1000 resultados para Meio Ambiente e Saúde
In this contribution, we analyze conceptual approaches to nanotechnology and nanoscience in recent issues of secondary education of Brazilian physics textbooks. We analyzed fifteen collections of Physics textbooks of recent editions, however, only two books, belonging to different collections incorporate considerations about nanotechnology and nanoscience in their approaches. We focus our analysis on three aspects, namely: the place dedicated to approaches to nanoscience and nanotechnology, notions about technology and its contributions to critical scientific education. This is a qualitative research; it was used as conceptual approaches the Philosophy of Technology, The Discourse Analysis (DA) and Science, Technology, Society (STS) concepts. We found that in two examined textbooks the approaches to nanoscience and nanotechnology is a complementary description of modern physics, associated with quantum theory. In this context, the concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology focus superficially in the genesis of the field and some possible areas of applications. It was not identified in all textbooks warnings about the potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of nanotechnology and nanoscience. We understand that textbooks approaches about nanotechnology and nanoscience round a instrumental technological perspective, however keep away from the scientific and technological critical education.
The internet, with its hypertext and multimedia features, can be a support for the dissemination of information in an attractive way, which may contribute to the strengthening of democracy. Recent innovation, social networks have been explored also as a resource to attract the interest of the broader public to information about public policies. This paper presents and discusses the results of an empirical study which assessed, through content analysis, the breadth and depth of information offered by the Sao Paulo state government and the federal government in texts accessed through Twitter to publicize purposes, lines of action and limits of public policy in the areas of welfare, health, education and environment . The results indicate that the information available tend to focus mainly on goals, resources and current actions of policies, whereas there can be found few data on planned features, relation between cost and effectiveness and user satisfaction.
The advancement in the deployment of social networks by governments can generate public communication initiatives, which may contribute to the strengthening of citizenship, understood as the exercise of the right to information about public management. This article describes results of research which assessed, through content analysis, the breadth and depth of information offered by the state government of São Paulo in news stories accessed through the social networks Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Orkut which publicize purposes, lines of action and limits of public policies of immediate impact for citizenship, in the areas of welfare, health, education and environment. Results indicate that the analyzed sample contains, on average, from 28% to 40% of all information deemed necessary for the comprehensive and plural characterization of a public policy, according to the theoretical-methodological context of the research.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pesticids are chemical products used to control plagues (animal and vegetable) and plant diseases. Due to the process of automation occurred in the agriculture in 1960-1970, the agrotoxics began to be largely used in Brazil. Their physical-chemical proprieties, as well as the frequency of use, form of application, environmental biotic and abiotic characteristics and climatic conditions will determine their environmental destination. These variables will define the spectrum of environmental impacts and human health problems caused by the agrotoxics. The human health impacts might be acute or chronic, mainly upon neurological, reproductive and respiratory process. In the environment, the agrotoxics cause transformations and modifications in biota, water, soil and other ecosystems. To make farmworkers aware of alternatives to massive use of agrotoxics is the guarantee for an agriculture development more sustainable, without disorders in human health and in environment
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In recent years the environment and its effects on human life has been the subject of research. The scientific society organized to manage the problem of large amount of waste generated, discuss the degradation of the environment and point out possible solutions. The scarcity of references in the specific hemotherapy motivated this research. This study is an observational descriptive in order to raise the issue of hospital waste specific area of hemotherapy, presenting its latest ratings on Brazilian law also highlights the proposed Waste Management Program Health Service (PGRSS) Blood Center of Botucatu (HB) highlighting the importance of segregation of noble material in the generation of other therapeutic products using the technique of cleaner production (CP). The observational analysis of the reports shows a 20-fold increase in the amount of waste generated from 1993 to 2005, while the increase of manpower was 2.5 times. The increase in generation was due RSS hemocenter deployment of automated techniques, increased demand and improved sorting of waste. The technique implanted P + L in 2001 began using units of fresh frozen plasma, previously discarded after 12 months of storage, for the composition of new therapeutics for topical use, called bio dressing. In 10 years of implementation of this new technique, therapeutic products generated 535 patients benefited from micro-Botucatu.
This study aimed to evaluate a period of 38 years, the use and soil occupation of the Paradise River watershed, inserted in the citys of São Manuel and Areiópolis-SP using aerial photographs for the year 1972 and TM image (Thematic Mapper) obtained by the Landsat-5 satellite, in 2010, using geoprocessing techniques. The watershed in question is very important for the city of São Manuel-SP, because its urban area is inserted in its divisors which part of it belongs to the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Perimeter Botucatu-SP, considered a recharge area of the aquifer Guarani. Today, the development of agriculture faces challenges, which is to produce more food without impacting the environment. Allied to this concern, research institutions have sought new technologies that allow the detection and quantification of human actions, enabling interventions in order to minimize possible damage to the environment. Among these technologies can be cited Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which a large volume of data and information stored in a region at different times can be evaluated in the same time, suggesting different approaches to the planning of land use. The results of the mapping of areas of use and soil occupation result nine classes in 1972, and the coffee culture showed the biggest occupation (37.94%) of the total area. The 2010 mapping formulated twelve classes of use, which demonstrated the predominance of sugar cane (37.94%), on the areas occupied by coffee and pasture before. The land use maps of 1972 and 2010 showed results that show intense human activity in the modification of natural landscape.
The increasing expansion of agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations of soils is a potential source of environmental degradation. Thus, the present study assessed the variation of use and occupation in 49 years, between 1962 and 2011 scenarios of watershed of São Caetano - Botucatu (SP). geoprocessing techniques were used in this study. In a Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI – it was integrated information from IBGE digital cards, scale 1:50,000, plus aerial photographs (1962) and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011). In the study area, we can view the progress of the urban area, which in 1962 was not present in the watershed. In 2011, the urban area occupied 21.37% of the total area. Even with this breakthrough occurring in the period of 49 years, there was an increase in the area of natural vegetation, which once occupied only 12.33% of the area (1962), and in 2011 represents 25% of the total area of the watershed, showing an increase in awareness on the importance of preserving nature. Thus, we can conclude that the analysis tools based on GIS enabled us to analyze variations in space and time and to propose alternatives to the correct use and occupation of land.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS