S) e areia, com percentuais de substituição de cimento por arenito de 10, 20 e 30%. Os resultados mostraram que o arenito zeolítico calcinado com a percentual de substituição de 10% proporcionou às argamassas melhor resultado tem termos de resistência à compressão simples, contudo estudos mais aprofundados de durabilidade e a idades mais avançadas podem indicar que teores mais elevados do arenito zeolítico podem também ser apropriados para a produção de concretos, principalmente em obras de infraestrutura como barragens, canais, entre outras.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Reference materials (RM) are required for quantitative analyses and their successful use is associated with the degree of homogeneity, and the traceability and confidence limits of the values established by characterisation. During the production of a RM, the chemical characterisation can only commence after it has been demonstrated that the material has the required level of homogeneity. Here we describe the preparation of BRP-1, a proposed geochemical reference material, and the results of the tests to evaluate its degree of homogeneity between and within bottles. BRP-1 is the first of two geochemical RM being produced by Brazilian institutions in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG). Two test portions of twenty bottles of BRP-1 were analysed by wavelength dispersive-XRF spectrometry and major, minor and eighteen trace elements were determined. The results show that for most of the investigated elements, the units of BRP-1 were homogeneous at conditions approximately three times more rigorous than those strived for by the test of sufficient homogeneity. Furthermore, the within bottle homogeneity of BRP-1 was evaluated using small beam (1 mm(2)) synchrotron radiation XRF spectrometry and, for comparison, the USGS reference materials BCR-2 and GSP-2 were also evaluated. From our data, it has been possible to assign representative minimum masses for some major constituents (1 mg) and for some trace elements (1-13 mg), except Zr in GSP-2, for which test portions of 74 mg are recommended.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Cedar River alluvial aquifer is the primary source of municipal water in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area. Since 1992, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the City of Cedar Rapids, has investigated the hydrogeology and water quality of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer. This report describes a detailed analysis of the ground-water flow system in the alluvial aquifer, particularly near well field areas. The ground-water flow system in the Cedar Rapids area consists of two main components, the unconsolidated Quaternary deposits and the underlying carbonate bedrock that has a variable fracture density. Quaternary deposits consist of eolian sand, loess, alluvium, and glacial till. Devonian and Silurian bedrock aquifers overlie the Maquoketa Shale (Formation) of Ordovician age, a regional confining unit. Ground-water and surface-water data were collected during the study to better define the hydrogeology of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer and Devonian and Silurian aquifers. Stream stage and discharge, ground-water levels, and estimates of aquifer hydraulic properties were used to develop a conceptual ground-water flow model and to construct and calibrate a model of the flow system. This model was used to quantify the movement of water between the various components of the alluvial aquifer flow system and provide an improved understanding of the hydrology of the alluvial aquifer.


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The transport of anthropogenic and natural contaminants to public-supply wells was evaluated in a part of the High Plains aquifer near York, Nebraska, as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The aquifer in the Eastern High Plains regional study area is composed of Quaternary alluvial deposits typical of the High Plains aquifer in eastern Nebraska and Kansas, is an important water source for agricultural irrigation and public water supply, and is susceptible and vulnerable to contamination. A six-layer, steady-state ground-water flow model of the High Plains aquifer near York, Nebraska, was constructed and calibrated to average conditions for the time period from 1997 to 2001. The calibrated model and advective particle-tracking simulations were used to compute areas contributing recharge and travel times from recharge areas to selected public-supply wells. Model results indicate recharge from agricultural irrigation return flow and precipitation (about 89 percent of inflow) provides most of the ground-water inflow, whereas the majority of ground-water discharge is to pumping wells (about 78 percent of outflow). Particle-tracking results indicate areas contributing recharge to public-supply wells extend northwest because of the natural ground-water gradient from the northwest to the southeast across the study area. Particle-tracking simulations indicate most ground-water travel times from areas contributing recharge range from 20 to more than 100 years but that some ground water, especially that in the lower confined unit, originates at the upgradient model boundary instead of at the water table in the study area and has travel times of thousands of years.


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In 2001, the U.S. Geological Survey, as part of the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, initiated a topical study of Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants (TANC) to PSW (public-supply wells). Local-scale and regional-scale TANC study areas were delineated within selected NAWQA study units for intensive study of processes effecting transport of contaminants to PSWs. This report describes results from a local-scale TANC study area at York, Nebraska, within the High Plains aquifer, including the hydrogeology and geochemistry of a 108-square-kilometer study area that contains the zone of contribution to a PSW selected for study (study PSW), and describes factors controlling the transport of selected anthropogenic and natural contaminants to PSWs.


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Each spring approximately 500,000 sandhill cranes and some endangered whooping cranes use the Central Platte River Valley in Nebraska as a staging habitat during their migration north to breeding and nesting grounds in Canada, Alaska, and the Siberian Arctic. Over the last century changes in the flow of the river have altered the river channels and the distribution of roost sites. USGS researchers studied linkages between water flow, sediment supply, channel morphology, and preferred sites for crane roosting. These results are useful for estimating crane populations and for providing resource managers with techniques to understand crane habitats.


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In cooperation with the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District for a collaborative study of the cumulative effects of water and channel management practices on stream and riparian ecology, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) compiled, analyzed, and summarized hydrologic information from long-term gaging stations on the lower Platte River to determine any significant temporal differences among six discrete periods during 1895-2006 and to interpret any significant changes in relation to changes in climatic conditions or other factors. A subset of 171 examined hydrologic indices (HIs) were selected for use as indices that (1) included most of the variance in the larger set of indices, (2) retained utility as indicators of the streamflow regime, and (3) provided information at spatial and temporal scale(s) that were most indicative of streamflow regime(s). The study included the most downstream station within the central Platte River segment that flowed to the confluence with the Loup River and all four active streamflow-gaging stations (2006) on the lower Platte River main stem extending from the confluence of the Loup River and Platte River to the confluence of the Platte River and Missouri River south of Omaha. The drainage areas of the five streamflow-gaging stations covered four (of eight) climate divisions in Nebraska—division 2 (north central), 3 (northeast), 5 (central), and 6 (east central).


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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is committed to providing the Nation with credible scientific information that helps to enhance and protect the overall quality of life and that facilitates effective management of water, biological, energy, and mineral resources (http://www.usgs.gov/). Information on the Nation’s water resources is critical to ensuring long-term availability of water that is safe for drinking and recreation and is suitable for industry, irrigation, and fish and wildlife. Population growth and increasing demands for water make the availability of that water, now measured in terms of quantity and quality, even more essential to the long-term sustainability of our communities and ecosystems. The USGS implemented the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program in 1991 to support national, regional, State, and local information needs and decisions related to water-quality management and policy (http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa). The NAWQA Program is designed to answer: What is the condition of our Nation’s streams and ground water? How are conditions changing over time? How do natural features and human activities affect the quality of streams and ground water, and where are those effects most pronounced? By combining information on water chemistry, physical characteristics, stream habitat, and aquatic life, the NAWQA Program aims to provide science-based insights for current and emerging water issues and priorities. From 1991-2001, the NAWQA Program completed interdisciplinary assessments and established a baseline understanding of water-quality conditions in 51 of the Nation’s river basins and aquifers, referred to as Study Units (http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/studyu.html).


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Many challenges, including climate change, face the Nation’s water managers. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has provided estimates of how climate may change, but more understanding of the processes driving the changes, the sequences of the changes, and the manifestation of these global changes at different scales could be beneficial. Since the changes will likely affect fundamental drivers of the hydrological cycle, climate change may have a large impact on water resources and water resources managers. The purpose of this interagency report prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is to explore strategies to improve water management by tracking, anticipating, and responding to climate change. The key points below briefly summarize the chapters in this report and represent underlying assumptions needed to address the many impacts of climate change.